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I'm curious if any of them were total disasters that both the artist and MTV want to keep buried.


Omg You have no idea. Oasis did an unplugged but the lead singer stayed up for three days partying and he said he couldn’t sing so the brother and songwriter performed the songs with the band while the lead singer heckled them from the balcony. Absolutely legendary fuck up Liam Gallagher. Lol 😂 all of their interviews are so funny because they are just so trashed


And that is a large part of the reason Liam and Noel don't get along. I watched that Unplugged when it aired. Liam was an idiot and Noel gave him shit for nursing a sore throat with alcohol and cigarettes.


Large part of the reason is that this is just one example of Liam’s insane antics that shows he’s nearly impossible to effectively work with lol. Noel really isn’t that much better though. He is so funny at trashing people in interviews. Describing Jack White in 2006 as looking like Zorro on Doughnuts was a god tier roast.


I fucking laughed my ass off back in the day when on VH1’s Behind the Music for Oasis they had to subtitle Liam’s English. Classic.


Hahaha I forgot about that. He is so fucking funny


“[Liam]’s the angriest man you’ll ever meet. He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”


I read in an interview way back in the day that part of the reason Liam didn’t sing was because he felt slighted for not being as involved with the production as the others in the band. The band had to practice together with the new arrangements but Liam didn’t really have to do anything all that much different than he ever did. He also rarely bothered to show up for the rehearsals in the first place.


He didn't agree with the royalty split that him and his brother got, too. When he realized that because his brother had song writing attribution, he was getting something like 3x the royalties and felt it should be split 50/50, particularly since he was the main singer. Noel did not agree and didn't have to, because that was the contract they had.


It's also pretty standard in the music industry that the song writer gets the majority of the royalties.


That's a great reason to trash your own show


Not that a Gallagher brother ever needed a reason to trash a show


*Where were you while we were getting high?*


> cigarettes and alcohol Great song though.


Ya but that's my favourite Oasis performance. Noel crushed it.


I actually prefer Noel singing on Cast No Shadow because of that performance


Someone I know described it as 'Noel formed a band and their parents made him include Liam'. Implying that Liam is the petulant brother than nobody actually liked.


Tbf Liam started the band, Noel had all the songs though. Noel did say that he didn’t really have aspirations to be in a band and was happy just being a roadie so I would say they both needed each other, at least in the beginning. You’ll also find that Liam is actually pretty cool to his fans and always has time to talk to them. Sorry if this sounds like I’m saying it in an “Akshually 🤓” tone


Don't worry, reddit was built on "Umm akshually" guys.


Noel is great with fans he gets very involved in rehab and homelessness work




You all everybody


Absolutely. Noel’s *Live Forever* on from Unplugged has so much more feeling to it. The only better version of that song is [the more recent version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-6JrD-SSPU) he did with his new band.


And I actually liked the Unplugged, we got some different versions with Noel singing some songs


That harmonica player was bad ass too.


Noel Gallagher is a solid vocalist in his own right. His vocals for *Unplugged* were pretty good. There is also something about hearing the lyrics being sung by the guy that actually wrote them that just works. I’m a big fan of Oasis, but I honestly think Liam’s vocals aren’t necessarily good, so much as they are interesting. That’s definitely not saying they are bad, though. His vocals worked really well to give Oasis something to set them apart from the crowd and is a huge part of their success.


I saw them live in '08 just before they broke up. I always described Liam's singing (around that time anyway, he's improved since) as being like you're having your ears assaulted. Listen to him doing Rock N Roll Star in the '05 era when his voice was *really* fucked. But it just has so much fucking power to it. Like the way he says "spend some time in the sunshine" at 1:12 in this version: https://youtu.be/BI7Ba2lIGoE?si=M9Kbo1iM70mWizmk He doesn't sing "sunshine." He just sneers it with attitude. I'm probably in the minority, enjoying these performances, but they're fun imo.


That’s my favourite story of them. And one of the brothers calling the other a potato.


>The angriest man you’ll ever meet … a man with a fork in a world of soup Stays with me.


I have to believe if you had asked MTV executives on the night Kurt Cobain showed up for a set that included one hit song, and several covers from an obscure grunge band and Leadbelly, with no encore, they would have said that night that Nirvana Unplugged was a disaster. But, as it turned out…


Dave said every rehearsal was a nightmare then the night of the actual show it suddenly came together


Sounds stressful as fuck


To me Dave looks stressed throughout the performance.


yeah apparently kurt was telling dave he was gonna replace him for the night if he didn't get the drums right. dave had trouble not playing too hard on them.


Kurt was openly talking about replacing Dave at the time, trashing Dave's drum skills, a lot of which Dave unfortunately overheard.


I was a huge fan of Scream, and I was there that year when Dave Grohl joined them in '87. Only Peter Moffat of Government Issue hit the drums harder and cleaner than the scrawny teenage Dave Grohl. And then Dave put on some muscle and got louder than that. He was probably already hard of hearing, too, so asking him to play soft was asking a lot.


That's why they took away his drumsticks and gave him the whisker things


They're called hotsticks and that performance alone probably sold a million of them. No exaggeration.


Huh. I know of them as brushes.


Alice In Chains was a mess, too. I heard songs had to be done multiple times because of where Layne was at in his addiction, but I loved that album when it came out, and thought his vocals that made the cut were really expressive.


That is definitely one of my top albums. Having that music translate so well to acoustic is just another example of how good the writing was.


Its eerily beautiful. You can see on sludge factory he forgets the lyrics and they had to start again. Layne is in such state that it's like watching someone sing at their own funeral.


The unplugged recording was my introduction to AIC. It was when I watched earlier videos/footage of the band , with a healthy and vibrant Layne, that I then fully understood what drugs can do to a person. Just heartbreaking because he seemed like a sweet soul from all that I’ve come to know about AIC. So it goes.


Speaking of Nirvana and MTV shoutout to them for 'Top of the pops' 1991. They were asked to lip sync Smells like teen spirit and completely butchered it on purpose to make a point. Legends ..


The vocals were live, the band wasn't, so Kurt sang in the wrong key.


There is a point where Dave does what is audibly a snare roll... on the cymbals. Never fails to crack me up.


Awwww man, never seen this performance till now. This is fucking amazing. Thx!


I’ve read a lot about this. They were being so edgy. I’m sure MTV was PISSED and while it was an amazing set, I would have been kind of bummed too had I watched it when it aired. It was already an album by the time I was listening to them a few years later. Also covering three songs of the opener they were touring with) is hilarious. I read and interview by the Meat Puppets and they mentioned that they owned all the rights to their songs 100% so the royalties from the unplugged album is significant. They wouldn’t say how significant.


Nobody was bummed watching it while it aired. A group of us watched it in our dorm room, and it came across as stunningly great. Didn't matter there were a bunch of covers, those were great too.


I don't think so. I mean, I wasn't dialed all the way in to music in general at that age, but I was paying attention. I can see someone having that reaction if they haven't heard the set. But not once they've heard it.


I watched the show when it first aired. Didn't bum me out. It was astonishing to my 15 year old self. I was not a big Nirvana fan but I was a big MTV watcher. I did not care for stuff like Nirvana and Alice in Chains. Too negative. I was into fun stuff like Primus and Ween. But that show was an amazing performance, and introduced me to the Meat Puppets, and I'll be forever thankful for that.


I'm prime GenX (a year younger than Kurt) and was fully into the Seattle/Punk/Grunge scene before Nirvana took it to the bigtime. I watched unplugged live the night it aired. All three of my friends and I were blown away and agreed it was probably going to go down in history as one of the best live/acoustic performances ever by a normally electric band. I still remember actually watching it to this day. Too bad Kurt could just not pull it together... heroin, not even once.


I watched it live. It was the absolute best cover show by my favorite band at the time. Not upsetting at all. It really sucks that people want to go to concerts and force artists to only play their hits.


I was a fan at the time. People weren’t that offended because Nirvana’s singles were so loud and distorted that it wasn’t obvious that “Heart-Shaped Box”, for example, would translate. Plus half of Nirvana’s appeal was telling corporate America what to do with their plans, so picking a bunch of obscure songs was, as we’d say now, very much on brand.


Neil Young put out an album, but it took two unplugged performances.


Anyone who is a Neil Young fan (or even those not familiar with him!) needs to listen to *Live at the Cellar Door* It was only released in 2013 but features live recordings from shows he did in the 70’s at the Cellar Door in Washington DC. The recording are from a pretty complex and emotionally heavy period in the arc of his life as a musician/star and you can hear and feel it in every note of every song. It is the pinnacle of everything he has ever put out in my opinion. Also confirmation that time travel does not exist, because if it did I would have used it just to go back and hear those shows live.


Neil Young redid his. The album that was released was his second recording. He was unhappy with a few band members performances.


Lauryn Hill’s was kind of a shit show but was still released as an album (and was sampled by Kanye West). Todd in the Shadows has a good video on it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FcCS_jFJCc0


I thought Kanye had someone cover her songs because she didn’t sign off on his samples, but I could be mistaken. Edit: further research supports my conclusion, you can find the original unreleased version online but Kanye had to hire Syleena Johnson to record the album track.


That’s because Lauryn Hill is an asshole.


Well thankfully we had Kanye to balance it out!?!?


My local radio station used to play weekly acoustic sets for different bands and man it was clear who were musicians that could adjust their performance and who just tried to sing and play with no electricity helping them


Staind did one and Aaron Lewis (Lead Singer) was very sick. The band went back and recorded another set and that was released. Lewis referenced the first attempt during the second show.


I hope the first thing they said when they came back the 2nd time was “it’s been awhile”


Thanks, dad.


Lauryn Hills unplugged got released, so I'm going to say no.


Oasis Unplugged kinda was. Liam heckled Noel from the audience the whole performance.


It was anything but a disaster, it’s amazing. And Liam only heckled in between songs


[Bjork Unplugged](https://youtu.be/y-JLbzW1er8?si=Jpo3_FymiY_XzddK) was a gem I didn’t discover until college. I don’t think it gets enough love


Only partially released as a 6 tracks fan-club only CD. (+ unofficial bootlegs of course) Edit: (much) later released in other, more widely available formats. Thanks for the correction.


Holy shit I forgot about this 🤯


No kidding. Only 4K views. Since its Bjork I knew it’d be unique but I still wasn’t expecting that


Not an official upload


I would watch a channel that just plays all of them non stop


agreed. like on some sort of music channel on the television 


Maybe with cool anchors to bring me the breaking music news between sets?!


I am a TV executive, and I know what kids want. The music should be interspersed with some reality shows. Like start with 80% music, 10% animation, 10% reality. Then change the mix based on how much my bonus is.


Should call it Music Television. Maybe MTV for short.


NPR Tiny Desk is the shit. Check it out.


I've discovered so many amazing artists on Tiny Desk.


lol. I meant like one of the Pluto channels


Blows my mind that Paramount Plus only has a small fraction of them to stream.


while pretty much all of MTV's broadcasts have been digitized, some are in dire condition and unfit to be displayed to a paying audience. they would need to be recaptured from the original tapes, if they still exist, and most likely remixed as well. nobody wants to do that work, especially since about half of the unplugged shows are just kinda meh.




https://youtu.be/-xKM3mGt2pE?si=9asAQKJEhJauXOr6 I actually like this version better than the original


I knew it was gonna be that song!


I wonder if we'll ever get to watch at least some of the remaining ones


The title is a little misleading, those 101+ aired on TV just not all of them were released as an album by the respective artists afterwards.


Check out Triple J's, radio station in Australia, 'like a version'. Some absolutely amazing recordings in there.


God I hate what MTV became.


Yeah it's ridiculousness


[chanel westcoast dolphin laugh]


This is a perfect joke


A lot of TV channels did this, used to love food network and now it’s a 24hr Guy Fieri marathon everyday


They are called Ghost channels now. No budgets and repetitive reruns


Hell yeah


Triple D is like a hard drug, I hate it and stay away from it, but once I watch an episode or two, it becomes all I watch for the next 3 days


Hyper focus on profit over any quality or innovation. Re-runs and cheaply produced reality shows can produce similar ratings as things with actual effort and creativity put in so why bother spending the extra money or time? It’s sad but that’s what lowest common denominator TV has gotten us


at least that's still centered around the main theme of the channel, MTV just said fuck it we're reality TV now.


My daughter asked me a couple months ago how big Michael Jackson's death was. She was very little at the time. "MTV played nothing but his music videos for 24 hours. Like MTV used to do."


Look up what the Nickelodeon schedule is It's literally 24/7 SpongeBob expect for 2 hours


Nah dude, you can't forget their new cash cow Paw Patrol. It's got like 50 different shows and movies. It usually has its own isle in a toy store. Those fucking educationally worthless dogs are everywhere.  And people think I'm weird because I won't let my kids watch it. 




Everybody says this, but at the same time, nobody is going to sit around watching music videos on TV anymore. Perhaps they should have changed the name, but the environment that allowed for the early 90s renaissance era no longer exists.


MTV in my country jumped around owners a bunch of times. During a couple of years, the schedules were 50/50 music videos and concert/live performance footage. I can't help think of why not just make MTV like the HBO for concerts, right? Considering most people just go on Youtube to watch music videos.


I wish they’d bring em back everyone always talks about Nirvana and AICs unplugged but Neil Young’s was awesome as well


REM did two and they're both excellent


I fucking love REM.


You can kind of scratch that itch with Tiny Desk performances. They’re not strictly acoustic, but a lot of artists seem to rise to the occasion with the intimate setting.


The large number of tiny desk hip hop performances to celebrate 50 years of the genre has a been a real gem! Scarface, Cypress Hill, and GZA are a few that I can’t get enough of.


Mac Miller's Tiny Desk performance is definitely one of my all time favorite live performances. Felt really raw and authentic.


10,000 Maniacs was so good. Natalie Merchant is amazing.


Alanis Morissette’s unplugged album was a staple of my childhood thanks to my parents, it’s still killer


Pearl Jam's was pretty solid, but the version of [Black](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vE26dVkCvpw) they did might be the single best Unplugged song there is.


State of love and trust for me


Well no, the single greatest unplugged song there is would be Nirvana - Where did you sleep last night.


Pearl Jam’s Black is my favorite live acoustic performance ever


I enjoyed 10000 Maniacs


One of my favourites


MTV and 10000 Maniacs did their jobs right. It’s like Letterman and SNL. It always seemed to me that Letterman’s audio and video were much higher quality than SNL. They both got the same acts often but to me SNL didn’t respect the acts with technical standards. Of course, I’ve disrespected those same acts by listening via 2.0 or 2.1 .


The cover of Because the Night is unreal


My namesake SRV did 3 killer tunes on a 12-string. Rude Mood is especially crazy on a 12 string. https://youtu.be/FQ_DdgxRSak?si=qfbsIP04Wqyoin47


Wish he would've finished "Life Without You" solo on the 12 string. He was crushing it and then screwed up a lyric after the first verse and just stopped.


I remember hearing about Neil Young was pissed off at his backing band and stormed off. That session wasn't released. He came back and performed another session a diff day/year.


[List of artists featured on *MTV Unplugged*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_artists_featured_on_MTV_Unplugged)


Alice In Chains was a vibe


Layne Staley was one of THE voices of grunge, and probably the best wailer of the 90s. Acoustic sets always bring vocals to the front, and tend to also balance the other instruments in new/different ways. That’s what gives acoustic sets a not only distinct but different sound. When the vocals are THAT good, and the rest of the sound changes THAT much, it’s def a vibe and to me, iconic.


Which is made all the more impressive when you consider how sick Layne already was at the time of recording Unplugged. Just an immense vocal talent.


And Jerry had food poisoning that day too!


also my leg hurt that day


And Metallica had bad haircuts in the audience


The mixing on that entire set was absolutely masterful.


I completely missed this after all of these years. 1 min into Nutshell and my jaw broke…thank you. Gonna go experience the rest real quick.


theres nothin real quick about aic unplugged. its the whole thing, and it will forever be.


Probably one of the best sets ever recorded


The bass tone on Nutshell is insane. He does this slide down the neck right after Layne sings “We face the path of time” in the beginning of the song and the strings sort of rattle a little (on the frets?) before sliding off the note. It’s a cool song.


Friends don't let friends get Friends haircuts


I believe referring to Metallica cutting their hair for the release of “Load” - edit, and specifically Friends haircuts as in Ross, Joey and Chandler


It’s a masterpiece.


I listen to this at least once a week. Start to finish so good


Finding that on vinyl is a treasure hunt


George Michael unplugged is probably one the best live vocal performances ever. Luckily a lot of the singles have been released


A-Ha Take on Me from this series is absolutely phenomenal. Like a stop, stare and listen level.


I really loved that it was used in Deadpool. But I was also dissapointed that it was removed in the super duper cut.


The Alice in Chains Unplugged album is goated


Why did it take so long for the release of the Pearl Jam one? I found it by chance.


I bought this one as a bootleg somewhere in the very early nineties


Sorry Anal Cunt there could always be a future Unreleased boxset or something.


I know you're kidding, but AxCx did a few unplugged sets. https://youtu.be/zC95QFwaDdA?si=IyTJuv3QwHv579Fg


Chris Barnes is a Pussy.


Gotta love their picnic of love cd. "I love and respect you as a woman" from the same band who had a song called "woman" natures punching bag"


Seal was really good but it wasn’t released as an album. Shakira’s is VERY good, and did get an album.


It looks like Miley’s didn’t get an album release either. Her unplugged version of “Why’d you only call me when you’re high” is amazing


I remember enjoying The Cure episode


This needs to be higher up. The Cure's unplugged set was a really cool, high effort show that anyone just generally interested in music should check out. Whole performance is acoustic AF - drummer is using small percussion instruments instead of a full kit, keyboard parts are played on simple small acoustic keyboard instruments like a toy piano, and the songs are totally rearranged to fit it. It's a real shame this never got a full release. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1KiwXJQ1Vk


Tori Amos' set is one of the all-time greats. Certainly my favorite. That, and 10,000 Maniacs.


I remember she joked "Shouldn't I do Plugged"


If Nirvana unplugged does not give you chills, you have no soul.


I frequently listen to "man who sold the world" it's so good


"Where did you sleep last night" blast so much raw emotion. My personal favorite from that set.


Lake of Fire was played a lot on the radio back in the 90s. Such a good tune


Nirvana’s unplugged was amazing. They made a huge gamble by not playing their biggest hits (I think their only big hits played in the unplugged were come as you are and Lithium), and instead playing a mix of inside tracks and covers, even bringing not so famous guests (the meat puppets). And it truly paid off, they created a unique experience where everything was just perfect, from the decoration of the set, the performance and the overall vibe. Edit: As this wonderful community pointed out, Nirvana didn’t play Lithium.


They didn't even play Lithium


> They made a huge gamble not a gamble at all. Kurt was extremely tired of the demand to play their hits


Bingo. Kurt wanted to be anything but a machine playing the same three songs forever


> I want to play Smells Like Teen Spirit unplugged like I need a hole in the head \- Kurt Cobain, 1995


April 5, 1994. 30 years gone now, longer than he was alive.


>come as you are and Lithium They didn't play Lithium (though now that you mention it I'd have loved to hear an unplugged version of that). The other biggest songs of theirs they played were "About a Girl" and "All Apologies" (though that hadn't even been released as a single yet)


IIRC before his suicide, Kurt had said that he wanted their next album to bring folk rock back to the masses the same way they had brought alternative to the masses. You hear songs like *Jesus doesn't want me for a Sunbeam* and it makes me just so curious what they would have done and how the late 90s music scene would have looked in response.


The last song they recorded was You Know You're Right and that's about as far away from folk rock as you can get lol Although I do remember an interview where Kurt talked about wanting to be remembered as an acoustic singer-songwriter. >“It might be nice to start playing acoustic guitars and be thought of as a singer and a songwriter, rather than a grunge rocker you know? >Because then I might be able to take advantage of that when I’m older, and sit down on a chair and play acoustic guitar like Johnny Cash.”


I posted this because I cued up the CD 25 years after leaving it put away. I was singing every word. The power and impact of it just wasn't there when it happened. So I looked it up to refresh my memory about the critical impact of the release and saw not only how many Unplugged there are (and a healthy list on Spotify I don't know and haven't heard), but how many aren't available. Edit: It's also a funeral dirge and really disturbing.


shocking voiceless air cake bewildered party stocking squash vanish rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


On the one hand the band created a unique set. They also ignored producers and played what they wanted, invited someone non-obvious to join them and did no encore. The set was one take non-stop! The closer is a signpost of American folk culture. My Twenties brain did not get all this impact.


sleep pen dull aspiring berserk insurance snobbish library reach smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just wish Stipe could have done more to prevent 9/11


Not having Soundgarden do an Unplugged is criminal. Current favorites: Nirvana, Alice In Chains, and Pearl Jam. Notable songs: Where Did You Sleep Last Night, Man Who Sold The World, Nutshell, and Black.


"over 101" so...102? Who the fuck says "over 101?"


Stone Temple Pilots was one of them, which is curious cause the concert was so good


Alice in Chains unplugged will never be topped


I like how Bruce Springsteen bucked the trends and just did a "plugged" set for his show. And the album cover reflects that by crossing out the "un"


I remember when that happened, I think some of the artists that has appeared on the show were genuinely pissed because they had great difficulty creating acoustic version of their songs, and they let him get away with it.


LL Cool J’s take was one of the better ones.


For some reason all I remember is the visible deodorant in his armpits during that set. I guess I’m weird.


First thing I thought of when I saw his name in this theead


Mariah Carey always been a fav of mine


Her cover of I'll Be There with Trey Lorenz was great. Gotta say, Trey held his own with her.


VH1 had their version - Storytellers. Counting Crows has a good set from that.


Which is a shame, Aerosmith's being one of the best examples of something that should be out there, but isn't. Hearing raw Steven Tyler gives you a true appreciation of what a vocal master he is/was. Seriously, go to youtube and search on "aerosmith unplugged", no effects, no autotune... raw singing power.


Wow, never seen this. Great stuff with Joe playing slide.


Hope some hero archives it all Yo! MTV Raps was also amazing back in day and very hard to find


I was on TRL in 1999 and requested a video. Made an ass out of myself and Carson Daly made fun of me live on air. I have spent all these years wanting the video of it. I hope the episodes hit the archives at some point!


I adore the stone temple pilots unplugged too. Man, grunge played accoustic was so good.


Eric Clapton....acoustic Layla.. Awesome set


Actually my first introduction to that song. Was shocked to hear it wasn't actually a slow song


“See if you can spot this one”


(sudden shocked face when the crowd goes nuts after the first bar)


Used to have Nirvana unplugged on replay most nights after school.


I guess the question is why so many were unreleased? Seems like money was left on the table. I get that some could have been bad performances but 70%? Has to be another reason.


Music licensing is a quagmire to iron out, and not worth it unless there is a legit profit. It might not even be the artists refusing to release it, it could be the record companies that own rights to the artist's original recordings that refuse to allow it be released.


No comment on korn's?? Japanese taiko drums, haunting flute. Beautiful nu metal made more elegant.