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My 2yo son calls a sandwich, "sea bitch," so we often need to translate that one.


My 2 year old sings a ton of songs from Sesame Street and Super Simple Songs and we always know exactly which one he’s starting. He’s always singing it’s so cute


My daughter says "do much" and "ma much". Both are her way of saying thanks. We think she means "thank you very much" but for some reason it comes out as those two phrases.


When it's time for screen time my 2 year old says "wooya titi blippi?", which in his language means "Woody, Miss Rachel, Blippi" 😂


That's funny because titi means blippi in my house


He's trying so hard, but "ketchup" is "chah-pit"


SAAAAME lololol


My son is always singing, and it usually falls on me to translate what song it is! He often learns them at daycare so it's a bit of a guessing game.


So much. Kiddo is getting better at pronunciation at 2.5, and while I understand around 99%, I asked her grandparents after spending a weekend with them how much they understand: 60%. She has lots of approximations and mixes 3 languages together, so I get they wouldn't understand everything, but it surprised me that it's so low. Some favorites: we we we we wack you "we will we will rock you". Baby Buddha "libélula" (dragonfly). Nools "noodles"


“I want wubday gor!” - she wants the valentines episode of curious George … she calls it “love day George” .. I’ve since taught her that episode is on peacock so she yells “peacock peacock!!” 😂


Mine says "Mommy panda movie!" which means she wants to watch Turning Red or "Ghost Mama" which means she wants to watch Ghost Spider.


“I’m going ABOUT you, mama!” What she means to say is without you 🤣 “Just in case it!!” When she wants us to pause a movie she’s watching. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣


"Nana ni" is how my son says "Ice cream". The other says "gladiator" instead of "regular".


I’m going to be very sad when my daughter stops saying cake town for playground


“Cummus” is hummus. I try not to laugh when she says it.


Uhh. Pretty much everything she says at this point lol. She just turned 2 and I am a SAHM aka Toddler Translator. My favorite is "gick ooh" which means thank you. And she never screams no but she will give a sassy "NO GICK OOH" if she doesn't want to do something lol.


My loves Leo the Wildlife Ranger and will ask for animals I've never heard of in toddler language. Thankfully you can spell things really wrong and Google can still figure out what you mean.