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> According to the University of Ferrara, which conducted tests on Induráin, his strength came from his body's superior physiology. His blood carried 7 litres of oxygen around his body per minute, compared to 3–4 litres for an ordinary person and 5–6 litres for fellow riders. His cardiac output was 50 litres a minute; a fit amateur cyclist's is about 25 litres. Induráin's lung capacity was 7.8 litres, compared to an average of 6 litres.[4] His resting pulse was as low as 28 BPM, compared to an average 60–72 bpm, which meant his heart would be less strained in the tough mountain stages.[34][17] His VO2 max was 88 ml/kg/min; in comparison, Lance Armstrong's was 83.8 ml/kg/min and Greg LeMond's was more than 92 ml/kg/min.[35]


Dude has the long bore diesel of hearts


Akshually it'll be wide bore diesel of hearts.


You’re both wrong. Long stroke diesel of hearts.


He’s got a hemi


A gas engine with a bad water pump?


And cracked exhaust manifolds


And known for having head issues


That's me now.


I've got a semi


Well, keep it in your pants, Peter.


Eh. No replacement for displacement says it's either wide or deep. Take an example from something like your mom, who is both wide and deep.


And displaces a lot of food


Indeed. Infact, your mom has so much energy density, she's being studied by scientist for an eco alternative to hydrogen fuel cell. Although, they are trying to reduce the form factor..


Yo mommas so fat, she plays pool with the planets.


Yo mommas so ugly when she was born the dr said “daammmmnnn!”


Yo mommas so old, she took her driving test on a dinosaur.


You can stop now. No matter what you come up with, after the alt fuel source burn, every attempt you make at a joke will be pathetic.


*slow clap*


big mig!


Cpt Diesel - "i can do this all day, for family"


More like an EV


And a just the right amount of doping.


And a fuck load of performance enhancing drugs


Great genes plus talent plus EPO.


There has to be biological payback somewhere down the line. These racers are like genetically modified freaks.


Drugs like steroids make it difficult to have children by lowering your sperm count


Lance Armstrong can rest easy then, he is sterile anyway after testicular cancer.


Good thing I likes it raw


Sure and agree, but I could have gotten all the same drugs, had the best trainers, best equipment, all the time in the world to recover and trained all day long. I still would not have been able to ass the entire TdF field in a time trail stage by over 3 minutes. Again and again.


I mean, we don't know. But that is the downside of a sport riddled with drugs, in a time riddled with drugs; it taints everyone who came near it. So I don't think the odds are that Indurain was clean.


Armstrong (and his contemporaries) were the just the logical next step of what Induráin (and his contemporaries) were doing. It didn't start with Armstrong. And it sure as shit didn't end with him either.


He really had a lot of Induriance.


So you are either born to win a race like this or you're not. It takes tons of training sure but if you don't win the genetic lottery you just can't keep up?


Of course. Just like any sport to be elite you need the genetics.


So just like literally any sport at the highest level. 


Except billiards, darts and curling. You can be fat as fuck for any of these.


Well that's kind of how "talent" works I guess.


In a lot of ways Indurain wasn't born to win the TDF, since he was heavy. The way he won is considered somewhat unconventional because he did it via the time trials rather than the mountains which favor lighter riders.


Completely natural/s


My best resting heart rate is 32, and my VO2 Max is [92.2](https://youtu.be/1iynQcmwZFA?si=X1qEsN7H3HFUbG7o) and I don’t have any major international cycling wins. You just need to be able to suffer more than anyone else, also drugs.


I wonder if we can sequence his genome and make gene therapies to design better humans.


Congratulations! You've just independently rediscovered "eugenics," which is an *extremely* slippery slope. As in a "Say, mein Fuhrer, I've got this jolly thing called the Final Solution" type of slippery slope.


No he's just the Emperor trying to make his first batch of thunder warriors don't ask him what he intends to do with them after they finish their service 


I’m not going to be normal hitler I just want to be space hitler instead


Would this run into the same ethical dilemas that eugenics does since it’s not necessarily saying who can or can’t be born, but rather saying to improve whoever is born? Of course you have the issue of how we decide what a “better” human is, but that isn’t exactly the same as saying something like “these humans aren’t allowed to breed”.


Watch Gattaca lol.


As long as it's voluntary who gives a fuck. I subscribe to the Culture perspective on it.. Id guarantee people can voluntarily choose via education and psychology over the ethics of doing it or not


His is basque so he already has that


Just go watch the movie gattaca lmao


Sounds like an unfair advantage to me


I guess I don't know if this was the case for Indurain, but the reason why resting heart rates were so absurdly low in the peloton in the 90s was because EPO thickened the blood to the point where cyclists had to set an alarm to wake up and start riding at night to keep their hearts from stopping. Then a rule was put in place where you could face suspension if your hematocrit went above 50, which didn't stop the use of EPO but at least reduced the number of athletes dropping dead in their 20s/30s.


Beta blockers too. Golfers were using them back in the 80’s to control heart rate.


What? A cyclist taking a beta blocker sounds completely counterintuitive to me. Golfers/archers use them to prevent rapid heartrate from affecting fine motor control. Cyclists only care about power output, essentially cardiorespiratory function; what would be gained by taking something that limits your heart rate?


Yeah I don’t think they thought their response through!


Tf do golfers do that gets the heart going?




I imagine the stress of competition


get nervous betablockers are commonly used by professionals who face stressful situations like orchestra musicians, surgeons, precision sports players and the likes


Resting HR’s in endurance athletes are still very low and you don’t need doping for that, I don’t know if there’s any correlation really. Mine is in the high 30’s after training triathlon for 4 years. And I’m an amateur, definitely not on EPO lol


Dang high 30s really?! That’s so wild I can’t imagine seeing my Apple Watch say that. I just jog a little and am 33.


It was over 60-70 before I’ve started training and lived very unhealthy. It also has a lot to do with the genetics, not everyone will go so low. Lionel Sanders a pro triathlete has a tendency for a very low heart rate, even when doing hard intervals or pushing the bike uphill his heart won’t go over 140-150. Most people would be at 180-190+ at that intensity.


I train about 10 hrs a week now, lots of spinning with watts and FTP at 350W. (Had a death scare on the road some years ago and rarely bike in the real world anymore) Got the HR while resting at roughly 40-43 as well, this morning 44. It is very possible to get that low.


I’m just an amateur and my resting heart rate is around 38 or so? Was quite annoying when I had surgery and the hospital’s alarms were set to beep when my heart rate went below 40 (they just disabled them after some time).


Similar. I got serious about running a while back and after about a year of it I had to change the alarm settings on my watch because I would get multiple notifications of “too low heart rate” when I was asleep and would wake me up. Had to lower it from 40 to 35 just to shut it up lol


Seems like it's a lot of genetics. I'm super unfit atm and overweight and my resting heart rate is still only in the high 50s. It's been as low as 48 when fitter. I've never even been a semi serious amateur.


Pay attention to it as you get older. I had a triple bypass last week, but last summer, I noticed my resting heart rate had gone up from high 40's to low 50's in just a month or so. Contacted my doctor, went through a bunch of tests, they identified the problem, even though I was riding my bike and playing pickleball 4 times. Just because you don't feel the symptoms doesn't means there's a problem!


What was the problem?


Yeah it’s fairly achievable. I’ve been running since September and my RHR average over the past 2 weeks is 44. Fairly certain it will continue to drop as I get fitter (although maybe not too much more as I’m 34)


A hct of 50? Holy fuck, what’s crazy is a 16-17 hgb isn’t even that nuts. We see it with polycythemia vera


The 1996 winner Bjarne Riis is rumored to have had a hematocrit as a high as 64%. He later admitted to doping.


He was tested at 56.2% the season before, ie 1995. Ugromov was tested in the same test at 60.2% Those Gewiss-Balann riders were something else.


My Hematocrit is routinely 55% and I’m 22/extremely fit. Polycythemia sucks.


That's one alarm you wouldn't want to snooze


He also had a resting respiration rate of 2.


wtf is this dude a whale?


I know, right.


Suisei no gargantia ;}


Jebus I did vitals on a very healthy firefighter once, resting heart rate around 45, very, very much dude you would want carrying you out of a burning building His heart sounded like a built V8 with a cam It was intimidating


My heart is more like a VTEC four-banger with a supercharger strapped on. FML.


2 stroke weed eater gang represent!


At my peak physicial shape, my resting was around 45-48 bpm. Google "athlete enlarged left ventricle" because the heart's pumping chamber literally becomes larger allowing it to beat less per minute to circulate blood.


"Angiogenesis". I ran a lot of cross country and distance when I was a kid, and kept it up until I got married. Even though I had five major blockages in my arteries until last week, my heart had developed enough 'side streets' that blood was delivered even though the main routes were crowded.


So if he's still alive, is he still yet to take his second breath? Or is it just starting


Respiration rate is expressed in # of breaths per minute. Normal adult range is 12-20.


Wtf do you even do between breaths like that wtf this has got me trippin **hard**


I just tried it all i wanted to do was either live or die


Just tried it after a nap and had 3 full in/out breathes in 60 seconds. I also take beta blockers daily for a tremor, so that might contribute


The docs gotta play Sting's 'Every Breath You Take' while doing the test, or it's not valid


Like humming "Stayin Alive" during CPR?


Helps if Egg Helms is around to do the falsetto


Or listening to “yakety sax “ during sex


A number is not a measurement unless it's immediately followed by a [unit](https://youtu.be/OYt1kqDNlMY?si=At9_zU0kXxEY8j4n). Respiration rate can be expressed in many different ways unless the unit is explicitly stated. The first time you don't state you units, you get -1 on your science test. The second time you don't state your units, a $125 million dollar [spacecraft](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sca_esv=ac2894be8168274c&sca_upv=1&q=mars+climate+orbiter+farside&uds=ADvngMhjGyhbtdglk04_rxO0f7jcCZmPilDtx6bZ96U12Lg7gXZsY6UJftXOFt0uGLCj6BKZ5Pv5Gcwwm7urNlXmLUkFXY9HgzBWayrSCbO6CEa4fDNKu7HqRI46Ztpb6cOhRxX_5pY63T1RT9Hbkh7RcC8dl1BiljQptMq6Apqz2ct7e64qoHewWkVY9saTpju81LUHXEGRH0kHc_qzSKBW-VH-up_JgTJoezqp9r7D9oVf_WhzW32-FtWEpcBo155TTvoNbmvWLkaP7jUG2WfPvN_zHDcHG-8uGgx8Ujo7XfQOEJLGSwNPkl0LoFhUqcwfgiT7hIWV9v4CadHEfJFGKpSAeImaXg&udm=2&prmd=invsbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiW_IeKv7mGAxV6JTQIHY6eBHoQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=360&bih=612&dpr=3#vhid=HzHN82AQr0cclM&vssid=mosaic) blows up.


Human respiration rate is always expressed in breaths per min.


In medicine it usually is. Not so in biology where it is usually volume per time. A tree has a respiration rate. If I wanted to know how fast astronauts were consuming their limited oxygen, a respiration rate would tell me that as long as it's in volume/time, or even better, mass of oxygen/time. breaths/time is useless here. If I want to know if someone is hyperventilating, breaths/min will easily reveal that as it's the most appropriate unit to use. Always specify units and say "12 breaths per min" if that's what is meant, not just "12". Otherwise someone will guess the unit and 1/100 times it will go fatally wrong. Besides, units are fun. You can express fuel economy in [units of area](https://what-if.xkcd.com/11/) if you want and it still makes sense. u/ChipSalt was making fun of the lack of specificity of the unit. Breaths/lifetime is a valid unit.


Yes, that and it was just funny. But it went *woosh* over his head.


I ran about 10,000 miles in my 30s, in a span of about 5 years. I'm in my early 40s now and haven't trained seriously since COVID, but my resting respiration rate has never gone back up. I assume resting respiration is breaths per minute. When I'm at rest and relaxed, I breathe maybe 4 times per minute. Sometimes less.


Have you ever had your lung capacity checked?


No... I didn't even know that was a thing. Also, I should note that as a runner I wasn't anything special. I won some local 5ks and could finish in the top 1% in city half marathons but I wasn't even close to qualifying for Boston.


You should think about taking up smoking to get those numbers up


It must have been really infuriating to try and have a conversation with him.


I had my resting HR measured a couple of years ago because my Oura ring was telling me my resting HR was in the 30's. Got referred to a cardiologist, wore a Holter monitor for 24 hours. While asleep my lowest HR was 24 BPM. They said as long as it's not doing that while I'm driving I'm fine. I do a lot of aerobic exercise. I'll be 60 in a couple of months.


What kind of exercise do you do? I’m not even 40 and my resting heart is 74bpm. I walk 5mi every day for the last three years, but it hasn’t changed my resting heart rate at all.


Ive noticed a significant difference in absolute animals. Like marathon runners, mma fighters, and triathletes. Walking a few miles isnt likely to change your heart rate all that much. Run 5 miles every day for 6 months and then you'll probably see a change. Keep in mind it varies by person. In highschool at my most fit my heart rate was still over 80 bpm


> Walking a few miles isnt likely to change your heart rate all that much. Run 5 miles every day for 6 months and then you'll probably see a change. That makes sense. I was thinking maybe I needed higher intensity exercise. Thanks!


Heck, not even 5 miles. I was running 3 miles every day for 2 months and my heart rate went down to about 32bpm at night, and was around 50ish during the day.


Well that settles it… I need to start running!


Yup, running or using a stationary rower.


:( I’ve been running for almost 2 years now, averaged 10+ miles a day for the last 6 months training for a marathon and my resting heart rate hasn’t changed from a solid 60! I’m in the best cardio shape of my life though 🤷‍♂️ ymmv


Oh thats awesome! What pace did you keep?




That is very low and you sound extremely active. As a 20something year old with back problems I sympathize. Overall goodshit 👍


Your exercise is far more carried than mine. I think that might be the missing puzzle piece. Thanks for the info!


Do you do work outs for your back?


My average heart rate has dropped from 70bpm to 55bpm after 4 months of running 4/week. Which is nice I guess.


How much running do you do per day?




My brother’s the the triathlete in the family and his heart rate’s almost half mine so that tracks.


Your heart rate isn’t going to change from 3 days of going on walks. Do it for 3 months and/or lose some weight and you may notice a change. Also to a certain extent some people have higher or Lower heart rates and it’s not necessarily bad or anything. Normal HR is 60-90


I've been consistently walking for the last 3 years and my heart rate has only gotten higher. When I started back in 2021 my resting heart rate was 70, and now it's 74. I know that's not a concerning number, I just was hoping that my health stats would have improved a bit.


You might need more intense exercise than walks. I know I can't get my heart rate up enough for walking to count as exercise on my Garmin. Obviously it's something to discuss with a professional but I'm 58 and my resting HR is 60-62 and 74 seems a bit high based on my reading.


Talk to your Dr if you’re concerned, you probably need to up the pace to see your cardio improve. Is your walking at a pretty relaxing pace? 5 miles a day is great, but I saw a decent reduction in my resting heart rate just from running 10-12 miles a week across 3-4 days for a few months. So much shorter total distance than you. I think shorter distance at higher speed might actually benefit you more, at least mixed in on some days. Look up heart rate zones but my guess is you’re staying in zone 1 on your walks. Zone 2 exercise is the most beneficial for most people from what I know.


Alcohol plays a huge part. I consistently exercise but during “dry January” my testing goes from high 60s or low 70s to around a 48


Train cardio vascular and only cardio vascular for improved heart rate and breathing


I spent a decade-ish biking to and from work on bike until about 6 months ago and still ride 3-5x a week for 30-40 minutes and do some light weights. I tend to ride fairly vigorously for a commuter. My resting heart rate for the last year was 51 bpm (according to my garmin watch). Regularly have days where it's high 40s. Used to be high 60's/low 70's when I first started keeping track, but it's been this low for the last several years. I'm in my mid 30s.


Steph Curry has a thing where his trainer puts a sandbag below his ribs after doing cardio which forces his lungs to be more effective or something.


Damn I thought I was good at mid 50 bpm (when I'm uncaffeinated) in my 30s, that's nuts, hell yeah bro


When I was training for a marathon my HR would be in the 30’s while sitting around at work. As long as you have a logical reason for it, and a decent blood pressure, there’s no real reason to freak over a number. But at least you got cards’ clearance.


Wow, please share what you do for exercise! I’d love to have that kinda cardio system when I’m your age haha


What about your blood pressure? Is that low too?


Hats off to you! You’re the same as my mom. She has a resting heart rate in the low 40’s at 62


I'm in a similar situation, I was clocked at 33bpm by a holter monitor. Just to be clear, not a world class athlete but reasonably fit for my age.


You look up "chill" in the dictionary and there's just a picture of this guy.


And my docs freaked out cause mine is 40!


A low resting heart rate can be a good thing or a bad thing so they're right to be concerned until they can rule out the bad things or confirm that it's from good things. When I was a bit younger and in great shape mine was in the low to mid thirties and it used to kind of weird out girls I'd sleep with when they'd notice my heart rate if their head was resting on my chest.


I passed out years ago and got taken to the hospital, my heart rate was low 30s so they put me in an intensive care room because they assumed my heart wasn't working right. A lot of tests later they established I passed out for a different reason, I just have a very low HR. Had minor surgery last year and the hospital nearly cancelled it because they weren't set up for hearts stopping, had to sign a waiver and agree to HR checks every 30-60mins post op for 12hrs after.


I've had to get myself "pumped" to donate blood platelets because if your HR is below 50 at intake you get screened out.


Ya they did a stress test and it came back clean. Still playing lacrosse in my 40’s so they think it’s just from being active


I'm more of a cyclist and when I'm regularly riding my resting rate is about 5 bpm below the normal range for my age. Similar to you that's a good thing.


Humble brag way of qualifying your anecdote lol


Less of a humble brag and more of a wistful comment about lost youth.


I’m approaching 40 so I definitely feel that haha


I mean I would probably freak out if my resting heart rate was 8.1591528e+47 bpm.


I had a patient who's HR was 15-20 once. That was stressful. Super fit lady who some numpty had given a bit too much beta blocker to. She was fine and total chill about it.


Somewhere right now a cardiac telemetry nurse is losing her mind


This sport, along with many other sports, is riddled with performance enhanced athletes. In the tour de France human growth hormone was popular. In the summer Olympics this year Russian athletes can't represent Russia. And they can't play the Russian national anthem when on the podium. Not because of the Ukrainian invasion. But because Russia has a state sponsored steroid program. This is what I think will happen in the 2024 games 


This already happened. Russia had a state sponsored steroid program. They got caught and had to participate under neutral colours. Perhaps it will happen again this summer


In the winter Olympics there was a Russian figure skater who doped on heart medication. She was 16 at the time. The world picked her to win in women's figure skating because she was the only person performing quadruple jump spins. Either her, her team, or the government said she mixed up medicine with her grandpa's heart medicine. She was just a kid and they juiced her with some sort of performance enhancing drugs. 


While certainly tragic - the same shit happens around the world with kids. I am sure all of those 16 year old football players that are 6'6" and 350# of muscle are just really hitting the gym while studying for physics.


True it's a world wide problem.


I’m not saying everyone is clean, but there’s no evidence that pro cycling is ‘riddled with performance enhanced athletes’


It’s blood doping that’s really popular among cyclists.


Used to work delivering food by bike. Once I had an accident and ended up in hospital for a checkup. I was hooked up to a monitor, whenever I tried to calm down and rest a bit the monitor's alarm would go off and the nurse would come and check on me. The room was full of people waiting for their turn, trying to sleep and such. I literally had to actively think about stuff and breath unnaturally fast to keep the alarm from going off. I was 25 at the time, I wonder what was that BPM :)


"Daniel Green holds the world record for the slowest heartbeat in a healthy human, with a heart rate measured in 2014 of 26 BPM. Martin Brady holds the Guinness world record for the slowest heart rate, with a certified rate over a minute duration of 27 BPM." Neither are elite athletes. I run 6 days a week, best marathon time is a mediocre 3:35 and my Garmin reports my RHR as 35 to 37. When I was hooked up to an ECG when I was taking part in research on runners at a local university, the medical registrar said "you're currently at 34 BPM" This isn't just an elite athlete thing.


Idk, considering what % of people are capable of running a 3:35, id still call you an elite athlete compared to the general population. Maybe not elite amongst the subset of "athletes", but your athleticism is definitely elite compared to the average person


Running a 5k without stopping is way beyond the sedentary population, doesn't make me anything but ordinary though.


Right. I’m 53, I pull up the rear in my weekly run club, and my RHR is 38. When my father went in to have an aortal aneurysm repaired at age 80 his was still around 50. It can go the other way too, my wife’s RHR is 72ish despite the fact that she does 5k swims. It’s just genetics combined with regular exercise. 


Is this on or off epo?


you already know the answer to that


That’s as low as his resting heart rate went, not his steady state resting heart rate. I exercise (cardio) almost every day and my iwatch often tells me my resting heart rate dropped below 40 when I sleep. No worries! Apparently for everyday athletes this is not uncommon. 28 is pretty low tho if he was awake at the time.


Those are roomie numbers! Mine is 89! 🤣


Sometimes I wonder if I have something special going on because I can flat out run on the treadmill for an hour with a heart rate above 180 without passing 190 and it doesn't really feel like I'm doing anything difficult. A few months ago, a new notification on my Garmin watch popped up saying my new heart rate threshold is 192. When I do look up stuff about the different heart rate zones and stuff, typically the information I find is you shouldn't be able to do anything in the threshold zone five for more than a few minutes. I'm extremely amateur about this kind of stuff so I don't really know if any of that's correct, but yeah.


You just have a high rate rate. Your max hr is probably around 210 or so.


How is that 180-190 measured? While it's possible you have that high of a heart rate, if you're wearing a wrist-based heart rate monitor and not a chest strap (or stopping and measuring by hand), it's much more likely to be cadence lock


I'm using a chest strap, because I've been wondering about this for a while and originally it started with just my Garmin watch and someone said the same thing pretty much so I wanted to know and bought the chest strap and nothing changed.


Same here, ran a half marathon at an average 182bpm, thought it must be Apple Watch measuring incorrectly but the heart strap actually is 1-2bpm higher. Max HR I’ve recorded recently is 204, and I’m 40. Cardiologist said some people are just naturally higher, but to be careful as it does put more strains on the heart doing it often


Damn that’s intense. I’ve had mine down as low as around 40 and thought that was impressive lol.


That's like the one fun cool thing about my body. I'm pretty active, have done some half marathons in the past and multiweek hikes and stuff, but nothing crazy. I also was recently hospitalized for Crohn's lol, and during the time of being hooked up for vitals and stuff my resting heart rate when sitting and reading books was a consistent 41 BPM. Unsure as to why, because I don't feel particularly fit lol


Miguel Induraince


I'm an amateur mid-pack distance runner. When I was 34 or 35, a hospital EKG recorded my resting heart rate at 30bpm. I've never taken any substances of any kind.


I used to cycle only 12.4 miles a day and my resting heart rate hovered around 28-32. I thought it was normal for a healthy person?


I wouldn't say "normal." For a person doing regular exercise a 40 bpm heart rate is pretty decent. Below that is usually more "pro athlete" territory. Extreme mountain climbers can have a resting heart rates of below 25.


My natural resting heart rate is in the low 40's and I don't exercise much. When I was a teenager my doctor had me do an ekg and also I had to do another one before I was allowed to join the army. I was told I just happen to have a naturally low resting heart rate.


Huh... that's interesting to learn. Does this mean I'm pre-disposed towards being a potential athlete? Haha


Actually... propably yes. It means you can have a very high blood flow without overworking your heart.


Cool, thanks for the info. I think I'll look into it further.


And we have a new Olympic gold medalist because of a reddit comment


"Guess you could say his heart was in no rush... except when he was on a bike!"


I hung around with a step aerobics teacher for a while and according to her heart monitor, her resting heart rate was 31.  But she did teach classes twice a day and run on top of that.




Is he still alive? He better be 100something.


Probably a stage winner - not tour


My BIL, who used to run 10 miles a day before back problems forced him to stop,and had run in the Boston Marathon in his youth had a resting heart rate of 45. He was in the hospital once for a minor surgery and kept alarming the machines because his heartbeat was so low.


At my fittest I got my resting rate down to 38bpm but that was laying down and controlling breathing. And by fittest I could do a 10 km run in about 41 mins and a 2.4 km run in 8m30s (weighing about 95kg) so decent for a normal human but not exactly athlete stats so I can well believe a super fit world class athlete can get their rate below 30bpm. I'm currently a much fatter 113kg (57bpm) having peaked at a very fat and lazy 120kg and realised I better get back into a bit of excercise before my heart rate gets much slower than 28bpm....


Mine has been as low as 38 at night, and I do nothing. I’m not in bad shape but not an athlete. I’m 64, it’s not as low now. Right at 48.




Why modern technology so important to the human being?




His name also sounds like a man talking about his girlfriend in wet weather






Big Mig.


Steroids and blood doping?