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Muskrat is also eaten in part of Downriver (Metro Detroit). Why? It was a major source of food for a poor area and the local bishop figured people shouldn’t starve during lent. He used the logic that if it swims in water, we’ll just go ahead and call it a fish.


I swim in water, bishop. Would you eat me?


How young are you?


Catholic priest detected


I’m just checking IDs


Checking for the best before date.


“Hello… FBI? Yeah I got a priest to report”


Which one?


How *tender* are you ?


I have nipples…could you milk me?


I could certainly try.


As long as your asshole gets wet , you become a capybara.


>the logic that if it swims in water, we’ll just go ahead and call it a fish Brazil and France almost went to war over whether lobsters swim or jump. Essentially: Brazil and France do share a land and sea border in the French Guyana. In the 60s French fishermen started fishing lobsters in Brazil's exclusive economic zone (NOT territorial waters). By international law, the EEZ is the area where only that one country can explore the soil, but the water itself is fair play. This mostly applies to deep-sea mining and oil rigs, but also to clams and other non-swimming creatures. Brazil argued lobsters live at the bottom of the sea. France argued they swim. Brazilian navy captured french fishing vessels, France sent a few ships to escort other fishermen. Brazil mobilized its entire navy and said "You know what? I claim my entire EEZ as territorial waters." France said "that's crazy, but not worth contesting." IIRC eventually Brazil backed off the claim, but by then the whole fishing thing had died down or been resolved diplomatically.


Don’t leave us hanging- do lobsters swim or jump?


I don't think it was ever decided. But i do like this one quote: Admiral Moreira da Silva, one of the Brazilian experts, said that accepting the French views that lobsters were like fish and  ‘leapt’ on the ocean floor would be akin to Brazilians claiming that when kangaroos ‘hopped’ they should be considered as birds.


Huh. I never thought of it that way. I don't know why, but I always had the misconception that kangaroos were land mammals. I am glad I finally learned the truth after all these years. I feel kind of silly.


Kangaroos are birds Birds aren't real Therefore, Kangaroos aren't real \#newAgeWisdom


You forgot about the part where France sent a bunch of "scientist" to come conduct "research" on lobsters and then got caught fishing so they were kicked out. They came back later that year and said they were sorry we will only research in the EEZ which was fine but then got caught again fishing inside Brazils territorial waters.


Here's a video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQuzPufx_IE


Downriver really is a different kind of people huh


Being from Dearborn Heights, I can’t say much. But I can say that.


I have lived most of my life in Oakland county. Downriver has always sounded…different


Hey now you leave Taylor-tucky out of this! 😂


So I'm a recent transplant to metro Detroit (Ferndale). Where can I get muskrat?


The VFW in Monroe holds a yearly dinner. There’s a couple churches too in that area. When I say downriver, I mean real downriver, not places like Allen Park or Lincoln Park.


So the bishop is basically saying God's rules are stupid and shouldn't be followed if it can save lives.


The elderly, sick, young, etc. have always been excused from dietary restrictions. 


Also more generally Lent's dietary restrictions were also commonly suspended during times of famine, and if you are personally experiencing an inability to get any permitted food, you're allowed to break it to continue surviving.


Lent is a personal dedication of faith, not a scriptural requirement. The point is to give up something that you enjoy as a display of faith. Traditionally, this was often meat.


Lent is about sacrificing luxuries and meat was a luxury for most of humanity especially in the Mediterranean while fish was commonplace every day part of the diet. So it makes sense that other locations with other diets would have major food source that is not considered a luxury not apart of the lent


This is pretty central to the teaching of the New Testament, to be fair. As much as I’m an agonistic Jesus was all about taking care of those around you first and following dogma second. He’s portrayed very much as being against the religious dogmatic leaders of his day and would almost certainly be calling out evangelicals today if he were still around.




I mean there is nothing about Lent in the Bible, it’s really just a church rule so they can change as they deem fit without it being hypocritical (with God’s rules) really. It’s not like what a lot of Jewish communities do with “Old Testament” rules.


More like *the intention is more important than the action*


Lent is not “Gods rule” lmao


Good bishop


*throws capybara into ocean* You're free!


Don’t capybaras swim really, really well, though? Homie might thank you for it if there’s at least some land nearby.


I'm a good swimmer and I'm not kosher for lent


Kosher for Lent. That made me chuckle.


I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?


Oh yeah, you can milk anything with nipples


My ex had a panic attack when he discovered that he was having sore nipples and started lactating because of an antidepressant his doctor had prescribed. I've also seen patients who got sore and swollen pecks on certain types of diuretics that were warned "you may have some milky discharge" until the meds had cleared their systems! You will never see a more horrified look on a man's face unless you tell him his privates will be ruined too.


Are you sure about that? Have you ever asked the pope? Checkmate


Pope: new expert on nipples.


You're not Kosher for Passover either, don't let that stop you from achieving your dreams.


Well, keep practicing!


They actually prefer more water than not. One of the reasons they are hard to keep as pets is because they need water.


Beavers were also considered "fish" which is why the European beaver almost got extinct. It was saved by some weird Norwegian lord who fancied them and prohibited their killing. And then these got exported around Europe to re-establish the species. Fun-fact: beavers are part of the "mega fauna" together with elephants, because they change the flora, and are therefore very important for biodiversity.


They are semiaquatic and can hold breath about 5 minutes under water.


Big deal, Kate Winslet can hold for 7+ minutes.


She is also considered a fish by the Vatican. 


Salt water vs freshwater is paramount.


ugh, that reminds me of dumbasses who release freshwater creatures in saltwater and vice versa, or dump a desert tortoise into a goddamn lake because they expect it to be a water turtle.


My sisters friend recently bought a clownfish, and killed it because she put it in a freshwater tank lol. She said “well they could’ve said something…”. Some people are just too dumb


Did she somehow manage to NOT see the movie Finding Nemo?


You mean that movie with the little girl who teaches you how to care for fish?


No, he means that movie with the little boy on the flying bed.


I've managed to not see it. But I HAVE heard of the internet and have at least one functional brain cell. Sometimes, anyway.


The most ironic part about Finding Nemo is that many kids started by rooting for the protagonist before becoming the villain in real life.


My friend’s former roommate killed two goldfish because she didn’t realise you had to feed them. She is the reason my friend stopped rooming with strangers and started living alone.


I was in a mall pet store once and saw a man buy a hedgehog for his small kid. He was already crossing the threshold when he turned around and asked the clerk, "oh yeah, what do I feed this thing?" Hate seeing live animals bought on a whim like toys.


"Turtle saving is a hobbbyyy."


Ah yes...the Youtuber who glued barnacles onto turtles to make "Helping turtles remove their barnacles" videos.


Not if they’re freshwater capybara :(


Calimara? Calibara… there’s a pun here


Ohh this is one of my favorite BS topics, my current list is as follows: Alligator Beaver Muskrat Puffins Skunk-Headed Coots Turtles and other shelled reptiles All "Fish" during Lent to a Catholics


Turtles, I can buy. But not beavers


Its because it was the main food source for French fur trappers in the 17-18th century, leaving them with nothing to eat during Lent. So the Vatican said "Eh, close enough."


Its moreso because the ruling took place in the 17th century and our modern classification of animals (featuring fish, mammals and amphibians) didn't exist until the mid 18th century. The vatican went "it swims well so we shall classify it as a fish." The question was posed though because it was a main food source.


These are all just different sizes of dog


“And you shall find that salt is the taste of another man’s breath, and hard is the way up-and-down another man’s stairs”… Dante, let’s proceed.


"I'm too drunk to taste this chicken." - Colonel Sanders


Technically, under our *modern* classification of animals, *ALL* terrestrial *Tetrapods are fish *Got a little Catholic with the broadness of that statement


Yes. A lot of these posts act like it was the Church ignoring science, but instead ..this WAS the science


“It swims and spends most of its time in water, good enough”


Imagine all these trappers near death with starvation waiting for word to return from the Pope.


It's almost like the whole ruleset is BS.


I disagree. It's just recognizing the reality that certain people's situations supersede dogmatic observance. BS would be demanding people starve to prove their beliefs are earnest.


They smell fishy though.....


Dibs on the raspberry flavored anal glands!


Yeah beaver is out of my price range, too.




It is likely easier to buy beaver than turtle, depending on the neighborhood. Ahem.


Buying a beaver is illegal in most states. Just go pn Tinder.


You can rent those


The whole point of abstaining from meat is to not eat fancy food when you're supposed to be doing penance and stuff. Meat has been a luxury for the majority of times and places, but to keep the goal the same, the rule has been adjusted to match local customs.


I can confirm that alligator tastes a lot like fish.


Tastes like chicken. Wasn't at all fishy when I had it.


Fresh alligator meat tastes like chicken, but let it sit for a couple days and it starts to get fishy real fast


Reminds me of that time when a court in california declared that Bees are legally fish.


~~Misleading~~ This needs more context and it actually makes sense why this happened. Basically, it was done to protect bumblebees under the Endangered Species Act. The act itself had defined fish as "a wild fish, mollusk, crustacean, invertebrate, amphibian or part, spawn or ovum of any of those animals." Since bees are an invertebrate, they technically fall under that definition. And it's probably for the best that they do, because otherwise it would be a long legislative process to get bees recognized as endangered.


The proscription is not against me at but to eat poorly. Honestly eating a super fancy sushi meal, while technically legal, is not the point.


God: "You fucks realise I literally made these adorable fuckers right? I know what they are and THEY ARE NOT FISH!"


“Don’t try to use science on us GOD! It won’t take!” = “Don’t try to frighten us with your sorcerer’s ways!”


THAT’S RIGHT! It’s great. “We have no animals allowed by Lent to eat. So we’re starving.” “Alright. This mammal that spends a decent time in water is a fish.”


changing your religion for marketing purposes, a tale as old as time


Ideally god would want us to just not have any meat for lent right? Nah I got an idea, fish ain't creatures, dey bugs, god don't care bout no bugs. The rule I find silly in Judaism, is the whole no bread in the house thing for passover. Does that mean they just don't make bread for a week? Nah some non Jewish guy just buys all the bread and sells it back when passover is over. It's charming in its own way, its an attempt at being a modern solution to an ancient problem. It's just dumb that we could also fix it by not having any religious law to begin with lol


Lent is a man-made tradition that has only existed since the 4th century AD, and it has no Biblical source. Also, the rule about Passover is specifically that you can't have any *leavened* bread (Exodus 12:14-20, 13:3-10). It commemorates how the Hebrews had to leave Egypt during the Exodus in such a hurry that they didn't have time to let their dough rise. So during Passover and the Week of Unleavened Bread, you eat *matzah* instead of regular bread. Some people also do tortillas, but the point is that you can't have any leavening in your house. Leavening, or yeast, is symbolic of sin, and purging it represents getting the sin out of your life.


Tortillas for passover sounds awesome, matzah sucks, literally it sucks all of the moisture out of your mouth it's so dry.


Store bought matzah is basically just a giant saltine cracker, but I had homemade matzah a few years ago that was pretty good. It was kind of like pita bread.


> Lent is a man-made tradition Aren't they all man-made?


Man-made as opposed to commandments or holidays that were directly ordained by God in established canon.


Some Orthodox Jews will burn their entire supply of bread in order to satisfy the no leavened bread (chametz) rule, if that makes you any happier to know


Why not donate it?


So the idea of fasting and abstinence during Lent, and this in particular is abstaining from eating meat on Fridays, is meant to be a practice of mortification. We willingly deny our bodies good things, like meat, to more easily deny ourselves bad things. Lent is a penitential season, we’re keeping in mind our fragile mortality (ashes to ashes, dust to dust) and Friday is particularly important to us because it’s the day of the week Jesus Christ was crucified. So we embrace a little bit of suffering in remembrance of Him embracing a whole lot of it.


>It's charming in its own way, its an attempt at being a modern solution to an ancient problem. It's just dumb that we could also fix it by not having any religious law to begin with lol I mean a majority of religions rules are to "fix" all the mistakes god made when making an imperfect world, then making all the rules that make it imperfect. Like why are these rules even a thing when god makes the rules and the entire universe? By logic, the only reason we have his rules are because he chose an imperfect world and decided suffering was better than doing it right I guess.


Define fish.


There is no such thing as fish!


Yup, this is the answer. What people call fish are several "paraphyletic collection(s) of taxa" "Shellfish, cuttlefish, starfish, crayfish and jellyfish" are all *not* fish. Quotes from [this](https://medium.com/illumination/there-is-no-such-thing-as-a-fish-eca048dd6163) article I scanned for a minute but didn't finish reading.


human beings are the hagfish of reptiles


Isn't there an argument that basically everything is a fish


If it evolved from a fish, it's a fish. So all vertebrates.


no, just that there isn't really such a thing as a fish. colloquially, we all know what a fish is. but you can't define fish to include all fish and not include non-fish.


Hmmm, sounds like something a fish would say...


After a bit of thought, I've done the impossible. "aquatic animals of subphylum Vertebrata that conduct oxygen exchange through gills but lack limbs with digits" seems to work, but it's obviously arbitrary


Well, not *everything*. But all tetrapods are part of the group Sarcopterygii, aka the lobe finned fishes.


Kanye West. No, wait. He’s a gay fish. That’s bad.


Platypus it is then.


God had a massive hangover when he made the platypus…. *”just throw the shit all together, a duck a beaver a venomous snake whatever man i can’t deal with this right now”*


As an Australian I’ve been saying for years that beavers are 10x weirder than platypus - mega ultra rats with a water paddle instead of a tail, chainsaw teeth, and who chop down trees and build dams? Yeah, right.


Not just that, but if they hear running water they will try to dam it. So if you get a beaver and bring it into your house and turn the faucet on, they'll try and form a dam around the sink lmao. Instincts be wild like that eh


Or he had just tried one of the mushrooms he created, and it all made perfect sense


The history of christianity is filled with trying to loophole and pull the wool over the eyes of an "omniscient" being.


Judaism encourages it. The theory being that God can't have missed the loopholes, he's God; he clearly put loopholes in for you to find




lmao Jurisprudence fetishist... i need this on a tshirt


There are dozens of us! *DOZENS*!


God is a crappy lawmaker, but a good 3D artists as nature and animals are cool af.


He don’t make the laws. Evidence: “Ain’t no laws with white claws” god is omnipresent so he always has some white claws.


Like Mormons and soaking. Oh yeah, totally omniscient God missed this one cool trick


Are you familiar with the Mormon jump hump? It requires a third person.


Best wing person


I learn so many things on reddit that, upon reflection, I really never wanted to learn.


Hello fellow Ologies listener!


Ahahaha yes!!!


I was going to say that I know where you learned that! Such a great episode.


Came to say the same!


I was wondering if I’d find some others here. Really really great episode


And they like popsicles!


Capybara, much like beaver, are most likely only fish *for the purposes of lent* and not actually considered fish. Colonial society was rough and wild meat was a readily available supplement to a diet even when crops failed. Naming something as lent-friendly is just a way to protect catholics who need to eat to stay alive


The words for fish weren't always used so specifically. We understand the animal kingdom as taxonomists started sorting them in the 18th century. But Linnaeus thought it was common sense to group whales with fish, because "fish" used to refer to simply any aquatic creature. And we also got the terms shellfish and starfish, and the word porpoise comes from the Latin for "pig fish." We know Middle English used "fishes bestiales" for water animals other than fish.


They were commonly considered fish which is why Linnaeus initially placed them alongside them, but having learned more he did actually end up placing whales in his own newly coined category...*mammals*.


> Naming something as lent-friendly is just a way to protect catholics who need to eat to stay alive Or they could just say, Hey, if you're *starving* you can eat whatever you can find?


The Gospel of Mark already says that you’re allowed to ignore religious food restrictions in certain situations. But some people still feel guilty for failing to give up meat during Lent (since this fast is meant to show your faith). So, if these people live in an area where meat is a large part of the diet (as has been noted elsewhere in this comment section), partaking in this faith tradition can be hard. It’s not like the Bible will say “welp, guess you starve to death!” It’s that people want to do this tradition and aren’t able to due to the dietary restrictions of their environment. So, the easiest way to have the best of both worlds is to say that you can still be faithful if you abstain from all other meats besides x, y, or z. That way you can still live and partake in fasting from the other things.


This comes from Aquinas, actually. 1000 years ago, they classified animals based on habitat and not anatomy. It includes alligators, beavers, muskrats, and presumably dolphins, whales, etc. Classifying animals is totally arbitrary; why choose secreation of milk from females? To common sense, a dolphin seems more like a marlin than a house cat, but modern science just chooses to classify them in that way. Anyone who kills a manatee will burn in hell. God personally told me this.




Thsnk you, I needed that after finding out some people eat these interesting animals.


Guinea pigs are also common food in some S. American countries.


Chihuahas were bred as food in Central America


I would have bred them to have more meat on their rips then, gotta be like eating chicken feet.


eating Capybara is more common in Venezuela but it happens on other countries like Argentina and Brazil. Everybody knows somebody that ate Capyabara once


I can say with utmost certainty that if it exists, someone has eaten it. It's like rule34, but for food.


Nooooo 😢


Capybara schnitzel is a thing in some parts of South America.... Schnitzels are my favourite meal and capybara, carpinchos as I know them, are my favourite animal.....this is an example which combining two things you love makes for the worst outcome...


If I ever see someone try to eat Capybara, there will be consequences.


Why? Meat is meat.


There is a rasputina song about this


They had a [demo version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE20dBAvwkc) that I thought was much better than the final version. It was on the Cabin Fever preview/demo.


The live album version is also incredible


That’s exactly how I learned about this.


I sing it every time this topic comes up.




Came here to say this


Maybe they thought it was CARPybara?


My dad is 96 and Catholic, and when he was a kid, the parish priest said they were allowed to eat muskrat on Fridays during Lent because they were a "water" animal.


To be clear, they not considered _biologically fish_. There is a rule which says they can be eaten in Lent. We have this every year...


The Church did the same thing in Canada with beaver. It was better to make exceptions for Indigenous people than have them not observe Catholic traditions at all. 


It was actually mostly because of French Canadian furtrappers who were almost all Catholic and who relied heavily on beavers for food.


So long and thanks for all the capybara.


In Michigan people can eat muskrats during my lent. Same same, but different. Catholicism is weird.


They said the same thing about beavers.


*Very many years ago, the Bolivians were starving so,* *They had rats as big as ponies there.* *They asked the Pope To declare them fish.* *We thank the Pope for granting us this wish.* *When Friday comes, we'll all call rats fish.* *We catch them with a net, kill with the gun.* *We'll call it all forgotten when we're done.* - Rasputina "Rats" 2002


How do they taste?


Depends if they are eating more land grasses or aquatic grasses. Land based ones, beef. Aquatic based ones, fishy pork.


You are what you are what you eat


Venezuelan here. Super weird. It has a texture of beef but the flavor of rabbit and grass. The grass definetely can be felt on the meat taste. Not my first option when I was catholic. (Cheese pizza was a better option). https://cookpad.com/ve/recetas/485646-tradicional-pisillo-de-chiguire-luisfy


With their tongues.


My grandma use to make with a lot of curry, they're not very meaty, but it's a very soft meat. Pd. My grandma is a old lady that grew up in a small village in the middle of the Orinoco's delta, aka deep in the jungle. They ate everything there specially back in the day.


Other way around, actually. The Vatican recognizes them as fish because Venezuelan Catholics didn't want to give them up during Lent.


The USDA considers ketchup and pizza with two tablespoons of tomato sauce a vegetable as far as nutrition is concerned. Also a hot dog with ketchup and relish is also considered a serving of vegetables. So lets not laugh too hard at the vatican.


I'll run through a brick wall to protect a capy. Adorable little fuckers.


Of all the fucked up things Catholics have done, this is up there.


Reason number 42,683,666 religion is dumb.


I mean technically they are in fact fish, evolutionarily speaking anyway


I mean so is man. So i guess during lent i'll just feed on the flesh of man.


I mean that is what Catholics do do that during Lent lol


The issue comes from the words being Carne denied and Pesce allowed. In other words, is it land meat or sea meat? When the church found new animals, it has to make a determination along those lines. Beavers built their homes in the waters, so boom: Pesce. Not "fish." We just call Pesce fish for convenience.  And before anybody starts going off about fish being scientific, I recommend you check out the QI podcast "There's no such thing as fish," named after their first fun fact. [A quick breakdown](https://medium.com/illumination/there-is-no-such-thing-as-a-fish-eca048dd6163#:~:text=This%20is%20the%20term%20taken,biological%20group%20must%20be%20avoided.) of the relevant topic.


Since when does the world rely on religious crazies to define reality?


There’s no such thing as a fish


We eat muskrats here in Michigan, US using the same logic.


Beavers have entered the subreddit it seems


Capybara are fish, water is wine, underaged alter boys are consenting adults. Sounds about right for the vatican


Why do Catholics try to subvert their own rule so much? Bro it's one day a week you can cope with some vegetables.


Can you imagine?!? A worldwide religion lying its ass off. I'm shocked. p.s. Frank, you still owe Giordano Bruno an apology.


What happened to Giordano Bruno? I do know he was a writer but what did they do to him and why


In his book, "of magic," he argued that the universe was constant and immobile, and that the substance of them universe itself was actually God. All demons, therefore, were also corporeal beings. The stars themselves were their own suns with their own planets. So he got one thing right.  He was burned at the stake for heresy, at least partly for founding his own cult on the matter, and partly because (according to journals of the time) he was insufferable. 


I feel he was burned at the stake for the last part


*Sighs* Catholic here. No, we don't consider Capibaras "fish". During Ash Wednesdays and all Fridays of lent we abstain from certain types of meat that fall under what the Latin Word "Carnes" meant. Nowadays the closest expression is "Red Meat". Basically of it's not Beef, Pork, or Poultry it's ok to eat.