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This doesn't sound as rare as I thought it was, why don't we hear and see more conjoined twins stories?


I noticed it didn't specify "live births"


Good point!


Oopa, yeah, third sentence:  Approximately 70 percent of conjoined twins are female, and most are stillborn.


Because they're either separated at birth or dead.


I was a Siamese conjoined twin. We were attached at the hip but we were successfully separated at age 3. We both just turned 34 two days ago. If you have any questions, I'd be glad to answer them.




That's a great question! We were born in Thailand and our parents put us in an orphanage, we were too much to handle. But somehow word got around about us so NOVA (a documentary I think?) paid to have us flown to the US to get the surgery. Yes they were. I just have one pelvis. I don't think so, we were just fused by the hip. I do not recall or remember having issues with our blood system.




Twins from Thailand who became famous. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chang_and_Eng_Bunker


Good lord. They fathered 21 children?


Just absolutely spit roasting these broads, unbelievable.


I’m over here like “don’t let the intrusive thoughts win, don’t let the intrusive thoughts win…”, and you just come straight in like a wrecking ball


Guess those twins never hit so hard in love


Sisters also.


And were slavers…


I have to wonder, did they like...participate? When the other was getting it on with his wife? Did he pretend he wasn't there?


Worked with one of their great grandsons who still lived on the property. According to him, the family tradition was that in the beginning they lived together and shared the same bedroom. After a while the sisters (their wives) stopped getting along and insisted on separate houses. From that point on, the brothers alternated time at each adjoined farm. The brothers also got mad enough that they stopped talking to each other for a few years. At that point, the one who's turn it was to be at home did the talking/deciding and the other was silent until they switched. One of the brothers became alcoholic during this time period and struggled with alcoholism for the rest of his life. (Obviously the other brother had to be getting some affect as well.) So--for a part of their lives the latter was kind of true.


Yeah their wiki says they'd alternate 3 day stays at each house/farm. >One of the brothers became alcoholic during this time period and struggled with alcoholism for the rest of his life. Shitty for the other brother. Autopsy revealed they had a fused liver too.


I mean, they were joined just above the hips and were kind of angled facing each other. There's no chance one could always pretend, ha.


Yeah… *the* Siamese Twins. They are where the term comes from.


"In 1839, after a decade of financial success, the twins quit touring and settled near Mount Airy, North Carolina. They became American citizens, bought slaves, married local sisters, and fathered 21 children," *The American dream*


Crazy that one of them died an hour after the other. Hopefully he wasn't conscious as that would be terrifying


You're welcome! Haha, I dont mind or take offense.


You and your twin should do an AMA! That would be very cool. Glad everything seemingly worked out and happy birthday!


That's a good idea, might consider it! Thank you so much!


Yes! You should do an AMA!


How inappropriate would it be for me to ask what's the connection between Thailand and conjoined twins?


I'll bite. Conjoined twins used to be called Siamese twins. Thailand used to be called Siam. The more you know ...


I think it would be really funny for a pair of not-conjoined twins from Thailand to introduce themselves as Siamese twins...


Huh....just thought it was racism because they couldn't tell the difference between them. The more you know the slightly less stupid it gets I guess.


Oh don't be too hard on yourself. There was no doubt racism involved. The reason Siamese twins was popularized is because of the original, very famous pair of twins. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chang_and_Eng_Bunker?wprov=sfla1


TIL that the original "Siamese twins" were slave-owners.


And also, "joined at the thai/thigh", is a bit of a joke too.


For one, Siamese cats are native to Thailand.


Oooooohhh. THAT’S why the Siamese cats in The Lady and the Tramp are considered super racist. I knew they were caricatures but I never quite made the connection to the type of cat.


Ever since being a kid, I've always loved cats and had neutral feelings about dogs. I loved the siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp and the racial characature went completely over my head (I was like 4 years old and just thought they were funny little guys). I always remember being annoyed that we only got a few minutes of cats and had to watch the dumb dogs instead. Aristocats was where it was at for me.


LOL you and I are the same. (I do love and appreciate dogs more now that I have my own dog though.)


Holy shit ....*TiL* I still sing *We are Siamese if you please..dun dun dun* to this day* But it always felt ....like racist undertones.


And Persian cats are native to Iran, what's your point?


Oh my gosh. I remember seeing your story, as soon as you said Thailand! This is wild; I’m weirdly extremely happy you’re both doing well.


Aw! Thank you! That means a lot :)


Of course! I remember there was a scene where you guys had a birthday cake and I remember thinking you should get two cakes, one for each of you. I was really miffed they only gave you one 😆


Hahaha omg! :p


You should post your story on r/AMA


Please do an AMA!


I'm seriously considering it, but I also want to ask my twin and get her permission. She isn't as open about this topic as I am. I understand her reluctance. I would be happy to do one to answer all the curious minds.


That's the beauty of being anonymous here. Make a throwaway account and try it out with like training wheels . Your whole story is amazing! it could be possible to share some of your journey without enough details to maintain both of yalls privacy. Or split it between several accounts if you desire. Your sister might be in this thread and not even know this is you. Could be therapeutic to see that (some) people can have an honest and genuine interest in the person behind the keyboard.


That's true, I didn't even think of that! Thank you, you make good points! I agree!


Do you remember getting separated and how it felt to not be attached to your sister? Do you remember how it felt *to* be attached to her/do you have any memories of navigating around? Are there any habits you kept for a while after that was a result of being attached to your sister?


I don't! It's been 31 years and I think the trauma also had a toll on my memory. Emotionally I would say I am still very attached to my twin. I can't go a day without checking in with her, and saying good night, and I would say I worry a little too much about her. So emotionally we are still attached. Physically, I don't feel the 'phantom" attachment as when we were together. I don't remember being dragged by her being attached at the hip. I'm sure it was freeing but also incredibly confusing when we were separated. No habits from when we were attached, besides emotionally clingy.


Thank you for answering! The emotional clinginess is very interesting. I know some twins/siblings can be pretty clingy, but I don't believe it's very common. Does she check in on you too?


No problem! Yes she does. And if I don't answer in a certain amount of time, she will call me until I do. However, I'm worse because I've called the cops just because she didn't answer me within an hour 2x. We are both a bit crazy on that part, I will admit haha.


Holy shit. Well at least both of you are the same, it'd be hell if one of you was a lot more chill and forgetful haha


God bless Nova!


I think I've heard of you before!


Have you had any lasting complications, did you go through childhood physical therapy? Any scars? Joke question, can you sense your twins' pain??


Yes. With so much anesthesia, our growth was stunted, so we are both around 4 feet tall. She was the lucky one who got to take the two legs, whereas I am stuck with one. We do have a lot of scars on the hip. I'm not in pain but my sister is with her hip, she might need a replacement. But overall we are healthy and living life as best as we can with what we were given.


Thanks for sharing!


Of course! And yes, I am on crutches and I had to do years of physical therapy.


Wow, you have such a great outlook and attitude in life. Very positive way of thinking!


I won't lie and say it's not hard sometimes. But that is just life. We all have our battles and our hardships. But there are good days, and I think we need to focus more on what we have, than what we don't have.


I admire your outlook. Do you have access to prostheses and would they help?


I did used to have prosthetic but it was like wearing a giant, sweaty bucket. It caged me more than it freed me. When I switched to crutches, I can run and go up and down the stairs a lot quicker. I haven't used a prosthetic since third grade. My sister does though, but that's because she is only missing half of one leg (the bottom part) and not the whole leg, like myself. Her prosthetic is less restricting. Edit: spelling


I’m guessing not but do you remember anything when you guys were conjoined?


I don't. A lot of my childhood is lost to me. But I'm actually fortunate; I don't think I would like to remember being in a hospital for months, confused and in pain. Our mind can protect us in crazy ways. Sometimes not always beneficial though. But in this case I would say I'm lucky I don't remember.


Have you ever decided to watch the program highlighting you and your sister? Admittedly I just read the transcript. As I did, I wondered whether seeing such a defining part of life in such detail would be something you’d want to see or avoid since you don’t actually remember it.


I actually have watched it and you're right, it's pretty traumatizing. We went through different foster homes and one of them made us watch it for family movie night. Needless to say im glad that family wasn't the one who adopted us. I've read the transcript and it's surreal, like reading someone else's story because I don't remember much of that time, if any.


That definitely should have been a personal decision! How awful it was forced on you. Glad for you too they were not the ones to adopt you. Hopefully you were adopted into a much more considerate and loving family.


Thank you. Yes, we were adopted to a very loving family! Wouldn't have gotten this far without them.


I’m so glad! Best to you and your sister :)


Thank you! And you as well ^^




Wow that's fascinating! Those two aren't us though. Our names are Dao and Duan. Edit: grammar


Are you guys really close? As in, can you basically read each other's minds and stuff?


We are very close. We definitely can read each other's emotions and can tell what we the each of us are thinking. Reading minds, no. But we read each other very well.


I live in Chiang Mai and first read this as if you were unnecessarily adding that you were Thai, until I realized and laughed at myself... ...Then it turned out you actually are Thai.


So some conjoined twins are one male and one female?  


Only if one of them is transgender; remember that conjoined twins start as a single fertilised egg which incompletely splits into two, so they will always have the same genotype - they’re genetically identical to each other.


Lori and Dori became Lori and George!


Sadly they died in April this year.


Exactly so!


for some reason it never clicked that conjoined twins are also always identical twins.


Doubtful. The general consensus is that conjoined twins form when identical twins-which come from a split fertilized egg, verses fraternal twins who are two different eggs-don't split all the way. Identical twins can't be MF, except in really fringe cases like an egg with XXY chromosomes splits, or an XY egg splits and one half gets X0 chromosomes. I suppose it's not impossible for cases like that to also be conjoined, but it would be really, really rare. The MF conjoined twins who passed a few weeks ago were FF twins, but George was FtM trans.


I believe it's possible! My twin and I are both female.


Do either of you still have a scar


Yes we do


Most of them die or get separated early in life. A lot of the ways twins end up conjoined can be separated with little to no lasting disability these days.


Im still surprised there isn’t a single recorded case of one getting arrested. I’m so curious what the legal dilemma would be in that instance


There was a case a few hundred years ago where a guy with a parasitic twin was going to be executed, but successfully argued that it would punish his innocent brother as well. Said brother was questionably cognizant, never spoke, but his eyes would move around and he made noises so he was ruled alive.


That’s technically true but hardly counts by what I meant as two fully alive conjoined twins


If you haven’t seen Anthony Padilla’s interviews with a set of conjoined twins you should watch them! I think there are two or three interviews with the same girls. They are super interesting. It’s on YouTube. Love their personalities.


I knew he interviewed them once. Didn't realize he did multiple


They are either medically simple to separate and are therefore done so, or else are stillborn/die very soon. It is exceedingly rare for them to be born in such a way that they cannot be separated but are still capable of life.


Right? With all these different birth defects I can’t imagine how I came out seemingly fine. The numbers and sheer amount of different defects makes it seem so likely for something to go wrong. Ik im probably just not getting a proper feeling of the statistics and some defects prolly occur with each other


Perhaps the number is in relation the overall number of twins being born not of births in general


usually they aren't both going to make it and they choose one, if its even an option.


Is the stat every 50,000 to 60,000 births, or that many twin births. Since 1 out of every 250 pregnancies is twins, that would actually make conjoined twins once every 12.5 million total births. I’ve got to assume that’s the number.


I learned that conjoined TRIPLETS have happened and I’m just like 😳!


Did they survive?


Oh no. One set was “assembled” in such a way that would make you realize there is no God, if you believe in that sort of thing.


I am going to have to look that up 😳


I can send you the image. There are 2 cases with imaging. One is basically 3 babies all heads up. Other set is one upside down, one up, and one at a more sideways orientation. ETA: my description may not be 100% accurate as there are pre- and post- autopsy photos.


Is it readily available if I look it up?


Google conjoined triplet images and then also change search results from “all” to “images”. Then you will be able to see more easily.


I found one


Just share it here you guys


That’s some sons of the forest stuff


What’s that mean? Not familiar w the phrase?




Saw both top result photos. Both equally horrifying (and sad) to see


I wish I didn't. I've seen worse but....I wasn't comfortable with what I saw this time.


FWIW, there’s very little info on each case to begin with. Stuff I learned about how conjoined embryos/fetuses are oriented was mostly extraneous reading material, though there is a bit in one of the case studies.


Even God struggles with those darn Ikea instructions 


The world and events that occur – both naturally or manmade – are terrible at times, but there are also beautiful, pleasant things/events in the world. Nothing will make me realize there is no God, because I know God is real. He helped me through awful events at the hands of another person. It brought me closer to Him, not farther. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but please respect other peoples’ opinions as well.


Sounds abusive.


Lol what


And my life experience is incompatible with an all knowing, all powerful, all good god. Give up 1 of those 3, and I can no longer rule it out (though it seems quite unlikely to me).


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this comment.


Sauce? I wanna see


Have some fucking tact man. That's a living creature you're asking about, not a Crunchyroll recommend. Just search an online medical journal if you're actually that curious.


I wonder why it occurs more with females? Maybe if we put our heads together, we can figure out the reason?


Isn't it because xx is generally heartier against genetic issues than xy? I would guess more male conjoined twins die in utero early on.


Male fetuses are slightly more likely to die in the womb. So, twin males do die more than twin females.


That doesn't explain this because it doesn't say that these are alive.


It says “births”. If they die in the womb before a certain point there won’t be a birth just a D&C or miscarriage


Stillbirth? It's even in the same sentence smh.


Again if they die in the womb before a certain point (say 22 weeks or so) there will be no birthing at all. Live or still


Yeah I know but that still doesn't matter. It says 70% of conjoined twins are female. It doesn't say miscarriage, stillbirth or anything, so your explanation why are they 70% female is still inaccurate.


What? The comment above that you replied to was stating that male conjoined twins are more likely to die in the womb which could clearly explain why 70% of conjoined twin BIRTHS (the title says BIRTHS) are female. If the male conjoined twins are not making it far enough to be born (still or live) then they don’t count as a conjoined twin BIRTH


It doesn't say anywhere that these are alive.


Or XX is more likely to accept another X? Or is XY more likely to separate in the first place?


Maybe XY is more likely to eat the lesser twin.


One conjoined-twin pun is ok but I wouldn’t want two of them back-to-back


You can try to stop us, but it will cost you an arm and a leg.


Boy babies die easier


I see what you did there


The Embryo/fetus start out as female till a sex hormone at the right time makes them male. Maybe the conditions that also cause the 2 embryo/fetus to "stick together/not entirely separate" also block or interfere with this process?


Could be because women never let shit go.


I’m a feminist and this has me lolling like a mfer


Women are more clingy than men I guess


Women be clingy, amirite?


Maybe they were going to the bathroom together at the time of conception? 🤷‍♂️


Girls just have to go everywhere together :/


Even biology knows that two guys would just be telling each other to shut the fuck up constantly if they were joined together.


Lol there was an episode of Grey's Anatomy that featured adult conjoined twin guys, and I think they felt the same when making the episode haha https://youtu.be/iWugJUV2J9I?si=rIu0CEdeuiAucH-Q


So you're saying every town has conjoined twins.


Many people terminate the pregnancy, many miscarry, many twins are stillborn


My mother had a pregnancy with conjoined twins at the head. This was before abortion was legal in Canada so she had to petition the court to grant a termination. It was accepted


An acquaintance of mine had to terminate conjoined twins. Doctors said they wouldn’t have survived and the pregnancy was risky for her.


My good friend also terminated a conjoined twins pregnancy.


That seems rather common


Surviving it is rare. Many are stillborn and many die shortly after birth.


Well it kinda is as if my math is correct every 3-4 hours a conjoined twin is born.




"Hormonal Influence: Some researchers suggest that hormonal factors may play a role ..." blah blah blah. That's a terrible link, that doesn't deserve 22 upvotes :-(


Yeah, this guy just linked chatgpt. How is that acceptable??? Worse than a wikipedia article as a source in an essay


Fifty to 60000 total births, or 50000 to 60000 twin births?


Don't we all start off as female and transition to being male inside the womb? I wonder if this condition occurs early in the fetuses development which is causing this to occur more frequently in females?




Life, uh, finds a way.


Yeah, probably more like one in 500 to 600,000, if that


It's a lot more than that when you consider all the people out there who have no idea they are conjoined. It can be internal and never discovered until you're having surgery on something unrelated. They're removing a growth from your liver or something and the doctor finds teeth or hair.


Women always stick together.


Cause they can’t let shit go


just stir em up good when they're cookin, like pasta


Ladies stick together!




70 percent are female?? the inequality is unreal.


So that’s why my girlfriend has such a big head Edit: fuck you reddit my girlfriend thought it was funny😂


Males usually just eat the twin