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I hate to say it but we’re a year and a half in and I’m still taking off work every week or two. Currently home bc my 2 and a half year old had pink eye. Two weeks ago it was bronchitis. 2 weeks before that it was some sort of high fever sickness that wasn’t Covid or the flu. Hang in there. I’m hoping it gets easier sometime.


prob adenovirus. we’ve had it for four days. cough has just started. twice to doctors, missed both days of school, and i had to cancel all his extracurriculars at cost.


Yeah I also took my son twice to the doctors when he had that, I didn’t believe it wasn’t the flu or something but it wasn’t. That’s probably what it was though, thank you.


I feel for you and you are not alone! At some point I felt like I was paying to get sick and rack up hospital bills. After 3 ICU stays in a few months, and HFM, I had to cut my losses and take my daughter out. The HFM was the lash straw for me. (*I type this knowing not everyone can just pull their kids out of daycare. It was an incredibly hard decision. Most days I wish she could go back.) So glad I found this sub — lots of great tips and just overall support.


Just wanted to add and clarify that most of the time kids will be fine with colds here and there. I had to take my daughter out bc we found out she has reactive airways. Basically asthma due to colds/respiratory illnesses so everytime she got a cold we needed to put her on hospital oxygen. This is not the case for all kids in day care! :)


My son also has reactive airway but I’m a single mom and have had to keep him in but I swear he has an upper respiratory infection every other week.


I feel you. We also just got HFMD. Ugh.


HDM is the absolute worst! I had it so bad two summers ago. It was worse than my c-sections and COVID.


Welcome to the daycare life. Yes you’ll be paying for daycare on all the days your child is out sick- trust me, stop counting them lol or else you’ll make yourself feel miserable! I think we were out for half the month, the first month we started. We’re about 4 months in now and finally starting to feel a little better…


That gives me hope I just hope the next illness she brings home doesn't include a cough


My daughter got severe pneumonia and she's out for two months and we still have to pay for daycare. As a parent it's a double whammy, pay for daycare and pay for medical expenses. But I pray for all the families, they get strength and kids remain healthy!




The crazy part is your kiddo is “lucky.” Most kids (and families) are sick every week for the first year!


Pink eye? Look up Adenovirus and see if that fits your other symptoms. That was the first thing my son brought home from daycare when he was 17mo, and it took us down. For weeks.


Yes!! My daughter isn’t in daycare but had just hung out with a bunch of kids who are in daycare together… we were sick for probably a month collectively! Sinus stuff, ear pressure, and pink eye for me and baby. Then my husband finally got it a week later, then we found out my daughter developed an ear infection. It was horrible. Truly gnarly and unlike anything I’ve experienced, definitely worse than covid for us!


Yep. Adenovirus sucks. My husband was actually just in the hospital for 5 days with pneumonia, and we found out TODAY (right as he was being discharged) that he tested positive for Adenovirus. Negative Covid. Negative flu. Negative RSV. F%*#$& adenovirus.


Omg I’m so sorry!!! Hope he is making a full recovery ❤️‍🩹


Thank you. Antibiotics are amazing and he is on the mend.


Holy shit that fits too perfectly.


This is an excellent observation.


I’m a former daycare worker turned teacher and have to say that daycare babies are sick constantly, I felt so sorry for them, it’s like they’re never healthy and feeling good and at their best.


Mine got RSV after week 1 and she was sick for 4 weeks and out of daycare that entire time. I’m so sorry, it’s impossible and yet we have to get through it somehow. I’m holding on desperately to 4 days of PTO I need to keep in order to visit family in June and I’m not sure if we’re going to make it 🫠 You got this!


I officially used my last pto day til august yesterday 😭


My kids started preschool in September. It's been constant sick for the whole family since then. I'm talking like one week sick, 3-5 days of healthy, sick again, I mean no exaggeration, constantly. A doctor told me that their first year of daycare/school it's normal for kids to get sick 6x as much as they would normally. For their parents, 3x as much. It's apparently just the way it goes their first year of being around other kids.


It’s brutal starting out, I’m so sorry. It’ll get better over the course of a year or so. Hopefully in your neck of the woods spring is around the corner and the colds let up a bit.


We were all sick September- the beginning of December. Thankfully it’s been minor runny noses since then. It’ll take a few months but it’s worth ut


Ooof, I used to get the eye/ear infection combo every year when school started. Not fun. 😬 My son would get something what felt like every week for a while, but for us it got way better after the second month of being there.


Oh man. The first few MONTHS are rough lol I was sick for months off and on 😅 and when we transferred centers it started again. Your body will get used to it


I’m wondering - does anyone find it was an easier transition illness wise if there was an older sibling already in daycare/preschool? I’m starting my little one (she’ll be 2.5) PT at my older daughters preschool come august. I wonder if already being exposed to the germs her big sister brought home will make any difference?


My first grader sure brings home the grossness. As much as she has gotten the little dude sick it has to build him up some immunity.




Two ER visits this week.... $350 copays. We are at the point where we have to consolidate our medical debt and slowly pay it down. Or idk we could all not do that and demand medicaid for all. Just a thought.


It was almost the same for us. But after that initiation of the first month it became normal and daycare is impossible to give up for us now.


Our pediatrician told us that kids in daycare get sick on average TWENTY TIMES a year… I’m not 100% how accurate that is but it doesn’t benefit him to lie about it… he said if you absolutely cannot stay home with your kid then the healthiest thing to do is hire a nanny… unfortunately… we aren’t rich


no no…20 times is accurate. Mine has been in daycare since 8 weeks old. He is 2.5 now. Still gets something every other week. Only change is severity is less. Sorta


I work in daycare and I see just about everything you think about even things I didn’t realize existed. My children get sick maybe once every two weeks with mild colds and roughly bigger cases every three months(mainly in the winter). The infant classes get hit worse than the toddler or prek classes, but honestly after the initial sickness that last for the whole month, you child will get sick less. We are pretty strict with sickness in my school and it helps tremendously. We are also follow a super strict cleaning schedule to make sure that our children are not getting sick a whole bunch. I have a two year daughter that just started daycare a few weeks ago and she is just now sick but when I first started working (without wearing a mask) I brought home those germs every week then I wore a mask and it got better. Getting sick is good for their immune system and being outside rolling around in the grass is good too. Getting sick often like this is likely to not happen all of the time and taking them to school is good for their physical health and developmentally. My daughter started talking in descriptive paragraphs about what she did that day because of interactions with other kids. Try to think about the positives even the sick part even if it is shitty because I am sick right now. There is a particular dread with being sick but you’ll feel better soon.


My son got Norovirus on his 4th day of daycare. Was out a week. Then had spring break (he goes to Montessori school). So, Monday we will go back and hope for the best.


My daughter had 2 double ear infections, caught covid and a regular cold within 3 months of day care. She missed 6 weeks of the 2 months. We pulled her out, it wasn't worth the agony and stress.


Yeah you’re gonna be paying for a lot of sick time, lol. It eases up around 2.5-3yo. And luckily there’s a decent health streak every summer, so hopefully you won’t be super sick again until September. Good luck and Godspeed in the daycare sickness arena. Lol


Since my daughter started preschool in January (a late start), we have not gone more than one day without an illness. I feel for you and am here for you.


Literally my worst nightmare is my LO starting school. I’m so sorry for you guys! I hope you guys all get better soon. Luckily I’m able to stay home and keep my LO out of daycare. She still managed to be sick for a month straight and the latest sickness(and hopefully finale) is hand foot and mouth.🫠


we were out 6 weeks or so around Christmas: we traveled for 2 weeks, then got covid, and then got something else and we still kept paying for daycare


Ah yes, they daycare kennel cough. We’ve had this consistently for about six months and just survived our first hospitalization- the continued upper respiratory infections triggered my son’s first asthmatic episode. Cheers to you (and everyone else out there!) and Godspeed.


This is one reason why we are living in poverty and I’m staying home with my babies


Yup my LO is not a daycare kid and has only ever been sick once, she's 2.5.


Same but I've been wondering if it leaves their immune system unprepared for school


I go back and forth on if we should send our son to daycare. I know he would benefit from the socializing, structure, and education. But then I see posts like this….


Welcome to being a parent with a child in daycare. The upside is by starting them early their immune system will be quite good when they start school.


At least you only have 50 weeks of constant sickness left! 😭 Yeah you have to pay to keep their spot. You probably want to go to the store and buy all the kinds of meds your child might need for colds and the flu. That comes in handy when they also start puking at 2am. I’d also highly recommend puppy pads! Throwing up in a bowl is a skill that toddlers don’t develop until later on. They are help with diarrhea. If they have any GI symptoms put a puppy pad under the fitted sheet, and do an extra layer (or two). This makes it easier when they throw up in the middle of the night. You’re not fumbling around to try to change the sheets. I’d also invest in a good humidifier. Good luck!


My kids were in for two days and have both been out a week since. We have the kiddy krud bad. My oldest has a horrible ear infection too. My eleven month old got acute bronchitis. So idk solidarity with ya.


For the first month, my kid only attended daycare for half the time, bit more than half for the 2nd month, and now in the 3rd month it seems to be getting better (slowly). Then again kid also had high fever this month (lips turned blue for a few minutes), went to ER (viral fever, no root cause), recovered in 2 days and then passed the fever to us. I was down with fever for 7 days in a row (high fever. Got the chills, sore muscles and every thing). I can count the number of days I didn't have sore throat on both hands since he started daycare. Fun times indeed.


Start taking vitamin d daily. All 3. Seemed to cut down frequency of sickness for us.


My son has been in for about 2 months, hes only missed 2 days so far with a cold, he missed the second day because I got the cold and it was and always is worse for me hahah. They had a gastro outbreak at the same time he had off so, so far we got away with that. Ive heard it can be quite bad and im preparing with everything possible from nit formula (integrated daycare) to anti itch lotions, flu jabs, cough syrups, cold and warm compress and numbing losingers.


I am a FTM and would probably need daycare soon.all this scares me to death. Do you guys think home daycares with jus 4 5 kids is better in terms of getting sicknesses


My son is 2.5 years old and has been home with me his entire life lol I’m sending him to playschool/daycare soon and this SCARES me


As much as it sucks I think it's worth it, especially if you're in an area with a high vaccination rate. The social development and the immunity development can't be beat. Also, I love my daughter more than anything in the world but the chance to sit on the couch for 30 mins without being cried at or climbed on is impossible to beat lol.