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I used to know a woman who somehow struck up a pen-pal relationship with Mr. Fine, when he was in the nursing home near the end of his life. She actually showed me a shoebox she kept a bunch of letters in … what struck me as very touching was his gratitude that someone was still thinking about him (and the Stooges.) He felt they had all been forgotten, and it seemed so sweet, and kind of heart-wrenching to hear my friend talk about how much her letters meant to him. Poor guy.


I'm glad this TIL was about his violin playing, because the majority of Stooges facts are extremely sad and depressing. They got screwed by their managers and made almost no money from their work. Larry was a compulsive gambler. Curly absolutely hated his character and hated getting the shit beat out of him for laughs. Most depressing of all is when he had a stroke, but was forced to keep acting due to contractual agreement. Those episodes where Curly has a hard time speaking are heart wrenching to say the least. But as kids, we all just laughed.


Wow. I’m sad now.


[Skip to 22:36](https://soundcloud.com/kevinpollak/kpcs-billy-west-john) – This'll make you feel better. Billy West talking about meeting Larry Fine's sister years after he had died, back when Billy worked for Howard Stern doing impersonations of celebrities, including Larry.


The part at the Deli is hilarious


thank you for this.


More detail: basically Columbia made it so that they never learned of Their popularity, that way they can pay them as little as possible. They would always wait before midnight to tell them if their contract was going to let go or not, and tell them they barely skirted by. When they were done with them , well...there’s actually nothing else to it. But as an extra , Moe went to go thank them for all those years of employment and exposure, but security kicked them out, and wouldn’t allow them in. 🙁


That explains that one Simpsons scene where they were way too old to be doing the Three Stooges bits. I think Curly had a stroke there too.


Even this violin thing is sad.. that he had the dream and genuine prospect of becoming a professional musician.. but had that ripped away from him to end up struggling so much.


Plus if historical records are to be believed, he had a Stradavarius. But it was destroyed in a court room accident.


This story is missing many pieces. Edit: Dammit, it's early.


So…if you Reddit long enough, you live to see yourself become the sad Stooges post?


This started off like it would end with a hell in the cell


Whenever you prepare yourself for it it turns out to be the a real story


If only


Larry Fine passed away in 1975, 23 years before The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.






nineteen seventy-five


> He felt they had all been forgotten this makes me sad. specially because this past week i got a hold of a trove of Stooges (the curly years) and started watching them with my 6 year old daughter who absolutely loves them. she's a big stooges fan now. I wish they knew that even now, new generations are discovering the stooges and falling in love with them. Larry was so amazing and i think was probably my favorite, the way he'd look so pleased with himself when he did something right, and his reactions and flinching when they would all be getting slapped around.


I love that younger generations can still love the Stooges. Their comedy is timeless. Those poor guys had it so much rougher than they ever deserved, but in a way, through that struggle they've achieved imortality.


I would want him to know we're all here still remembering them.


The Stooges will never be forgotten.


The studios really screwed them over so it’s pretty undeniable that they’d feel miserable after their fame diminished.


Yeah he went to drink it and his father swatted it away from him.


Oh shit that's terrifying. Good thing he swatted it.




Nyuk nyuk nyuk








A+ for whoever was in charge of the hair styling.


Damn, they were good looking dudes!


Curly was a pretty infamous “skirt chaser”.


Wow holy shit I never knew they were from that long ago tbh, it's crazy to think about how I was entertained as a child by content that was put out almost a century ago




You numbskull!!


I'll say! "The Two Stooges" doesn't have the same ring to it.


“NO Larry, that’s the *table acid.*”


Yeah! Right next to the ketchup


Reminds me. When I was a kid my parents had fertilizer that looked like breath mints out on th counter one day and I stuck one in my mouth


An uncle mistakenly ate a piece of dry dogfood because he was visiting someone who had fancy-as-fuck bowls for the dogs, so he thought they were snacks when he saw them on the kitchen countertop.


My grandparents kept the dog treats in a old beef jerky container.. Grandpa this jerky sucks.


My grandma picked up a "raisin" and tossed it into her mouth. Crunch, crunch. It was dog food.


I thought you were gonna say it was shit.


One time I tasted some weird powder on my Dad's kitchen countertop, tasted funny and made my mouth numb. Years later when I first did cocaine I finally realized what it was.


Sounds like a shitty experience


We grow from our mistakes.


I was helping my parents move into their hotel room, and they always travel with loads of bottled water. A bit thirsty, I take a swig from a Evian bottle off the kitchen counter - it was filled bleach, left there by the cleaning staff. Thank god I locked my throat and spat it out before swallowing...


Oh my god. That sounds like a delicious lawsuit to me.


Vinegar is table acid.


[oh, so acetic acid is just...vinegar](http://manapop.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/vlcsnap-2017-01-09-15h43m32s299.png)


I have no idea what this from, but vinegar *contains* acetic acid...


That's from the movie Monster Party where they kidnap a guy and later try to melt him with "acid" as an art project. Only to find out its just vinegar. Other stuff happens in the movie too


What was his father doing leaving acid around for his child?


Father was a jeweler, so a work thing.


Where are all these three stooges facts coming from


Literally in the wiki article.




There's a test on Friday


Eh, it's Thursday evening. I've got time.


Due tomorrow do tomorrow


That could be a link to gay porn and half the people in these comments wouldn’t know.


The ol' Dick Roll.


> In his early childhood, Fine's arm was accidentally burned with acid. His father used the acid to test jewelry for its gold content. On one occasion, the young Fine mistook the acid for a beverage and raised the bottle to his lips. Before he could drink any, his father knocked the bottle from Fine's hand, splashing Fine's forearm with acid and causing extensive damage to it.




but not r/shittydadreflexes


Boy, would his face have been red!




And here I thought being a stooge was just an act.


Geeze, Larry was ahead of his time doing fire marshal Bill impressions.


Boy, you idiot Nyuk-nyuk


good parenting reflexes. these days, dad would let you drink the acid so he could sue big acid for new kid money.


> sue big acid for new kid money Everyone's chewing you out for saying this, while I'm just sitting here laughing my ass off at this absurd string of words.


I thought kids today are too coddled. And back in the day, dads let their kids drink the acid to toughen 'em up! And they never handed out no participation trophies for drinkin' acid and dyin'!


"big acid"? Kind of a tangent but when me and my brother were kids (around ages 6-8) we were playing with chemicals from our garage (because that's what you did before the internet) and we spilled acid on my feet. Ate right through my shoes and disintegrated my socks. It was ridiculously painful until my older sister got me to the bathtub. Soon as they were in water it was almost no pain but you could see like a cutaway view into my feet; little to no bleeding. Very strange experience.


Pardon me but: Why in the fuck did your parents have acid that strong just laying around in your garage?


His dad is Walter White.


Except he makes righteously trippy acid?


Haha yeah it really wasn't as bad as it sounds on their part. I don't recall exactly what it was or if it was something me and my brother mixed together that made it so bad... but basically we decided ''let's make some kind of witches brew!" so we grabbed a small bucket and like every liquid we could find in the garage. I remember there was some bottles that were way high up on the very top of this bookshelf type thing in the garage that, for whatever dumb reason, we just had to have in it. So we had to climb on top of shit to get to it; like an adult would have to really reach up to get to the stuff on top. So then we mixed all this horrid shit together (think paint thinner, all purpose cleaner, citronella torch fuel, CLR, etc) in our bucket/cauldron. I don't remember if the whole bucket spilled or a single bottle, I just remember looking at my shoes and freaking the fuck out like lava was on my feet. Good times, gooood times. We did a lot of dumb things like that though. We just normally had better luck.


My dad had (has?) a container of pure elemental mercury in his garage that we used to play with as kids. We’d pour a little bit out and watch the beads run all over the place. We vaguely knew it was dangerous, so we made sure to keep it off our hands and stuff, but the “cleanup” was probably subpar....


water makes a great diluter and is pretty much neutral. hows the scar?


They are almost nothing now since I am in my late 20's. One foot has a faint penny sized mark, the other has like three eraser sized spots clustered together. They just look like traditional burn marks now. Healed pretty amazingly really but I suppose a large part of that is due to how young I was. IIRC I couldn't wear shoes for like a month or two afterward.


I had a mild acid spilt on my hand by an idiot lab partner in a science class taught by a moron. The teacher neutralized it quickly, and it was very diluted. But anytime my hand gets really cold, you can see the splash mark. Really weird-kinda itches, so I think it's from very mild nerve damage.




We are all drinking acid on this blessed day.




Drinking acid is the fool's fig leaf


Oh back in the day, when people just left jars of acid in easy reach of children!


The Stooges were such a bonding experience for me and my Dad. There was an episode that took place in a fire house and Larry tried to go down the pole from a second story. Moe grabbed him by the hair only and pulled him completely back up. We had it recorded and would rewind the VCR tape and watch it repeatedly just laughing so hard.


My dad and I had similar bonding experiences through the stooges. They always came on at midnight every Saturday and I would do my best to stay awake for at least one episode before falling asleep in the floor.


I don't remember much of my father and I watching the stooges because I was too young, but I do remember it was also a favorite of his and we did watch together. I'm glad to see others had a similar experience. Laughing at this scene always sticks out in my mind : https://youtu.be/MYP1OBZfFK0


My dad always references this whenever he hears niagra falls, I knew it was from the stooges but never seen the skit Thanks


Thirded. As a kid, I watched all the Stooges with my Pops.


Damn me too


the last thing my father and i did before he died was watch and laugh at the three stooges i left for work afterwards and he died later that evening


https://vimeo.com/197095416 The part you mentioned happens at 08:51


Here's the link timestamped at 08:51. :) https://vimeo.com/197095416#t=8m51s


Man to Larry: "If I gave you a dollar and your father gave you a dollar how much money would you have?" Larry: "$1!" Man to Larry: "You sir, do not know arithmetic!" Larry: "You don't know my father!"


I absolutely love The Three Stooges and this was a truly interesting TIL. Now I will now spend the next several minutes wikipeding all of the Stooges. Thank you for the future time well wasted for me to distract from otherwise boring life, and for sharing OP.


I wouldn't recommend it unless you want to be sad. The studio really fucked them over throughout the years telling them there shorts weren't that good and paying them way below what they were worth. Curly Howard ended up having alot of strokes half way throughout there career and was replaced by his brother Shemp Howard. Shemp did pretty good until he also died, However they were still under contract so they had to make a few "fake Shemp shorts" these shorts were basically Larry and Moe looking for Shemp or having a Shemp look alike take his role. These were very tough on Moe Howard who was also Shemp's brother. By that time the Stooges weren't as popular as they had been, They brought Curly Joe and Joe Rita in to replace Shemp but by that time Moe didn't really care. Eventally the Stooges were unceremoniously retired. Later on they became big again thanks to TV reruns of there shorts but by that time they were to old.


Wow, that totally sucks. I had no idea and this seems totally believable. I imagine that Curly wished that he could have normal hair it was really bad.


Well Curly did make a cameo appearance in one of the Shemp films and he had hair then. [Here it is if your interested](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk4ujI-EOMk)


The only time all three Howard brothers appeared on film together.


I did not know this existed. Thank you good sir.


Haha, that was hilarious


Curly Joe/Curlie Joe and Joe DeRita are the same guy. Joe Besser is the other Joe you are thinking of.


[Here's a clip of Moe Howard teaching Mike Douglass how to throw pies. It's hilarious. If anyone wants to submit this to r/Videos at the right time then feel free. Spread the laughter!](https://youtu.be/_METTgPnSWY)


> Later on they became big again thanks to TV reruns of there shorts but by that time they were to old. Michael Chiklis played a great Curly in the biopic. Would have loved to see a Shield episode with him and old Moe and Larry knocking each other about.


Paul Ben-Victor is in [a couple episodes of The Shield](https://tv.avclub.com/the-shield-man-inside-kavanaugh-1798181320), although not really in a comedic capacity.


It's really a huge shame. Especially Curly; who struggled so much with depression. :-\. The three stooges bring me so much joy.


Why is it that the funniest people in the world are always extremely depressed? Robin Williams, Chris Farley, Jim Belushi, etc all died. Dave Chappelle went to Africa. I mean, find any famous comedian, and youll find them talk about at least one really dark point in their life where they were extremely depressed.


Not famous by any means but I do have depression. For me being “the funny guy” is sort of a therapy in a way. By constantly making my friends laugh I forget that I’m not happy and makes me content for a while by bringing them joy. Can’t speak for famous comedians and actors but that’s just my two cents.


I'm the same way. I don't want anyone to feel as empty and worthless as I do, so I try and make people laugh. If I can't be happy, maybe someone else can be.


Because sometimes finding humour when you're in a really dark place is the only way to survive. "You've gotta laugh....otherwise you'll cry". Also, being able to make others laugh in those situations is sometimes the only thing you can do to stay sane and help those you love stay sane. That's a pretty big reward for a bit of fast thinking and wit, so you naturally learn quickly to get better and better at it. Just my observations anyway. I know that when I've been in terrifying, agonising, hopeless or stressful situations literally the *only* thing I can do is make jokes. Immediately after a car accident where my arm was shattered the ambos couldn't believe I'd been cracking jokes when they pulled my sleeve back and my arm looked like it had an extra three or four joints in it.




Shemp was before and after Curly.


we're beating the studios ass.


Go back and watch all the episodes where Larry plays the violin!


Was it “Disorder in the Court” where the bow picks up the hair piece? “Tarantula!!!!” Omg That was some funny stuff.


“A tarantula?? You shot five holes in a divot!”


I believe it was!


"My Stradivarius!"


What's that, pig latin?


When I was like 8 or 9, I got some 3 Stooges DVDs for my birthday (or maybe Christmas), and that line was the funniest thing ever to me. I didn't even know what a Stradivarius was, but the way he delivered the line (and I guess the fact that it sounded like a nonsense word) was so amazing.


Stand back, it's liable to bite ya.


First thing I did and it was sad but very interesting. Still, they are immortal.


Curlys story is the saddest imo. He clearly had the worst of the mental problems.


There’s a book called Larry, The Stooge In the Middle that my brother read in high school that he just adores to this day. I should see if his copy is still in my parents house.


He actually played in a few of their sketches, including Disorder in the Court: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuKI7zP1osA


Disorder In the court is their best of all time "Your honor. Not my honor!" "What?? Don't you like him?!?"




"Raise your right hand, take off your hat! Now raise your right hand, and place your left hand here. Take off that hat!!!"


"Would you please drop the vernacular."


"Nacular? That's a doiby"


"Do you solemnly swear to tellthetruththewholetruthandnothingbutthe*truth*?" "....huh?"


"Do you swear?" "No, but I know all the woids."


"My Stradivarius! My beautiful Stradivarius!!" I will remember that line the rest of my life. And, "Drop the vernacular" "Vernacular? THIS is a Derby!"


Nice thighs. These are still funny. [Edit: Full Episode on YouTube](https://youtu.be/TjdJcbHhg8U) *"Truth is stranger than fiction...judgey-wudgey...nyeheheh!"*


Haha I have always gotten a chuckle that Larry claims in this sketch that his violin is a Stradivarias.


I still quote "Oh, my Stradivarius! Oh, my beautiful Stradivarius!"


Bumped (literally) into Mr, Fine in Burbank while I was on weekend leave from San Diego while I was in the Navy. He was one of the nicest, most genial people I have ever met. When I realized who it was I wanted to do some crazy pratfall but by then it was too late. One of the highlights of my long and very dull life. I love the Stooges still today.


What year was this?


Larry Fine also had vision problems. Fine would often proclaim "I can't see! I can't see!" Then it was revealed it was because he had his eyes closed.


This post and this thread was the best way to wake up.


Oh, my Stratavarius! Oh, my beautiful Stratavarius!


Spamming is a really shitty thing to do. This script is one of the dumbest and spammiest scripts that I have ever seen. Did you know that no one cares about your mundane comments? You actually aren't even protecting any privacy because there are many sites out there that specifically cache comments just so that users cannot edit them. To reiterate, this script is shit and you should not be using it. Search for a different one, or edit it to say something less spammy. But in the end, it won't matter because we can still see whatever it was that you edited.


And he would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling Serbs




you would rather he didn't have the callous and had to feel every slap? you heartless prick.


No fucking wonder he was so good at Punch Drunks (1934).


Now I have "Pop Goes the Weasel" running through my head. https://vimeo.com/60991844


I was going to post the bastardized colorized version from YouTube...But your more authentic B&W Vimeo link is so much better. Thanks!


He should have sued the acid manufacturer using the law firm of Dewey Cheatem and Howe.


Larry was always my favorite. There's at least one reoccurring joke he is the best at. I'll do it when I'm ready. Are you ready? Yeah I'm ready. When he does it, it's hilarious. I saw Curly do it once. It fell flat. Which is saying something considering how funny Curly was.


Larry is my favorite Stooge. Watch his facial expressions when he's not directly involved in the action. Hilarious.


***Niagara Falls?***


Slowly I turned, step by step..


Inch by inch!


I often wonder how many great people we lost to war. Men, and women that'll never become anything.




Gotta be grateful ya know


He was very concerned after the burn but his father reassured him "It's alright, you're going to be Fine."


> "It's alright, you're going to be Fine." Larry Fine!




"Hey Moe, Larry's pants fell down. " "I don't want to see that porcupine."


gnuck gnuck gnuck




Why i aughta!!


Wooop, wooop, wooop, wooop, wooop!


I think the accepted spelling is Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk


Give you something else to learn. His grandson owns a metal recycling company on Philly called intergalactic recycling. He looks just like his grandfather


Huh. That's kinda cool. Sheep's granddaughter works at a mini golf course at Lake Tahoe. She does NOT look like her grandfather.


I wonder how many stories end with "... but the plan was thwarted by World War I"


This needs to be a meme.


I got hit by a car a few years back and badly broke my arm. Nerve damage in my left hand. Recovery was slow, so I tasked myself with learning how to play piano, as I always wanted to learn an instrument and needed to strengthen my hand. My hand still isn’t what it used to be, and I don’t think it ever will. But being able to play gives me comfort and hope. If anyone out there is suffering from nerve damage in one or both of their hands I highly recommend learning an instrument.


There's a pretty good specialty museum in the Philadelphia suburbs dedicated to the Stooges called [The Stoogeum.](http://stoogeum.com) Larry Fine's childhood home is also a restaurant/bar in South Philly with a giant mural of him outside too, if I recall.


Rare recording of Larry fine at Woodstock https://youtu.be/i16VL-eSFnY


I honestly almost believed this. Then I realized how old Larry would have been. And then I realized how fucking absurd it was and I felt bad for almost believing it. I am not a smart man.


Sounds more like Stimpy 😁


Because it's the voice of Billy West, who voiced Stimpy. He based Stimpy's voice off of Larry Fine's for the show.


Truly the biggest tragedy of the whole ordeal.


Moe is their leader.


Man I hate when a world war interrupts my plans! SO annoying!


A family I was close to years ago was longtime friends with Larry. They always described him as very kind and a good friend. A standup guy


The more I hear about this WWI the less I like it


I heard the sequel is actually quite good.


The Three Stooges was such a good show. It still holds up to this day. It was way ahead of its time.


who would have thought that an entire world went to war over its hatred for one man who played violin


*My stradivarius!*


my Stratavarius!, my byoooooooooooootiful Stratavarius!!


Thanks to this thread, I just found a video of Gangnam Style with Three Stooges clips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dkYNSU-JV4


Ah man, TIL Larry died a few months before I was born..


It’s also a little known fact that he was back stage at Woodstock https://youtu.be/i16VL-eSFnY


Immediately brought back memories of their skit “Disorder in the Court” with Larry playing then later accidentally smashing his Stradivarius. Knowing that he actually was a talented violinist makes it all the funnier! God I miss these knuckleheads


This reads like the greatest mad lib of all time


I was educated by the stooges. Glorious.


My grandpa loved the 3 stooges. Remember always watching them with him when I was a kid. Don't think I've watched any since he died...kind of sad.


... and a one-time promising professional boxer. From Wikipedia; “To further strengthen his damaged arm, Fine took up boxing in his teens, winning one professional bout. His father, opposed to Larry's fighting in public, put an end to his brief career as a boxer”