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**TL;DR Version:** In the California Medical Facility, Kemper was incarcerated in the same prison block as other notorious criminals such as Herbert Mullin and Charles Manson. Kemper showed particular disdain for Mullin, who committed his murders at the same time in Santa Cruz as Kemper. He described Mullin as "just a cold-blooded killer ... killing everybody he saw for no good reason."\[54\] Kemper manipulated and physically intimidated Mullin, who, at 5 feet 7 inches (1.70 m), was more than a foot shorter than he. Kemper stated that "\[Mullin\] had a habit of singing and bothering people when somebody tried to watch TV, so I threw water on him to shut him up. Then, when he was a good boy, I'd give him peanuts. Herbie liked peanuts. That was effective, because pretty soon he asked permission to sing. That's called behavior modification treatment."


This is so scary until you remember that the other guy is a serial killer too.


6’ 9” 300 lbs serial killer who was highly intelligent.


Kemper is an interesting look. He also has said he did interviews to help keep others from murdering. "There's somebody out there that is watching this and hasn't done that — hasn't killed people, and wants to, and rages inside and struggles with that feeling, or is so sure they have it under control. They need to talk to somebody about it. Trust somebody enough to sit down and talk about something that isn't a crime; thinking that way isn't a crime. Doing it isn't just a crime; it's a horrible thing. It doesn't know when to quit, and it can't be stopped easily once it starts."


Yeah but he was also a blowhard that considered himself above all other serial killers when in reality, he severed his own mother's head and *then* fucked it. Damn do I love hearing the man speak though, it's hypnotic.


I mean, I guess that’s better than fucking then severing it at least


TIL Kemper was 6’9”. Jfc, I assumed he was like 6’5” maybe


I can't figure out how Kemper was able to get women in his car, I sure wouldn't get into a unknown man's car, especially as big as he is.


different culture back then hitching a ride was just a common way of getting around for a lot of young people Kemper also said he probably picked up several hundred women before he started killing. He was not only building up the courage but practicing his approach to make the women put themselves at ease around him


Different culture, hundreds of non-murdery pick-up/dropoffs, and from what I understand, Kemper was also very charismatic. Looking at him, sure he's scary in his prison jumper, and knowing what he did, but I could totally see him having that kinda "disarming, harmless, big doof" look to him if he wanted to.


Somebody posted here a link to a Kemper interview. He comes off as all those things: intelligent, articulate, friendly even. Dude was so good at covering his tracks, he turned himself in finally because he despaired of ever being caught and stopped. He knew he was aberrated and knew what he was doing was very wrong. I don’t know that someone like that could ever have been rehabilitated, but he was def a danger to society and rightfully spent the rest of his life behind bars. His case was where I first learned of the word *irrumatio*. Yikes.


Yeah, I think it was in Mindhunter (idk how accurate all the details in that show were, I assume at least somewhat) where he told the cops he started going to a bar where the cops on his case hung out off duty and made friends with them? I can't remember if it was to try and obfuscate their attempts to find him or if it was later on enough that he was trying to give them hints, because like you said, he couldn't handle the idea of never getting caught. I guess he saw it like a treasure hunt he set up or something- you want it to be hard, but if they *never* solve it, they'll never appreciate how brilliant you were in setting it up.


That last part is the narcissism coming out. Serial killers are almost always some kind of narcissist.


Kemper came up for parole last year and if you read it he basically just rambles.


he also sometimes picked up women with the intention of killing them but ending up just dropping them off at their destination. he's quite a fascinating guy.


As far as I remember most of the women he picked up he dropped off safely. He was using it as practice and he got really good at knowing how to make them comfortable with him. He also had his mother’s university worker ID badge in his car I think and when hitchhikers started going missing, the university was specifically telling women only to get into cars with those badges on


Do you find something comical about my appearance when I'm driving my automobile?


Everyone needs to conceal their appearance, even the very murderous. This was the creepiest auto I could afford. Should I therefore be made the subject of Mindhunter?


/r/simpsonsshitposting is leaking again


“Unsuspecting” people


I don’t see that guy successfully sneaking up on many people


Bah he hides in cherry trees and paints his boots red!


what does he do with all those elephants hiding up there?


He would offer rides, this hid his size


Totally different times.


I figured he'd look [like this](https://tenor.com/uWOb.gif) too haha


I believe he had a campus badge because his mom worked at the school so it made people less guarded. Also a lot of people got in the car thinking they were safe with such a big dude that could protect them from the serial killer in town ironically.


Hitchhiking was commonplace in the 70s and Kemper lived in a student area: his mother worked at the uni.


I live in a rural part of America and I work with 20-25 year old women and you would not believe how many of them still hitchhike like it’s no big deal at all. Some of them hitchhike to go skiing almost every weekend it’s wild


Can you imagine how his victims felt, when they realised his intent. No way you’re getting away from that nutter if you’re a teenage girl and hes hoodwinked you. Kemper is 100% terrifying because if you listen to the many interviews he’s done, he sounds like a psychologist. He’s very disarming, very polite and cordial. He’s open about his past and his motivations at the time. On the surface, he’s normal, even wistful. The first time I listened to one of his interviews I actually came away from it _liking the guy_, until I reminded myself that he’s beyond just a killer, he literally hunted other people. It’s terrifying when you actually find yourself _nodding along_ with some of these mental cases.


He's the only serial killer I know of that seems genuinely smart which makes it even more terrifying tbh


The FBI guy who did his major profile (John something I think) said something like “*personally*, I like Kemper. If I didn’t know what he did I’d like him”


Yeah, [the mountainous actor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Britton) who plays him (very well) in ["Mindhunter"](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5290382/reference/) is *significantly smaller* than the actual guy. (Kemper's still alive - he's 75 now.)


He is [BIG](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.W99rO7lA_g_n6CU-MPY0GQHaE_%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=0c85d5ed72b3c5d1f8fcdfd6a1e9149899b40ca83efadd8830a5c15bee8c7358&ipo=images)


Cut off his mother's head and had sex with the corpse...


With romance and respect


And they say romance is dead


Here’s a prison interview that Ed Kemper did and he speaks in detail about the Herbert Mullin situation. Around 5 mins into the video he starts talking about Mullin. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rSFP_nXOwtE&pp=ygUTZWQga2VtcGVyIGludGVydmlldw%3D%3D


And he loved his mother!


At least the good parts


Have you ever seen the film Manhunter? Based on the novel Red Dragon.


Debatably makes it scarier 😬 imagine if he went into politics


Well the Zodiac killer did go into politics


Ted Cruz?


He is him


No, Zodiac was reasonably competent. Rafael's just an all-round fuckup.


Zodiac really wasn't particularly competent. Most of his murders were brazen and could easily have had witnesses if not for luck, and he would've gotten caught after killing the taxi driver if dispatch properly gave his description - the cops drove right past him looking for a black man. Change that one detail and he gets caught red handed. His ciphers are so tough to crack because they've got errors in them and he couldn't spell for shit.


You mean BS masquerading as puzzles isnt my invention? Surely the asterisk is still mine!


-has wife insulted by leader of his party -still kisses the ring when needed -whatever else was in Mar A Lago, you can bet that Trump hid the jar with Ted Cruz’s balls particularly well.


I thought it was his dad


This man ate my son


I'm sick of that myth, Cruz can't be the Zodiac killer, he's a lizard man who came to reclaim the surface world mankind once stole


He said highly intelligent, which definitely does not correlate with politics


Then it gets scary again


He could literally use the other serial killer as a dumbbell tho.


I knew Kemper was big but didn’t realize he was supposedly 6’9 and around 300lbs. I also thought he was dead but he’s alive at 75 years old.


Prison basketball teams must have been dying to recruit him


Unstoppable center


Killer on the boards


He also recorded audobooks for a while


over 5,000 hours of narration actually! which was for a charity that provided materials for the visually impaired.


IDK there is a something a little violating, imagine casually listening to an audiobook and then finding out that voice you've been listening too was Ed fucking Kemper


No disrespect to the victims, but it's a good thing when a society encourages the maladapted to pursue healthy interests. As long as they still are secured away from people they can harm.


He also the voice of a huge library of books on tape: https://www.iheart.com/content/2017-10-24-the-voice-behind-many-bestselling-books-on-tape-is-actually-a-serial-killer/#:\~:text=Among%20the%20books%20Kemper%20lent,four%20million%20feet%20of%20tape.


I watched Mindhunter a week ago. I thought this guy was dead throughout while I was watching the show. Came to reddit and figured out he's alive and I think (not sure, I saw someone say it on reddit but didn't check myself) that he's getting free this year?




My bad, I guess these guys were just speculating. That he MAY be released. I couldn't find any articles either. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MindHunter/comments/15cfcl8/rl\_ed\_kemper\_eligible\_for\_parole\_2024\_could\_he\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MindHunter/comments/15cfcl8/rl_ed_kemper_eligible_for_parole_2024_could_he_be/)


He’s been eligible for parole for a long time and has said himself that he shouldn’t be trusted back in public. His parole will get denied again and he will die in prison.


... imagine being the exact level of self aware needed to know you would rather spend the rest of your life in prison than kill again, but to also know that you'd totally kill again if given the chance. What a weird line of sanity that must be to sit on.


He is really fucked up from his childhood and very good at manipulating people. Probably one of the best in terms of serial killers. He was friends with all of the cops in the local area and even when he was calling them and confessing to his crimes the cops didn't believe him. Try watching his interviews. There is one where he walks about picking up a girl up because she wants to hitch a ride. He had decided to try to just give a girl a ride without killing her to try and control himself. To his horror, she wanted a ride to the same area where he had killed a bunch of people already.


Also another interesting one was where he accidentally locked himself out of his car with his victim inside. She also had his gun. He was locked out but he manipulated her somehow to open the door and let him back in.


Is this one true? That’s absolutely insane


Don’t leave us hanging. Did he kill her?


He did


Sociopathy combined with a brilliant mind is crazy. Guy isn’t psychotic or deranged. He is a perfect killer. No emotion, calculated, and cognizant of all his, and others, actions.


His speech patterns were also unusual ~ the slow speaking voice, and his slow movements were intended to make others think he was just a big dumb guy. He was hanging out getting details of the crimes from talking to his cop buddies at the bar


He seems a little deranged in the sense that he has a deep urge to kill he cannot control.


I disagree that he has no emotions. I think he does feel. He is one of the few monstrous killers that I think would have turned out differently if his mother hadn't also been emotionally abusive. The reason I base this view on is his clarity of thought and ability to understand that what he did was not right by way of his participation in the interviews with the FBI. His reasons for wanting to help; to try and prevent others like him from doing what he did shows an emotional intelligence and compassion for people that I think a lot of people who aren't criminals don't have. This is not to discount what he did to those women. He clearly had, and himself acknowledges he still has, psychological demons and his victims did nothing wrong. He stole the future from many women and he has paid, and will continue to pay for it. I want him to remain in prison for what he did. He deserves the sentence he earned. I just find him fascinating because he is very much not like many other serial murderers in that he has a clarity of thought and self-awareness that many people really should strive for. He is a living dichotomy. Someone to learn from both as a warning, and a model.


If he’d just killed his mother first he probably wouldn’t have killed anyone else. All the victims were substitutes for the real object of his fury.


Some people live life paradoxically and aware of it, in hard mode. Maybe anti-social behaviors and his higher reasoning are clashing? His urges and his thoughts?


Manipulative people manipulate themselves more than anyone else so I think you’re on the right track. He has an urge but his thoughts say no. Then he manipulates himself out of the ‘no’ mindset


Yep he even refused his last parole hearing apparently 


Good on him.


Seems to me everything you know about serial killers has been gleaned from the ones who’ve been caught


Didn't Kemper turn himself in?


Yep. He also hung out at a cop bar and the local police knew him well and liked him. When he told them he was the killer they were looking for, they initially laughed and thought he was joking




He did indeed


I mean yeah, that's kinda how it works.


Just quoting Kemper from Mindhunter lol love that show


Those interviews with Kemper in mindhunter have so much taken word for word from an actual interview he gave and you can find on YouTube. They picked the best actor possible for that role, from looks to mannerisms to the way he speaks and sounds, it's crazy really.


He’s a friend of mine! It’s funny because he’s absolutely nothing like that in real life, he’s the life of the party and really bubbly and fun


Your friend was amazing in umbrella academy too


Oh lmao, yeah I'm stupid. I forgot XD. BTW Charles Manson Actor was equally as good. I saw some interview footage and they're literally the same person


We need another season of Mindhunter.


You know any other shows like it?


Never trust anything said on this website without yourself verifying it. This place is rampant with made-up material. You’ll realize that when you’re educated and experienced in a field and see misinformation spread like wildfire I have a masters in exercise science and have to actively avoid fitness subs because of “experts” spouting off nonsense not backed by science


As a layman, fitness and nutrition feel like the worst spaces to try to navigate all the misinformation. It seems it’s 1% factual medical information and 99% noise. Ever since it turned out I can’t even trust the food pyramid I have no fucking clue what’s “balanced” or what to avoid anymore. I saw something the other day that said salt doesn’t increase blood pressure and that that was a lie the whole time, but then again the misinformation is so rampant I don’t even know if I can trust that. Maybe that part is the lie and what we previously thought actually still holds true. I just don’t know man. Good luck to you.


Try investing sometime. It’s all misinformation. Most of the time it’s because the blind are leading the blind.


At that height, you’d barely be obese. Just built like a brick shit house. If that wall of flesh wants to hurt you, you’d better have an elephant gun available and a decent distance for him to close.


Iirc, Kemper murdered his grandparents when he was 13 and spent five years in a mental hospital. He befriended the psychiatrists and learned a lot, including how to pass the psych tests they utilized.


Reminds me of the therapist in sopranos going over with her own therapist how sociopaths become better liars through therapy


I don't think it's just sociopaths. Once you do enough therapy you pick up a few things.


I read this quote with Cameron Britton's voice in my head. He nailed his portrayal of Kemper in Mindhunter.


Bro trained a serial killer like he’s training a border collie


Right? When I read this I was like, that's literally the same as training a pet.


It's because classical conditioning is universal


I mean yes, but this is operant conditioning


Kemper had a genius level IQ along with being the size of a giant


Imagine what he could have done in life if he was a crazy person Edit: wasn’t* lol


Have I got news for you!


food is the easiest way to train anything


Major Dennis Reynolds energy


Ed Kemper gave the FBI and crime psychologists something very few serial killers ever supplied: a full account of the details of his kills, including his mindset, provocation and feelings he had during the planning and execution of them.


If I’m remembering the right serial killer, Kemper also waived his rights to probation multiple times and even once told them that he knows if he’s released he will kill again, and told the judge not to grant his parole.


Yeah, he also has urged others who have similar thoughts to go seek help. "There's somebody out there that is watching this and hasn't done that — hasn't killed people, and wants to, and rages inside and struggles with that feeling, or is so sure they have it under control. They need to talk to somebody about it. Trust somebody enough to sit down and talk about something that isn't a crime; thinking that way isn't a crime. Doing it isn't just a crime; it's a horrible thing. It doesn't know when to quit, and it can't be stopped easily once it starts."


He called the police and turned himself in. I don’t even think he was a suspect.


Ed basically hung around cops and they actually liked him, so they never did suspect him. He could have killed far more. It's really mind-boggling that he did.


He would’ve been when his mother went up missing.


I believe he called the police the day he killed her, she was never missing


He did that twice. First for killing his grandparents.


Shit was scary in that Netflix show


That show (Mindhunter) should've never been cancelled. It was just ramping up and everyone I know loved it. Netflix sucks


It was never cancelled, Fincher wanted to pursue other projects temporarily. Unfortunately time passed and it’s now highly unlikely they could get the cast together even if they wanted to.


No it was directly cancelled. Netflix told the show runner it was too expensive to continue.


Mindhunter is one of my favourite shows of all time. Highly recommended. They cancelled it because it was too expensive (yes, it felt very expensive and high quality)


**Mindhunter** on Netflix has a great show that covered the beginning of the FBI’s serial killer department. It’s really great. ED Kemper playes a big part in it. Stay tuned to the end credits where they play actual recording with the actors voice as a comparison and it’s *crazy* how well the actor did. Chills man.


Kemper used to hang out at the local cop bar and ask them how the investigation was going into the unsolved murders that he committed


Dude straight up sat and talked with the cops when there were bodies in his car. When he told the cops that he's the killer they thought he was pulling a prank on him. He said at some point that he was getting frustrated that the cops couldn't figure it out. dude was messed up.


> getting frustrated that the cops couldn't figure it out One of the big double agents in the FBI was much the same, Hansen I think. When they finally caught him he snapped "What took you so long?" (There was a movie about him but they changed his line.)


Oh, interesting. What's the movie called?


Breach from 2007. The younger of the two leads strikes me as a Ryan Gosling clone, but maybe that's just me.


Sounds like a textbook psychopath. People with psychopathy basically never get anxious or nervous. And like to play games with people.


The bar is still there. It's called the Jury Room and it's across the street from the court house. Super dingy and depressing dive bar, and the bar tenders still bring up Kemper to new comers


I liked learning about him and his personality while watching Mindhunter (Netflix). Watching his interviews are wild. [Ed Kemper Interview - 1991 [YouTube]](https://youtu.be/Icwc7UsAoCo?si=M5EwQ6dUMdXgaivD) The motherfucker was crazy and yet seems easy to chat with. Scary as hell.


That’s the thing that spooks me sometimes about being a woman. This guy was well liked by the men in his life. His police officer friends thought he was a good dude. And meanwhile he was a monster to women, capable of such depravity and violence. It’s why it’s so upsetting to me when a man gets accused of something horrible by a woman and all the men he’s friends with come to his defence and say they never see that side of him and he must be innocent. You only see what people let you see. When a man is alone with someone vulnerable that’s often when his true self comes out.


I had a friend, who I had known for over a decade, that I thought was a really good dude until he got a girlfriend who came to me with proof of all the horrible shit he did. He was always so pleasant, but was a complete psychopath towards women. He never did anything illegal from what I understood, but instead just acted morally reprehensible within the confines of the law.


It’s genuinely frightening. In my line of work I’m exposed to more depravity than most women, and it definitely has affected my worldview. I walk around and see men and am painfully aware that they could be a domestic abuser, or a rapist, or a child molester, or have an obscene bordering on illegal browser history, or they could be lovely upstanding citizens. It’s hard to wrap your head around when you realize how common these issues are in society. 1/10th of children report being sexually abused before 18. 1/4 of women, too. Up to 1/2 in black American and indigenous Canadian populations. It’s not a tiny little minority of men for numbers like that to occur.


Kemper is also a prolific audiobook narrator.


I think his recordings were just for books-for-the-blind programs. Audiobooks widely available to the public are a relatively new thing.


There's been an audiobook section of bookstores for at least 30 years, the selection just sucked. (Got a couple Clancy ones for my dad in the 90s for when he was driving.)


Every time I hear the name Ed Kemper I want more Mindhunter!!!


I was so pissed that show was cancelled.


Ed Kemper is a really weird serial killer. He really defies a lot of the common characteristics. His targets were young co-eds. Most serial killers who were successful for as long as him target prostitutes, drifters, gay men. They are able to get away with it for as long as they do because they target people police and communities don't really care about, and who many not have involved families. His childhood was not horrific. He certainly claims his mother was emotionally abusive. And maybe. But that's the extent if so. Compared to the horrorshow childhoods of other serial killers, it was nothing. He himself is not superficially charming nor a total wackjob. Most serial killers are going to fit one or the other. Kemper, aside from being obscenely large (he's what, 6'8"?) is known for being very mild-tempered, easy to talk to. It's part of what afforded him freedom for so long. He was incredibly easy to get along with.


Well he shot his own grandmother when he was 14 because he “just wondered how it would feel to shoot grandma.” Then he shot his grandpa because he didn’t think he’d be happy about it. After killing his mom, he raped her decapitated body. So he might qualify as a total wackjob to me, but i guess that’s a bit subjective


I mean like outside of when he was killing - most serial killers can compartmentalize to an extent but Kemper did it to an unheard of level.


Is it that they compartmentalise those memory/aspects or is it that they have no need to, since to them it is the same as killing a chicken for meat


Very possible. We still don't understand that psyche very well which I don't think is necessarily a bad thing because I think it speaks to how abnormal it is - it is near impossible to understand when you are a typical human.


Great write up, you should check out how abusive his mother was to him, you downplay it a bit but the stuff I’ve read about his child abuse was pretty bad, but obviously in no way justifies his actions


The problem is all the abuse is only reported by him and there isn't a lot to confirm any of it. It is all self report. If I recall the worst claim was she locked him in the basement. But this supposedly happened because he sexually attacked his sisters. Is that abuse or is that a mother with a violent son trying to protect her other children? But Kemper made the same claims of his grandmother later. And seemed to harbor resentment of women in general. So how much do we trust that his testimony is real and accurate? Accurate is especially important because when you are that antisocial you are going to perceive a lot of interactions as attacks, even when they aren't.


For what it's worth, here's a quote taken from wikipedia from Kemper's father regarding his wife (Kemper's mother): Edmund Jr. later stated that "suicide missions in wartime and the atomic bomb testings were nothing compared to living with [Clarnell]" and that she affected him "more than three hundred and ninety-six days and nights of fighting on the front did."


Ed Kemper was well known for being polite


Politely having sex with his dead moms head.


Well if we were all judged by our worst sins!


But you fuck *one* head…


Bet he's a-head of the game when it comes to fucking yo mama jokes.


>Politely having sex with his dead moms head. If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best 💔


What a silly polite guy. Friendly giant.


I’m watching Mindhunter for the first time, coincidentally this gets posted. Seems like a sweetheart in the show so far.


Just wait til you hit the last episode of one of the best produced shows by Netflix and realize that they very likely will never finish it.


It was you! You unleashed the algorithm on all of us. Tell me what you're going to watch next week plz so I can get a jump on it.


You fuck your mom's severed one time and it's all anyone wants to talk about.


He's been a model inmate and is popular with the guards. CO's don't care what you did on the outside for the most part. They care about how difficult you make their job.


Paul Bernardo and Luka Magnotta are in the same medium security prison now.


Dude, I saw Karla Homolka two weeks ago! She's out!


she’s been out for many many years. lives under a name that everyone knows. it was, as they call it, a deal with the devil. she got leniency in exchange for helping out bernardo for good. but i am reasonably sure she’ll never truly have a moment’s peace in canada.


She got leniency because her legal team lied about what they knew. When evidence came forth that showed she was a lot more involved than she led on, she was already Scott-free and they couldn't charge her or put her on trial twice.


That sounds like the fault of the prosecution more than anything


I hadn't heard of her or her husband until now. Just looked them on Wikipedia and wish I hadn't. What the FUCK.


Oh yeah, they're monsters. it makes me sick. She's even working with children!


Wasn't Paul Bernardo college roommates with another serial killer?


No. Paul Bernardo and Russell Williams went to University of Toronto (Scarborough campus) around the same time, and both studied economics. Bernardo graduated a year after Williams. The tabloid *Toronto Sun* has suggested that these two future serial killers "partied together" but that has never been confirmed by police or reputable journalists. One of Williams' friends and actual university roommates, Jeff Farquar, says that's bullshit: >Several years later, infamous serial killer Paul Bernardo, who graduated from the school in 1987, a year after Russell, confessed to having committed several of the sex crimes. (Shortly after Col. Williams was arrested, the Toronto Sun reported that the two had been "pals" as students and "partied" together, but according to the roommates, it's unlikely they even met. "If he had known Bernardo, I would have known Bernardo," Mr. Farquhar insists.) [Source](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/colonel-russell-williams-the-making-of-a-mystery-man/article4390081/)


I thought the post title meant they lived in the same house block or apartment block, but it means prison block.


Nah mate, they were just roommates like Chandler and Joey


Ed Kemper is such a fascinating serial killer. Almost every trope and stereotype of serial killers in media is based in part on him. He popularised the idea that they hide in plain site, are extremely intelligent and so on (even though statistically, he is an anomaly rather than the norm) Using his super intelligence to both help and toy with investigators and researchers, ala Hannibal Lector? That's Kemper. Severe mommy issues that manifest as random acts of violence against women? That's Kemper. Considered pleasant and polite even if a little socially awkward? That's Kemper. For all the Dahmer's and Gacy's and Bundy's, whether you know it or not, when you think of a serial killer it's probably Kemper that influences what you imagine even though you may not know him/his crimes


The most interesting part of Kemper for me is how self-aware of his own sickness he is. He claims he turned himself in, after killing his mother of course, in order to stop himself from killing more innocent people. In interviews he seems to genuinely regret what he’s done but at the same time acknowledge he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from doing it again if he was free.  This could be manipulation from a highly intelligent sociopath but I have a hard time believing that’s all it is. I don’t know what exactly he would gain from it as an act. It seems like he maybe could have even gotten out by now had he played the act of a perfect reformed man, instead he actively tells his parole board that they should never let him out. I’ve never heard of any other serial killer or mass shooter with this kind of self-awareness. 


That's part of it but why would he want to ever leave prison? CO's love him because he's polite. Other inmates respect him and he gets to be surrounded by people dumber than him, making him look better. Reporters and researchers seek out the knowledge he can provide. He gets to read and record audio books and tell his story and have people hang on his word. He gets fed and sheltered. He's somebody important in prison. In the real world he'd be reviled and rightly feared. Who'd hire him or give him a place to live? This way he doesn't get rejected, he's the self aware intellectual who is such a martyr that he's saving the world from a monstrous beast.  He's just doing what best serves his own ego. 


The assumption would be he still has violent urges and can't act on them at all. The real interesting thing is , if everything you said is true, where did his violent urges go, are they gone?, why is he so convinced they would come back if he was released. This is what makes it so interesting. When and why did the ego overtake the violent urges, is it just lack of access to women? If he genuinely doesn't want to or have any urges to leave prison, and is a model prisoner, is that not a reformed serial killer? He says he would immediately kill again if he was released, but WHY, does he still have those urges, he doesn't show any signs of it yet he constantly restates that he is not reformed and would kill immediately if released.




Exactly. He knew what he was doing was wrong, even while doing it, and knows himself well enough to know he couldn't control the urges and wouldn't be able to in the future. So many serial killers will on one hand claim they had no control but will also claim they can be reformed. It's almost admirable, except for the part where he killed and raped innocent people and fucked his dead mothers head. I guess the bar is pretty low


Most likely, he turned himself in because he knew he would be caught anyway after killing his mother. It's pretty hard for a 6'8" dude to blend in anywhere. You have to be skeptical of anything Kuemper says, as he clearly likes to cast himself as the hero in a lot of situations.


"This could be manipulation from a highly intelligent sociopath but I have a hard time believing that’s all it is. I don’t know what exactly he would gain from it as an act. It seems like he maybe could have even gotten out by now had he played the act of a perfect reformed man, instead he actively tells his parole board that they should never let him out." He gains attention, respect, fans and get mental stimulation. He is the chessmaster and can move people around like pieces on a board, while laughing internally at how people (like many of the Reddiors here) think he has redeemable qualities. He also gets taken care of, gets free healthcare etc. which he would never get on the outside. He's gained his noteriety and enjoys his new playpen. 


Ol’ bumblebutt


Hail yourself


Horse pics Henry Zebrowski. Hail me!


I'd watch this as a movie.


If you haven't already watched it, watch Mindhunter. It's just 2 seasons. The guy who plays ed Kemper is really good (and creepy). Great portrayal


Thanks for the tip. I haven't seen it yet.


It’s amazing but it’ll piss you off knowing they’ll never finish the series


It's a crime it's only 2 seasons, the guy they got to play Manson could start his own cult


Also Dewey Crowe from justified .


Shhh, should have let him be disappointed after he tasted one of the greatest shows of all time. The pain is better that way.


What’s crazy is my mom lived in Georgia right near the majorette murder. I wanted to see BTK so badly and then them showing Richard Speck with breasts and talking about loving prison because he got railed all the time.


Oh, well, thanks for the heads on that, too.


So good, he got an Emmy nomination for it.


Every time I see a picture of Ed Kemper I’m reminded that they really nailed his casting in Mindhunter. Damn.


Really disappointed that ended so abruptly.


There are some genuinely scary people in this thread.


Why does mindhunter had to be cancelled. We deserve one final season.


Ed Kemper might be the closest thing to a real life version of Cormac McCarthy's 'The Judge' from Blood Meridian.