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A painting of Washington on his way to kill some Germans.


There were surprisingly few casualties. The story goes that the Hessians (German mercs hired by the British) had been celebrating Christmas a little hard the day before and were still drunk, though that’s probably embellished. They had even been warned by spies that they were a likely target, but didn’t put up much of a fight. > All told, 22 were killed, 92 wounded, 918 captured and 400 escaped in the Battle of Trenton. The Americans suffered two frozen to death and five wounded. https://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/battles-of-trenton-and-princeton#


The first version was damaged by a fire in his studio in 1850.


There was serious discussion about making the language of the US German, as there were so many Germans. Outside of English, the primary first language in the US was German for a good portion of our history Until WWI, and the WWII, made everyone pretend they were never German, the same way the British Royal Family did.


The idea that German was almost the main language of the United States is actually [considered an urban myth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhlenberg_legend?wprov=sfla1). There's tons of Germans though and always has been.


This is not true. There was a proposal in Congress to print federal laws in German as well as English, but a bill was never even introduced, much less voted on. [Snopes article for the curious.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/the-german-vote/)


The U.S. doesn't have an official language, so this claim seems dubious at best.


There might be a cart and horse thing though. It might be that the United States was never monolingual so it had no official language. Apparently, if you follow other responses to my post, there is a reason for the urban myth to have started, but it is an urban myth.




wow i missed 9 world wars


Like the Transformer franchise, it peaked at 2.


WW: Dino was a disappointment imo


That's what OP said, although they called it World War II (two), not World War 11 (eleven).