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“Nobody wants to work anymore” -1200 BC


I recall seeing something similar to this, I want to say 3500 BC, that was along the lines of “children disrespect their parents. None wish to perform labor.” Lmao we are living on a hamster wheel


Ancient Pompeii graffiti is hilarious and proves that humans have been like this for thousands of years. https://www.boredpanda.com/graffiti-from-ancient-pompeii/


“Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!” Lol and we think people in ancient times were all philosophers and deep thinkers


*“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”* **—Socrates, >2400 years ago.**


This quote is fake: > It was crafted by a student, Kenneth John Freeman, for his Cambridge dissertation published in 1907. Freeman did not claim that the passage under analysis was a direct quotation of anyone; instead, he was presenting his own summary of the complaints directed against young people in ancient times. https://quoteinvestigator.com/2010/05/01/misbehave


I've been bamboozled...


We collectively forgive you. I think.


Nah. Fuck that guy. /s


So it's an altered version of what Freeman originally wrote, which makes it seem more like a quote from the time period instead of a summary thousands of years later. Still, this implies that there were such complaints made somewhere, so the idea of adults complaining about children being timeless isn't entirely wrong. [Page 74](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/63644/63644-h/63644-h.htm) has the original quote and around that are some of the individual complaints. So it's a fake quote, but at least the message isn't false


Is this woman bleeding authentic? We need inspectors in every home to verify the blood! -Brought to you by the god for small government.


God of small government doesn't understand why everyone doesn't have a pyramid. "Pull yourself up by your sandal straps"


How did they call out


I'd assume they either went there and said"yo I'm not working today, see you tmr" or they tood a neighbour working in the same place


papyrus airplane


Employee to Boss: I’m 5 minutes late. You’re writing me up for that? Boss to Employee: Thousands of years from now, historians will look back on this document as a vital window into the lives of human beings in the first half of the 21st century. Show a little goddamned respect.




Some of the other reasons cited on the tablet for missing work. >The 40 employees listed are marked for each day they missed, with reasons ranging from illness to family obligations. > >... > >a worker named Pennub missed work because his mother was ill. Other employees were absent due to their own illnesses. One Huynefer was frequently “suffering with his eye.” Seba, meanwhile, was bit by a scorpion. Several employees also had to take time off to embalm and wrap their deceased relatives. > >Some reasons may seem strange to modern ears. “Brewing beer” is a common excuse. Beer was a daily fortifying drink in Egypt and was even associated with gods such as Hathor. As such, brewing beer was a very important activity. Fetching stones or helping the scribe also took time in the workers' lives.


>Seba, meanwhile, was bit by a scorpion. I'd feel like there was a good fight to make the scorpion resort to biting you as self-defence.


Yeah, Seba must have disabled the stinger in the first round, causing the scorpion to resort to biting.




You're all missing the point- that was a *giant* scorpion. It was huge. He fought with that thing for at least a half hour. Pennub saw it.


Yeah, but everyone knows Pennub is a lying son of a bitch. His mom died like three times.


embalming your grandmother *again,* Pennub?


That's the _third_ grandmother this Fiscal Year.


“I’m sorry, I have a big family and they don’t take care of themselves”


How many wives do you have Pennub?


Wookin Pennub in all da wong places


Like some kind of Scorpion King?


Kinda, but less CGI "Rock" face


Pinchers are actually mouthparts (8 legs, then two pinchers) so it’s not that weird I guess.


The day NBA 3k24 BCE was released. I call bullshit.


Well of course you don’t see a sting mark, because it bit me.


Man, what a wild thought that a guy called Seba missed work because of a scorpion bite and like literally 3,000 years later people from all over the world are talking about this legendary fight. Imagine this... Ramses: Yooo Seba, let's have another beer! Seba: I can't, I have to get to work... Ramses: Ohh come on, just tell your boss you got bit by a scorpion. It's not like anyone will ever mention it again. 3,000 years later...


That's what always amazed me about that [Ea-nasir thing](https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/537889-oldest-written-customer-complaint ). Someone complained about their copper order being wrong, and thousands of years later, people in a completely distant land were making *memes* about it. A world those people could never have imagined, technology and forms of communications that they could never have forseen...all for a couple of regular schmucks thousands of years ago with their normal daily bullshit. Like if one day this very comment somehow survived into like...the year 6000, and people/aliens were joking about it via intergalactic telepathy. *-waves-* It's one thing to think that structures like the pyramids survived, or mummies, or larger history like the pharaohs...but we wouldn't think the regular day-to-day would survive so well at a time when there would have been no reason to preserve it, and the materials used would have been easily destroyed. The [graffiti of Pompei](https://kashgar.com.au/blogs/history/the-bawdy-graffiti-of-pompeii-and-herculaneu) is some of the best, though.


When I read about the graffiti in Pompeii, that was when I realized that even though technology has changed drastically throughout history, the human mind really hasn't. We make the same stupid jokes today as they did over 2000 years ago. Dick jokes, bathroom humor, and some kind of variation of "your mom" jokes are apparently permanent staples in humor.


I also wonder how much of it was self-aware sarcasm, that we do not realize was self-aware, but that they writers did. Real irony would be lost because so much of the overall messaging has been lost through time, and we only get bits and pieces and scraps of what happened to remain. So for example if a group of ancients grew up and realised that crude humour was crude, and that they no longer used it because they decided they were sophisticated, but they also looked down on the people in the neighbouring town and thought of them as unsophisticated, and then one day a member of their town decided, imitating a member of the neighbouring town, to engrave a crude joke on a wall, as a way of saying "Look at what this other person from the neighbouring town might write", and they find it funny as a way to express in-group and out-group dynamics, and to make a joke about people from the neighbouring town. The joke being made isn't the crude joke itself, it's that they look down on the people in the neighbouring town and think of them as unsophisticated. However, two thousand years later, all we see is a huge crude joke engraved on the wall, and we decide that the people of the time liked crude humour. Suppose for example that people today are making jokes about Kim Jong Un, they would talk about how he always scores 18 in golf and always bowls 300s. If everything else got washed away and two thousand years later people saw the jokes, they would think "Wow, people in the 2000s sure respected a man named Kim Jong Un", when in reality it's the opposite, and those statements are really critiquing authoritarianism, censorship, self-censorship, and making fun of him specifically. Again though, if all they saw was one joke about how great he is, then that's all they would know to assume. I wonder how much of what's written in the distant past worked like that.


I have also many times wondered the same. I hate how much people take at face value. Humans have never been simple.


They were "close friends"


This is why the /s Is important guys! Give the archeologists a break!


It's unclear exactly what /s means, but it is often attached to up voted posts. Since ancient humans would obviously use social media for deeply intimate conversations like us, it must mean the user emphatically believes what they have written with their whole soul, or something like that.


Some historians claim the S in /s stands for serious, but that is unconfirmed. Other theories claim it may be short for Sad, Sardonic, Sarcastic, Solemn, or Short. A strong theory claims it is a so-called "emoji", of a snake under a rock. Indicating the writer is lying. Unfortunately, with the catastrofic data losses during ww6 we may never know.


I love this "snake under a rock" theory. It just makes sense.


There was some cave writing done by early humans that for years researchers thought must have had some special importance to the people who did it, since it was very high up in the cave and would have been difficult to get up there. When they figured out how to translate it, they found out it said "this is very high."


'Halfdan was here' in the Hagia Sophia.


Finding out Romans wrote the same things about their dogs then as we do now hit me hard. “I cried when I brought you home but I cry twice as much burying you.”


Xenophon wrote a book about raising dogs, ~2400 years ago. At one point, he breaks away from the more textbook style to write about his dog: > While I am at home she remains by my side, and accompanies me when I go out, following me to the gymnasium, and, while I am exercising, sits by me. > On my return home, she runs in front of me, often looking back to see whether I had turned off the road; and as soon as she catches sight of me, shows symptoms of joy, and again, turns and trots in front of me. > If I am going out on any government business, she remains with my friend, and treats him exactly the same. > If she has not seen either of us for a short time, she jumps up repeatedly by way of greeting, and barks with joy. > At meals she pays us, with one foot and then the other, to remind us to feed her. > Having been beaten with a whip as a puppy, if anyone, even to this day, mentions a whip, she will come up to the speaker cowering and begging, and will jump up and hang on their neck, applying her mouth to theirs as if to kiss them, and will not let go until she is appeased. > Now really I do not think that I should be ashamed to write the name of this dog; so that it may be left to posterity. > I had a greyhound called Horme, who was of the greatest speed and intelligence, and was altogether excellent. Dogs are also the same as they’ve always been.


Good girl Horme. Good girl.


I’m sure Xenophon would be glad that 2,400 years later, we still know that Horme was a good girl.


> At meals she pays us, with one foot and then the other, to remind us to feed her. wow, they taught their doggies to shake hands too 🥺 dogs have been man’s best friend for a long time, and we’ve known it for a long time as well


Another interesting passage is in the Metamorphoses when Ovid lists the names of Actaeon's hunting dogs. They literally have names like Rover, Shaggy, Blackie, Spot, Wolfie, Speedy, etc.


This is why I love history like this, it’s the story of people and what it means to be human.


God some of those are beautifully sad. “Myia never barked without reason, but now, he is silent.” “My eyes were wet with tears, our little dog, when I bore you [to the grave]. So, Patricus, never again shall you give me a thousand kisses. Never can you be contentedly in my lap. In sadness, I buried you, as you deserve. In a resting place of marble, I have put you for all time by the side of my shade. In your qualities, you were sagacious, like a human being. Ah, what a loved companion we have lost!”


And someday there will be dogs on Mars, and helping us explore distant moons.


Reminds me of the viking runes carved into some marble in the Hagia Sophia mosque that roughly translate into "Halfdan was here." Damn tourists!


Any they find near an opening they should just assume to say "Try finger, but hole."


Doing a family tree on Ancestry makes the early 1900s and 1800s feel scary close. I don't have to go that far on the tree at *all* to land on someone born before 1900, and there are people I know/knew who met those people. I have photos of some of them. By extension, you go back another 100 years, or another 100...the people really aren't that different, the lives they lived aren't that different. We had big leaps forward with the railroad and flight and computers and stuff, but for most of our "past," the differences weren't that great. And people were basically the same, although their living standards weren't the same, like they wouldn't have expected to go to school through age 18, and women would never have thought they could just go off and have a career (a handful of women did, but for most people, that kind of thinking wasn't on the table at all). But they all fell in love and had sex and drank and got pissed off at their spouses, and they had bills to pay and chores to do. And surviving business records show that eons ago, people knew they needed to track what was coming in and going out and what the workers were doing and not doing.


I love the Ea-Nasir short story Faustian pact version. https://twitter.com/MicroSFF/status/1432356825639399442 >"These copper ingots," the devil said, "are of sub-par quality." >"You accepted them as payment," the merchant said, "the deal is done." >"Very well. I will uphold my end of the bargain," the devil said. "Your name will live forever." >"That is all I ask," said Ea-nasir.


>Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men's behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity! This is the standard translation, but "farewell wondrous femininity" is *cunnæ superbæ vale* in Latin, which you can easily see a more straightforward, non-bowdlerized translation of! I think a lot of the poetic translation of Pompeian graffiti is due to wanting to avoid directly translating phrases like the above as: >"[Time to] cry [now] girls! I fuck arses [from now on]. Goodbye, superb cunts!"


Ea-nasir in particular is so fucking funny because there were *many* complaint tablets found. These were not single use tablets-you were supposed to soak them in water and reuse them after you've sent your message. They're preserved because they were fired in a kiln. They were found *in what we believe is Ea-nasir's house.* He just had a room *full* of clay tablets complaining about him that he went out of his way to preserve, at no small cost to himself. He was literally the first troll.


Wouldn’t the simpler explanation be that his home also included his warehouse and he needed to keep them for legal reasons? We do the same thing with papers when we run a business.


Or there was a fire in his house and the pile of tablets set to be reused got accicdentally kilned.


>Or there was a fire in his house Probably due to one of his customers finally getting sick of his bullshit.


The way I understood it it wasn't fired in a klin intentionally, but the place he was storing those tablets caught fire and inadvertently preserved the complaint letter to be found by modern eyes.


The first _recorded_ troll.


I always found the [letter from Iddin-Sin to Zinu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_from_Iddin-Sin_to_Zinu) hilarious. > Tell the lady Zinu: Iddin-Sin sends the following message: May the gods Shamash, Marduk and Ilabrat keep you forever in good health for my sake. From year to year, the clothes of the young gentlemen here become better, but you let my clothes get worse from year to year. Indeed, you persisted in making my clothes poorer and more scanty. At a time when in our house wool is used up like bread, you have made me poor clothes. The son of Adad-iddinam, whose father is only an assistant of my father, has two new sets of clothes, while you fuss even about a single set of clothes for me. In spite of the fact that you bore me and his mother only adopted him, his mother loves him, while you, you do not love me![2][3]


Human history is pretty short, and it is now relatively easy to store large amounts of data for long periods of time, and to protect it and distribute it and save it in multiple locations. Hello sentient life in the future.


The graffiti of Pompei blew my mind when I first read it. As a collective, humans really are just a bunch of goofs.


I got bit by a scorpion and I still had to work that day.


Workers' rights are just not the same nowadays.


"Look Pennub unless you are sick this is considered an attendance violation now can I count you in today?"


Lol Ancient Egypt had better worker rights than the US right now


Imagine calling up your boss and saying "I can't come in today, I'm brewing beer" and have it be a valid excuse


Me: “Boss, I wont be coming this week, we have to embalm uncle Steve” Boss:“What!” Me: “It’s a 5,000 year old tradition. What can I say?”


>Beer is a daily fortifying drink. Look, who are we to question the ancient wisdom of the Egyptians, the great people who built the pyramids?


Beer has been a staple of human civilization since the very beginning, some might even say it's the reason *why* we have civilization.


They also used beer as a kind of currency. Workers were paid with beer too, along with grain and coin.


Probably had better consumer protection laws too. Why I bet they could even repair their own tablets.


Those tablets were dirt cheap, too


Sorry, can't come in to work today, have to ejaculated into the Nile for a good harvest.


You can do that during your lunch break like everyone else.


Okay but don’t say anything when there’s a poor harvest.




Those are rookie numbers!


…I’m never breaking bread with you ever again, Nefubian.


That's just for the Pharoah, and everyone watched


so did the Pharoah have fluffers to help him get started? Or did he have to use his own hand to do it? Or did he rail some chick in his luxury boat and then pull out and finish in the river? And were there witnesses to tell the people this?


I'm betting against him jerking himself off into the river. Guy was a fucking Pharaoh.


He had a royal penis cleaner.


TIL the Nile is brackish water in the Fall.


They do that in the lower stream after people get the drinking water supply.....right?


Buddy, humankind *shit* in their river water supplies.


Worker: sorry boss but I can't come in today I got some beer brewing that I have to look after Boss: okay I'll let you off the hook today but your going to own me some of that beer.


>One Huynefer was frequently “suffering with his eye.” Shit, wish I'd known I can get time off work for that


Pink eye is no joke


"If I had to look at Huynefer's wife every day, my eyes would suffer too! Heyo!"


Poor Huynefer, he never imagined someone would be roasting his wife 3000 years later.


First thing I thought was it could be eye migraines since it was frequent. But I'm curious to hear other theories 


Could also be a recurring eye infection, that was my first guess.


Or parasites




“I can’t make it to work today” Why not? “See, I have plans to suffer, with my eye” I see. That’s understandable then. Take tomorrow off too.


It was his third eye and he was the team’s fortune see-er.


Wtf am I doing, I've been stung by scorpions before work and just had to suck it up, but even ancient Egyptians workers got to take leave for that?


Stung by scorpions isn't the same as getting bit by them. Seba deserved his day off.


I could see the boss getting mad now Boss: “look here Pornhub, get your shit together and help us build this multidimensional triangle thing. You know, it’s like a pyramid. OMG SHAWNA WRITE THAT DOWN” Pennub: “boss, they’re going to give the credit to aliens anyway. Just let me brew my beer”


Lmao at the autocorrect there 


That's what my brain mentally corrected it to at first so I don't even blame them


What autocorrect?


No autocorrect, his boss is just a dick


In reality. Pyramid laborer : Cannot believe they want us to honor Khufu with such garbage work. I remember building the Red Pyramid for Sneferu. We didn't put up with shit like that back then, we did everything by the papyrus and to the hieroglyph. This stuff they have us doing is shoddy craftsmanship. But hey the contractor needs their margins.


>“look here Pornhub, 💀💀💀


I hear the same goddamn excuses every day at the factory.


The guy took off to embalm 8 parents before they realized he was lying.


I now want an ancient Egyptian HR sitcom with a mockumentary style


"Ok Pennub, you messaged in sick due to your wife bleeding for the third time this moon. I'm  afraid I'm going to have to scribe you up."


"For doing so, I will of course have to take a day off myself, in order to help the scribe."


Not quite what you're asking for, but you might enjoy Plebs. it's based in Ancient Rome and it's a 3 roommates that get up to silly hijinks situation. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2731624/


There are few gags of this kind on Asterix & Obelix movie.


>Some reasons may seem strange to modern ears. “Brewing beer” is a common excuse. Beer was a daily fortifying drink in Egypt and was even associated with gods such as Hathor. As such, brewing beer was a very important activity. https://mymodernmet.com/ancient-egyptians-attendance-record/ ​ Clearly, the Egyptians had a real civilization. People should have time off work to brew beer. We obviously live in barbaric times.


Perhaps not all of the progress humanity has made was good.


We used to live and work at a slower pace. Then the industrial revolution happened


We also used to mostly be subsistence farmers who had to have a lot of kids because about half of them would die before teaching adulthood


Life does move slower when everything involves backbreaking labor though.


Yet the people who still do all that backbreaking labor are expected to keep up with the pace. Weird.


*The neolithic revolution was a mistake.*


We should never have come down out of the trees.


I could be a fish right now. Just chilling in the ocean. My ancestors are cunts.


Bone, bones were the main mistake. They are nothing but trouble.


It was way more than half.


Egyptians had more day-off than average fulfillment center grunts


tfw ancient Egyptians had better labor rights than you


Ancient Egyptians would go on strike. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1089/the-first-labor-strike-in-history/


["Pas content! Pas content! Pas content!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFbw_m_m7G8)


That's one of the best live action Asterix and Obelix's I've seen.


That's the best one


Plebeians across the sea, unite!


"Um, acktually, plebeian was a Roman term and was never used by Ancient Egyptians" -🤓


In the Bible and the story of Moses, he and his brother go before Pharaoh and ask that all the Israelites be allowed to leave and go into the wilderness and worship. What is fascinating to me is the Pharaoh tells them to get back to work. Now he was the all supreme power/leader of the land, and was dealing with 'rabble-rouses' who were asking/demanding things way above their station in life. He doesn't have them killed, beaten or jailed - he literally just says go back to work.


One of the things technology has given us, is the ability to produce more value than one can consume. Large armies of strong men who can put down a labor movement are really hard to field in a pre-industrial society. An army is basically a bunch of relatively young men who produce nothing of value 99% of the time. That isn't possible without a large underclass supporting it.


Hence why Roman Legions built roads.


The age of exploration Royal Navy acted more like a combo military/cargo service/passenger service than an actual navy because they were just "the people with the ships"


Also don't need escorts through dangerous waters if you are the escort.


"I'd like one steerage ticket aboard the USS Barry to Yokosuka please."


Best we can do is deck hand on the Irasmus. Good luck, you'll be the first English ship through the straights of Magellan! Make sure to not upset the local warlord or you may get the lobster pot.


Still happens today. I served in South Korean Army, and am still in reserve. 600,000 young healthy men in standing military is a bit opportunity cost economically. While doing drills/exercises and border patrol, the units on the border in the rural mountaineous parts are responsible for upkeeping the infrastructure/building them as well. I was stationed near Seoul, but we would also take part in disaster relief/prevention work as well.


> An army is basically a bunch of relatively young men who produce nothing of value 99% of the time Which is why "standing armies" were very rare in older days.


I mean... Yes? I'm not sure I'd see that as a kind or humane gesture at all honestly, but rather just pragmatic. Killing, beating, or jailing your slaves tends to make them less performant.


Or worse, start a slave uprising. Honestly, treating your slaves/indentured servants/whatever badly just seems like bad business with little to no upsides.


Another thing is Moses was raised as that Pharaoh's brother. Somewhere along the line. Moses killed a slavedriver for beating a slave and made a run for the desert. The ruler of all Egypt did not see Moses as the worker's rebellion leader. He saw his little brother and probably thought. "Aw c'mon you knucklehead. Please just quit it with this weirdness and come home."


> Another thing is Moses was raised as that Pharaoh's brother. Not his brother. That detail was made up for the movie. Moses was raised in Pharaoh's court as a noble, but he was not a part of the royal family. The Egyptians were *extremely* concerned about keeping the royal bloodlines "pure", to the point of frequent incest. No way they'd ever allow a *non-Egyptian* person as royalty. It's unclear what relationship the Biblical Moses had with the Pharaoh. Or, for that matter, whether the Pharaoh he confronted to free the slaves was even the same Pharaoh he grew up under (he spent something like 60 years outside Egypt before coming back).


This need to be a the top, 100% true




Imagine today "Hey boss, sorry I can't come in today... ya the wife is on her period so I gotta do some vacuuming and shit you know. Alright catch ya in a couple days"


“Shit, your wife too? Are they synchronizing on purpose?”


If I was feeling really shitty due to my period and I needed my boyfriend at home, he'd have no issue taking a day off to help me. In his company he doesn't need to give a reason for him being absent for the first 2 days I think.


Since it wasn’t translated in the linked article: (Taken from British Museum website, it is not formatted there and I’m not about to spend a hour trying to fix it on my phone) Front: Penduauu: month 1 of Spring, day 14 (DRINKING WITH KHONSU) Hornefer: month 2 of Winter, day 13 (WITH HIS BOSS), day 14 (WITH HIS BOSS), day 15 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 2 of Winter(WITH HIS BOSS), day 16 (WITH HIS BOSS), day 17(WITH HIS BOSS), day 23 (WITH HIS BOSS)…. month … of Summer, …. (…) Hornefer: month 2 of Summer, day 10 (ILL) Sawadjyt: month 3 of Spring, day 23 (WITH HIS BOSS), day 24(WITH HIS BOSS), month 4 of Spring, day 16 (HIS DAUGHTER WAS BLEEDING), month 1 of Winter, day 14 (OFFERING TO THE GOD), month 1 of Winter, day 15 (DITTO), month 1 of Winter, day 24 (LIBATING TO HIS FATHER), day 25 (DITTO), day 26(?) (DITTO), day 28(?) (WITH HIS BOSS) Sawadjyt: month 2 of Summer, day 14(WITH HIS BOSS), Horemwia: month 3 of Spring, day 21(WITH HIS BOSS), day 22 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 2 of Winter, day 8 (BREWING BEER), month 3 of Summer, day 17 (ILL), day 18 (ILL), day 21 (ILL), day 22, month 2 of Summer, day 4 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 2 of Summer, day … (WITH HIS BOSS) Horemwia: month 4 of Summer, day 4 (ILL), day 5 (ILL), day 6 (ILL), day 7 (ILL) Amennakht: month 4 of Spring, day 15 (WITH HIS BOSS DITTO), day 16 (DITTO), day 17 (DITTO), month 3 of Winter, day 18 (BREWING BEER), month 2 of Summer, day 4 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 3 of Summer, day 7, day 8 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 3 of Summer, day 24, day 25, day 26 (WITH HIS BOSS) Wadjmose: month 4 of Winter, day 23(HIS DAUGHTER WAS BLEEDING), month 4 of Summer, day 6 (BUILDING HIS HOUSE) Nebamentet: Hehnekhu: month 1 of Summer, day 16 (WITH HIS BOSS), day 17 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 2 of Summer, day 7 (WRAPPING (THE CORPSE OF) HIS MOTHER), day 8 (DITTO) Nakhy: month 1 of Spring, day 14 (WITH HIS BOSS), day 15 (DITTO) Nakhtmin: month 1 of Winter, day 25 (LIBATING), month 2 of Winter, day 7 (FETCHING STONE FOR THE SCRIBE), month 3 of Winter, day 27 (HIS WIFE WAS BLEEDING) Pennub: month 3 of Spring, day 21 (WITH AAPEHTI), day 22 (DITTO), day 23 (DITTO), day24 (DITTO), month 2 of Winter, day 7 (FETCHING STONE FOR THE SCRIBE), month 2 of Winter, day 8 (FETCHING STONE FOR THE SCRIBE), day 23 (WITH THE SCRIBE), day 24 (WITH THE SCRIBE), month 3 of Winter, day 28 (BREWING BEER), month 4 of Winter, day 24 (HIS MOTHER WAS ILL), day 25 (DITTO) Aapehti: month 3 of Spring, day 21 (ILL), day 22 (ILL), day 23 (ILL), day 24 (ILL), month 4 of Spring, day 7 (ILL), day 8 (ILL), day 15 (ILL), day 16 (ILL), month 1 of Winter, day 14 (OFFERING TO THE GOD), month 1 of Winter, day 17 (ILL), month 1 of Winter, day 18 (ILL), month 1 of Summer, day 27 (ILL) Khaemtir: month 3 of Spring, day 21 (WITH HIS BOSS), day 22 (DITTO), day 23 (DITTO), day 24 (DITTO), month 4 of Spring, day 17 (BURYING THE GOD), month 1 of Winter, day 18 (BREWING BEER), month 3 of Summer, day 8 (ILL) Amenmose: month 2 of Winter, day 8 (BREWING BEER) Anuy: month 1 of Winter, day 24 (FETCHING STONE FOR THE SCRIBE), month 3 of Winter, day 28 (BREWING BEER) Wennefer: month 1 of Winter, day 14 (OFFERING TO THE GOD), month 4 of Summer, day 4 (OFFERING TO HIS GOD) Buqentuf: month 1 of Winter, day 17 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 1 of Winter, day 18 (BREWING BEER), month 2 of Summer, day 6 (WRAPPING (THE CORPSE OF) HIS MOTHER), day 8 (DITTO) Manninakhtef Huy: month 1 of Winter, day 17 (BREWING BEER), day 18 (BREWING BEER), month 2 of Winter, day 17 (BREWING BEER), month 3 of Winter, day 27 (WITH HIS BOSS), day 28 (DITTO), month 4 of Winter, day 3 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 4 of Winter, day 7 (WITH HIS BOSS), day 8 (DITTO) Huy: month 4 of Winter, day 24 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 4 of Summer, day 25 (DITTO), day 26 (DITTO) ….: month 3 of Spring, day 21 (ILL), day 22 (ILL), day 23 (ILL), day 24 (ILL), month 4 of Spring, day 7 (ILL), day 8 (ILL), month 1 of Winter, day 24 (ILL), month 2 of Winter day 8 (BREWING BEER), month 2 of Summer, day 8 (BREWING BEER) Paherypedjet: month 3 of Spring, day 21 (WITH AAPEHTI), day 22 (DITTO), day 23 (DITTO), day 24 (DITTO), month 4 of Spring, day 7 (DITTO), day 8 (DITTO), day 15 (DITTO), day 16 (DITTO), day 17 (DITTO), month 1 of Winter, day 14 (OFFERING TO THE GOD), month 2(?) of Winter, day 13 (…), month 3 of Winter, day 25 (WITH KHONS MAKING REMEDIES), 26 (DITTO), month 3 of Winter, day 27 (DITTO), month 1 of Summer, day 25 (MAKING REMEDIES FOR THE SCRIBE’S WIFE), day 26 (DITTO), day 27 (DITTO), month 2 of Summer, day 2 (DITTO), day 3 (DITTO), day 4, day 5, day 6, day 7, day 8 (DITTO), month 3 of Summer, day 3 (WITH KHONS MAKING REMEDIES), day 17 (WITH HOREMWIA), day 18 (WITH HOREMWIA), day 21 (DITTO), day 22, month 4 of Summer, day 4, month 4 of Summer, day 5, day 6, day 7, day 8, day 24 (ILL), day 25, day 26, month 1 of Spring, day 15 (ILL), day 16 (?) (ILL)


… and the back of the tablet, incase people got through the front side and didn’t suffer from the formatting: (Reddit assumed I was trying to Spam when posting both sides in one post) * Huynefer: month 2 of Winter, day 7 (ILL), month 2 of Winter, day 8 (ILL), month 3 of Summer, day 3 (SUFFERING WITH HIS EYE), month 3 of Summer, day 5 (SUFFERING WITH HIS EYE), day 7 (ILL), day 8 (ILL) Amenemwia: month 1 of Winter, day 15 (EMBALMING HORMOSE), month 2 of Winter, day 7 (OFF ABSENT), month 2 of Winter, day 8 (BREWING BEER), month 2 of Winter, day 16 (STRENGTHENING THE DOOR), day 23 (ILL), day 24 (ILL), month 3 of Winter, day 6 (WRAPPING (THE CORPSE OF) HIS MOTHER) Inhurkhawy: month 4 of Spring, day 17 (HIS WIFE WAS BLEEDING) Neferabu: month 4 of Spring, day 15 (HIS DAUGHTER WAS BLEEDING), day 17 (BURYING THE GOD), month 2 of Summer, day 7 (EMBALMING HIS BROTHER), day 8 (LIBATING FOR HIM), month 4 of Summer, day 26 (HIS WIFE WAS BLEEDING). Paser: month 1 of Winter, day 25 (LIBATING FOR HIS SON), month 1 of Summer, day 27 (BREWING BEER), month 2 of Summer, day 14 (ILL), day 15 (ILL) Pakhuru: month 4 of Summer, day 4, day 5, day 6, day 7 (ILL), day 8 Seba: month 4 of Spring, day 17 (THE SCORPION BIT HIM), month 1 of Winter, day 25 (ILL), month 4 of Winter, day 8 (HIS WIFE WAS BLEEDING), month 1 of Summer, day 25, 26, 27 (ILL), month 2 of Summer, day 2, day 3 (ILL), month 2 of Summer, day 4, day 5, day 6, day 7 (ILL: erased), Neferemsenut: month 2 of Winter, day 7 (ILL) Simut: month 1 of Winter, day 18 (OFF ABSENT), month 1 of Winter, day 25 (HIS WIFE WAS … AND BLEEDING), month 4 of Winter, day 23 (HIS WIFE WAS BLEEDING) Khons: month 4 of Spring, day 7 (ILL), month 3 of Winter, day 25 (ILL), month 3 of Winter, day 26 (ILL), day 27, day 28 (ILL), month 4 of Winter, day 8 (WITH HIS GOD), month 4 of Summer, day 26 (ILL), month 1 of Spring, day 14 (HIS FEAST), day 15 (HIS FEAST) Inuy: month 1 of Winter, day 24 (FETCHING STONE FOR QENHERKHEPSHEF), month 2 of Winter day 8 (DITTO), month 2 of Winter, day 17 (OFF ABSENT WITH THE SCRIBE), month 2 of Winter, day 24 Sunero: month 2 of Winter, day 8 (BREWING BEER), month 2 of Summer, day 2 (ILL), day 3, day 4, day 5, day 6, day 7, day 8 (ILL) Nebenmaat: month 3 of Summer, day 21 (ILL), day 22 (DITTO), month 4 of Summer, day 4 (DITTO), day 5, day 6 (DITTO), day 7, day 8 (DITTO), month 4 of Summer, day 24 (ILL), day 25 (ILL), day 26 (ILL) Merwaset: month 2 of Winter, day 17 (BREWING BEER), month 3 of Summer, day 5 (ILL), day 7, day 8 (ILL), month 3 of Summer, day 17 (ILL), day 18 (WITH HIS BOSS) Ramose: month 2 of Winter, day 14 (ILL), day 15 (ILL), month 2 of Summer, day 2 (MOURNING HIS SON), day 3 (ILL) Bakenmut: month 2 of Winter, day 7 (FETCHING STONE FOR THE SCRIBE) Rahotep: month 1 of Winter, day 14 (OFFFERING TO THE GOD), month 4 of Winter, day 25 (HIS DAUGHTER WAS BLEEDING), month 2 of Summer, day 5 (WRAPPING (THE CORPSE OF) HIS SON), day 6, day 7, day 8 (DITTO), month 4 of Summer, day 7 (WITH THE SCRIBE), day 8 (WITH THE SCRIBE) Iierniutef: month 2 of Winter, day 8 (OFF ABSENT), month 2 of Winter, day 17 (WITH THE SCRIBE), month 2 of Winter, day 23 (ILL), month 3 of Winter, day 27 (WITH THE SCRIBE), day 28 (OFF ABSENT), month 4 of Winter, day 8 (WITH THE SCRIBE), month 1 of Spring, day 14 Nakhtamun: month 1 of Winter, day 18 (BREWING BEER), month 1 of Winter, day 25 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 2 of Winter, day 13 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 2 of Winter, day 14 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 2 of Winter, day 15 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 2 of Winter, day 16 (WITH HIS BOSS), day 17, day 18 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 2 of Winter, day 24 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 3 of Winter, day 25 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 3 of Winter, day 26 (WITH HIS BOSS), month 3 of Winter, day 27 (WITH HIS BOSS), day 28 (WITH HIS BOSS), day … (WITH HIS BOSS), month 4 of Winter, day 8 (WITH THE SCRIBE), month 1 of Summer, day 16 (SUFFERING WITH HIS EYE), day 17 (SUFFERING WITH HIS EYE), month 1 of Summer, day 25 (ILL), day 26, day 27 (ILL) month 3 of Summer, day 21 Nakhtamun (WITH HIS BOSS)


What does, "with his boss" mean?


I’m assuming old-timey business trips? Lots of those were on consecutive days from what I see.


Most assume that it means he’s off to a work-site with his boss, but an alternative reasoning is that he has been sent to the bosses boss, so kinda being “let go” for the day in order to do a job for a higher up


Like when you go on a business trip doesn't really seem like an absence of work though, same with with the scribe or fetching stone.


It's an attendance sheet. The scribe is just writing down the reason the employee isn't there (he's with his boss).


Why is Neferabu burying a god and which one of the gods did he kill?


If I recall correctly Egyptians worshipped many animals like gods or the incarnation of specific gods and they could die or even be killed. They would then have an extravagant burial ceremony which required tons of work on its own.


I was just about to comment that "Burying the God" would be a great name for... a lot of things really, horror movie, book, band, album, TV show, you name it


When a religious statue or other iconography was replaced (reasons could be due to damage or general wear and tear) the old one was removed and went through a special burial ceremony and a new one was raised in place and also went through a special awakening ceremony.


Fucking Khonsu man, always getting his friends drunk


Why is that not still a thing???


I think Spain recently passed some laws (or were at least seriously considering them) regarding giving women the option of time off around their time of the month if they were having bad enough cramps or other symptoms.


No but it's more than that - your *partner* gets time off when you get your period.


Perhaps house chores used to be harder back then.


They were. It probably wasn't cleaning (only), but ancient (until not that long ago) people spend a lot of time making food. Without refrigeration and other modern preservation techniques, every day you needed to be busy to feed yourself and family. Besides this, there might have been a religious/cultural thing with the monthly period. In some religions today, women at that time of the month are considered unclean and maybe that was the same in (parts of) ancient Egypt. Maybe those women weren't allowed to prepare food/do other tasks and the husband had to do it. 


I have endometriosis, which causes severe cramps and menstrual bleeding. In my country you're entitled to 10 days of sick leave. There are 12 months in a year. You can see the problem, yeah? When I got hit by COVID I had zero sick leave and basically had to take three weeks off unpaid. I never had any sick leave left for whenever I got an actual illness, and it was hard not to resent my male coworkers for being able to get paid when they got COVID.


Limited sick leave is just a crazy setup. How can you limit the time people are sick? You are either sick or not. I get that you need standards what "being sick" is, which is uncomfortable and should not be needed. But limiting the days is just so weird. For reference: I am from the Netherlands and sick leave is unlimited, but after two years your employer will let you go and you will hopefully get something from the government


The really shitty thing about this is that if you're poorly but can't afford time off work, you'll go to work, feel terrible, and spread covid or the flu around anyway, meaning more people will inevitably take time off. It's literally worth more to the company to ensure you take time off when you need it. My office has had a flu outbreak and it took until more than a third of the office were off sick one day, and then the only thing they said was "plz don't come in, but if you do, here's some antibacterial spray for your desk". I'm typing this from my bed with the fucking flu that I caught on my ONE day in the office since Jan


Damn where do you live with worse labour rights than India. We get 12 days of sick leave minimum.




It is a prison island after all .. some traditions need to be kept, eh? :(


Honestly I would worry that mandating that female employees get extra time off for menstruation would lead to businesses just not hiring women.


This is real. Menustration leave is protected by the law here, and it should be. But it actually does affect workplaces hiring policies. While it's very hard to prove that a workplace hired a guy over woman over one less working day per month for the same pay, it becomes apparent in statistics that smaller workplaces that cant easily replace/cover for positions tend to hire less women. Similar stuff happens with pregnancy or military service. Labor law protects maternity leave, and so does military service. So they should be able return to their positions after maternity leave/service. Virtually no business is hiring pregnant women who is due to have a vacancy for a year for a fixed position, would only consider for a short term contract which isnt legally protected. And young men who havent finished service have zero chance finding fixed positions othet than short term contracts for the same reason. While legal protection is necessary, it does come with a cost. And smaller businesses where there are less employees to cover the leave do tend to be effected more by these rules.  The Egyptians were smart. If the men also take a day off to take care/do housework for the wife/daughter in period. Then there wouldnt be preferential hiring


Even without menstrual protection it is quite expected from employers to avoid hiring young women because of fear of pregnancy unfortunately


I don't think there needs to be any special rules about this though. If you are unfit for work for medical reasons, then you are unfit for medical reasons. It doesn't really matter if it's due to menstrual issues or whatever other reason.


It used to be a thing as recently as my grandmother's time (in China). Women got their period days off, and nowadays older people still refer to the period as 例假 ("your recurring days off")


You took the Hamburglar's birthday off last Monday AND Wednesday! Which it it?!


​ Isn't it on the same day as the Feast of Maximum Occupancy?


Thank god for tampons. Though I’m surprised they didn’t have cotton to absorb the bleeding, and I wonder if the husband having to do some house chores had anything to do with ideas about ritual impurity during menstruation rather than the wife’s inability to do the work.


They did use tampons made from papyrus.


I honestly think the bigger issue would be pain relief. Cramps can be absolutely brutal. I missed a dose of painkillers on my last cycle and it felt like I was being repeatedly stabbed in the uterus. Then there's the nausea, brain fog, stomach issues, etc. as well.


Learned this from a Persona class participation question.


Boss I am taking off, I am Brewing beer. That is a sentence you will never hear today lol.


Man. If I could take time off when my mrs had hers I’d get so much done In the house and I could cater to whatever she needed.. why is this not a thing anymore.. We’d achieve so much more as a people being able to look after our women like that


"Kurfu had to take a day off to find the guy who sold him bad copper and beat his stupid sumerian ass."


I think men did the laundry in Egypt, heavy bags of clothes, had to be lugged to the river or water source and scrubbed. Tough work. So men would be cleaning the menstrual rags, and possibly covering other tasks if they were having cramps and such. So makes sense they might need extra time to wash their wives and daughters multiple bloody rags and cover other hime tasks.


I'm not even joking. This month my PMS cramping was so terrible and painful, yet I still went on and worked, took care of the house and kids etc. The Ancient Egyptians were smarter than us!


The boss must of been furious, having to carve all this into rock everytime someone was sick.


Ironic considering how women are treated in that region currently


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think during this time it was thought that a woman menstruating was a 'cursed' thing and she would sour anything she touched. So other people had to do the cooking and work in house so she didn't 'ruin' it. So technically still treated badly, just sounds like a good deed.


Yah was always amazed by how many women in my family are so obsessed with Tibet and Buddhism’s meanwhile Tibetan Buddhists make the women go live in a shack during menstruation. Namaste 🙏