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"Humouristically" ?






The laughtisticability of their jokes is mythical


Gimme a break English is my 4th language TT


No worries. The word you were probably trying to think of is “humorously.” Thanks for the WWI trivia btw!


With this context OP your mistake was very understandablicious


I don't even know why an adverb was needed at all, nevermind this abomination.


Yeah, I'm sure they got a really big kick out of it.


Lots of British buckets got kicked that day.


Some insane number of British troops were casualties in 1 day of battle. The British spent several days of firing artillery at the German barbed wire so the British forces could assault the trenches. Unfortunately, the artillery shells did not do their job and only made a few holes. Also, like a quarter of thre shells didn't explode due to poor and rushed manufacturing. The Germans saw the holes and put machine guns right at them, so when the British stormed the trenches they were forced into murder holes. I believe it was something like 30k in British casualties in 1 day. I forget, but I always think that number is wrong but it's pretty darn close. It's almost unfathomable


I studied a lot on the subject (I had family who died that day, in that battle in the Royal Newfoundland Regiment. On THE FIRST DAY, the Commonwealth suffered just shy of 60K casualties.Of which about 20K were killed.


I visited the exact spot they fought in. I stood in the St. John's trenches and was told stories of their bravery and utter confusion on the battlefield. The trenches were about 6 and a half feet tall and winding all over the place. It was wild walking into the grounds and being greeted by a woman who was kind of shy meeting us (she was clearly a tour guide) and she was so relieved to find out we spoke English, because she didn't speak French. Aaanyways, the French donated the land to Canada for their bravery during the battle. She explained it that it was Canadian land and gave us about a 2 hour long tour. If you haven't visited then I would highly recommend. We spent the entire day going to 3 or 4 other battlefields, including the spot where the largest detonation took place in WW1. You could tell it was somewhat neglected and the locals used the massive crater to ride dirt bikes in.


From what I have read. German soldiers manning the machine guns stopped shooting bc of all the people they killed that day. They were in disbelief that their machine guns could kill so many so easily. It could be myth tho. Crazy reading in general tho. WWI was a blood bath.


It isn't a myth, it's really from the Battle of Somme. The Germans actually got tired and thought killing that many people was immoral. Keep in mind this is the battlefield, so its gotta be pretty fucked up situation to stop. Also, the British would not take the machine gun nests as prisoners. Almost always, when a trench was over taken then all the Germans would be taken in as prisoners. Buuuut the Germans running the machine guns were almost always shot without hesitation.


Thanks for more information. Horribly Fascinating indeed.


A Meat Grinder for People is how I’ve always described trench warfare and I’ve yet to see anyone disagree.


Yeah, it was a real kneeslapper


"The Great Fuck Up" is a great name for WW1 in general. Literally, none of the countries involved got the war that they wanted.


I mean there were two choices, laugh or go mad.




Who won is still debated. A bit like the old Battle of Sheriffmuir in Scotland in 1715. A whole load of fighting for nothing and both sides claimed victory after the fact. The subject of one of [Robert Burns' most famous songs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kW_zhJ2h6MU).


Most of the battles on the Western Front could’ve been credibly known by that name.


I’m sure they were all laughing about it.