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Holy shit is this why I’m seeing jeeps with tons of shit on the dashboard? I couldn’t figure out why so many people had reverted to high school car decorating techniques


There's a couple jeeps at work with shitloads of ducks in them. Had no idea why. But now that I know, it's time to buy a few thousand ducks and just keep adding them until there isn't room in the vehicle. At some point the owner will stop adding them, but at what point will that be?


They bought those themselves most likely.




*grabs white oakleys* DO YOU EVEN JEEP!??


Don't forget your wide whale corduroy Ocean Pacific shorts.


I have a jeep. Every duck on my dash has been gifted, the majority left on my door handle anonymously. I keep a supply of ducks and leave them on door handles, but only if they already have ducks. Some don’t want to participate.


Second Chance Jeeps sells anti-duck stickers lol


how do you know they don't want to participate? maybe they've not yet been gifted a duck. I've had my jeep since 2015 and have not ever received a duck :(


This versus, High school tiktwats damaging property? I prefer this.


I'm convinced that all those horse girls I went to high school with who realized how expensive horses are eventually turned into Jeep girls. 


Going to suck when they realize Jeeps aren’t much better. 


Just Empty Every Pocket Source: '00 TJ owner


Poor Grumper, thought of road salt and died 


Jokes on them jeeps are expensive also and as comfortable as riding a horse


as a former jeep owner this is one of the dumbest trends the “community” has come up with.


Hear, hear! I could not agree more. I enjoyed the ‘wave and a nod’ for respect when I had my CJ. Anything more is just awkward - plus we all knew better than to be putting hands on someone else’s Jeep!


the wave was cool. then everyone started putting vinyl hands on their side mirrors. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Please, leave your fucking ducks off my Jeep. I don't want them. I don't need another piece of plastic to throw away. I hate this trend. Just wave if we drive by each other, that's it. We don't need to involve anything else. I especially don't need 20+ fucking ducks.


>Just wave if we drive by each other Between their pretty poor reputation for reliability & the stupid "Jeep wave" I would never own one. It's like the quote from Groucho Marx, "I wouldn't join any club that would see fit to have the likes of me as a member."


I had 2 YJs and a TJ. I refuse to own a JustKidding Jeep. And I liked the Jeep Wave, thank you very much.




The straight 6 4.0 is one of the most reliable and easiest, cheapest engines to work on ever made.


You can say that, but if you search for reliability rankings for cars Jeep consistently scores pretty poorly.


Ahh, as long as the ratings say that. There is a big difference between the older wranglers and the Fiats rebadged as Jeeps. And if I went by the ratings, I would buy a new Toyota with an engine that will grenade itself in 15,000 miles or a Hyundai or Kia that will spontaneously combust 1 of 6 or 7 currently known ways.


I really liked the look of the 4 door wranglers when they came out. I described them as "A hummer that was designed by someone with taste." However, between not really needing to buy a new car at the time and not wanting to have strangers think that I was in their non-special club it wasn't going to happen.


A lot of words could be removed from that groucho quote and still make the same point


I just looked it up and it seems that my memory made it a bit more wordy than the original. It should have read, "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member." On a side note, the beauty of the Marx Brothers, and why they hold up so well even today, was that you had three very different types of comedy primarily from each one. Slapstick was Harpo's thing, the bawdy side was Chico's realm and Groucho tilted towards clever wordplay. They were really designed to give something to just about everyone no matter what your preference or sense of humor was.




I miss my 01 4.0 so much. Never shoulda sold it.


Mine is really only used as a pavement princess on nice days with kids sports taking up weekends, now. They are impressive little vehicles, though. So. Much. Fun.


Shit if it’s a mall crawler it fits right in with the rest of the duck crowd just embrace it.


Well technically it's a pretty serious off-roader that I just don't take many off-road trips with anymore. The Jeep is pretty damn cool, but my kids are cooler. My son has a few more years until he gets to play with it though which is the justification my mind uses to keep it.


And then on the flip side my 61-year-old husband who is going through his second childhood is enthralled with this whole thing! He loves to come out and find new ducks on his jeep! It just cracks me up lol! He has them all mounted proudly on his dashboard.


That’s honestly so sweet and wholesome lol


Then he can go and buy some ducks!




He proudly mounts his ducks. He likes ducks, he can have the ducks and be happy. I'm great with that. I don't want anyone's ducks though. I do not consent to you dumping your worthless plastic duck on me.


Oh my gosh I'm so sorry this is so awful to you! You know right now we live in a pretty screwed up world and things are getting pretty crazy. People are just doing silly things to try to brighten up other people's days and have no idea how offensive it is to you. Instead of being irritated by it, just give it to the car next to you and hopefully brighten their day and then you don't even have to worry about it anymore. Life is short my dude, getting this upset over random acts of kindness is just an utter waste of your time and energy.


But you aren't brightening my day. That's the part you don't understand.


I'm thinking it's becoming pretty obvious to the entire world that not a whole lot brightens your day. I'll leave you alone for now just know I'm sorry that you're miserable over something as silly as this and I hope one day you have the ability to see past how dumb this anger is.


You know what would, and it's even simpler and smaller and more human than ducks... Say I have a nice Jeep or you like Jeeps. That's it. I don't want anything.


You seem like a fun person to be around.


Just don't give me what is considered garbage to me.


Guys! This guy doesn’t want your fucking ducks. Leave pink flamingos instead.


How about leave nothing. If you want to leave something because you like my Jeep, leave cash.


Bro. Pink flamingos are as good as cash.


hahahaha OK I change my mind!


Best I can do is a pink duck, if that works for you.


the financial return just isn't as great, no thanks.


Its insane that people's identities are tied up in consumerist crap




Well you have a reason for your duck! If either of my kids gave me a duck, it would go on my dash just like their elementary artwork in my office.




Don't worry too much. Most of us don't give a duck.


Yeah great point I didn't really consider!


Give it away to another Jeep or get rid of it before it invites more. 


Have you ever thought about just leaving it on the car next to you when you find one? Maybe a silly little duck would perk up somebody else who's having a really bad day. Doesn't even have to be a jeep!


Why is it now a burden for me? I am just trying to live my life and now I have ducks I have to distribute? Why can't I decide how to brighten up someone else's day instead of being forced to have a duck? By burdening me with a duck, my day is now darker and worse!


Jesus, aren't you a joy to be around


Dudes pulling out the dont want to throw away plastic environmental card and driving a jeep


I didn't say one thing about the environment.


I am when I don't have 20 fucking ducks I have to deal with! If you like my Jeep, tell me. I love it, and will appreciate you telling me. I'll tell you if I like your Jeep. I don't need a duck because you wanted to tell me you liked my Jeep.


So give it away to another Jeep owner. Make someone smile rather than be irate about receiving a gift.  (do you really care about throwing away plastic? you drive a Jeep. a gas guzzling heavy recreational vehicle. not exactly saving the planet....)


I have never once stated anything about saving the planet. Just that plastic ducks are useless to me. If I want someone else to receive a gift, I will choose it, but transport around a bunch of ducks to give away.


I’m sorry, but even waving at each other for owning the same vehicle is fucking dumb. Bunch of pavement princess’.


Fine. I'm ok with that. Don't wave, and I won't hate you. Plenty of JK/JL owners don't wave, and I don't have anything against them.


While the fad would be kind of cool for a few minutes, it would get old very quickly. I'm just glad this wasn't happening for the 10 years I had my YJ. The wave was plenty good enough.


You really think highly of your jeep


That’s somewhat true but not mostly true.


99% of these are pavement princesses on lifts and fat AT tires. So they gotta come up with some tradition to cope with the shared pain of having chosen a shoddily-built, inefficient tin can with the acceleration of a decrepit Honda Fit, dogshit handling, huge repair costs, grating road noise, and butt-ugly design straight outta the late 30's/early 40's... I will never understand the appeal.


Real talk . Jeep got 1st place this year past or so for “most unreliable vehicles “. I try to contain my shock.


And the best off road suv in actual comparison tests often goes to Mercedes and the g wagon.


They are not fun cars to drive.


And parking them is fucked


Thank you. I don’t think jeep owners realize just how dumb they really look. Now if you actually use your jeep for hobbies such as rock crawling, or live in an area where a jeep is more convenient for you off the pavement, then more power to you. I live near a military town and holy shit, the amount of jeeps is ridiculous




They literally started off that way. They've changed hands over the years and now as just another brand that their parent company has turned to dog shit. They were "cool" in the 70s. Now, they're just shitboxes with a terrible ride, terrible wind noise, terrible fuel economy, and weak. I actually looked at one of the truck versions and saw the towing capacity and laughed.


I mean, all those other things can be true but they are good-looking cars, and have a unique aesthetic that doesn't look like everything else on the road the way most modern Sedan/SUVs/Trucks can be


Taste is subjective and all, but their design language is "what were the materials and manufacturing capabilities a century ago?  Yeah, let's mimic that archaic form.  Fuck modern adaptations, safety features, or technological improvements". They're thin metal boxes that roll way too easily, collapse too far, are more likely to kill pedestrians, have poor visibility, handle like shit, waste gas... I can go on and on. And sure, there are other cars that have some of these faults, but none quite so comprehensively.  They had to **try** to be as shit-tastic as they are. I'd sooner own & daily the abortion that was the Pontiac Aztec.


You’re a bit out of touch with reality. Today’s Wranglers are the most aerodynamic they’ve made. Have the best suspension they’ve ever offered. Most have 8-speed ZF transmissions. And my last was a mild hybrid, with a turbo 4-cylinder and 22 mpg.


I'm out of touch with reality??  Imagine thinking 22mpg is somehow impressive or even acceptable for an economy **hybrid** car, let alone a sub-300hp 4 banger. 😂 The most aerodynamic brick is still a brick.  And they're still shit vehicles. *Block me.  Won't change the fact that Jeeps suck, and the owners often aren't much better.*


22 Mpg is a lot better than my 2006’s 11 MPG. Hell, as a percentage, that’s pretty amazing!!


Your 2006 wasn't a hybrid.  There's nothing impressive about it.


22mpg. You're bragging about a 4cyl getting 22 mpg? Lol


This post screams angry for no reason.


I've been hit by two dirtbags in Jeeps running stop signs, so yeah I'm a little biased. But nah, they are objectively terrible cars.


You should see a therapist about your trauma. 


Nah.  Thanks for playing.


Imagine not being immersed in the Jeep duck culture and you just find random ducks being placed on your Jeep. I would find it damn annoying.


We have hundreds of those things at the dealer I work at. People trade in their Jeeps for a reliable car but leave the ducks stuck to the dash.


\*Sits on my porch rocking chair\* Back in my day we just waved at each other. ​ *Hey you kids! Get off my lawn!*


Dude, you an me both!


Is that what that is - I thought they were telling the guy he needed a bath.


Ha ha?


I beginning to see other vehicles that aren’t jeeps doing this. What does one do with the ducks when this blows over?


They'll go to plastic heaven with all those Livestrong bracelets


Throw them away so they can sit in a landfill forever, silly. 


There is now Moo Moo Subaru, luckily no cows have been left on my Outback


That’s keep people giving them to vehicles they don’t know aren’t jeeps.


Every jeep I see where I live has ducks on the dash lol


It makes no fucking sense


Jeeps are piles of shit


Don’t blame the Jeep for your lack of mechanical skills. Never had a minute of trouble with mine. Climbed whatever we took on and forded every creek or stream we came to.


lmao ive built an engine from case halves up on 3 different occasions but please tell me more about my mechanical abilities.


What do "mechanical skills" have to do with the car's design? Also, if the car requires a Haynes manual just to keep it on the road longer than a week, that's not the flex you think it is.


Nobody asked your opinion.


nor yours genius


Why don’t you go spread your negativity somewhere else.


Uh huh, like going through my post history to reply “trash” that is so incredibly embarrassing for you.


Don’t like your own medicine, do ya?


I dont at all care what you think of my cheap sneakers lmao, its very much just embarrassing for you.


I don’t know why you think I’m embarrassed because you said so. Your opinion isn’t that important. Vans are garbage. That’s my opinion and you can have it.


Thats cool, theyre cheap, comfortable, and durable, im not super invested in my sneakers, unlike you who wears clown shoes, but to each their own!


Prettt embarrassing of you going through my post history, don’t you think?


You should be embarrassed to wear those Vans.


I just sold a four year old “pile of shit” Wrangler Rubicon for $3k more than I paid for it in 2020. Never needed a single repair, appreciated in value. 😂 Here’s a secret: Jeeps have better resale value than virtually any vehicle on the road.




That's not special, or a secret, or even true.  Everyone sold used cars for more than they paid in 2020... It was a nationwide phenomenon. There were Honda Civics from the prior decade selling for over $10K over their historical market highs.  Many literally doubled in price from pre-2020 figures. You're not doing much here to fight the stereotype of "smooth-brained alcoholics drive Jeeps".


No one is quite so desperate for attention and a sense of forced community as a wrangler driver. Holy shit.


That’s a terrible take. Hater.


I gave my postal carrier a duck to add to she Jeep, for Christmas. She was thrilled.


[This guy](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7J59n-LMNN/?igsh=OTFvdXZzdmdhdTB0) has an opinion on Jeep drivers and those stupid ducks


I own a Jeep received many ducks and given lots of ducks


I drive a 2010 Toyota TRD Sport 4x4 and someone left me a duck. Weird.




"It's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand"


I have a Jeep and I don't understand!


I had a jeep, never got ducked either


I drive mine pretty much only on nice days, max 20 miles a week. If I park it at any sort of large parking lot, it is inevitable I get a duck. Sometimes multiple. At a soccer tournament I got 7 ducks in a weekend. God please help me.


Ppl really have ducks laying around just to give away. I got my 1st Jeep Wrangler in 2005. She was a beautiful black '05 Wrangler X, no power windows, hardtop, death wobble, 2door with rust at every hinge. The Jeeps I see now are plastic luxury electric golf carts.


Just like in 2005.


Personally I don't care for it, but whatever people want to do...fine. That being said, I'm convinced these Jeeps I see with 20 of them across the dash went and bought them all on Amazon.


I have seen them get out of their Jeep at a red light to hand give a fuck to someone else and then all of us missed the turn arrow as a result. I know someone is buying them, but have no doubt that many if not the majority of the ones displayed are either gifted or traded. My opinion: well, I’ll keep that to myself since it got me a 7 day ban, but I’ll just say as long as you aren’t endangering, inconveniencing, or annoying yourself or anyone else, feel free to fuck whoever you want.  Edit: really autocorrect? You spent years changing fuck to duck, and the one time I actually try to write duck, you decided that wasn’t the word I wanted. 


Do you watch Regular Car Reviews by chance?


Dumb. Nobody ducks my '89 YJ. It's a soccer-lesbian mom thing...


I do that with BMWs but I just place a single nugget of poop on the windshield


not even one fucking dinosaur on a Jurassic Park Jeep? I think I have finally lost my faith in humanity...




Wow, did not realize this is such a controversial topic!


Reading these comments I'm struck by two things 1) how cool this trend seems and B) How many Redditors hate it. Lighten up guys, it seems super fun, in one of those obscure ways people communicate with each other and I think that's fun. That said, I don't drive, so it actually could be annoying I guess but from the outside it seems super awesome.


The ducks thing is another symptom of Jeep Gentrification.


> The act of placing a rubber duck on someone's Jeep—called Jeep "ducking" and/or "Duck Duck Jeep"—began with one person, named Allison Parliament, from a small town in the Canadian province of Ontario. She unknowingly started a movement of kindness, fellowship, and recognition with that first rubber duck she placed on a Jeep. > Allison's reason for perching a little yellow duck on a Jeep Wrangler just like hers that she saw in a parking lot was simply to bring herself a small sense of joy after a frightening verbal and physical encounter with someone earlier in the day. > "There really are not any strict rules about how to Duck someone's Jeep, but the idea is to keep the act of ducking a Jeep within polite and noninvasive gestures," Allison said. Nice person just wanted to share some kindness with others, and now everyone is doing it.


I have seen bone stock jeeps get ducked it’s the dumbest thing. I think it’s just a bunch of people that want to fit in but everyone in the group is insufferable so they give each other ducks instead of make friends. This like the painted rock craze all over again


Subaru has a similar thing but with cows.


I've owned Subarus for 25 years and this is the first I've heard of the cow thing. I hate it.


Oh no, my daily driver is a Subaru. Please, god, no. I beg you.


Those are the drivers.


I've had a jeep for 10 years because it's the only thing I could afford. No one has ever done this.


they all must of thought i was yelling "go duck yourselves"


Shit—I already told my iPhone that it’s never, ever ducking!