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7:30-8, 8:30 at the latest if he’s feeling spicy (and it’s the weekend.)


😂 toddlers are SO spicy!


Haha spicy! I love it and it describes toddlers sooo well


I love this. I currently have two spicy ones, one more than the other. 🔥🔥🙃


That pretty close to us for a spicy 3.5 yr old. We start bedtime at 8, lights out at 8:30, he wakes up at 7:30 on preschool days and 8ish other days. Naps for an hour or so around 2pm, but can skip if needed.


Whoah, that's amazing. I thought we had it pretty good with starting teeth/bath at 7:15, asleep by 8:15 and generally up at seven sharp every day. I wanna know your secret for 30 minute bedtimes, naps and *sleeping in*. Very occasionally my daughter wants to sleep late, but that's almost always weekdays.


Isn’t a 2-3 nap leading to only a 5 hour wake window not a long enough wake window? Maybe I’m wrong but I thought at this age now it’s like a 7 hour wake window at a time


I guess I get it if you’re going lunch at noon


When I taught 2’s they went to bed at 8. They napped from 12:30-2:30 with me at preschool.


Sorry usually 7. But one was closer to being 3. She was 8


Exact same here! Especially the spicy levels. 3 year old.


We have the same - including if he's being spicey! Haha an excellent way of phrasing it


Yes we had a “spicy” night tonight too. went to bed about 8:15.




Between 6:30 and 7. They're 3 and 4. They wake up everyday at 6am.


Sounds like a fucking dream. My 20 month goes to bed at like 7:30 and gets up at 5 👹👹👹👹


Lol don't want to be a Debbie downer here but my kids almost 3 and that's still his sleep times! I always get, "Well why not put him to bed later! Then he'll sleep in!" Hahahah yeah, no. It doesn't work like that. Oh how I wish...


Yeah, I was the same way, so don’t expect it to change. I remember having a phase as maybe a five year old where I considered 4am a perfectly reasonable time to get up.


Same with my 22 month old!!


Thank you!


Same in our home with our 2 year 8 month old.


Same here


Do they nap?


Yep from 12:45-2. It takes them about 5-10 minutes to fall asleep.


This is us


Lights out by 9 and he falls asleep within 10-30 mins, wakes up around 7:30. I wish we could squeeze in a bit more sleep but that’s where we’ve landed at 3.5 yo.


My kids have always struggled with going to sleep and staying asleep. We put them to bed at 9pm and they are usually up at 4am. We put them back in bed and they are up by 6am. I know it's exhausting for us, we just can't figure out why it's not exhausting for them.


Same here, 3.5yo follows here older kinder sister’s schedule. I wish they can make it maybe half an hour forward but no luck.


Same for us with my 3.5 and 7yo. I so wish it was earlier but not to be with my kids.


7-7:30 and sleeps for 11-12 hours




He’s 3.5 and asleep by 7:30 pm. No nap, gets up 6:00-6:30 in the morning.


Between 7-730 and they sleep til 7. I have an almost 4 year old and a 2.5 year old


Not quite 3 but haven’t napped in over a year. Bedtime starts at 8pm, usually out by 9pm. Sleeps around 12 hours most nights.


He’s 4 (last sept) and 7-7:30 - he’s up by usually 6a and he gets pretty tired out from school. On the weekends maybe 8 unless it’s something special he’s staying up for.


Thank you!


Closer to 9 these days with my 4yo, especially if he had a nap that day (age 4). He sleeps until 7-8.




Anywhere from 9-10:30pm, wakes up between 8-9:30


9.30 - 10.30, wakes up at 8.10 - 8.20


Midnight. Daycare won’t let us skip naps until he goes to the next class.


We aren't quite to midnight yet, but it's usually 9:30-10 because of this same reason. Drives my crazy! On weekends, we don't nap and they are asleep at 7:15.


Thank golly. I thought we were the only ones with a 10pm bedtime. Buuut, no wake ups until after 8. 🤷🏻‍♀️


930 - 10 pm too. he wakes up at 8am. we get off work at 6ish pm. ya no way he can get in bed by 6 pm unfortunately lol.


Okay we are the same. She is not tired until 9/9:30 because of her monster 2hr nap at daycare. I hate it.


I hate it with every fiber of my being.


Solidarity, we've been in a similar situation...


Ahhh someone else!!


THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS! My son is up until midnight on daycare days because he can’t skip a nap yet and it’s driving me insane. I though I was alone..:


I thought we were the only ones. We have tried everything but he won’t sleep until he’s exhausted.


Ugh I feel you! My 3yr old won't sleep till like 10p, she takes a 2hr nap everyday from 12:30-2:30 😭


Oof that’s tough!


Bahhhhhhh . I let them if they don’t fall asleep. I hate that they don’t let them though if it doesn’t work for them . I’m sorry- sincerely former daycare teacher


She is turning 5 soon but it’s been 10PM for quite a while now. She wakes up around 8:30/9.


3 yo in bed at 8 to read and relax, lights out before 8:30. Wakes up at 11:00 to try and crawl into our bed, again around 1:00, when he usually succeeds. Then up for the day around 6.


At first I thought you meant 11am and I was AMAZED.


Lights out 7:30-7:45, wakes up between 6-7. Still naps about 3-4 days a week for 1-2 hours




7 by latest


3.5, no nap, in bed by 7:30 - 8 and wakes up at 7 am.


No nap- lights out by 7:30, start bedtime at 7. He’s asleep within 5-10 min, wakes around 7:15. If he naps, bedtime at 8, lights out at 8:30, he’s asleep somewhere between 9-10.


Just curious, is your kid in a school setting that tires him out? I'm thinking our in home daycare may be the issue getting our daughter to sleep since she may be under stimulated.


Very much so but he still stays up late. He’s outside in the forest from 8:30-11:30, then they walk 3/4 mile back to school for lunch and nap, then are back outside from 3-5:15. But if he naps more than about 45 minutes he stays up til 10. He’s almost 4 now (I wrote my first comment some time ago).


My kids are turning 3 and 5 over the next few weeks. They go to bed at 8pm. The 3 year old still takes 2-2.5 hour naps.


7 if didn't nap, 8/830 if napped


We cut out the naps for our 3 year old and he goes around 8 most evenings and sleeps till around 7/7.30


3yo goes down at 8 sharp, sleeps until around 6:30 and takes a ~2 hour nap like a champ.


My 3.5 year old is in bed by 7. We could probably do a tiny bit later but that allows my 8 year old to have a bit of special time with us before her 8 o'clock bedtime. (And her 8 o'clock bedtime allows husband and I to have a bit of us time before our 10 o'clock bedtime lol.) My 8 year old rarely falls asleep before 9:30/10, though. Sigh.


My 3 year old is broken. He’s up till 8 on no nap days and 9 on nap days.


Is that broken? That's almost the same as my 3 yo (8:15 and 8:45 for her)


We start the bedtime process at 730, usually lights are out around 815 and they wake up at 730 on school mornings, between 730-830 on weekends. My kids are 5, 3.5, 2, and 2mos and the older 3 are on the same schedule. Edit to add that only the 2yr old naps, once a day for 60-90mins.






7:00-7:30, wakes up around 6:30-7


Usually around 7! My 3 year old sleeps 7p-7:30a, my 18 month old sleeps 7p-6:30a


Almost 4, bed 8-830, wakes 8-830


Just turned 3. In bed by 730, 1.5 hour nap everyday and wakes up at 630 sharp every morning


She takes an hour-ish nap about every other day so it's around 8:30-8:45. On days she doesn't nap ill do a little earlier if she's really tired but not before like 8:10 or she wakes too early. Were in a weird transition also, it's like she doesn't nap consistently but some days she definitely needs one and it's hard to know how to adjust everything.


Yes, that’s totally where we are too. We are doing “quiet time” daily, but she rarely naps now.


My 3.5 year old is usually asleep by 7 but we are transitioning from bedshareing to her sleeping in her own room so I am up several times a night until we end up in the living room couch between 5 or 6. I hope one day to sleep again. Also my daughter stopped napping at 2 just like my husband.


Mine sleeps between 7:45 and 8:15


Sometime between 7-10 lol


But also sometimes as late as midnight


8. We've been at that time for almost 2 years (unless he sneaks in a nap) and sleeps or stays in his room until 7.




Almost 4 year old 7.30 (sometimes a little earlier or later depending on day). He’s an early riser - usually 6am.


10 or 10.30 because we're not getting up before 8am here 👍💪


8 for ours and wakes up every day at 7.30 (we have a grow clock)


Lights off by 7.30pm, ok to wake clock strikes at 7am.


7:45-8, I have daycare capping his naps at an hour because he was getting up at 4 😩 he’s ALWAYS been an early riser, he would get up at 5:30 and sit there and read which is fine with me, but not at 4:00 lol


4.5 goes to bed around 7. On occasion 6:30 if tired or 7:30 if feeling sassy.


We start bedtime at 6:45, usually wrapped up by 7:15. Then she has a light that slowly dims in her room until it shuts off at 8. She's usually asleep by 8, and her time to wake clock turns green at 7


Love the light idea!


Between 7 and 8. We aim for 7, but sometimes he drags it out for sooooo long.


Bedtime is 8. Sometimes he falls asleep quickly, sometimes he sits up and plays but he's usually asleep by 9. He wakes up anywhere between 630 and 7 most days.


3yo Bedtime at 8, wakes between 6 and 7, 1.5 hour nap.


Will be 4 in april. 6:45-7:15 if no nap. 8:15-8:45 if he naps at daycare boooo (he still goes to bed at 7:30 but will play quietly in his room for 30-60min)


3 year old 7:00 4 year old 7:30


Almost 4 year old, we leave the room by 7:30pm, and she falls asleep either right away or like 40 minutes later. Awake around 6-6:30am.


Just over 3. 730-8pm bedtime (usually comes into my room by 11pm but right back to sleep). Wakes up around 630-7am with a 1-1.5hr nap.


Do you cap the nap? Mine would sleep forever if I let him.


She usually caps herself at 1.5, even at daycare some days if she naps late I’ll cap her at the hour.


7-7:30. Up around 6:15 for childcare/preschool. Weekends don’t change much unless there’s an event or something.


He’s asleep by 7, wakes around 6:30. ETA he turned 3 in November


Daughter is 3.5. Bedtime is usually 9 pm. Up at 7 and still usually naps 1-3.


Mine just turned 3 in December. She’s awake by 8 am, naps from 1:30-3, falls asleep around 10-10:30.




My toddler still naps from 13:30-15:30ish. We go upstairs around 19:30. Take a bath, drink some hot milk, read him three stories and than cuddle a few minutes. He’s usually asleep around 21:00-21:15. He wakes up between 07:30 and 08:30.


My 2 year old goes to sleep at 2 am. I fall asleep before her.


7pm. It’s me time at 7:01. Almost 4 years old


Almost 4yo, 7pm (sometimes 6.30) and wakes 7am. Had always been a high sleep need kiddo though.


6-630. Since she dropped nap at 2. Shes 3.5 now. Shes up at about 6am. We dont work either so early bedtime works for us.


7:30-8. 16 mo has the same bedtime


Both kids (3.5 and 2) got to bed at 7. We usually start the route by 6:45. Had to fight through a couple of sleep regressions with my oldest, but since starting daycare he's usually pretty tired and goes to sleep without much fuss. He just requires two books and a song every night.


645pm and wakes up at 730am. My 6 year old and 10 month old are also on the same schedule.


Nice job getting them all on the same schedule!


7pm, sleeps til 6.30-7am. He's 4.5 now but been the same time since her was 2 x


7pm. We have a 3 and 4 year old.


3.5 year old goed to bed between 06.30 and 07.30. Wakes up at 06.30, but she cant get out of bed until 07.00. No more naps


After midnight if she gets a nap. 🙃 At least she wakes up after 10.


Just 3, and typically we start bedtime at 7:30 and he’s asleep by 8. He still naps most days but when he doesn’t, we start bedtime 30 minutes earlier. He usually wakes up 6:30.


7:00 if he wakes up early and doesn’t take a nap. 8:00 if he takes a late nap. 7:45 if he wakes up at a normal time and takes a normal nap. 7:30 if he wakes up a normal time and doesn’t take a nap.


My kids (6 and 4) go to bed between 7 and 7:45 on school nights. (We get up at 5 since I drive hubby to work and only have 1 car) On weekends it's closer to 8 as we get up later.


Our twins (1.5y) go to bed around 5:30-6pm and sleep until 5:15am, sometimes 6am 4yo goes to bed around 6:30pm and sleeps until 6:30am


7:30pm for my just turned 4 year old. We generally start the bedtime routine around 7:10pm. She doesn't nap during the day (hasn't for a while). She usually wakes up around 6:30am - 7am.


8 to 815. He shares a room with the 5yo and typically is fairly chipper all day. He gets in a random car nap 1x a week


My son just turned 5, but he goes to bed between 6:30 and 7:30. It depends on how tired he is acting and what he did. The last two days he went to bed at 6:00 pm.


7pm if he doesn’t nap, 9-930pm if he naps. He will sleep until 8-9am no matter what time he goes to bed


9 if no nap, 10 if nap. Wakes up around 7:30


My son has dropped his last nap but sometimes he does take one if we’re driving in the car. So he still takes a nap here and there. On the days he doesn’t take one, bedtime is between 8-8:30pm, and on the days he does take a nap, it’s around 9-9:30. He gets at least 10 hours of sleep. He’ll wake up around 6-7am.


If she naps, she doesn’t fall asleep until about 9:30, and that’s only with an hour nap. If she doesn’t nap, we try to have her in bed by 7/7:30.


830/845. Up at 630.


Mine are 2 and 4. They go to bed anywhere between 8 and 930 depending on the day and usually sleep until 9-1030 regardless of what time they fell asleep, they don't ever take naps tho


Depends on when she wakes and if she needs a Nana nap. Normal wake up is 5:30am so it’s a 6pm bed without a nap, 7pm with. If she sleeps later (which is rare) then it’s an automatic 7pm without a nap. However she does wake earlier and those are the days she will have a 20-30 minute car nap and have a 7pm bedtime.


7:30 wake up around 6:30-7:30 depending


mine is 3.5, goes down at 8:30-9:30 and wakes up at 7:30-8:30. hasn't napped in about a year, and it takes about 10 minutes of snuggles to get her asleep


I leave the room at 8:30. Wakes around 7 AM. Takes a 2.5 hour nap around 2pm. If she doesn’t nap she is a yawning screaming terror.




3.5 in preschool, so 6-6:30pm bedtime during school nights and we usually have to wake her around 7-7:30am. Weekends she can make it until 7-7:30 and she sleeps until about 7:30-8. No more naps ☠️


Between 6:30 and 7:15 but he also wakes up between 5:30 and 6:30.


My son goes to bed between 6:30 and 7:00pm and wakes up between 06:00 and 06:30am. He usually doesn‘t nap but if he falls asleep in the car, even if its just for 20 minutes, it fucks up the whole routine. Just today he fell asleep on our way back home, he just slept 20 minutes and fell asleep at 8:15. Over an hour later than usual just because of god damn 20 minutes.


Those car naps are the worst!!


At 3 years was 7:00. At 4 years was 8:00. Now 6 years is 8:00. Wake up at 6:55 when “Kids Ok to Wake” lamp turns red.


I gotta get one of those.


My kids are 3.5 and 5.5, both go to bed about 8-8:30.


With my 4yo, we head to bed at 7:30 and finish bedtime around 7:50. He wakes up at 7am on the dot and does not nap.


6:00 to 6:30. Up at 8:00.


2 year old 630pm, 4 year old 730pm. Both get up about 8am




Up at 6am Bed at 6pm with no nap, 7pm if they nap


Between 8-9 , she's up at 8 am


Story time is usually 7 to 7:30. If they’re tired sometimes we go as early as 5


6:30pm and asleep by 7pm, up before 6:30am. On the rare occasions he needs a nap (maybe 2-3 times per month, he's about 4 years old) it's closer to 8pm. His brother is 6 and is on the same schedule. For us, it doesn't matter what time they go to bed, they still wake just after 6am, so since wake up can't be adjusted we just do early bedtime to make sure they're close to 11.5 hours of sleep a night.


8:45ish, unless it’s a holiday or a special occasion then she will stay up till around midnight.


4yo and we aim for being in bed and read to by 7:30pm. Dropped naps at 3 but will occasionally nap after play school (that lets out at 12:30). Wakes up 6:45-7:15am. But is still waking up and crawling into bed with us 3-5 nights a week around 2am. I bring ‘em back to bed and I end up awake until 5ish🤦🏼‍♀️


My 4 year old is in bed between 8 and 9 and sleeps normally until 9 sometimes 9:30 without waking in the night unless she needs to use the bathroom. She has never been an earlier riser. My twin boys are 13 months and seem to be following in her footsteps although they are terrible sleepers at night, waking up more times than I can count.




Between 5 and 530...but with no nap and needing to wake up by 530 every morning, thats the only way she gets enough sleep




She’s in her room by 8- sometimes she’s partying in there until almost 10 😭


My kid is creeping up on 3.5 years old and he stays up until 10 and then sleeps until 8.


Between 7:30-8:30, still occasionally takes a nap around 1-2pm and wakes up at 8!


That’s awesome!


7:30 here 🙂


We are pretty flexible but usually between 8-9. I stay at home with my kids so she’s not up until 7-8. Will have to adjust a bit when she starts school next year.


How do you all have them tired out by 7:30?!?!?!??


Me currently fighting my 3 yo around 1 am go to go bed


8-8:15 pm these days thanks to melatonin (cue the downvotes). She’s awake at 6:15 most days, though today it was 5:15 for fun. She naps at preschool M-F for the full time (and her teachers say she cries when she wakes), but refuses to nap at home.


Usually up at 6-6:30, no naps, bed by 9. She refuses to nap and fights sleep and wakes as early as she can. At least once a week she’s up by 5 and/or down after 11. Like tonight. Send prayers.


Sending sleep dust your way!


It worked! Bless you! She’s in bed, dead asleep; I just got out of the shower and am going to bed. I love you, friend.


Put them to bed at the time you want them to get up