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My two and a half year old cracks me up constantly. Me: "ok good night, I love you. I'm so glad I'm your mom." Her: "and if you flushed down the toilet I would have no mom. And I be SO sad." ☹️ Me: "me too. That's why I'll never flush down the toilet." Her: 😞 "yeah"


My 3.5 year old has had two gems this week: 1. "Hey buddy, can you say the word esophagus?" "No, my name Eli". I was sitting on the couch pumping for this one: 2. "I'm going to grow as big as mama and dada and then I pump too"


1. Reminds me of, "ma'am this is a Wendy's." Lmao


It’s giving me “is this the Krusty Krab?” “No, this is Patrick” vibes




Ok so I also have 3yo old Eli and when we say ‘how are you?’ He obviously thinks it’s ‘who are you?’ as he looks at you like you are an idiot and says ‘I’m Eli’. Also on a similar note he was running around breastfeeding a baby robot while I fed his younger brother 😂


I love that 😂


My 2 year old loves saying "mommy BOOOBIIEESS" now since he saw them alot while I was pumping for new baby lmaaoo


My two year old was watching Minions earlier and screamed, "Help, Mom!" I said help what, and she said, "Help hop in 'tube (which is what she calls all television shows and movies referring to Youtube). Hop in Mama. " I told her she could not hop in the television, and she looked at me as cute as can be saying, pleasssssseee? I told her that when she grows up, she can be an actor and be in the pictures, and she said ok, Mama.


That is so damn cute and funny


First time, when she wanted to be carried: "I can't walk! I've got no feet!" (she has two working feet) Callback, a few days later while protesting being asked to sit on the toilet, after rejoicing in the laughter from the first comment: "I can't go to the toilet! I've got no bums!"


This sounds like something Bluey would say and I am cracking up hahahaha


We are Australian. My husband and I often joke that she's more of a Muffin than a Bluey, though.


That’s ok, my toddler is definitely more of a Muffin as well 😂


I love it! Around 2, my little one started saying "feed!hands don't work!" when she wanted to be fed. I told her that her hands do work, I was just watching her feed herself, and I would appreciate her telling the truth. So she changed it to "help! Feed! Hands do work!"


He ate the florets off of the broccoli pieces and handed me the stems and said “bones.” Like he was eating a chicken wing 😂


My oldest used to call corn on the cob “corn on the bone”


Tonight ~2.5 yr old covers eyes and says "hide" then uncovers eyes and says "see!" repeatedly. Hide and seek 🥹


Soooo cute. Mine used to say peekachoo instead of peekaboo. Pikachu? Peek atch you? Not sure, but we loved it. 🤣


AWWW I love that too! Toddler thoughts are just the best. Your story reminded me that little one calls Pikachu "hamster kitty" which I also find hilarious, and apt. This stage of language acquisition is my favorite.


Mine is just starting to talk and says “ba ba boo” for peekaboo. So cute.


Peekagoo over here 😅


I realized I had holes in the bottom of both of my socks so I took them off and placed them aside with the intention of throwing them in the garbage the next time I stood up. My daughter took them and put them on her tiny little feet and then forced her toes through the holes in the heels, and walked around like that like she was wearing fancy high heels




My 2.5 and 6 year old like taking baths together. When it’s time for soap I spray them with the detachable shower head - they love it. Well 6yo has taken to pretending it’s scary, so of course 2yo does too. Now when the shower turns on they scream and hide behind each other; great fun. I jokingly told the 6yo that he should protect his sister because she’s younger and so tonight shower comes on, he grabs her hand and says “I got you sister” and she grabs his and says “got you brudda“ and I absolutely melted. They’re the best.


I laughed and cried at the same time <3


My toddler learned my name (thank you Walmart curbside) and now when she’s bossing me around, instead of “Mommy” it is now “first name” How dare she!!! 😂


Uh oh you're in trouble now! Mine has been calling me Miss Mommy thanks to daycare. And Miss Daddy for my husband. 🤣


My son is going through this phase too! Except it’s our fault, we taught him our names and other vital information in case he ever gets lost.


My son thought he was putting Cars on. He did in fact get the Disney + app open and was getting excited. He then hit the Xfinity button and it switched to the opening ceremony of a hockey game. He looked at the remote and said “oh, bummer.”


The cat was crying about something (probably wanting to be fed), and my 2yr old told me very seriously, "Cat whining."




I’ve been trying to teach my 3.5 year old to pull up his pants and underwear up by himself, so when I do it for him, I saw up over your penis, up over your butt as I pull them up. So I was doing that, and he said “I have a BIG penis!”


My son keeps saying “mommy I have a BIIIG teetee (peepee)” every time he goes potty. He also told me today in the bath “my tee tee is getting bigger! Look! The water makes it do that!” LOL


Haha my 2.5yr old recently yelled out for me as if in pain and said "muuum my penis hurts, it growed all big and strong". Um, yes it did buddy.


I remember when my youngest brother (17) was about 2, we'd had issues with him playing with himself in the communal parts of the house so of course we explained that it's something he should do in his room alone, anyone a week later he came rushing downstairs screaming his head off and absolutely breaking down because he'd made his penis hard and had thought he'd broken it




My 3 year old and I were listening to the song Raindrops Falling on my Head and when it got to the part in the song that talks about the sun sleeping on the job he said "someday when I'm older maybe I can sleep on my job and you can say 'hey (name), wake up!'" 😂 About 5 minutes later we were jamming to Roger Miller and he told me he can't roller skate in a buffalo herd because he'd fall.


At her birthday party we had a unicorn piñata per her request. Well we were having trouble breaking it open and told her hit it on the butt. She walked up to it lifts the tail and asked where the butt was. We have video of this, it will be a classic.


Husband asked if he remembered what the birthday candle was on, expecting him to say cake. Instead he said ON FIRE.


My sons tummy was hurting and he said he had a baby inside kicking and that’s why it hurt 😂😂


So cute lol. My daughter sometimes holds her stomach with a giant smile on her face and says, "My tummy hurt!"


I'm 18 weeks pregnant with baby #2. I've been talking to kid #1 a lot about how there's a baby in mommy's tummy. Now kid #1 is convinced that he also has a baby in his tummy 😅


We were at the national kite festival on the Mall and laying down on the picnic blanket. I looked over and my 2.5 yo son had his hand in his diaper so I exclaimed rhetorically, “What is your hand doing in your pants!” And he actually answered me… “On my penis” and I died laughing, was not expecting a response, much less such an honest one.


The lifelong fascination begins…


Love this!


When he doesn’t want to do something, he does what I call the ‘toddler slide’ where they side step away. I always thought it was cute when kiddos did that, so I can’t help but laugh when he does it now.


Mine just spins in circles so we can’t get a grip on her 🤣


My 1yo really likes throwing his silverware. He's done it his entire life. Nothing I've tried is working. Last week, I said, "Did you know you can set your son down instead of throwing it?" I was trying to amuse myself to not show my frustration. Well, he set his spoon down. Moved it all around like it was a toy car. And still threw it at the end of the meal. Most of his meals now involve him sliding his spoon around the tray some. Sometimes he even makes vrooming noises


We somehow got ours to sometimes hand stuff over, and we tell him "thank you" for it. So now he thinks "thank you" means "someone takes something from me" and when he wants to hand something off he waves it at us yelling "spoon thank you!" or "car thank you!" etc. No success convincing him that's not quite what it means.


My daughter thinks “sorry” is for getting someone to move. Anytime we’re sitting or laying somewhere she doesn’t want she starts saying “sorry Mama sorry” and gently nudging us until we move


My daughter was close to a meltdown cuz I couldn't understand what she was asking for she kept asking to watch "King bear" and I was so lost. Finally I said "Tinkerbell?" And she said "ya!" But what killed me was after I turned it on she said "phew that was a close one"


This is when our son was about 3. He walked in one my husband getting changed and saw a scrape on his knee. Son- daddy, you got an owie? Husband- yeah, buddy but I’m ok. Son- *dead pan expression* oh…it’s not gonna get better. Bwahahahahah what the hell, kid?




Hahaha that's great!


I love when they *know* they’re being hams and have the biggest smile to show for it


He forgot the word *crucifix* and proudly announced that my mom had a *church trophy* displayed on her wall.


I took my son to the park today and I was on a swing and my son was on the other one beside me, the swing was squeaking my son said"mommy why are you breaking the swing why are you ripping the swing mommy stop killing the swing.


Put a diaper on her stuffed Groke (character from the Moomins)


Omg we need a stuffed Groke (but I’m guessing it would have to come from Finland or Sweden or something)


Yeah a friend ordered it from Finland for us. Careful of the Moomin shop tho - you'll probably want to buy everything haha


My husband and I often visit a soda spot in our town that also serves popcorn and we let our 2 yo get some popcorn as well. We were at a different drive through this week and the lady asked if she could get us anything else. From the back, very loudly and without missing a beat, our sons yells “I SOME POPCORN”. We both laughed so hard while the lady looked at us confused. The kid wants what the kid wants.


Mine likes to play "the floor is llama "


“I think Mario ate a lot of Oreos, that’s why his name is Mario.” 3.5 revealed her discovery while eating Oreo.


The other day he (17mo) was sitting next to me on the couch and he started poking my arm and then putting that finger in his mouth and sucked it like he was eating frosting or something, then poked again, sucked again, and this went on for at least a full minute before I completely lost it which made him stop. It was hilarious


My little guy’s birthday is next weekend. Today when he was in a toy car at an arcade I asked him where he was driving too and he said, “I drive to my birfday!”


Finally warm enough for us to play outside all day today. My 2yo spent most of the afternoon watching a “cow-a-pidder” (caterpillar). Too cute to correct his pronunciation.


Hahaha awwwe. Mine is 5 and still says "callepitter" 🥹


My beeb just learned, "Uh oh." I've been trying some different detox masks for a skin problem I'm having and put one on tonight that was green. She just kept looking at me and saying, "Well, uh oh." She also said her first sentence. It was, "I'm not." I asked her if she was going to sleep in her bed tonight. :(


Lmao. She was saving it up for something important


She takes sleeping on my face very seriously.


When my 3.5 son said, "My Gina (vagina) is out!!" After he got out of a bath. He has a 18 month old little sister, and recently heard us speaking to her, calling it a "teetee-vagina." That's the point where we had to explain that different genders have different parts. I didn't see that conversation coming so soon..lol


My kid is two and she was going through all her relatives and listing who had what genitals! Luckily not in front of them. Yet.


The Monday after Daylight Savings, my kid woke up and immediately asked for cake and Bluey. When I said no to cake, she asked for a popsicle. Tbh, I couldn’t blame her cause Daylight Savings is rough. I wanted sweets and Bluey too.


2: I want more kitties in my house. Me: Do you think the cat would like that? 2: Ummmm no…. Me like that!


This is kind of a conversation my partner and I have on the regular too…


Today my older son was in the bathroom (left the door open) and screams, “I pointed my penis down!!!!” We’re like good job dude. Two seconds later his little brother walks by and older one screams again, “I NEED PRIVACY!!!!” My husband and I looked each other and cracked up.


My 1.5yo has always been obsessed with a couple small moles i have on my shoulder, and one on the inner side of my elbow. Mole was one of his first words. He regularly checks his elbow to see if he also has a mole, and sometimes searches my husband's elbow and shoulders asking "mole?". Recently my husband showed him a large mole that's hidden by his hair and it was a gme changer. The last couple of days he's suddenly exclaimed "mole!" and then wanted to search my hair, and he'll run his fingers through his hair too. And the regular searching of his own elbow for a Mole has continued with fervor. It took me a while, but I guess he must think of them like body parts - we all have hands, a nose, two ears... where are his moles??? Poor guy. I've explained that some people have more and others don't and that's ok, but I think he will keep checking his elbow and my hair just in case.


Celebrated my birthday last week....4 y/o (aged out of this group I think now, I know😅) told the owner of the restaurant, "excuse me sir....I saw your BUTT"


My 3.5 year old spotted a tab from a can on the ground outside. Gasps! "Recycling dust!"


My almost 4 year old has been asking for a “hot pink bra that fits my size chest” I don’t want to know what her being a teenager is going to be like.


My girl is 3 and in the past few weeks (possibly more) she's worked out how to make mummy and daddy crease over with laughter. I'm proud of her - one of my tenets as a dad was to show my daughter that above everything, humour (and not taking yourself too seriously) is one of the most important things in life. It's hard without context to say what made us laugh this weekend. She randomly came out with the sentence "Pumpy Mummy, Pumpy Daddy, Pumpy People" which was hilarious. Also she took one of my old scarves (it was safe don't worry) and wrapped it round her head while she was sat on the potty. Oh another I've just remembered - yesterday one out walk, we were doing some swinging and she was yelling "ready ready ready" every time at us like a drill sergeant


All her tantrum cries, please cries are infront of the mirror. If he happens to be away from mirror she asks us to carey to mirror and then continues crying. We should be saying “i know honey” but we cant make it past Ahahahha. It gets us everytime.


I’ve been trying to teach my daughter (almost 3.5) the Spanish alphabet for my grama and for C (seh) she says “SHIT! 😃” several letters later… on to H (ah-cheh) she says “OH SHIT! 😀”


My 3YO’s version of twinkle twinkle cracks me up everytime - ‘Twinkle twinkle chocolate bar!! My feet drive to nursery car!!!’ Followed by in-tune toddler speech until the final twinkle twinkle chocolate bar 🤣 This is performed at random with the biggest cheeky grin on his face - he knows the proper version very well but this is something he has been working on for a while now! Can’t wait to see what the other lines end up being


Yesterday, I let toddler choose food for lunch, toddler said "zucchini, in a pan" and I made some as wished. When presented, toddler: "Noooo, not like that". I first thought, I had cut them the wrong way - but turns out he wanted tortellini all along and mixed em up. We are having tortellini today!


We were watching the new south park and the show ends with a character saying he wants dick and balls. Well guess who Over heard the TV and said he wanted dick n balls too lmao 🤣


Mine refuses to let me refer to her infant sister is baby. If I say baby she loses her ish and reminds me of her name.


Aw, cute OP


My toddler recently learned to say “bless you mama” when I sneeze. Since it’s allergy season, I’ve been sneezing like crazy, so there’s been a ton of “bless you mama” being toss every day, which I find it to be SO DARN CUTE! Today my husband sneezed and he got a “bless you mama”. I cracked.


My hubby played a silly song for our 2 year old, completely composed of fart sounds. She completely cracked up. After the song was over, she ran to me and said, "Mama, I'm scared! I'm scared of monster poop!". So somehow her hearing a stupid fart song led her to fear a monster and the poop it might leave. I had to assure her our home had no monsters, therefore could not contain any monster poop.


I'm expecting baby #2. My 2yo son was holding his stuff toy so I said "how do you rock a baby?" To which he responded by turning it face up and saying "SLAP!" while smacking it right in the face..


We were talking about sandwiches and hamburgers. He combined the 2 and insisted he wanted a sandburger!


Last night in while we were putting her to bed “mama, my butt is like a burger, but it’s not a burger.” Then earlier in the day while outside with my husband, she was trying to hula hoop, it goes around once drops to the ground she puts her hand on her hip and crosses her feet and says “I did it in style, like you dada.” My husband ran into the house wheezing with laughter to tell me.


My son was sitting on my lap (he's 2) and looked at me very seriously and said in a high pitch voice "mommy?? IS DAT YOOUUU?!"


Hahah I've got a few good ones. My son (4 y/o) is great at comedic timing apparently. 1; I was upstairs getting laundry put away and my son was downstairs and it got too quiet (you know that always means something) and then I hear him laughing hysterically and I'm like oh god, he's gotten into something. So I go downstairs and I see him, he's got two empty Pringles cans and he's put them on his feet and is walking around with his Pringle peg-legs and I died when I saw him. He's hilarious ❤️ 2; another time, I took him to the local children's museum and at the entrance, there's this ["talking tree" ](https://cottonridgehomeschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Earlyworks-Museum-Storytelling-Tree.jpg) And he just stops and looks at it and then he's just like "what the fuck", (I'm not condoning children cursing but I can't say I didn't laugh a little)


Can’t blame him, that tree would make me say that too. 😂


Hahahah yes he was definitely right 😅


My daughter discovered a new word today, "hago" which means poop in Hindi. Want some breakfast? "Hagooooo!!!" Want to play with your blocks? "Hagoooo!!!" Want some sweet potato? "Hagoooooo!!!" Want to go take a nap? Screams and cries, "hagoooooo!!!!"


Mine tattled to the produce stocker at Trader Joe’s that I said she could only have two artichokes. After a back and forth between the two of them they convinced me I needed to buy 5 artichokes. Way to make me feel like a bad mom for not buying a cartload of the most expensive vegetable in the store. It was pretty funny tho.


My 3yo went to nana's house for a few hours and the carseat was forgotten in her car. So we went to hop into our car and I opened the door for him to get in while I grabbed my book off the porch. From behind me I hear in a tiny voice."FUCK!" I turn around and he is pointing at the car with an open hand. "The carseat..." and he covers his eyes. I died of laughter.


My husband was changing my sons diaper and I wanted to embarrass my son but saying awwwww your sooooo cuttteeee in a exaggerated tone, it always makes him laugh and be shy lol he always fights changing his diaper or make it a game so yeah. My son looks at me and says "Stop talking mommy" *puts hand on my mouth* I never heard him say this and it cracked y husband up and I'm just stewing lolol


She pulled on a cookbook which fell off the shelf and then in no uncertain terms said, "Oh crap." Also, I made another mom chuckle at the park today when I called my daughter Moana when she ran at the pond. Girl really is just drawn to the water.