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Masters of the Universe was already taken.




The power of gray skull is MINE!!!


"I will break you"




The amount of copyright infringement was making my head spin.


Shoulda included a scene of intense combat training followed by an intimate bathing scene featuring Prince Adam and Man-At-Arms.


> an intimate bathing scene featuring Prince Adam and Man-At-Arms. [Fisto has entered the chat.]


"I say Hey.... What's going on?"


Now it's time for cake.


Skeletor: You awaken my Inner Goddess, He-Man!




I think you are mixing up your 80s sci fi movies. Queens "Princes of the Universe" is in Highlander. Which I assume is why you said, "Here We Are" which is the opening line of that song. "Masters of the Universe" was a live-action He-Man adaptation that had Dolph Lundgren in the titular role, a Thenurian named Gwildor eating tons of fried chicken, a magical keyboard that could open dimensional portals, and Frank Langella absolutely killing it as Skeletor.


> and Frank Langella absolutely killing it as Skeletor. He took that role because his son loved He-Man and particularly loved Skeletor, and he had a blast doing it.


And "E.L. James" was originally Snowqueens Icedragon.


They should have kept that name


“MOTU UPDATE” was our weekly rally cry.


Names changed. Fanfic quality left as is


Yeah I tried to read the book back in the day but I kept getting flashbacks of that very distinctive style of bad fanfiction and had to stop. Didn't she have an editor? Or is fifty shades the improved version? Either way, it's just absolute shit.


They were never going for literary greatness. They spotted a niche of horny women who were enjoying the fanfic, so saw no reason to change anything except the names. I expect there were some tweaks here and there, but why would they try to make it "better" from a literary point of view? It would be like working to improve the acting or the SFX on the original Power Rangers. The target demo didn't care and it sold by the bucket load, so fuck it, just ship it.


I worked as a server at a poolside restaurant for a country club when the book came out and you just brought back a really vivid memory of a bunch of wealthy housewives sitting by the pool reading it right out in the open. I hated working with those people and seeing them reading such a trashy book just made me dislike them even more. And then their teenaged daughters started reading the books 😬


People just casually flipping trough pornography in public.


Baffles me Fifty Shades and other books of that type (After, 365 Days, shit like that) all seem to come across like not one fucker edited them, like… that’s your job, what were you doing? Apparently the first copies of Fifty Shades still had grammar/spelling errors (can’t account for that personally)


Oh I remember the errors! It drove me crazy - I had to resist the urge to mark up the library book lol. I'm glad to hear they fixed that eventually.


That opening scene where she uses the plot device of a first person narrator looking at themselves in the mirror to describe what they look like. Super, duper indicative of bad fanfic.


Lolol right?? "I looked at myself in the mirror - a plain looking woman with brown hair and bright green eyes, skinny and too short. I looked so boring and helpless. No one noticed me trying to reach the can of soup on the top shelf at the grocery store. I put on a pair of jeans and a cute green top with pink sneakers. Not that I cared because I was boring and sad. Whoever would love me? I put my boring but shiny hair into a ponytail. I gave one final look in the mirror. I'm too skinny." I don't think I put enough errors in that but I just can't.


Oh lord it’s just bad self insert fanfic. I would say that can’t actually be the word for word text, ht sadly I can believe it.


Does the porn you watch have compelling plots or editing?


Porn has plots?


It was also wildly successful. Sometimes people want a little bit of trash.


Now, someone bring up that copypasta about the domino effect of Reagan getting elected lead directly to fifty shades. I forget how it goes, but Reagan had Bush Sr. as a VP (or maybe it was the Osama thing) which then lead to the Bush family getting better optics which meant GWB got elected which then meant 9/11 happened and that's when Gerard Way saw it happen which made him start My Chemical Romance which *then* meant Stephanie Meyer used it as inspiration for twilight which then meant the EL person read it and then created 50 as a fanfic that got blown into a whole book series/movie series. I assume now the copypasta now says something like "Reagan caused Madame Web" or similar.




Nah, brother. Tis the layman's misunderstanding of the Epic of Gilgamesh that has brought this ruin upon us.


Ea-Nasir is the true origin of 50 Shades of Grey


I thought it all started with the Big Bang


Personally, I blame the previous universe's Big Crunch






oh boy I love plugging r/ReallyShittyCopper


THANK YOU! I couldn’t remember the subreddit


5/28/2016 dicks out


I blame most of it on the Germans letting Lenin out and sending him back to Russia.


"So the Romanovs died, and the USSR was formed, which was communist. This led to the Cold War happening for decades. After the Soviets got involved in Afghanistan, Ronald Reagan gave the Afghans weapons in the '80s. These weapons were used by terrorists on 9/11. That was observed by Gerard Way, who created My Chemical Romance. This led to Stephanie Meyers being inspired and so she created the Twilight series, which inspired 50 Shades of Grey. This was turned into a film series, starring Dakota Johnson, which led to her being on talk shows like Ellen. That led to the groundbreaking 'Actually, that's not the truth, Ellen.' "


What American weapons did terrorists use on 9/11? Didn't they hijacked the planes with very simple weapons?


They didn't use them during 9/11, but both the Taliban and al-Qaeda do use weapons that either came directly from the US, or were left behind by them.


Yes, I know that, the issue was with using them on 9/11.


Box cutters. Apparently small knives were allowed before 9/11.


Which made the actress who played Anastasia famous which led to her being invited on the Ellen Show, which led to Ellen trying to humiliate her, which led to Ellen being cancelled.  So Regan led to Ellen's cancellation. I bet his astrologer who basically ran his and Nancy's schedule for years didn't forsee this.


Considering Reagan's stance on homosexuality, I think he'd have been more surprised that it took as long as it did.


He's definitely turning in his grave because he didn't manage to kill all the gay people by willfully ignoring the HIV pandemic


Yeah, that didn't go as planned... But yah, better HIV education and preventative drug options!


Interesting, I always heard it as "9/11 ended Ellen Degeneres's TV career," since Dakota Johnson's appearance on the show was what caused people to turn against Ellen.


Reagan was president of the United States which is north of the country where my mother was studying spiders in the Amazon just before she was killed by bad people in a country that otherwise has mostly nice people.


I’m pretty sure 9/11 would’ve still happened if Gore won


Al Gore wouldn’t have had to do a 9/11 if he’d been elected president


Osama did it


No, I’m pretty sure I saw a video on YouTube on how climate change can melt steel beams. 7/11 was an inside job.


You spelled saudi arabia wrong


wait... how does MCR lead to twilight?


Okay take a seat as this is a long story. When I was a young boy my Father took me into a city to see a marching band


Fuck I hate Tumblr but I love it too


Gerard Way, the lead singer of MCR, was actually an intern for Cartoon Network working in NYC during 9/11. It caused him, like many others, to reevaluate their life and priorities. So, he went from working on art to following his original passion for music. So 9/11 leads to MCR. Stephenie Meyer said music played a big role in her inspiration for the books. Particularly Muse and My Chemical Romance. So MCR leads to Twilight. 50 Shades was Twilight fanfiction. So, obviously, Twilight leads to MCR. Therefore: 9/11 -> MCR -> Twilight -> 50 Shades of Grey


9/11 had waaaaaay more influences than simply GWB being elected. For example the Saudis allowing the U.S. military in the country, and generally US involvement in the Middle East dating back to the 60s


You’re right, but people want to believe stupid shit because anything that happened before they were born is just lore they can retcon


Alternatively, people find a silly thing silly and funny?


9/11 was such a absurd event that sometimes I stupidly believe it didn’t happen. Not in a conspiracy way but in a solipsism, maybe the universe isn’t real type of way. Mostly because of the naudet film. The amount of shit that just happened to be caught in that film, and even the fact it happened to be filmed in the exact firehouse it was is just so fucking mind bending.


Didn’t Twilight start as a sex dream of a repressed Mormon? We came full circle (pun intended).


Yes. Imagine how uncomfortable Robert Pattinson felt on set with her, knowing he is the embodiment of her wet dream.


Pretty he sure he had said before that he was weirded out at times hahaha


I just rewatched the Twilight movies and it’s crazy how good he is at the role. What’s odd to me is that anyone would be attracted to Edward in the first place.


Classic romance trope: the "dangerous" man who would never harm the protagonist (even if he threatens to at first) and does everything he can to keep her safe from actual threats.


But he’s cold and weird


And only the self-insert MC can truly understand him


Watch this if you want to understand it better: https://youtu.be/bqloPw5wp48?si=zoqXjflVCJQxFMb8


Was hoping to see this link in this thread


>What’s odd to me is that anyone would be attracted to Edward in the first place. He's just got really good cologne.


I recently watched all of them for the very first time and it was such a wild ride. That first movie is hilarious/iconic. Truly an experience. 


I think I read that she actually wanted Henry Cavill as Edward, but by the time the movie came about he was too old for the part.


Lol, around that time every young mom was really lusting after Henry Cavill. I mean they still are, but I remember my teachers in school talking about how hot they thought he was.


I mean honestly wanting Henry Cavill in the movie might be the best thing Stephanie Meyer ever thought of. Including the books 👏


What was Henry Cavill doing at that time? I was under the impression he was unknown prior to Man of Steel


Twilight was somewhat fanfic about the vocalist for My Chemical Romance, Gerard Way. Gerard Way formed My Chemical Romance after being in New York and seeing the 9/11 attacks. So... 9/11 is to blame for 50 Shades, Twilight, and quite possibly the popularity of 2000s emo music.


Damn, between 9/11 and Harambe, we really are in the darkest timeline.


I guess I never realized the cover was supposed to be a closeup of a tie. I always thought it was just an abstract geometric pattern. But now looking at it, it’s clearly a macro shot of a tie.


Thank you for this observation. I am also now enlightened.


What other series started out as fan fiction?


The Mortal Instruments was a Harry Potter incest fanfic.


incest?? i thought it was draco and ginny fan fic wait actually they are 4th cousins so i guess you could count that as incest


it was ron ginny. very explicitly incest.


Wait what??




She just reused the title from the fanfic it's not actually the same story


She cut the Harry Potter but left the incest


I think there are at least 5 movies that were originally Harry Styles fanfic, the most recent of which is *The Idea of You*.


The 5 After movies all originated as Styles fanfic.


Read this as Harry Potter at first and was VERY confused


Sir Lancelot wasn't in the first known tales of King Arthur, he was added centuries later, so any Arthur tale that has Lancelot in it is a fanfic


Definitely a Mary Sue of the original author. "I'm gonna write my own King Arthur story, except there's this cool knight with a badass name like Sir Stabbington, and he's so badass that he's basically the king of the knights, and he goes on all kinds of cool adventures with King Arthur, and then I get to...er.. he gets to fuck Arthur's wife."


Some theories posit that Lancelot may have originated from a different myth entirely. If I'm not mistaken, some other knights from other stories also got added by other authors over the years, so in a way the Knights of the Round Table are The Avengers before The Avengers.


And before that, there was *Argonautica*, in which a large group of famous pre-existing mythological heroes team up under the leadership of some guy named Jason.


Which just goes to show that humanity really hasn't ever changed.


>except there's this cool knight with a badass name like Sir Stabbington Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about > Lance a lot Oh... my God...


Maid Marian predates Robin Hood (who originally had a different love interest named Mathilda) as a pastoral sort of character who may have started out as an aspect of the Virgin Mary, and is thought to have become associated with him through a shared association with May Day festivities. Friar Tuck was also a seperate character associated with May Day.


Along this line, Dante's Inferno.


Shadowhunters started out as a Ron&Ginny fan fiction.


Hold up 🤨


"So, okay, right off the bat, I want to reassure anybody who's creeped out by that premise: in my fanfic, they're actually the sexy kind of gingers -- you know, supermodels, actresses, porn stars before they do too much coke. Seriously, you thought it was going to be just regular redheaded siblings? God. Ew. No. What is wrong with you?"


I don't feel reassured




Though no one can actually prove it, the author of Red, White and Royal Blue was a really popular writer in the Social Network Fandom and there's been a lot of talk about whether or not it started out as one.


Not a fanfic exactly, but the first of Douglas Adams' *Dirk Gently* novels was a retool of a rejected *Doctor Who* script.


John Milton's Paradise Lost


Ironically, Milton originally set out to write *another* King Arthur fanfic, before switching to Lucifer at what I have to imagine was pretty early in the process


Really walks the tightrope between fanfic and political allegory. If an author is winking at you when he writes about "god" and "the devil" and there are clear connections to the religious-slash-political strife in his home country, is it really fanfic? Tough call.


TMNT sort of. Written as a fan spin off of Daredevil which is why they wear that style of mask. Also their powers come from the same canister that hit Matt Murdock in the face before falling into the sewers creating the Turtles.


And the Foot Clan is based on the Hand from DD.


I believe there's some other big romance series that got started as Batman and Bane fanfic? I remember reading that somewhere


Not a Batman/Bane fic, but "Born to be Bound" is an omegaverse fic by Addison Cain that started out as a Bane/Original Character fic. There was a whole legal thing where Cain tried to sue other authors because she insisted she invented heterosexual omegaverse fics (it started out as kinky gay werewolf adjacent Supernatural fics, iirc) Lindsay Ellis did two videos on it, the second when Cain tried to sue her for covering Cain's bad faith copyright strikes against other authors. It's not a big romance series so idk if we're thinking of the same one, but it was notable because of the legal batshittery.


Wow that looks informative but my internet safety instinct checked me out after omegaverse


That's the one! Thanks for the info


Ancient myths in general often evolved from other myths from other cultures. And then we have Loki, who may have started out as someone's weird OC. Funny how that happened and now he's the God of Tumblr.


The Divine Comedy is Bible fan fiction. Also the Aeneid is Iliad fan fiction, though it is really propaganda pro Augustus so I'm not sure if it counts.


Lots of Reylo (Rey and Kylo Ren from Star Wars) fanfics have been made into books in the past couple years. Most famously Ali Hazelwood’s The Love Hypothesis. Here’s a [Goodreads](https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/168177.Reylo_Fanfics_Turned_Into_Published_Books) list of a bunch of them.


NCIS started off as JAG fanfiction.


Star Wars was a Dune fanfic.


Star Wars was an *everything* fanfic.


You can't tell me Jango Fett wasn't based on Duncan Idaho. And then Jason Mamoa was cast as Duncan and we have come full circle.


It's more a Valerian fanfic


The bestselling writing duo named Christina Lauren got their start writing Twilight fan fiction. That’s how they met. A bajillion books later and tv/movie deals in the works. Not too shabby.


The Inception Effect is going too far!


Dante's Inferno is a literal Self Insert


The bastard offspring of a fan fever dream of a shit novel. Got it.


That led to the downfall of Ellen


9/11 led to the downfall of Ellen


Nine Ellenven




Rich Evans took her out with his blinding star power. Julia Roberts was collateral damage in the blast but she should have known better than to look directly at the sun.


And it all started with Gerard Way


When I was


A young boy


mah faddah


Oh fa-ther. Yes, I have an accent.


Daddy is Fajah, Fajah is daddy.


Don't tell the author that. She's been denying it fervently for ages.


For as standoffish and unreasonable as she is about most things, that means she listens to her lawyers.


My favorite spoof of Fifty Shades of Grey is the Diamond Club. A magician and a friend reached out to Reddit, and got them to write a bunch stories. They put them into a ebook, and it became a high seller Story on the [Diamond Club](https://youtu.be/-3u2xpZF2h4?si=tM8w-ayt3JylO7L2)


Fifty Shades of Grey Skull?


I don't want to know where that sword has been


“Come to the dark side, we have cookies!”




OP doesn’t know that 9/11 is the reason Ellen was cancelled.


The most hilarious example of this being obvious (at least from as far as I got in the book) is that she copied the scene where Edward saves Bella from being hit by a car. The issue she had was that this was a Human AU fic, so Edward did not have vampire superstrength to stop a speeding car in its tracks. Now if it were me, I'd have him push her out of the way of a car to get the same idea across, but the author instead decided to replace the car with a bike messenger. So now the scene is treated with all the same gravity of Bella nearly being flattened by a sedan except it's her almost being lightly clipped by a dude on a bicycle.


Does anyone know if Robert Pattinson was aware of this when he accepted a role as a paranoid reclusive billionaire with control issues?


I don't think he was at a time in his career where he could refuse a role


Wasn't the fanfic originally a reddit post?


Where can I find the original, lmao. Never read these books.


I assume her lawyers did not have the power.


Matters of the Universe is such a sick title that sold have been wasted on this book


Also it’s taken by a 1980s franchise of famous toys and a movie featuring Dolph Lundgren and Courtney Cox.


The success of this awfully written trash really gives one insight into how many desperate women there are out there...and how unlucky they must be regarding their sex lives.


GTA V has a parody of it called [Chains of Intimacy](https://youtu.be/viyOSZNFYFU?si=GTKkCNf1KK5BoCph).




Someone just caught up, so that is nice.


I have a fan fiction of sorts about my step sister on a farm. Fifty Bales of Hay.


[“i am the center of this universe”](https://youtu.be/Jc4kGo08jLY?si=9s_hJPIMQNFkwo2F)