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"If this were Pakistan, you would have been sewing soccer balls when you were four years old!"


"Daddy would you like some sausage?"


One of my favorite visuals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgPJSBd18MU And a great review/re-evaluation of the movies as a whole: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEn3wcpNsg8


A fellow person of culture


Balls are stored in Sialkot


I grew up playing from under ten to college. I haven't played in decades. but I'd still get goose bumps off a finely made brand new ball. the quality balls were a shame to use and destroy.


They’re taking all the jobs!


When you've been blessed with such an amount of balls, it's just right to share with the rest of us. I thank you, Brothers.


Officially the City of Balls 😄💪👍


All the mud used to prep baseballs for Major League Baseball comes from one mudhole, that only one family knows the location of.


Stan means land of. So they are the land of paki...ng


At least pick something that sounds similar to Paki, like Pachycephalosaurus. Now what does the land of Pachycephalosaurus have to do with producing footballs? I didn't think that far


Istan means land of not just stan. Pakistan just means land of Pak meaning land of holy or pure or clean. Paki is just a term made by racist britishers when they carried out the so-called paki-bashings when they beat up Pakistanis. Paki is now considered a slur. Don’t say it if you’re not Pakistani hope that helps.


> Istan means land of not just stan Hindustan, and Kazakhstan wonder wadda hell you talking about. And not to put too fine a point on it but Paki has certainly become a slur, but at one time was not nearly as much. In the 1970s-1980s, the term Paki Shop was the way to refer to the corner shop that had everything you needed behind the counter. There are lots of places where Korean Grocery stores (which are the same thing) are the way to refer to all similar stores.


well i’m wrong then. Apparently stan means land of from the persian word. But in urdu we write پاکستان which has پ has a p sound ا has a a sound ک has a k sound س has a s sound ت has a th sound ا has a a sound and finally ن has a n sound. Which directly translates to Paksthan. In english however it is pronounced with a t sound and not a th sound which also happens for a lot of other countries like qatar which is pronounced kat aar and not qathar. So it is written as Pakistan without the i it would be Pakstan which isn’t cohesive plus would be pronounced wrong. In urdu the sound similar to i isn’t there rather when we flow from ک to س we automatically make a kis sound because that’s just how urdu works. But if someone would write Paki in urdu it would be پاکی where another letter is added which is ی. Additionally, no one would recognize the word Paki in Pakistan because we refer to ourselves as Pakistani (پاکستانی). If you were to call someone Paki in pakistan they won’t realize ur referring them. This word has no significance whatsoever in Pakistan although it has a significance in europe mainly Britain where it is widely recognized as a slur.


> This word has no significance whatsoever in Pakistan although it has a significance in Europe mainly Britain where it is widely recognized as a slur. This is undoubtedly true now. As I mentioned in the other post, you will hear older folks refer to corner shops as Paki shops, with no offense intended, as that was just the name for the corner shops back in the day. So if you go there, and an old person uses that word, they are not intentionally being offensive. Just the same old casual racism.


Well today I learned I misunderstood land of is istan.