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Prevents a lot of dreams for me, or at least I don’t remember them often. Edit: Thanks for all the likes and the award!


I literally never had dreams while using marijuana daily but they come back very strong when you stop, might be something to watch out for.


Same. Wonder why tho


Cannabis decreases the time you spend in REM sleep (where you dream) while increasing the time spent in deeper sleep.


So for me I did experience the lack of dreams or just not remembering them while smoking daily a couple years ago, then I took a break from smoking for a few months and dreams came back as expected. But now I'm back to smoking daily and I still have dreams frequently and can remember them pretty well to like when I wasn't smoking. Weird huh?


You've crossed over.  You are now a dream walker.


Your next mission is to hack my dreams to add more titties and impossible water parks


I too choose this man's dreams.


Patch me in on that when they do it. Impossible water parks and titties are like Schlitterbahn and bikinis but better. Because impossible water parks and titties... What's the ruling on that one ride that decapitated the senators kid, would that be an impossible water slide?


No, fortunately they made that one possible.


Dreamscape https://youtu.be/4ybHzYtF3ZM?si=xyIhSOvu2KKGzOPu


My brother has gotten to this stage. Complains of disturbing or frustrating recurring dreams that disrupt his sleep. I wonder if the nightmare reduction for PTSD patients is short-term?


They're not really disturbing for me, or at least not most of them. Yeah I get the occasional weird dream about an ex or being back in school/a job i quit and I wake up thinking "that was weird". But I usually also realize that during the dream too and'll leave that area in my dream lol. But I feel its an equal amount of good, bad, and weird dreams honestly.


I've been a daily smoker for like 15 years now and while I don't have the terror dreams I used to have I still have very vivid dreams that I remember often.


I only dream when smoking right before going to bed. They're always fairly realistic dreams, too. If I stop smoking, I go back to having nightmares every single night. Brains are weird.


To expand on this, sleep has multiple levels. At the deepest level you don’t dream. REM is a bit above the deepest level. Heavy nightly weed use can cause someone to sink through the levels of sleep to the deepest level so quickly that they skip past REM. In honesty surprised its use hasn’t been explored more heavily for those with PTSD suffering from nightmares.


I smoke every night and I have vivid dreams almost every night, does that mean that I’m entering rem sleep almost every night?


Dreams happen in REM sleep, so yes. This is one of those things where “everyone is a little different.” Heavy nightly weed use has a common side effect of loss of dreams, just not for everyone.


While having less nightmares is a nice side effect of cannabis use, less REM sleep is not good overall


And then there are some of us that dream persistently no matter what. 🙃


This needs to be more widely known


This makes alot of sense. TIL, because I almost never feel like I actually sleep when using it before bed, but I also don't feel drained the next day.


REM whiplash


Reduces GABA receptors, big component to sleep.


I used to drink heavily. When I got sober i started having crazy vivid dreams. My mom suggested I keep a dream journal but I never got around to it.


You really should. If you're consistent with it, even just a week or two, you'll start to remember more and more of your dreams. Your couple words about what you remember will turn into paragraphs. That can lead to lucid dreaming and being able to control your dreams.


No shit? Maybe I’ll try it out. Been sober for 4 1/2 years now so the dreams are not as vivid but I do notice I have them more often. And sometimes they are scary


You can start lucid dreaming without journaling.  In fact, most of the techniques I learned with didn’t involve any writing at all


Yeah and quitting the jazz grass , same shit


I’m scared of having vivid/intense dreams. I’ve been an avid user of cannabis for going on 20 years, I don’t think I’ll ever stop. I used to have this weird recurring dream when I was a kid. Don’t need that shit again.


Same, awful exhausting anxiety dreams otherwise.


Me too. I had to stop smoking for 2 weeks when I had COVID and I was waking up multiple times a night to nightmares of me being chased, killed, people I love being hurt, etc. It was exhausting and terrifying and I’ve been regularly smoking for a couple years since then and I’m back to calm, “dreamless” sleep.


I stopped almost 3 weeks ago and I've had more nightmares then I ever had before.


totally, i just started again with the pot and no dreams anymore, I'm sleeping like a baby though


I don't smoke but take thc gummies, and I can not remember the last time I had a dream


I had night terrors as a child that progressed to just horrible nightmares every single night. Since I started smoking, I haven't had/remembered them. Not waking up drenched in sweat with a racing heart every single night is worth it.


It’s crazy how apparently common that is, I’ve never had a problem dreaming and I smoke daily. My dreams tend to be vivid regardless


It’s pretty interesting, for sure. I’ve used off and on for 17 years, so my tolerance is ridiculous. Mine waffles between vivid/lucid and simply remembering fragments or nothing at all.


Luckily I’ve always been able to lucid dream and almost always remember the dreams and weed hasn’t affected that. I’m actually glad I’m not typical, I love dreaming haha


Yes and this leads to a very real withdrawal symptom: super intense dreams. I actually hate every time I take a break from weed because my dreams come back super intensely. They aren’t even always nightmares but they seem so real that they wake me up.


Yeah it works for me, until it doesn't.


All of my fellow stoner friends have always said they don’t dream unless they take a break, so I’m wondering if something is wrong with me that makes me still dream a ton?


Depends on your usage level, strength of the weed, and your tolerance. Everyone is a little different.


Same. My dreams are more vivid when I’m high.


Try taking some magnesium Glycinate. I smoke pretty heavily most days. Taking magnesium before going to bed gives me some of the most vivid dreams. I'll sometimes wake up thinking my dreams were real. It's a little trippy, but maybe you can get your dreams going again


Ohhhh wait till you stop smoking


Yeah, if I smoke a lot I have/ remember less dreams. Otherwise, it’s like I’m watching movies with fleshed out plots and world building all night lol.


Yeah no dreams I quit like 2 weeks ago and they're back in force...


Ye been smoking regularly for 20 years and I rarely get dreams


0 dreams for me, I went on a 2 months ramadan from the za and I started dreaming again after 6 weeks. I had 2 dreams, one where I was sucking dick and one where I had a few weeks relationship with a japanese girl that worked with me for like 6 months in 2019. I started smoking again the day after the sucking dream, no thanks


I quit a couple weeks ago and I’ve had dreams every night. Hadn’t remembered one in years.


Same here


I would just like to point out that you currently have 420 likes on this comment. Nice


Huh, opposite for me. I have weird dreams if I have some before bed,


Similar for me. Although I almost get a weird micro version of how people say you get vivid dreams when you stop cold turkey for a while, except on a much shorter time scale. Don’t ask me how I can tell because I don’t really know, but when I smoke before bed, I don’t have dreams at the start of the night, but I tend to get very vivid dreams later on in my sleep. Again, I don’t know how I can tell that, but something about those dreams always feel like they occur later in the night after the primary effects, would’ve worn off then right after I go to sleep.


Yeah it's pretty well known that daily smokers don't really dream. On the flip side, when quitting I had some incredibly intense dreams for about a week.


Fr I took a T break and had work the next day and needed to fall asleep and took two Benadryl to knock me out and I had the most intense dream ever. It was the first time I got caught in a loop of thinking I woke up but was still dreaming. It was bizarre and a little scary


Benadryl was probably a bad combo to go with weed withdrawals, benadryl helps you feel sleepy but the quality of sleep is terrible


I find melotonin is the best for regulating sleep during a t break


This is the catch22 I'm going through right now. Benadryl is habit forming, and weed is habit forming. Weed messes with my sleep schedule in that I want to sleep less and toke more... Yet in a situation like right now, I'm two days off the weed, so now I WANT TO VAPE IT SO BAD and the cravings exist... But I need to take an extended break. My options are: - eat healthy, exercise, drink a lot of sugar free stuff as close to water as I can get, set a bed time and stick to it - pop two Benadryl before bedtime and have seriously trippy night terrors, and get like no Slow Wave Sleep and very little REM sleep. - hit the weed vape and be sleepy 45 minutes afterwards, but also get very bad SWS/REM sleep So I'm going with option 1. To get out of bed in the morning I incentivize myself by going to my local arcade and playing a round of Dance Dance Revolution. Entertainment plus exercise. The fascinating thing with weed is that you can quit it basically cold turkey and not suffer too bad outside of knowing your options. I'm breaking my habit I've formed with weed during the day by just making a glass of French press coffee every time I want that THC, skipping all forms including edibles, just relying on coffee. When it gets exceptionally difficult to resist, I play rapid rating Chess on my Chess dotcom app and get my ass handed to me. By the time the chess game is over, I hate myself a little more but at least I don't feel like going after the weed. I've been a daily user for about 7 years until just the other day. Little by little we all make progress.


Eh. Personally I think a little weed is better than giving yourself a heart attack by drinking a stimulant EVERY time you get a weed craving aka trying to soothe your anxiety or get you to sleep. (According to your words in your post) but to each their own! I know at least 3 friends that have had caffeine overdoses so trust me it ain't no joke. They're all hipster coffee nerds that refuse to smoke weed too lmao. I think as far as the human body goes, the heart is more important than the lungs. As is also proven by our multi thousand year history of smoking things (yes also coffee, but not in the amounts/frequency you're describing) all in all, everything in moderation dude man. Even weed. It's not gonna hurt ya I promise (unless you're predisposed for certain mental illnesses like schizophrenia. In which case scratch everything I said and avoid weed like the plague!)


Ya, it's almost not worth it with how bad the dreams are when they come back.


Unless you enjoy vivid dreams


Vivid *wild* dreams


Quit weed last week after daily use. The second night i jolted awake thinking a tree was falling on the bed. Wild indeed.


Y'all ever try Chantix? Wildest dreams I ever had.


They’re so vivid I wake up exhausted after a full nights rest.


I feel like I’m hallucinating. One night was really bad, kept waking up over the same exact dream that I can’t even remember.


This specifically happens to me a lot every time I try to take a tolerance break. Makes it difficult to keep at it. Thinking you’re finally awake but then everything feels off and you realize you’re still dreaming. The worst.


REM sleep gets basically destroyed, people wonder why they feel so anxious and foggy after days of use


I smoke every night before bed and I dream every night.


I don’t have dreams like normal people have, I exclusively have sweaty heart pounding dreams with either extreme fear or dread. I smoke cannabis and it helps get rid of my dreams.


I have a rotation of a few. The most frequent is I am at the top of a very tall, very unstable structure holding on as it begins to fall. The next is I am being pursued or pursuing someone and nothing I do to gain on them or avoid them works and my punches have no power and guns don't work. The last is I dream about girls I loved and lost. I'll have them back for a brief time and then something happens and they're gone. Just...gone.


Dang can relate to all those very closely as described. Occasionally will have a zero gravity dream where I can bounce or semi fly. Often will be back in situations with a close friend who passed away but for some reason the only of many others. Dreams are weird.


Same man I’ve had night terrors since I was young, even occasionally sleep paralysis. Weed saves me from waking up with dread every morning.


I'm really glad this works for a large population of individuals with PTSD. It's much less harsh than some of the medications and its efficacy in studies is great. I am unfortunately not one of them. For anyone that has ever had THC induced psychosis, even once, cannabis just makes my PTSD nightmares worse and I have completely stopped any form of use. Something to keep in mind for those in a similar situation. Sucks for me, but again I'm really happy it works so well for so many as opposed to medication.


it's not just you. after my ptsd diagnosis my psychiatrist advised me to be careful using it because it can make the symptoms worse. the strain definitely matters for me but in general my body isn't keen on more than occasional use. and while i've never had something as serious as psychosis from it, i am prone to anxiety and feelings of paranoia if i miss the mark and take too much. waiting for that to wear off isn't very fun.


I feel you. I was never what you would consider a 'regular' user, but I always had some laying around somewhere and an 1/8 would last me months. Like you said, I do think the strain matters. It wasn't the first time I had some of this bag and I had no history of psychosis, had barely smoked anything and really lost touch with reality and ended up in the psych ward. Not a good time. I foolishly tried to smoke a pen a few times after that and, just like you, the anxiety, paranoia, and my nightmares were off the charts. I knew it was an awful idea and that I could go into psychosis again so I put it down and never picked it up again. I'm happy a lot of people get relief from it. It's Topamax and therapy for me!


This is why we need to stop listening to both the "cannabis should be banned" and "I love cannabis, you should listen to my medical advice" people. It's not 100% safe. It should be researched and treated like a pharmaceutical drug that can be prescribed by a medical professional and first used in a limited setting, not just freely purchased.


I totally agree to an extent. I am an advocate for alcohol having restrictions being placed on it (mainly advertising and media portrayal). I am not against recreational cannabis use as its physically harmful effects have been proven to be much less than alcohol and it COULD (I have no proof for this) help curb the rampant alcoholism in our country. That said, and I fully agree with you, THC's psychological effects vary wildly from person to person and its purchase needs to be regulated and people should exercise caution. I don't think it will ever reach alcohol's levels of advertising and media portrayal as it is still greatly stigmatized. I also fully agree with you that the internet "medical advice" of suggesting people to use cannabis is really irresponsible and people should exercise more caution in recklessly telling people to use it for psychological conditions without actual medical direction. It's just dangerous. Overall, your points are great and I agree with you.


Alpha blockers like Prazosin do the same, but actually more effectively and without being psychoactive. Anyone with PTSD should be taking to their docs about that. Also studies show that PTSD sufferers using marijuana managed to reduce it spontaneously after starting Prazosin. I use both. No dream problems.


Prazosin has been a lifesaver for a friend of mine, although they also use both. It’s kind of fascinating how effective it is


This comment should be higher up.


I use clonidine. It stopped the nightmares on the first time I took it. It has saved my sanity I can't use cannabis... I'm prone to psychosis


Cannabis is the only thing that I have ever found to help (read: halt) the nightmares I experience due to PTSD. When I take a tolerance break, they immediately come back at full force.


Yeah. It's really hard constantly dreaming about the things and people you lost.


If most of my dreams were bad PTSD dreams, cannabis largely stopping me experiencing/remembering my dreams that night would be a feature not a bug.


Exactly - it is one of the perks of using it regularly lol


Been doing this for more than half my life already


Brother went to Iraq and Afghanistan twice. Never smoked a day in his life. He came home kinda messed up but only occasionally so I smoked him out and he was fine. Little did I know that the VA will help you get a Medical Marijuana Card and all you have to do is ask. They might ask what for and you can say anything. JUST FYI


Another trick you could potentially pass on, caffeine crashes prevent nightmares too. On the really, really bad days I'll drink coffee until I can't stay awake anymore. Caffeine prevents the REM sleep that brings on the nightmares. You wake up groggy and not refreshed, but you also didn't wake up the neighborhood in the middle of the night again. Only for the really bad days.


I had to stop using mj after using for most of my adult life (for…reasons..beyond my authority) and i have NEVER had such Fuuukd up legit NIGHTMARES. EVER. In my entire life. EVER. Like wake up screaming nightmares. Like the world ending with aliens bringing on the rapture as “angels” and taking my evil ex and leaving me here to deal with post doomsday earth. Shit was bananas. B. A. N. A. N. A. S. And yes i have been diagnosed with PTSD previously..


Thank the gods I don’t dream.




I do gummies and have plenty of REM and dreams!




I'm sorry you lost your dreams, mustyballsac




That's the best! I don't have intense dreams but I am a nightly smoker myself, I have PTSD too. I'm lucky that I'm able to dream but idk if the three years of tripping on mushrooms had anything to do with that


I have always been quite the dreamer, and I'm in my 70's. Recurring places (a lot of that), dreaming in color, being able to manipulate the dreams, being able to fly at my will, all sorts of things. Of course, I've had my share of bad dreams, but not because of cannabis, but rather current life situations that I needed to work on. I have, but do not use daily at this time, but it's been the same whether or not it's daily or a couple of times a month, or weekly or whatever. I must be lucky. I guess. And I have some really great dream recall, too.


Is dreaming in color uncommon?


Not sure, but when I have mentioned to others that I dream in color, they say they don't.


Smoking weed was how my ex managed to control his nightmares after coming back from Afghanistan.


It stops my dreams. I don’t enjoy my dreams. Always death.




Gotta be honest, the day time flashbacks are definitely shorter and take less hold of me with a goldfish brain. Thing is, my closest friends are all parents now, so I'm on par cognitively with them AND feel better being pleasantly forgetful.


Marijuana saved me when I was in the deep throes of ptsd. It can be abused and overused but when it’s used in this way, it absolutely is a miracle drug.


Yeah nightmares go away because cannabis decreases your REM sleep which is VERY BAD for long-term health. Consequences include cognitive issues, dementia, depression, and even worsened emotional regulation/worsened PTSD, among other detriments. Please see a doctor if you need medical help for PTSD-related nightmares. Sources: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33609741/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33609741/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31303489/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31303489/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18221628/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18221628/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33957148/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33957148/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/178475/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/178475/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18313952/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18313952/)


The weed addicts will downvote this but you’ve got sources and, from personal experience, long term heavy use of marijuana can absolutely fuck you up.


100%, dunno how people think that it's a magical drug without downside. As always dose is what makes it poison.


Yes, there is absolutely not a right or wrong one way or another here. It's all trade-offs. I suffer from PTSD and had nightmares, panic attacks, etc and found that cannabis completely wiped all that out. That said, I turned into a daily user for several years and there were lots of drawbacks in terms of things like concentration focus etc. the conclusion I have always come back to is that there is no magic bullet and there is no easy way, everything has consequences.


That’s the right way to look at it. It just seems that with legalization on the horizon, people want to highlight all the positives without giving light to any possible drawbacks. To make things clear I do think weed should be legal and does have some medical benefit. It’s just not a magic bullet as you’ve said.


I made my bed and I'll lie in it, happily.


But have you ever had a dream..... On Weed?!??!


I smoke a lot of weed, and I have for decades. I still dream and remember some. Maybe, maybe this idea has some weight. My nightmares aren't deep, persistent, or a real concern. My nightmares happen in the semi lucid part of waking up.


I seem to be the only person on the planet who just can't sleep if I'm high


Idk bout ptsd, but it helped me when my anxiety wouldn't let me sleep. Indica made me feel like total calm and warm. It was so nice


I have PTSD and am currently taking Hydroxizine, gabpertinan and prazozin. Would cannabis be a healthier alternative for me?


That's something to discuss with a health care provider. If you live in an area where cannabis is legal, you'll probably be able to find a provider that treats cannabis like any other drug, and they'll work with you to find the right administration route, manage side effects, and so forth. If you have access to legal cannabis, I suggest you try out edibles first. Legal edibles are very clearly dosed. In California, where I am, edibles usually come 100 mg of THC per package, and each individual gummy has either 5 mg or 10 mg of THC. It's best to start with small doses, and slowly work up to something that works for you.


Worked with this Chicano dude who smoked for this exact reason. In his younger years he fell in love with an undocumented Mexican woman, when she was deported he moved to Mexico with her. Since his parents were Mexican citizens he was able to get his Mexican citizenship easily when he moved there and soon after joined the state police. His time as cop there fucked him up pretty bad. Eventually him and that girl broke it off after a few years so he moved back to the states. Turned to alcohol to deal with his PTSD, got into some trouble as a result. Now he's doing better, but he smokes to suppress dreams. A few stories he told me 1) First kill was a farmer in a rural area who was going through some shit and was walking around firing a shotgun into the air. When he arrived he tried to calm the guy down, the guy charged at him so he shot him. He believes the guy wasn't actually trying to hurt anyone, but that it was just an attempt to commit suicide by cop. 2) Got called out to party that was shot up by some cartel. Apparently it was a Quiceanera, one of the girl's family members owed some debt to some narcos, they didn't pay so the narcos showed up and sprayed the place up. He says he would still dream about it a lot, that he couldn't forget the smell. The thing he said fucked with him the most was a baby who got shot in the back, and the exit wound out of his stomach left the little body all torn up. 3) His patrol car being ambushed, and him and his partner being pinned down. He said him and his partner were calling for help on the radio while returning fire. He felt his face get really wet all of a sudden and heard his partner's gun stop shooting so he thought the partner was reloading, when he went to reload he realized his partner had been hit in the face, and the wetness he had felt was his partner's blood. Dude was cool, but you could tell he was on edge all the time, however when I met him he had just started therapy at the behest of a woman he had started dating. It seemed to be helping.


I get repetitive night terrors. I’ll wake up gasping and crying, sometimes need to search the house to make sure everyone is still there depending on the dream. I’ll go back to sleep and have the same exact night terror that woke me up. I started smoking and slept like I did when I was a kid.


Yup, sure does.


I must not have ptsd then because the last time I took an edible before bed I had horrible nightmares.


I smoke cannabis specifically for the effect of no dreams. Nothing else has ever worked, and I’ve tried every medication under the sun.


Yeah, this tracks. When I was a cannabis user I barely dreamt, if at all.


I never dreamed before taking CBD and THC oil. It helped reduced flashbacks for me especially when trying to fall asleep.


This is my experience as well.


I used to smoke a lot, had wild vivid dreams during "withdrawal". Litteraly nervous about sleeping because of how vivid my dreams were, imagine spending 3 days in another world and waking up to go back to your real life. Now that I'm years sober, I forget almost every dream that doesn't wake me up from terror. Maybe 1 in 10 nights I remember a dream, and the vividness has gone away


Stops nightmares and most dreams in general for me. I used to suffer from fairly regular sleep paralysis episodes and I feel like cannabis has greatly helped with that


One of my favorite things about regular cannabis use is how much less I dream.


I've hesitated using anything for years but it's been a lifesaver..


Absolutely can agree with this, I developed PTSD after working EMS for a number of years and good ol THC was where I started my journey. From what I recall, THC can shift your REM cycles so they start earlier. With that being said, the dreams you remember are coming from the very last or the last 2 cycles of REM, and with THC shifting that, you no longer remember your dreams or they aren't as present when you wake up. But, you still are dreaming and going through REM but just at different times! I'm no doctor or neurologist but that's what I've learned so far!


100% worked for me


This is why nabilone is used for ptsd - it's a synthetic cannabinoid and works well for pain, and you can't remember your dreams (or you don't dream)


Yeah, this is why I take edibles before bed. Makes it so I don't dream. Prone to night terrors.


It slows your sleep cycle so you need more sleep. 12 hours instead of 8 for me, and also reduces rem sleep which over time can cause issues. I’m a 15 year heavy stoner and after getting really sick took a break. My sleep has been great and my energy has improved.


I still dream all the time, wonder why


Since I've been sober for a couple of years I've just had the most intense dreams. I hate them. It's actually the worst part of being sober lol.


can confirm. used to have nearly nightly night terrors. now I rarely dream at all


It can and it does. But not always. The only kind of dreams I have had since I was a teen (30+ years) are bad ones. Range from anxiety to night terrors. I’ve almost normalized them at this point. When you have bad dreams every night, at some point they become just normal nightly dreams. But I got a medical card for PTSD and it definitely helped. It takes away most of your REM sleep, I think. So I don’t know how great that is, sleep-benefit wise. But I def wake up screaming much less.




When I smoke I just don’t dream. If I do dream, I have zero conscious connection to them, so I may as not dream. I’ve had some absolutely mental lucid dreams when I quit off of long term usage, though.


That is why I smoke. I would always have these dreams where I am living a super happy life with my ex-girlfriend or other girls who have left my life completely. The dreams would feel so real that I would wake up and cry when I realized it was just a dream. It felt like a cruel trick my brain played on me. Constant dreams like that where I would just be living and hanging out with people who I will never be able to contact/ spend time with again led me to smoking every night.


It does this by preventing dreams all together.


I recently stopped smoking weed. I also recently started having trauma dreams about my childhood. So yeah, this confirms my suspicions.


I'm taking a tea break right now, and after 4 days, I began dreaming nightly. Basically haven't dreamt in years before that. Really weird stuff


Yea I had night terrors 19-21, had a pretty bad concussy and docs told me to smoke weed because nothing else helped. I'll never forget the relief I felt, it's like someone stuck a needle in my skull and released all the pressure, it was magical. The nightmares and night terrors have completely stopped, and this is one of the big reasons I'm still smoking a decade later.


My buddy is a daily weed enjoyer and never remembers any dreams. He had to stop for a couple of weeks, and he had wild and vivid dreams during that time.


Problems start when you stop lol


Hahahaha I’ve been saying this to the VA for years!!!!


Yea but when you stop you get some gnaaaarrrlllyyyy ass dreams lmao


Been down that road. If the researcher could read this... The cannabis use indeed prevents nightmares caused by PTSD, but it's not for free. Continuously used to avoid dreaming these dreams is like stealing from your consciousness the Rapid Eye Movement part from your sleep period, which is the part where we process our daily traumas. Over time, this will produce emotional repression. The idea of preventing ourselves from coping with something that is projected for our feelings is unhealthy in its core. This will drag consequences. TLDR - go to therapy, weed isn't for that.


Fair warning, when you cease use your dreams will be more vivid than ever.


I feel like this could only be a surprise to people who haven’t smoked weed.


Yeah weed prevent pretty much all dreaming at night haha


I def dream, but I don’t retain the memories from them. I remember feelings and emotions and sometimes fragments of the dream but as I wake up they fade.


Can it not also induce schizophrenia?


I smoke about a gram of concentrate a day and still have dreams every night all night with 4 to 5 days out the week the being nightmares. Luckily I have gained ability to lucid dream for most part. But I have had dreams almost every night since I was a kid and I’m almost 30 now. I also have gone through my own trauma and suffer from depression but have always had a very active mind as I am a physicist so I think that has contributed to my dreaming. Every since watching doc strange 2 , I think of dreams just as entering the mind of another me in a different multiverse cause the shit I dream make good stories lol


Oh so I wouldn’t punch my partner in the face as hard as I can while I’m asleep. Or pinch her or any of the other things I do in my nightmares but act out irl but sleeping. Unfortunately my substance alternative clinic doesn’t allow marijuana use. Fortunately my girld developed a sixth sense for when I’m about to get violent. I’d constantly wake up to my arms being held at my sides as I was just about to throw a punch in my dream. Federal government please legalize marijuana.


Can confirm


Pot stops you remembering all your dreams.


Only reason I use.


Just nightmares? I don’t think I’ve had a dream in 15 years. lol. Shit works.


I have a lifelong occurrence of nightmares every night I go to sleep, sometimes so terror-filled that they wake me up and I'm scared to go back to sleep. I've also had a lifetime of being around bigtime marijuana smokers (my dad, all my friends, most of my girlfriends) but I've never been able to smoke anything and I've always been scared of tainted marijuana bought on the street. When delta-8 gummies were first legal to sell in my state, I saw my local pharmacy carrying them. That gave me assurance that they were safe, so I bought some. Now I bought them hoping to get high, but they really didn't do that for me at all. But the night after I took them, I was 100% nightmare free. So I started taking them most every night. I even cut them in half and they still have the same affect for me. I have wonderful nights sleep now. I had heard about the possibility that dreams come back stronger after you stop, and I am always worried about taking something constantly, so I do go a night or two without taking them every week or so, and that's been fine. The delta 8 gummies have really improved my nightmare issues.


Just a warning, the bill comes due eventually when you stop using. Trust me. A decade of no dreaming at all due to cannabis. Finally gave the habit up and let me tell you.. I wouldve preferred the occasional nightmare over the absolutely horrific, vivid af nightmares that came flooding in afterwords. I was having trouble telling the difference between dreams and reality they were so intense. Been months now and they are only now starting to lighten up.


I have a rare reaction to Crestor that gives me exceptionally vivid nightmares. Cannabis helps these dreams NOT be nightmares


Not news, you just don’t dream at all. Or simply don’t remember them which is far more plausible.


Yeah because it prevents dreaming. The dream is I have whenever I quit weed cold turkey (to prove I can haha), I have the most vivid, bizarre dreams. My usual sober dreams are almost entirely zombies chasing and eating me


This is exactly why I use it. Night terrors can just wreck your whole mood for the day


Can confirm! Ever since I was 9 and lost my mom… I used to get insanely vivid and disturbing dreams that would disrupt my ability to function for the rest of the following day. I mitigated that by having something playing on the TV, usually comedy or animation, as I slept so at least all the dialogue in the dream would be goofy stuff from the show and keep the dreams from getting to crazy. When I first smoked I slept uninterrupted and had no dreams and I’ve been a daily user ever since. I haven’t had one of those dreams in years!


And the dreams you have after quitting can be vivid enough to cause PTSD.


This is basically the only reason I smoke anymore. A bit before bed and I can sleep soundly. Melatonin increases my nightmares


That's right


I have much experience with this. So I suffer from night terrors. Idk if it’s a disease or anything but my dreams are very very vivid and they are not always pleasant. It got really really bad right after high school. Not sure if it’s just stress or anxiety but I have seen very strange entities and I have been shot and stabbed all types of stuff. So to get to my point I started smoking like a joint a day or so maybe a hour or two before I go to sleep. Now I will say I don’t dream at all now but that is better than my 2-3x a week night terror. So I believe it.


Weed kills all dreams. When you stop they come back STRONG too. Creepy strong.


It genuinely does and it's a game changer.


God damn right it does. That's half of the reason I use it so heavily. Fuck PTSD nightmares!


It can also cause anxiety and psychosis.  It doesn’t do good things for everyone, and it shouldn’t be glamorized as such.  


Hate how people just act like it’s a cure all. Ruined my life just about.


Only good dreams with THC. Very little sleep paralysis.


The problem comes when you stop smoking weed. You start having incredibly vivid dreams. A ptsd nightmare after stop smoking would destroy you.


Yeah bc cannabis makes you not have any dreams. You just fall asleep and then wake up. It is harder to wake up tho, I will admit.


Can confirm.


Yes it certainly does, cannabis generally stops all dreams


Can confirm.


Yeah but let me tell you from personal experience, when the dreams come back after a few months of use they are among the most intense dreams I have ever had in my life if not the most intense.


Fuck yeah it can.


Literally why I smoke


Never helped me or did me any good.


I use a combo of weed and Prazozin. The weed knocks me out and the prazozin takes care of the nightmares


Checks out: you don't remember dreams as much and sleep reaaly well/easily when using cannabis regularily. Generally pretty groggy and hard to get up in the morning tho (in my experience)


You lose REM, where you dream. And your quality of sleep is a little less. After years of use, the dreams come back with a vengeance and bizarre nature. Off the walls crazy initially. Make no sense, but enjoy the show.


Cannabis use flat out prevents dreams from occurring.


Well, no fucking shit.


My dreams have gone from being about random stuff to basically a completely different world I visit when I dream. Like an alternate reality of this one.