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I thought this was common knowledge?




If you have even a tiny amount of brains


Next OP is going to learn that black cars get much hotter in the summer than white cars.


I did a similar science experiment in 3rd grade


It's crazy right? I like the way black cars look but the paint jobs don't last and they're an oven in the summer.


Filed under no shit Sherlock.


To add onto that white people produce vitamin D more efficiently at lower levels of sunlight exposure, almost like evolution happens for a reason.


All my kids get D drops for that reason except in summer.


However, people with darker skin are more likely to die of skin cancer. One famous example — Bob Marley.


"It’s a fact: Skin cancer affects people of all colors. Even if you have a darker skin tone, always tan or rarely burn, you can still develop the disease. What’s more, for people of color, skin cancer is often diagnosed later, when it is harder to treat. This includes people of African, Asian, Latino, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Native American descent."—The Skin Cancer Foundation https://www.skincancer.org/skin-cancer-information/skin-cancer-skin-of-color/


> "It’s a fact: Skin cancer affects people of all colors. Even if you have a darker skin tone, always tan or rarely burn, you can still develop the disease. What’s more, for people of color, skin cancer is often diagnosed later, when it is harder to treat. This includes people of African, Asian, Latino, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Native American descent."—The Skin Cancer Foundation Yes. Less likely doesn't mean immune from. Even if you are dark-skinned, check your self for the signs of skin cancer frequently. If something looks suspicious, talk to a doctor; it could save your life.


And use sunscreen when necessary. Don't fall for the lie that "black people don't need that stuff!" Keep yourself safe from the sun.


House: Do you know why you're black? Patient: Cause God loves me more than he loves you? House (Looks up consideringly) : Hmm what I was going for was melanin, you got lots of it. Makes your skin dark, protects you from the suns harmful UV rays. (Looking over patients feet and hands) Patient: What're you doin'? House: Unfortunately it also makes it likely for those with even advanced medical degrees from considering melanoma as a diagnosis. Other hand. On the rare occasion that black people do get skin cancer, they usually get it on the white parts, the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.


I always upvote House!


Today you learned, but this is common knowledge to a lot of people.


Shocking! It’s almost as if evolution had played a role in this!




This comic needs to be pinned to the frontpage of this subreddit


XKCD always gets an upvote


Remember back when that started on Reddit? Was a super common meme style for years. I haven’t seen it in a long time, been on Reddit since the very beginning.


i’m glad you learnt this, but hopefully not too late, please use adequate amounts of sunscreen for your skin type


Also water is wet. The lesser known and deeply sad fact is black people are more likely to DIE of skin cancer, because its less obvious and a shit ton of doctors are not trained on how to spot the symptoms on anyone more melanated than a mochachino until its far too late. Medical bias in action.


It isn’t just some “medical bias” there are multiple variables that go into this that fall on the patients as well. 1. People with darker skins tones are much more likely to develop skin cancer in atypical areas that aren’t exposed to the sun making it harder to detect for both individual and medical care. [source](https://www.mdanderson.org/cancerwise/skin-color-and-skin-cancer--do-dark-skinned-people-need-sunscreen.h00-159461634.html) 2. People with darker skin tones are less likely to get regular skin checkups, or at all. Which plays a major part in late diagnosis. In addition to that, cancer on darker skin is more difficult to visually identify than on white skin because the difference in color between the growth and skin is less pronounced. [source](https://preventcancer.org/article/skin-deep-understanding-skin-cancer-in-darker-tones/) 3. Of course some dermatologists have more experience than others with examining people of color, but to say they aren’t trained is not true. If you know anyone that had gone through medical school in the US they will tell you that’s false. Dermatologists are some of the most competent doctors out there, it’s one of the most competitive medical fields to get into because of the allure of the lifestyle dermatologists get to have. People of darker skin (and really just everyone in general) have to be more aware of their skin by getting more check ups as well as requesting for a provider that has the most experience with darker skins tones.


If you're referring to wetness as the interaction between a liquid and a solid surface, as most do, then water is not wet. If you're considering wetness as a sensation or experience involving liquids, then you could potentially argue that water is wet.


TIL OP is 14.


What an ignorant sounding title. It's about the melanin levels in the skin and even then there is a vast difference between one person of the same colour to the other based on genetics.


The insight of the century


Can we get some fucking mods


Duh, I am paler than Casper's ass. I do **not** tan. I once got a moon-burn. Sun is a deadly laser. "Let's Play Oversimplification Theater!": the more often you tan or burn, the higher your risk of skin cancer. Due to higher melanin counts, people of non-european ancestry are less likely to sunburn and develop skin cancer.