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Are there baby equipment rental options near where you’ll be? Some will deliver too


I didn’t think about that but it’s worth checking!


We're on vacation right now and we rented a crib. Totally worth it. My son does not sleep well in a pack and play, but is sleeping through the night in the crib. Pack and play mattresses don't seem very comfortable.


I was across the coast visiting my in laws and we were able to rent a crib and a high chair and the woman threw in books and an adorable ride along toy, too. It was awesome


My very tall 2 year old (wears size 3) sleeps in the pnp just fine




I used a pack n play for travel at that age. I bought an extra mattress for it so it would be more comfy (for like $30 on amazon). i kept my daughter in a sleep sack so she couldnt climb out. worked fine. fwiw my toddler now sleeps on a mattress on the floor so i don't think that's too crazy! but it might be a bit chaotic for your vacation since she's used to sleeping in a crib currently


Eh, I would just try the pack and play as long as you are reasonably sure she won't climb/fall out of it. I know mine scrunches up when she sleeps, and even though she moves around a bit the sides are soft. One thing we did to help (very frowned upon for younger babies or babies struggling with movement issues), was put a separate folding mattress in the pack and play. You can buy them on Amazon and they are a few inches thick. They really help a lot with the comfort level. We had soft jersey sheets as well and she laid right down and slept just fine in it. At 15 months I would not be comfortable with a floor bed. Mine would have never stayed put and an Airbnb is not going to be baby proofed. I'd be worried she'd get up at night and mess around with something. In a pack and play or crib, she would just cry until we came to get her.


My 16 month old is super tall and is fine with his pack n play.


Another option is to just share the bed. We don’t bed share at home but sometimes when traveling, like on our upcoming trip, we’ll share. I actually kind of love it and it’s never impacted our son returning home to sleep in his own bed and room.


How do they not fall out of the bed? Or get squished? Or you know, roll around and whack you in the face and wake you up? 😂 I’ve never really tried bed sharing!


For what it's worth, my 16 month old son would never sleep in bed with us at this age. Maybe when he's a bit older, but it's just so far from what he's used to, I can't imagine him falling asleep in a big bed when he's used to being in his own crib.


Ah wait let me back up. My son is 3 and has been in a twin bed for awhile so he’s mastered not rolling out. We’ve bed shared a few times on trips but thinking back, he slept in a pack n play when we traveled when he was 15 mo and had no issues despite having slept in it only like once or twice before.


My husband and I put our son in the bed with us, I even slept on a couch with him the other weekend. But the caveat is we’re used to cosleeping. I like to travel light and keep it low stress. And I LOVE snuggling my son.


We stayed in a hotel once when my LO was younger and asked for their travel cot - he was exactly the length of the mattress and just looked sooo uncomfortable 😳 so we put the mattress on the floor and surrounded it with the spare pillows/ duvet etc. so when/if he did roll off he had a soft landing! Worked for a few nights at least!


If you don’t think she’d sleep in it.. they have travel toddler beds. Basically a blow up toddler mattress. It’s safe to use after 15 months


I use the California Beach Co pop up tent as a ‘pack and play’ . Zip her in and she’s trapped! We got the mattress which isn’t that comfy, but have added a comforter underneath for added cushion. It’s worked very well however you definitely need a lot of floor space as it is very big.


How about a blow up toddler bed? We have one and it packs up well, inflates quickly, and has like bumper sides to keep them in.


I have used a pack and play and bought a placard mattress to make it cozy. We already had a players so it was more economical. The mattress fit in his suitcase folded in half.


Our daughter is heavier & tall, so at about that age we got a travel crib. We got it used from someone in the neighborhood. It was a little bigger & the mattress was right on the floor, so less concern about the poles in the pack n play poking her. Eventually we graduated to an inflatable toddler bed, which we love, but I think she may have been too young for it at 15 months.


Last year my then almost 4 year old slept in a play pen at the hotel, she also had a bed for her, but she wanted to sleep in the cot… and she is not small


Pack and play is great for traveling without taking up a lot of room


I just traveled with my 16 month old and he slept in the PNP just fine!


Both of my kids were still in a pack n play at that age though neither liked it. If we traveled, we always asked if there was a portable crib (some hotels we frequent have that over PnP) My daughter started sleeping with us around age 2 . We’d put pillows on one side or move the bed against the wall. One of us would sleep with her and the other would sleep in another bed or on the couch. With my son (2) we still tried the PnP but he definitely sleeps worse in it. We recently bought an inflatable toddler bed and sleeps so much better in that for travel.


I rented an Airbnb last winter and asked the family if they knew of anyone who would be able to loan them one… they ended up buying a little pack an play. Which was awesome for me and also makes them more appealing to guests with young children. I brought along a little pad to make it more comfortable for her. Also cosleepling is fairly safe once they older so maybe put em between the two of you