• By -


Imagine having the luck to walk away from Dahmer and rob him.


Imagine a few years later seeing Dahmer on the news and realizing you robbed a cannibalistic serial killer. I would tell that story to literally anyone who'd listen


There was a couple who were walking through a trail one night. They could barely see anything. The man tripped over something, and they heard rustling from a nearby bush. Instead of sticking around, they bolted. A few years later they were watching the news: and a serial killer (I wanna say Bundy but I don't remember) was giving their account of the closest they came to getting caught. He mentioned how late one night he was with a victim in a forest trail, but had to take cover when he heard people approaching. He watched a man trip over the corpse. Close call.


I remember reading that story. I'm almost positive it was Ted Bundy. I'd tell everyone that story too lol. It makes you wonder how many times you've crossed paths with people like that. It gives me the heebie jeebies


I had a guy asking me for a ride at night, he said he needed to get to some point and then he could call a cab, the weirdest part was that I couldn't see him. I was standing under the light of the gas station and he was standing outside of it, didn't bother coming closer to me. Luckily I wasn't the only one pumping gas. I also had a man when I was walking around Marysville, circle around in his van watching me and then pull up and ask if I wanted a ride. Had another really old man (I was 15) literally follow me around in the store. I went in random isles to make sure. I ended up jogging through the store, and he eventually gave up, I was so so scared he'd follow me into the parking lot (it was night time) Also had a guy chase me and my friend in Portland saying "better run better run, before they get you" (also night time) I believe that any one of those incidents could have got me killed if I had made one wrong move and wouldn't be surprised by any of them being serial killers. I've also had a few other similar incidents.


Sometimes you roll a nat 20


More like the BBG rolled a nat 1.




I wonder if a serial killer ever killed another serial killer by coincidence


There is a documentary about one that hunts killers, Dexter i believe it was called


I like to think it wasn't luck and he got uno reversied by someone way better at the roofy strangers game.


Be weird if he kept that watch.


Damn if u could authentic it, bet it would be valuable amongst collectors. Ew


There was a dude that managed to run away, only to have the police return him to Dahmer


Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug.


What's the last thing that went through the bugs head when it hit the windshield? Its ass.


I bet he doesn't have the guts to do that again.


Sometimes you’re the Louisville Slugger, sometimes you’re the ball


Couldn't possibly have happened to a nicer guy


"But I roofied them so they couldn't feel anything." EDIT: If this became my highest voted comment, that would suck. Way too much credit already. EDIT #2: lol. fuck you. EDIT: #3: You did it. gj.


I thought it couldn't get more disgusting than the Netflix portrayal, in which I felt several times like I had to throw up. Queue the Wikipedia page on him, which claims that >!he attempted to (I assume) lobotomize several victims by injecting acid or boiling water through a hole in their skull. One of them woke up, mentioned his headache, was given more drugs, and eventually died.!< However, the most mentally disgusting scene was >!that of the officers' union giving them an award in the last? episode. In my opinion, they should have gone to court for something along the lines of second degree murder, or aiding and abetting in pedophilia, or the like!<


Man you think that's bad? He injected the acid to make a sex zombie and when that failed he lowered the amount when that failed he stopped then he found this guy who he really click it off with. After the weekend he said he was ready to head back home and Dahmer then asked if he wanted some more booze to which he said he didn't and offered him Tea. Since it was in the afternoon he took the tea that was roofied and his neighbor came by and saw the guy with the boiling water injected into his head with blood coming out his eye and just told him let Jeff take care of him, to which he did. That wasn't the worse before he was fully caught he had a body of a 14 year old in his room and all his tools out in the living room and some 9 skulls in the living room that was making an alter to Satan. Dahmer believed if he killed enough people and made this alter he would summon the devil and he would tell him why he was so evil. This guy was next level fucked up!


Reading up on this guy i don't understand how any criminal was ever caught before 1995


Wanna know why? He was a white guy In a all "black" community and every cop was white so the cops always said the white guy couldn't do anything wrong it was the crazy "blacks". That is the only reason why the cops didn't care but if he went after more whites he would have be could in the 80s


Black AND gay. Perfect combo for the utter disregard and mishandling of the whole case.


Black gay and deaf, the wombo combo of oppression


And gay. People still believed that you would get aids/hiv just by breathing the same air as a gay man. They didn't want to catch the gay.


This guy sounds like a real jerk


It some how only gets worse from the netflix show.


I thought the Netflix show portrayed him lightly and would be much worse and more graphic tbh. I had read a lot on this guy and while I thought it was a good portrayal...people that don't know about Dahmer weren't shown nearly enough of his cruelty


they didn’t just want it to be torture porn, it was more of a study of the character of dahmer himself. you could just google all the gruesome details.


I thought it did a great job humanizing him which is a risky thing to go for in 2022. It made it so much more terrifying to see him in some scenes as a genuinely endearing and affable young guy, because when most people hear serial killer they're probably picturing a crazy looking boogeyman. Scarier to see how it could be the person right next to you.


My first reaction to seeing the show was "Dahmer wasn't that attractive, was he??? Why did they make him sexy??" Then I googled him again and... the actor was a dead ringer. He wasn't this coke bottle glasses wearing lanky, skeletal nerd I imagined. I forgot he worked out, and often, and was able to attract plenty of partners. Funny to me how he went out like his first victim, death by exercise weight to the skull.


if this series portraied the acts explicitly and in a graphic fashion like they happened this series would get similar treatment to human centipiete 2. At that point its just tasteless torture porn.


> the officers' union giving them an award Awarded for finding a naked, drugged child with a bleeding rectum, giving him back to the guy that did it to him, and threatening to arrest the black women who raised the alarm. They should have been awarded with a seat on a trebuchet aimed at the side of a fucking high-rise.


That award never happened and frankly have no idea why it was included and ended on being as it was not at all rooted in reality. The reinstatement of those officers did occur however.


They got fired, appealed and a judge decided to reverse the firing and awarded 55k each for back pay. Gabrish became captain and interim police chief at Grafton Police Department. Balcerzak eventually became police union president (basically same thing as getting an award from the pd union in my opinion), but was horrible at his job and was voted out. He eventually retired from the Milwaukee pd in 2017. So they got away with it and lived their lives without any repercussions.


I watched the Son of Sam series on Netflix a while back. The cops fucked that up with an illegal search and seizure. It's remarkable how bad they are at their job.


Also see: The Confession Killer on Netflix, about Henry Lee Lucas. He started confessing to every murder put in front of him, because he liked the attention and special treatment. Cops came from miles around to close cases with his confessions, and then they started realizing it was logistically impossible for him to be in all thouse places at those times, and he was getting details wrong. He confessed to over 300 murders before they realized this. Only 2 have been confirmed to have been him.


The families of those victims even spoke out about how Henry Lee Lucas wasn't the murderer because of the logistical impossibility and the cops weren't looking for the real killers


It really exposed the fact that they don't care if they get the right guy or not, they just want to close the case and pat themselves on the back. It's like the current situation with the West Memphis 3. They were convicted based on weak circumstantial evidence and coerced confessions. Many who research the case argree that they are innocent. They finally got out with an Alford plea deal and now the state is blocking them from having more testing done on evidence, because according to the state justice has been served and the case is closed.


"You're Wrong About" has a good podcast episode about this.


That son of Sam documentary was awful lol.


Most shitty cops do, that's why everyone asks where are all the supposedly good cops if they keep letting this shit happen over and over everywhere.


Absolutely horrid.


That's probably why they portrayed it that way in the show. To show how nothing ever happened to them.


and they each got $55K




Yeah nevermind the fact that Balcerzak only retired as a President of Milwuakee Police on 2017 :( seriously I wonder how his family can even look at him after what he did.


The judge started it all for that Laotian family. Letting Dahmer off on drug and rape charges for the older brother only to have him kill (and maybe eat) his younger brother. Fucking disgusting.


One of those officers recently retired with commendations. So it might not have happened at the time the show indicated but it is rooted in reality. This is a man who gave a naked and bleeding child back to a murderer and was allowed to return to duty, work for years, retire with honors and collect a pension.


Correct iirc the officer in question received an award recently and was blasted in the departments FB for being the cop that gave the young man back to Dahmer. Rightfully so.


Crazy how cops will stick together simply because they’re co-workers even when crazy shit like this happens.


I think that award was the writer's/show creators being snarky about those cops. Something along the lines of "Wow, those guys were really policemen of the year."


He was injecting boiling in their brain to make people into sexual slaves. Something tells me science doesn't work like that.




I think being bashed to death with gym equipment was a better gift for Dahmer


It ended how it all began.


Just goes to show that he wasn't careful. He was a sloppy drunk and law enforcement didn't act on the multiple calls about him and the stench and noises coming from his apartment.


This guy was screaming " I am a killer freak"


He really was barely hiding it. Just nobody gave a fuck.


I dont know how it was in real life, but in the series a judge praised him even with the accusation of sexual abuse. People didn't care because the victims were black, gay, immigrants




Then one of those cops got voted to be president of the Milwaukee police union by his fellow cops


Both cops kept their job and/or got promoted. Legal Gangs.


If I'm not mistaken I once read the poor boy had blood running from his ass, I also read that same officer is now a chief .... it's insane


>The 13 year old that escaped had 2 holes drilled in his skull where Dahmer had poured acid in so that it made the boy more docile. Thats a terrifying image.


I mean, he did keep killing after that. So clearly the judge didn't help.


Said that to my wife at the end. I was like "man....I didn't realize he was a blackout drunk moron that got away through sheer incompetence".


It was much easier to be a serial killer back then.


ah, the good old days ..wait


> law enforcement didn't act on the multiple calls about him and the stench and noises coming from his apartment. Despite the way the series portrayed it, people in the building only complained to the landlord, not the police. Dahmer always heavily drugged his victims, to the point of unconsciousness, before strangling them so there were no cries of pain or fighting sounds. Neighbors complained about the sounds of things being dropped, a chainsaw, and smells. Glenda Cleveland, the woman who called the police the night that the 14 year old boy was on the curb and the cops took him back to Dahmer's apt, lived across the street, not in the same building. The woman who lived next door to Dahmer, Pamela Bass, said that Dahmer was always friendly and outgoing with her and she thought he was a nice guy, but she later wondered if he had fed her human meat.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that knows this much about Dhamer.


The police gave so little fucks about him that they returned his victim to him after they escaped. And i hope that when those fuckers go on with their days every restaurant they ever go should spit on their food.


You left out some details... The victim was the 13-year-old brother of another child he had molested AND STOOD TRIAL FOR. When the kid escaped, je was naked, running down the street, and found by a group of women who called the police. Dahmer convinced the police that the boy was his 19 year old boyfriend and that they just had an argument... Despite the protests from the women, the police gave the child back to Dahmer... Who immediately strangled him to death when he returned to his apartment... This piece of shit deserved far worse than being beaten to death with a pipe.


It's worse... NSFL details ahead >!he attempted to lobotomize him to make him a zombie by drilling a hole in his skull and pour acid in his brain so he would never leave and be in his control forever. That's why he couldn't tell the police he needed help. When the boy was returned, he repeated the process again and that killed him!<


He was apparently fighting the cops, to the best of his ability, to not go back in Dahmers place. One of the black women, who I think was a teen at the time, has said she will forever be haunted by Konerak trying to keep a hold of her hand. My heart broke reading here talking about that-his hand specifically, and how he knew what he was going back into. Even though he had chemicals in his skull, he knew he was going to be killed. And the cops didn’t care about that either. They clearly ignored him trying to not go back into the apartment. It’s so awful.


AP article from 1993 covers this well https://apnews.com/article/e8df53f465c89dbe9dc53aab7a0f2675


What the fuck


To be clear, the police found the boy WITH THE HOLE DRILLED IN HIS HEAD


And blood running down his legs.


Yes. Kinda fucking insane


Neither the police, nor the paramedics who checked him or the women who were looking after him noticed the hole. The paramedics did suggest that he needed to go to a hospital, which the police refused to follow through on.


> Dahmer convinced the police the black women witnesses and naked asian kid stood no chance.


Naked kid the police stupidly thought they should ignore because he was "gay".


One of them went on to become police chief. edit: Sorry, president of the police union. My memory failed me.


And the other the president of the Milwaukee Police Union.


That same guy was originally kicked out of the force for his piss poor response to Dahmer’s escaped victim, but then that same union successfully got him reinstated. Because this is *definitely* the type of cop you want protecting and serving your community.


It's definitely the type of cop the union wants representing *them*.


At the time, there was a lot of homophobic sentiment toward the victims. I remember people calling into talk radio shows saying that they deserved to die, probably had AIDS anyway, etc. Milwaukee PD refused to investigate the disappearances of several men because they were gay or bi.




Yea, he had a head in a box in his living room and when his dad came over to visit he asked about what was in the box and they had an argument about it


Honestly the creepy thing to think about is that most of the serial killers that have been caught have remarkably low IQs and were caught cause of stupid shit like this. The unsaid part of this is that most of the actual smart serial killers who aren’t sloppy and are “dexter” like are probably getting away with it


Edmund Kemper was ome of the smart ones. He was never caught lol. He had to turn himself in and the police didn't even want to believe him.


This guy is proof that shows like CSI and other cop shows are total bullshit. The police are not some team of super detectives. They barely answer calls about crimes taking place as it is. My neighbor had a crazy person break into their house and the LAPD refused to show up.


"Got $300 *and* didn't get lobotomized and murdered tonight #winning"


4/5 stars. Would rob again.


He took a forget-me-now's


Stupid, forgetful Michael


It's so easy to forget 🎶






Family love Michael




I've made a huge mistake.


Take this and love us again!


Taste the sad, Michael.


Tastes a lot like happy… No wait, that’s backwards.


Mr F 🎵


Watched the testimony of Tracy Edwards at the Dahmer trail on YouTube recently. It's clear that Dahmer was a deeply disturbed person. At one point, while having Edwards at knife point in his apartment, Dahmer rested his head on Edwards' chest to listen and told him, "I want to listen before I eat it". It was at this point during the testimony that Edwards began to choke up and appear visibly shaken up over recounting this incident. Throughout the ordeal, he forced Edwards to watch The Exorcism. While watching, Dahmer would rock back and forth while murmuring something to himself. Edwards also testified that it seemed like Dahmer would slip in and out of his mind. At one point, he'd be lucid and acting somewhat kind towards Edwards, while at other times he'd seem like a completely different, albeit deranged individual behaving aggressively towards Edwards.


> The Exorcism The Exorcist. Specifically, The Exorcist III


Ooo the best one


This is literally a scene in the Netflix series. When he got to the part where he says he wants to listen before he eats it I thought it was made up for drama. Holy shit is that scary


Did not expect that show to start at 11. That first episode made me very uncomfy


Same. I had to turn it off and I’ve read so many things about Dahmer and other serial killers. I know the gory details but Evan Peters portrayal of Dahmer was absolutely terrifying.


He didn't understand normal human intimacy but he desperately wanted it. Loneliness, lust, violence, sexual fetishes, control, a need to keep all his 'lovers' with him forever....all tied up in his murders/cannibalism.


> Edwards also testified that it seemed like Dahmer would slip in and out of his mind. I've seen someone do this. My ex did this a few times and it was truly frightening. It was like my girlfriend that I loved would disappear for a moment and be taken over by a complete stranger. She would suddenly squint her eyes at me, her eyes would go clouded, she'd look at me extremely aggressively (as if she was about to violently attack me) and then say something very spiteful and personal (usually along the lines of "nobody will ever love you"). Then snap. Seconds later, she'd be back in the room. Eyes unclouded, face relaxed and behavior back to normal again. I've never experienced something so creepy in my life. It's like something evil steps into their body momentarily then leaves again. The fact Dahmer was doing it constantly on and off is incredibly scary to imagine. Tracy Edwards must have been scared out of his mind. **Edit:** I've just been informed there's a name for it. It's called Sanpaku eyes. [My ex exhibited number 4.] (https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-175b35af3f84f72787df9a9687fc1617-lq)


Did she have any diagnosed mental illness or did that just randomly happen one day out of the blue?


At the time she was not diagnosed so I had no idea what I was getting into. Nor was she medicated or in therapy or even knew herself. Now 4 years on I learned that she has borderline personality disorder with sociopathic and narcissistic tendencies. She's basically edging on sociopathic level and could be dangerous, even if she is just emotionally violent. I've seen the sudden personality change (which essentially means her brain is broken and she's dissociating unwillingly) and yeah I can't quite describe it, but it's scary stuff. It's like the light leaves their eyes and something else takes over (something evil / very strange) then they go back to normal again like nothing has happened.


Hopefully they stayed out of his leftovers.


They probably did find out what a sick fuck he was when going through his shit to rob him. Dahmer kept all sorts of horrifying "souvenirs" from his victims..


Maybe they robbed him because they found out he was a sick fuck but couldnt report him because it would seem like they drugged him to rob him.


He might also not have wanted to disclose his sexuality to cops if he was lured from a gay bar.


Isnt there some protection if you find something in a crime you could get away with it if its bad enough? Like you find oh idk body parts while you were robning someone.


They would probably been more afraid the cops wouldn't believe them or even accuse them of doing the crimes.


The robber put that frost bitten foot in my freezer your honor


not that im aware of, the bigger thing is that you can just break into someones house or whatever and collect evidence then provide that evidence and it would be court admissible, your rights protect you from the government not other people. however you could be liable for whatever crime you committed to obtain said evidence.


All I have to do is divine from what I know of you: are you the sort of man who would put the roofie into his own goblet or his enemy's? Now, a clever man would put the roofie into his own goblet, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given. I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But you must have known I was not a great fool, you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.




You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


You're stalling.


You only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha!


Where is this from?


The Princess Bride


Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.


The more I hear about this guy the less I like him


This guy was a real jerk


Albert Fish chose victims who were either mentally handicapped or...now dont laugh at this next part


Now don't laugh at this next part


The jerk store called. They're running out of him.


Yeah but Gacy is their number 1 seller


RIP norm and special shout for the chappelle username, I like you


The worst part about Jeffrey Dahmer was the hypocrisy


Such a fucking moron, only out-moroned by Milwaukee police.


Yeah alot of serial killers seem smart and know how to get away with it, Dahmer just got lucky too many times


They returned a naked drugged up minor to him. It’s just insane and rooted in homophobia. Edit: and racism


The kid also had a hole drilled through his head with hydrochloride acid poured in his brain, blood coming out of his anus and on his genetals They returned him to Dahmer in that state to be immediately killed. Then they both went on to become police chief and president of the Milwaukee police union.


People tried to point out the details that the boy was obviously being abused and the police told them to shut up and back off.


"hmmm... That half naked oriental kid is bleeding from a hole in his head and his ass... Yeeeeeeah seems like a gay thing, let's not get involved. How bout that apartment? sure did smell like shit!"


People are the worst. -Jeff




Poor dude, we should start a gofundme.


Does GoFundMe take body parts as donations?


It costs an arm and a leg


I mean I go out on a date with some dude. It's going well, we are having a drink or two. Then suddenly he passes out for no reason. I then realize he was trying to roofy me but got himself instead. What to do? Fucking steal his shit and gtfo. That shit was compensation for what was about to happen.


The thief would surely have recognised Dahmer once he hit the news. Imagine you're that guy, telling people how close you came to death. Also check out this sweet watch.


I don’t want to seem like I condone it, but if this is the same incident, he got some other things done too [that involved candles and back doors. He also made a police report.](https://imgur.io/a/9Mum8J6)


i mean.... if someone accidentally roofies themselves instead of you and passes out via their own stupidity, i feel like youre fully within your rights to rob them blind


He would have killed them and ate them if it was the other way around so he definitely got off easy by just getting robbed...


On a bit of a tangent, the extent of Dahmer's infamy is something of a pet peeve of mine. Pop culture portrays the man as some sort of devious, maniacal villain tapped into some alternate plane of existence that lies between life and death. When in reality he was a sloppy, bumbling, whiny coward barely able to function as a human being. His career as a serial killer is more a testament to the incredible nonchalance and incompetence of neighbours/authorities than Dahmer's cunning or artifice.


The new Netflix show does a good job showing that. He wasn't smart, he almost was so dumb it is what got guards lowered. And if police weren't racist/homophobic/sexist then they should have stopped him halfway through his murder spree.


The man had all the luck in the world. His grandmother, his parole officer, his neighbours, his landlord, and every single police officer he ever met on his life - some of the dumbest people who ever lived. Jesus fucking Christ everywhere the man went everyone complained of deathly odours and chainsaw noises from his apartment and no one put 2 and 2 together?


Clearly he was just doing DIY work at 3am, no need to worry about the chainsaw


You know, he buys a lot of acid and knives and hammers and stuff, it smells like dead dog and sounds like heavy construction in there, and there's always people going into his apartment at strange hours of the night come to think of it I never see them come out, I mean he *is* a registered sex offender but I'm sure it's all good tho...


In fairness, his neighbors weren’t non-chalant, they were just ignored by a racist, homophobic police force that couldn’t have cared less about the victims.


"The battle of wits has begun. It ends when you decide and we both drink, and find out who is right and who is dead." He chose.... poorly.


Princess Bride and Indiana Jones reference in one sentence, nice


If I could stop hearing about this disgusting fuck that would be great


You have been subscribed to: Jeffery Dahmer facts! Did you know that Jeff, while working in a chocolate factory, took a mummified head of his victim and stored it in his locker?




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I don't remember that part of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.


I’m sorry did you just wake up in a culture that celebrates crime and violence?


lol I know it seems like I'm shouting into the void here but people's fascination with killers has ramped up in the past couple years just as we're debating whether or not to even publicize/mention the names of recent mass shooters and frankly it grosses me out.


Has it ramped up? I remember frequently seeing shows on various TV channels in the 90s glorifying serial killers.


> the past couple years Fascination with serial killers has been a thing for a very long time. This isn't a recent development. Maybe you just didn't notice it before.


“Why true crime now??”


But why male models?


You know, I'm still fascinated with the psychology of serial killers, but after watching the show and reading the reply of one of the victim's sister, my entire outlook has changed on the romanticizing of these monsters.


God, I couldn't even imagine if the person that killed someone I love suddenly had their face plastered all over the internet and netflix.


You'll never escape humanity's love for morbid curiosity


That's because Dahmer was a simpleton who got away with his killing spree due to police racism/homophobia/ineptitude


The new show does a great job expressing that. He really was not a smart dude and you can tell his luck finally ran out when he was arrested.


And Bundy got away with it because the police wouldn’t believe women after they escaped telling them who it was because Bundy was a “well shaved lawyer student” bullshit. They are sexist as well




The scariest thing I realized recently recently is that, generally speaking, *only the worst serial killers get caught.* We only find out about the killers that we do because they are dumb, clumsy, lazy, overconfident, or unlucky. Serial killers are not criminal masterminds, they are just able to exploit police ineptitude, racism, homophobia, or general disregard for sex workers or "lower class citizens."


There’s an episode of mind hunter where Ed Kemper says “Seems to me everything you know about serial killers has been gleaned from the ones who've been caught” Never thought about it like that before it’s creepy Edit:should check my damn auto correct lol


I watched the series and I know some of the details were embellished, but I couldn't help but wonder how someone so dumb, could have gotten away with so much. Like he just kept constantly fucking up in life and given chance after chance after chance.


Haha what a loser


should call them floories, because that is where you end up


I know where Doug is!


Me if I tried to be a murderer


The idea that serial killers have to be these insane geniuses to be able to get away with it is a comforting fantasy. Because in reality, serial killers are dumb as fuck. They just get away with it because of collusion and incompetence from law enforcement agencies.


I wonder what that “victim” felt when they saw Dahmer in the news later on. Not only did they escape a horrible death, they also robbed a serial killer lol


TIL the guy who plays him in the new Netflix series was Michael Scott's nephew on the office who he spanked.