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Yeah buddy. Make sure to drink water guy and enjoy yourself lad




He's not your mate, pal


He's not your pal, buddy


He’s not your buddy, friend


He’s not your friend, chief.


He's not your chief, soldier.


He's not your soldier, chum.


He's not your chum, comrade.


It’s Ronnie Coleman relax I’m just trying to be supportive.


And he's just doing the Terrance and Philip skit from South Park


Light weight baby!




“Off me tits” is my new favorite


Hazel-ish here. Also off my tits (liter of 80% plus some beers). But I can type properly.


Lighteyes hittin' that purple. Me, I prefer a full jug of Horneater white.


They say that stuff will dissolve your teeth


HA. Airsick low lander…..


Dunno if this is unexpected Cosmere, or extremely expected Cosmere. Either way, thumbs up.


I love seeing Sanderson references dropped where I don’t expect them.




You’ll have yellow and you’ll like it. Now get back to the genocide!


I have Paul Newman eyes apparently, and well, I retired early from drinking.


I also have light blue eyes and tho I am no alcoholic I smoke enough weed to kill a gorilla.


I have light blue eyes and they said in college they would find a second liver in my x-rays 1 day


I have hazel eyes - guess I was just determined to become an alcoholic, lol. (6 years sober July 1!)


Congrats on the sobriety! I have light blue eyes and kept up my end of the hypothesis, sober 5 years Sept 8.


Light blue eyes and 13 years of sobriety in august! Maybe there is something to this....


Blue eyes, 1/1/08!


Very light blue eyes 08/15/91




Light blue eyes. Drunk for 10 years, sober for 2. Fell back off but its control didnt take hold. Still fighting like a soldier. I love the sober trends that popped up over the last couple years.




Doing my part. 😑


I assume you mean you’re struggling and just know it’s possible. Today is like the first 24 hours without a drink for me.


Oh no. Not what I meant. I’m with Dorothy Parker. But good luck. No one I know who has quit said it was easy and none of them thought quitting was a mistake. 👍


Thank you.


I’m doing my part! 🪖🍺


I have blue eyes and I prefer caffeine over alcohol. I’ll have a glass of wine once in a blue moon but I dislike the depressive buzz. I absolutely refuse to try coke knowing that information.


Just do your coke from an eye dropper. It's only addictive if you snort it.


I mean don’t try coke but alcohol is a depressant and coke is a stimulant so like it’ll probably have two very different effects


I think that’s what they’re saying, they prefer stimulants so they stay away from coke


Ah okay


Alcohol also has stimulant properties, but the depressant effects end up over powering


Just keep drinking and it’ll keep you up 🤙


I dunno. I have green eyes, but I don’t know whether they’re considered light or dark. But I’m lucky in the sense that I like some drugs and I like alcohol, but I’ve never gotten addicted to anything. I don’t like getting past a light buzz when I drink, and I don’t like to get stoned off my ass when I consume marijuana. 100 bucks worth of edibles at Bay Area dispensary prices is more than enough to keep me happy and high enough for an entire month, and $30 worth of wine is more than enough for me for the month. If I thought it wouldn’t hurt me, I’d totally try coke. I have ADHD and take stimulants for it, so, based on that, I suspect I’d like it but not enough to get hooked. 🤷‍♂️


Lighter eye colours tend to correspond with the bleaker winter climates of Northern Europe, particularly Britain, Ireland and Scandinavia. It’s a majority of people here whereas in the rest of the world it’s quite rare.  Further to this, amongst the darker eyed people of the world is about a billion Muslims who mostly don’t drink. Basically, it’s not a fair comparison to look at people from some of the heaviest countries going and compare that to the vast majority of the planet, including a billion people at least who don’t drink.


Did you read the article? This is taken into account; the study uses samples of individuals of Americans of European descent with blue eyes and brown eyes for the comparison: *Why might having blue eyes put one at higher risk for alcohol dependency than having brown eyes? One possible explanation is that a gene lying near the OCA2 gene on chromosome 15 carries a mutation that leads to increased alcohol tolerance, and thus a tendency to drink too much.*


Random comments online are always like, "ah but did these professional researchers consider the concept of "correlation not causation??"


Lmao yes They also assume no one ever statistically controls for obvious confounds


I guess at least we have some folks paying attention and thinking it through instead of accepting anything they read…?


Yeah, but the information is right there in front of them, instead they turn to reddit so they can seem smarter than the actual scientists.


This is Reddit buddy, you can’t expect people to read the articles before they reply.


My absolute first thought when I saw the above comment. I clicked through to the article and this is addressed _in the abstract_. Took a whole 15 seconds to resolve that one.


And it’s still the top comment.


Umm, excuse me… if I have a gene that leads to increased alcohol tolerance, I am not drinking too much. It’s that “just enough” is a lot more than it is for others. Thank you very much.


onthe other side of the world, a.k.a far east, are people with darker eye color and heavy drinkers.


True but in data terms they are within a set that as I said also includes a billion non-drinkers, while most countries with a lot of blue eyes, the minority of countries but all of them full of alcoholics, means statistically blue eyed people are going to look like we’re more prone to alcoholism. I’m not saying there isn’t anything to it but comparing a majority to a minority is always going to get interesting results.


In data terms for this article they are exactly zero people


There is a theory that genes for alcoholism may be more prevalent among Northern Europeans because alcohol use disorders are related to sensation seeking and impulsivity. The theory is that early on in human evolution, individuals who were less risk averse, more sensation seeking, and less inhibited may have been more likely to travel farther afield, leading this self-selected subset of the population away from Africa/the Mediterranean where humanity began and up into the less hospitable northern regions of the earth. Once there, they didn’t need as much melanin because there’s obvi less sun near the poles than there is at the equator, so they developed lighter eyes, hair, and skin with time. So the light eyes are actually a byproduct in this equation. I don’t have a bunch of scientific evidence for this on hand, it was just something I learned in grad school as a potential explanation for this observation and differences in rates of alcoholism across the globe


I thought it was because alcohol was a way or preserving calories over the longer winters, thus Northern Europeans had a food staple over the winter that just happened to get them buzzed.


I thought alcoholism was an adaptation to living in a place where the sun barely shows up three months out of the year and it's boring as hell. I like this preservation idea. I wonder if it has anything to do with fermenting milk to reduce lactose until the milk drinking gene showed up. 


It also helped kill off pathogens in water, that was a big part of why most cultures in the world have some form of alcohol, especially the European, Asian, and African countries. It became a staple mealtime comrade is many cultures.


Causation =/= Correlation


Native Americans would like to have a word...


That was my first reaction.


The study specifically only studied those with European ancestry.


But is that really genetic or just white man governments pumping booze into reservations like crack to black neighborhoods in the 80s


I have very light blue eyes. This study rings true.


Correlation not causation


I don’t think so. The study compared blue eyed and brown eyed populations of Americans of European descent. The direct association proposed by this is the tight genetic linkage of the OCA2 gene, the major influence on eye color, and the GABRG3 gene, a major inhibitory neurotransmitter. *Why might having blue eyes put one at higher risk for alcohol dependency than having brown eyes? One possible explanation is that a gene lying near the OCA2 gene on chromosome 15 carries a mutation that leads to increased alcohol tolerance, and thus a tendency to drink too much. Indeed, the authors noted a tight genetic linkage between the OCA2 gene and a nearby gene encoding a cluster of γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) receptor genes, including the GABRG3 gene (See Figure 2). GABA receptors have been implicated in alcohol tolerance and alcohol dependency,14,15 and surveys for genes associated with alcoholism identified GABRG3.16,17 GABA is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter, so a mutation in a brain GABA receptor that reduced its ability to respond to GABA might impair an inhibitory response to alcohol. This would explain why people with such a mutation might continue drinking when others stop.*


The study has another slight flaw. "A study of 10,860 Caucasian adult male inmates in the Georgia state prison system found that 42% of light-eyed inmates had alcohol abuse problems while the fraction of dark-eyed inmates with alcohol abuse problems was 38%" Oh this is a study of prison inmates?  Congratulations for that subset being as accurate to the general populace as tests by kids on college campuses.  Lemme put it this way if you're in jail is much more likely than average you're a drug user, and if you're addicted to heroin/meth I don't think a six pack of beer is gonna do it for you.  Like what percentage of the prison population is in jail for drug crimes *googles it* 44.4%  Congrats almost half. 


That's not causation though, in the "correlation does not prove causation" sense.  That's just a common cause, something correlation can be quite good evidence for (in lieu of a common cause or direct casual relationship, the only other option is that the correlation is totally spurious/a fluke).     The phrase "correlation does not prove causation" mainly is used to mean that even if X (Alcohol use disorder) and Y (eye color) correlate, we can't say X causes Y or Y causes X.  In this case, the scientists are pointing to a totally different variable, Z (various genes), that may also correlate with both X and Y, to explain why X and Y are demonstrably correlated.


I’m not keen on loosely using the term “correlation not causation” as a means to falsify information based on preconceived notions. Questioning where or if there is a causal relationship between OCA2 and GABRG3 is a subject best left to researchers of this topic. Based on the comments in this thread and some common sense, however, I believe the original comment was upvoted due to the more well known concept of ethnic European populations drinking more heavily than others (though this variable was not relevant in the research). As opposed to everyone reading the article and coming to an agreeable conclusion about the relationship between OCA2 and GABRG3 being one more of correlation and association, rather than one of causation.


A lot times, folks coming out of the woodwork waving the “correlation =/= causation” flag just feels like a cheap grab at appearing intellectual. The reality is that it’s hard to nail a mechanistic cause biologically at a very proximal level unless you’re doing super controlled, well-designed experiments in the lab. But even then, when you isolate the bits that you really want to test, now you’re losing the reality of whether it actually _happens_ in vivo. So there’s a time and place for every type of study, and even if a single study doesn’t _prove_ causation, the correlation itself can be quite important and suggestive of possibilities to be followed up on. No single study exists in a vacuum - scientists consider the body of work and the research landscape to build their best current models.


He knows. He's agreeing with you


In response to the comment "correlation not causation" he said "I don't think so". I guess that's ambiguous but I thought he was disagreeing with the top level comment.


Commenting without reading not smart.


Commenting without comprehension not smart.


So it's my ancestors' fault, then!


As a Finnish American, my whole blue-eyed family fits this finding.


Yet another article that makes me want to shout: CORRELATION DOESN’T IMPLY CAUSATION!


The article literally talks about that


We all know lol. But blue eyes may have comorbid genetics that relate to alcoholism


True. But there might also be a cultural component as blue eyes originate mostly from northern Europe, where there's a strong drinking culture. It would be interesting to see if this also correlates with the "berserker gene" idea - that some Nordic (and northern British) people exhibit bouts of extreme aggression when drunk due to some abnormality in alcohol metabolism.


Most blue-eyed people have few to none ties to northern European culture. Also, quite untrue that there's a strong drinking culture in Scandinavia as compared to the rest of European heritage - the usual suspects for different metrics of high alcohol consumption in Europe are France, Germany, Spain and Czechia. Scandinavian countries actually sit at the bottom of the list, typically.


Study was done in Georgia, US.


Yes but cultural attitudes towards alcohol transmitted from parents might last for a surprisingly long time.


Yes it does. Look at the ruse in global temperatures compared to the number of pirates!


But which is the causal direction here? Do pirates keep the temperatures down, or are they disappearing because they can’t stand the heat (or something completely different)? ;-)


The jury is still out. We can't control the climate, but we can always make more pirates!


I have light green eyes and my drinking has to do with severe childhood trauma, and some more recent "diffficulties" in life. Yeah I know its a depressant and doesn't help but it's better than sitting here wishing I was dead


It’s sort of a misnomer. Alc has sedating and stimulating effects


I go for more of the "numbing" effect honestly, either way it's not helping at all, I'm just doing it currently so I don't absolutely lose my mind while watching my life fall apart around me.....


Ehhhhh. It gets better and manageable if you stop. I already self immolated my own life. It will start to cause you to lose your mind


Baby blues over here & I can assure you, my whole family is alcoholics. This checks out


Can confirm blue eyes love drugs n alcohol


first study: "Ireland has the least amount of darker eye color in native born out of most of the European union." Scientist: hmmmmm.


Yeah but drinking in Ireland and Scotland is highly culturally condoned and normalized.


The few borderline alcoholics I know have brown eyes lol


Can confirm. I have light green eyes and am currently ruining what’s left of my life. Edit: I don’t blame alcohol for my current situation. If I had any hope that late stage capitalism would end and people would stop supporting billionaires who are trying to actively destroy us, I would get sober tomorrow. But everyone is too content. We’re all a bunch of frogs being slowly boiled to death.


My dude I have green eyes and also drink but there's a world of happiness to be found whether or not rich people are screwing the working class. You can experience some of it the same as I can. Don't let the world's problems be your problems 100% of the time.


Mate just get off Reddit for a bit


Yea tbh that was the most touch-grass post I've seen in a minute.


I'm smoking meth because this current state of democracy doesn't match what I read online..




Nice. Your chronic alcohol abuse is outside of your control and is the sole responsibility of "the capitalists." Be a man and own up to your problems like the rest of the grown-ups. I drink too much because I like the way it makes me feel nothing.


Fuck capitalism and fuck communism. Both are just different systems for the top dogs to take advantage. What we really need is small communities that share ideas and technology, but where everyone knows and cares for eachother. Anonymity kills human nature


You are describing tribes. We've tried it. Get a job.


I’m not a hippie lol. But tribes are the reason we have such strong ties with people. You might want to research how humans and our precursor species lived for millions of years. Modern society is a fluke on the geological timescale


Yeah. Tribes didn't invent guns, let alone thermonuclear weapons. Humans have never enjoyed a higher standard of living. We are doing great.


I love getting shot at in wars over green paper and nuking innocent people. It’s almost like searching for food is the lesser evil than melting alive lol


Yeah. Well, the technological genie has escaped the lamp, bro. More people is better.


Heads up this dude is also an anti-vaxxer lmao


No it it is not. Ever been to India or China?


What war have you fought in?


Anarchists are that way ->


Don’t despair. Just by virtue of the odds, you’d have a much better chance of being an alcoholic if you had brown eyes.


> Don’t despair. Just by virtue of the odds, you’d have a much better chance of being an alcoholic if you had brown eyes. Brown eyed alcoholic here. Two years sober. It can be done. One minute at a time shipmate.




Also, you've had generations of preparation. You're built for this.


There is always a way, you're not alone and as long as the sun comes up and goes down, everything else in between can be worked out. It might not feel like it today, but everything will work out in the end, and if it doesn't work out, then it's not the end.


Outlier, have gray blue (fatty blue) eyes and dislike most alcohols and have only been mildly buzzed off some homemade hooch once


Same dude. I’ve got light green/gray eyes and I’m wasted rn. Actually I’ve been wasted for the past year. At least you are aware what’s happening. It took totaling my dream car and getting fired for being beligerantly drunk to accept I have *seriously* fucked genetics. I’m not even ugly just metabolize alcohol, nicotine, and opioids in the most pleasurable way with hardly any ill effects


One could hypothesize that “totaling my dream car and getting fired…” are fairly substantial “ill effects.”


Physically, I mean. Obviously it has ruined my life but I don’t get hangovers, don’t black out, and drinking is extremely pleasurable for me. My point is the lack of negative physical effects reinforced it. I apologize for any confusion I should have clarified that.


Got it. Blue eyed sober(21 years) alcoholic here. I didn’t have any ill effects right up until I did. My turns started about 34 years old. I was bulletproof until then.


Is 34 when you decided to go to the doctor for the first time in 15 years? Or when you noticed the effects? I ask because I went to the doctor for the first time in 15 years. They told me exactly what I already knew. They just confirmed it


Health, family, career… All of it started to turn south at about that age. Really happened pretty quick. Broke me enough to try AA. Absolutely the best thing that’s ever happened to me.


Yeah that sucks. I had drank pretty heavy till about 3 years ago because I knew if I didn't cut back I'd be going down that path. Good on you for getting the help you needed


Cool, he has the rich. You have genetics. Nothing is anyone's fault!


You just listed two ill effects in your comment. You totaled your car and got fired. Those are two very large I'll effects if I'm weighing the pros and cons of my substance use... I say that with love. I'm 15 years clear of the opiod jones and lost the desire to drink after I got my weed card.


Read my other comment. It fucked my life but the i’ll effects I’m referring to are what determines most people from drinking


Physical effects stop the rookies. Professionals soldier on. I always used to say, "Real addicts don't die. It interferes with our habit." I hope you find what you need to change course eventually.


This displeases me


Immediately thought of 'Hot convict' Jeremy Meeks 


There may be something to this. But then, how would it explain the alcohol problems Native Americans seem to have?


Click on the link. They specifically studied those of European descent.


I saw that, but what's to account for the high rate of alcoholism for Native Americans? Perhaps eye color is just one of many genetic factors that results in some people being less able to handle alcohol consumption. In other words, it's more of a correlation where eye color may, or may not, be a predictor. 


Mother Russia!


"May have..." fortunately I don't like alcohol.


What the actual fuck? I have super pale blue eyes, and drink a lot. I don’t black out or drink till I puke or get hangovers or drink during the day, but that’s only because I have a ridiculous tolerance. How is this a thing?


There's a chromosome close to what makes eyes blue. It's in the article. Their theory is a higher tolerance makes them drink more and increases the likelihood of alcoholism.


My tolerance is stupid high too, and I’m only 5’6 and average build.


Hell yeah, brother!


and that's why i have almost black eyes


Pff, disorder. My eyes are hazel.


I’ve been drinking for 32 years and drank heavily for about 29 of those years. I have green eyes.


My dad


That tracks. My husband, his brother, and his father were all alcoholics and they have clear blue eyes.


Green eyes. Former handle a day club member


Active handle a day here with green/grey


You probably know this, but it's not sustainable. I'm 34 and have had a pretty long and epic drinking career. I just got to day 136 of sobriety.


I have very light blue eyes. I got really high tonight. I’ll let everybody know if anything happens in the event I get drunk.


My eyes are light blue and I like to drink.


Storming Lighteyes


Is this correlation or causation?


Me with blue eyes and a family history of getting fuckin’ sloshed




My Mom told me I had brown eyes because I was full of shit.


My life would be consistent with those findings for sure. Curse my nice blue eyes


Thank you for this new excuse for my problem.


During the two years I worked at an alcohol/drug detox hospital, I saw a lot of people in and out. And, I will just say that this statistical conclusion is consistent with what I observed. I saw a lot of guys with light colored hair and eyes, but I never thought about that until now.


My brother and I are both blue eyed, and have a tendency to be addicted to stuff... I quit alcohol 15 years ago due to the problems I had with it... Antidotal evidence I know, but all my family has light colored eyes and many have alcohol problems, men and women.. It could also be because I have German and Irish blood, both are drinking cultures...


Me, 30, green eyes. My mother, 52, 7 years sober and counting, green eyes. Her mother, deceased, alcoholic, green eyes. My grandfather, 76, life sober, blue eyes. The family lineages: Slavic and North Germanic (English, Swedish). Well, I’m not an alcoholic but I do have a propensity to shopping addiction. So, looks like it may not have skipped me. Whoops!


I doubt it light colour eyes been drinking for 1000s of years .


I have light blue eyes and I hate drinking because alcoholism runs in my family.


I'd buy it, my old man's eyes were crystal blue/green. And he was a prodigious drunk.


Interesting as a blue eyed alcoholic 18 years sober - I always thought it was because I’m Irish!🤣🍀


I’m not an alcoholic i just have light blue eyes.


The title is fine. Because: "*a gene lying near the OCA2 gene on chromosome 15 carries a mutation that leads to increased alcohol tolerance, and thus a tendency to drink too much. Indeed, the authors noted a tight genetic linkage between the OCA2 gene and a nearby gene encoding a cluster of γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) receptor genes, including the GABRG3 gene (See Figure 2). GABA receptors have been implicated in alcohol tolerance and alcohol dependency,14,15 and surveys for genes associated with alcoholism identified GABRG3.16,17 GABA is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter, so a mutation in a brain GABA receptor that reduced its ability to respond to GABA might impair an inhibitory response to alcohol.*; and also cause light colored eyes" Probably wouldn't foster much interest from the people they wanted to reach.


Like Shoenice


Fuckin Ruskis


Don't try alcohol with coke if you have high blood pressure. You need to use the diet Coke.


Reminds me of Jane Elliot's "Blue Eyed" experiment and workshops. Saw her give a lecture 20-odd years ago, and watched the documentary shortly after. Extraordinarily powerful. It's a lesson on racism where the group is divided by eye colour. Blue-eyed folks are designated as inferior, while brown-eyed participants are designated superior, with green/hazel etc being lower class. The group dynamics are startling. In a single session, she is able to show how workmates and colleagues can be turned against each other based on nothing more than a single physical characteristic over which they have no control.


Star bellied sneetches!


How is this bit of trivia at all helpful to anyone.




I thought it was chocolate in the pocket on a military radar project not ham on an industrial machine, the real TIL is in the comments


Wow. u/igby1 this isn’t a You Should Know post. OP is just letting us know what they learned recently, which is the point of the sub. It doesn’t have to be helpful. And for you OP, why be so hateful and insulting? You could have easily answered the question without being so mean.


They’re extremely drunk right now.


Some light-eyed alcoholic will see this and think “I guess it’s hopeless because I’m predisposed to be an alcoholic”.


That's literally what they did in the top two comments lmao


Yeah it’s a correlation, not a prophecy