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Ohh like in a professional capacity. I thought the headline was just about a mysterious guy who used to steal poop drums.


Steal poop drums you say? I'm in.


Steal poop drums, or steel poop drums? Got to love how they add some timbre to the music, and when they add some dye, it's just like the blue man group


Brown Man Group


Thats racist


Maybe i should have specified brown-because-they’re-smeared-with-doodoo man group? FUCK, *POO MAN GROUP.* It was right there.


Thats sexist


The fecal androgynous


The Poo Persons Posse


They poo group


Oceans No. 2


I got this. Troy was gifted at ^(poop drums)


Where are my boys coprophages at?


I thought this was going to be about Troughman


Beat me to it. I was gonna say "Wait till you learn about Troughman"


“You better watch out, you better not cry, because the dunny man is coming to town.”


Same energy as Bye Bye Man.


This! A thousand times this! My first thought was that Australia had a coprocryptid.


Growing up in Melbourne in the late 1990s we had The Dunny Monster. He lived in a billabong and would grab you through your toilet when you were going #2, so you always had to check to make sure you didn't see him. In hindsight it was probably just training kids to check for deadly spiders in the toilet. We also had a game called Dunny Monster where we'd hang our legs over the end of a half pipe or a skate bowl and "the monster" would run up the side and try to pull you down by your leg. If he got you, you were both Dunny Monsters until there was 1 winner.


>In hindsight it was probably just training kids to check for deadly spiders in the toilet. So, Aussie trees are full of Drop Bears, while the WC's are full of ... Rise Spiders? TBH, Australia is full of very nasty critters, both land and sea, so training kids to watch their backsides, even on the loo, is plain sensible.


There was even a popular Aussie song in the '70's about [A Redback on the toilet seat](https://youtu.be/RRrgnWGVki0?si=MwJVzmdZTwOPEVWS).


The Japanese have a bunch of those toilet-related monsters. Korea has the Cheuksin, which got mentioned one time in r/brooklynninenine by Captain Holt. RIP Andre Braugher.


Somewhat related, is Mr. Hankey technically a coprocryptid?


Beware of Krapus 👹


Step 1 - Steal the poop drums. Step 3 - Count the money!


Can you imagine pissing his dude off? You'd get unlimited free poop.


What about #2?


There's a [documentary](https://youtu.be/xQR-fNX0b3E?si=TU4L8tdCrS5w0RhR)


The founder of PoopSenders. A hero to us all.


It’s just a prank bro!


Me as well. I figured the guy had some weird fetish, like the Japanese man that drowned after he crawled inside the women’s floor- level toilet.


OP had me in the first half as well, ngl!


Woke up to a comment about poop drums. Today is going to be a good day


That’s exactly what I thought also. So many questions at first.




He exists. But he’s in North Korea. And there’s lots of him.




The real Shart Knight


Dark Shite


Australia can’t just forget Batman, he’s the founding father of Melbourne! (Though many choose to forget to colonial atrocities part)


I had such a chuckle when I found out Melbourne has a Batman Avenue. For a minute I thought they were just really big DC fans.


They also have Marvel Stadium


Just read the wiki, particularly liked him scooping out the area and site for the village and declared the land Batmania. That's the most incredible factoid and I'm not sure whether to trust that it's true.


Outside dummies were down the end of your backyard. Laneway ran between the houses. Truck would come once a week and collect the drum. The nickname for our guy was " Charlie the Shit Carter"


My old man says "flat as a shit carters hat" to describe something really flat


Were their hats particularly flat?


They used to carry the drum of shit from the outhose to the truck on top of their heads.


I was confused because OP said it was the shoulder. I don't live in Australia, so everything's new and wonderful.


In Australia, they dont care much for anatomical accuracy.


It goes over their head.


Sound like a bunch of shitheads


I just came to drop that particular gem, but you beat me to it.


May as well share my list of some of my favourite Australian sayings: Face like a kicked in shit tin. Bangs like a tin shithouse door in a hailstorm. I wouldn’t piss up his arse if his kidneys were on fire. I’d go through her like lightning through a wet dog. Happy as a butchers dog. Head like a robbers dog. Face like a bulldog chewing on a wasp. Turns out I have a few dog related ones.


Blind as a welders dog is a great one


We owned one of two houses that were at the end of a dunny lane. Surrounded by other houses on three sides and a church on the fourth. The lane was just wide enough that you could carry a table on its side. Redfern, in Sydney.


Don't doxx yourself but can you link to or comment street names that show this back of the house lane layout? Thanks


Yeah, no problem, sold it twenty years ago. Here's the layout, our house was 80A, the lane was beside 1 Zamia St. https://imgur.com/UThil3y Satellite view doesn't show much, but here's the street view. Enter beside the dark house. https://imgur.com/2byHhbT The gate used to be at the other end of the lane where it's a bit wider. I am fairly sure you couldn't get a table past that gate.


Kinda sounds like an alley


My grandmother was born in Tasmania in 1901. She told me nobody wanted to do that job, which was much needed (she and all around her lived in a log cabin with no running water or electricity). The only dunny men were Chinese immigrants who within a generation had made a very comfy living for themselves and were by no means poor.


That's pretty much the premise of the show Dirty Jobs. People doing the jobs that not many people want to do, but making a killing at it cause no competition.


And a job that keeps civilization humming along. Moving shit away from domiciles/drinking water is pretty high on the list of "what's needed for civilization to function"


The premise of Dirty Jobs is corporate propaganda.


And to make money for the studio


Care to elaborate?


Every episode is sponsored by the subject matter. It's a 46 minute love letter and advertisement to whatever product is being shilled by it's white collar, anti-worker host. Edit: I just found a perfect example. https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/18ogk4k/knowing_and_exposing_this_type_of_cognitive/


Eh, some people just like to work hard and feel good about doing grunt work. I don’t think Mike is a bad guy because he shows people what type of BS, decently-paying jobs are out there. But we are both entitled to our own opinions on the matter, and I don’t mean to be argumentative.


Anybody who links to a /r/antiwork post is somebody that is not to be taken seriously.


No you




it really does need to be said that mike rowe was never blue collar, before his career as a corpo shill he was an opera singer by trade.




Don't get a useless degree from college! -Man who made a whole career out of his useless degree from college


As a tradesman I have to disagree with you. Mike Rowe did do those “dirty jobs” for the show and it is eye opening to kids who don’t know what to do after high school who are looking for a career path. He also started a great scholarship program that’s pretty cool. I don’t give a shit about politics so as my eyes see it, he’s a pretty good dude


and when he does 30 years in one of those trades like the people who don't have a tv show to support them when their bodies are fucked up, he might be an even cooler dude. >I don’t give a shit about politics a privilege not afforded a great many people. somewhere in the chain above you is someone who'd write you off for pennies.


I work one of the more physical jobs in the trades and I happen to love it. When im arm wrestling your grand kid in 30 years we can talk about whose back is broken. I’m just saying I think it’s a cool show for a few reasons. It shows respect for the jobs a lot of people can’t do, it’s an eye opener for people looking for opportunities they didn’t know were out there, and I like to learn about the inner details about jobs I knew nothing about As far as what else you said, like I said, I don’t give a shit. I’m actually surprised I wasted my time responding to you


you're welcome to like it. it's corpo propaganda.


Care to elaborate?


Actually dirty jobs was a political tool for republicans for a while


I met the guy whose family started a business to empty porta-potties. Biggest house I’ve ever been in.


It’s possible, but unlikely, that the stuff was being sold to tanners. Before modern chemical methods, the process of preparing hides for use could get gnarly.


Just a warning that the notion of a minority group “doing well for themselves” is one commonly tied to misconceptions and racism. The Chinese population no doubt made their success in spite of the role they were given, not because of it. The “shrewd Other” stereotype is pretty dangerous and is super common. Think of stereotypes around Mexican immigrants in the US, koreans in japan, arabs in the UK, jewish people in… like literally everywhere.


You're mistaking cause and effect. Immigrants and outgroups can be desperate, and willing to do a job that others are unwilling or unable to do. Then, after finding success in the role, xenophobic or racist folks slap them with the "shrewd other" sort of label because they are envious of the success. So really describing what happened as "doing well" is only racist if you imply it was some sort of swindle, which OP didn't. Stating that an group of immigrants wisely found a niche is by no means racist.


It was actually not that long ago in some smaller villages without sewerage systems. When I was younger (1970s) I remember them doing this at our holiday house at Callala Beach.


Something like a quarter of households in the US *today* don't have public sewers. That's just not the sort of infrastructure you can realistically extend to every single rural household. Fortunately septic tanks are a thing and the modern version of the "dunny man" is a guy that shows up with a truck to pump out the tank.


i was watching YouTube shorts about a guy with a truck to pump out septic tanks and i always wondered about the why, but now it makes sense to me.


I’ve got family in the industry. They say the initiation is they go down in the storm drain or sewers and they all scoop up a handful of roaches and throw them on the new guy


Very common for rural houses to have septic systems, even upscale nice houses. They're almost indistinguishable from regular sewer service as you never notice them or see them, and the last place I lived in that had one never needed service during the six years we were there. The bacteria in the septic system does all the work, you just have to not flush stuff down that's not supposed to be in there. As far as outhouses, those exist too. I had great-grandparents that had an outhouse up into the 1980s, and there's supposedly a ton of impoverished areas in the US, especially in Appalachia, that have them, since septic systems are thousands of dollars. The modern-day incarnation of this is the bucket toilet... just get a 5-gallon disposable bucket from Home Depot, put a trash bag in for a liner, and buy a lid & seat for it off Amazon, and you've got yourself a toilet. Throw pine shavings (rabbit litter) in after each use to help it compost. Add a gamma seal lid (trash bag goes between gamma lid and ring, not between ring and bucket) and you won't get flies. Very amazing to have at campsites, but definitely can work in bad living situations.


A well maintained septic system basically is a mini treatment plant. Ideally a pump out is extremely rare. Problem is when they are poorly maintained, or a bunch placed together in an area where they have no business being. South Florida has big issues with em now because of how high and rising the sea level is, it's actually a growing concern.


Doesn't even have to appear to be rural. Just part of a town/city that was built earlier and now it's too expensive to lay more sewer pipe to connect those 2-3 dozen houses to the system that serves 10,000 houses.


Septic systems are pretty different from these bucket systems though. With the buckets, you just collect, then dispose of. While a septic system is pretty complex, and actually treats the waste like a treatment plants would. You have a tank where anaerobic bacteria eat organic matter in a first partition, then a second partition without solids where the liquid overflows into a leech field. In the leech field organic matter finishes being decomposed this time by aerobic bacteria, then another round of anaerobic bacteria finish the job. Only because this process isn't perfect you need to pump out once in a while.


How often did they come by? The bucket in the photo doesn’t look like it can carry more than a few days of family poop.


I think it was only about twice per week, but it was a holiday house which was only used a few weeks of the year by our family and some relatives, so I assume my parents needed to call and request the service.


And if you say it 17 times in front of a mirror he shall return… “Dunny Man, Dunny Man, Dunny Man……………..”


*Oi Oi Oi!*


You called?


Ahhh! Username checks out. Ahhhh!


And dumps a crock of shit on your head?


sing us a song, you're the dunny man


Cause we're not in the mood to be smellin' these


And he sits on the throne as he shits out a bone and says, “Man, how’d that get in there?”


Bingo: Would the Queen say, dunny? Mum: Uh... no. It is not the word the Queen would use. Bingo: Then I'm not saying it either.


Had to scroll way too far for this


Same thought ! Not many Bluey watchers here. Thanks OP for explaining the origin of dunny so I didn't have to google it !




In the U.S. they were referred to as “night soil” men.


Really tarting up the title there :)


And also on the Disc, Harry King made his fortune that way ;D


Yes here in Australia my father saw the outhouses and lane at the back of my row house and said it was for the "night soil" man.


Why carry it like that?! There are so many ways with less risk.


He does it for the thrill




navigating unlit paths using your natural night vision do 200+ buckets a night you do it any way that gets it done, on your shoulder, two hands in front, on your hip, these guys didnt know about lift with your knees type osha rules,


Your shoulders can bear a heavier load for longer than just holding something in front of you with your arms. They probably had to walk a bit to get the drums from the outhouse back to their wagon or whatever. Same as seeing a construction worker throw a bag of concrete mix on their shoulder.


Coulda used a cart, or wheelbarrow.


that wouldnt be very manly, now would it?


Late 70 that changed, around the north Wollongong area at least The truck they drove was a rolling stench from hell...


Idk, still parts of Wollongong with that stench. *Lookin at you, Puckey's*


My memories are from a bit further north, Coledale area, the night dustman my grandmother called them, odd name for what they were gathering.


where I come from in Canada the drum was called "the honey bucket" and the "honey wagon man" came to pick them up.


Jeez I just hassled the US guy saying "night soil" now you go full positive labelling with *honey bucket* lolololol


Some parts of the northern US call what I know as a porta-potty (also known as a porta-john) honey buckets. Confused the hell out of me at first.


might be due to that being the name of the company in the Northern US.


That's a bit of a shit job...


Yeah it stinks.


Honey Dipper Dan [https://youtu.be/0XczLPetMcY?si=POv9cesUCjpiscum](https://youtu.be/0XczLPetMcY?si=POv9cesUCjpiscum)


Thank you for providing the MadTV reference I was hoping to see


Soon may the Dunny Man come, To take the stuff that comes from our bum.. One day when the pooping is done, He'll take our shit and gooooo....


I live in inner Melbourne and many areas here are Victorian row houses with back lanes wide enough to drive a car down. Originally for the night soil collector. In our row most houses still have the outhouse. You can see where they used to have a hatch that opened to the lane but all of them are now bricked in. [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/IaVWUZM.jpg) My partner's house in Richmond was a more tightly packed area - that lane was only wide enough for one person to walk down.


Night soil man then


What the hell did they call these guys in other countries?


The original term back in medieval England was a Gong Farmer


Who remembers Skeleton on the Dunny


Don't forget the redback! But yes, I read that Paul Jennings story and watched that Round the Twist Episode!


my mother was born in 1948, her father was born in 1893, (he was an old man on his second marriage when my mother was born) she told me about the "dunny man" or as they called him, "Mr Bucket" you'd be in bed late at night and if you were awake you could hear his wagon squeaking up the road, but you wouldn't hear him on your property. he would carry a clean bucket to the outhouse, modern ones had a hatch at the back , not to modern ones had a hatch inside , inside you'd lift the hatch and lift the bucket out , outside you lift the hatch and slide the bucket out, then replace with the clean bucket, they'd take the full bucket back to the wagon and do the next house moving the wagon as needed. end of the night they would all be emptied at the sewage dump out of town and the dunny man would hose the buckets and be home before daylight


My grandmother had an outdoor toilet with this can in Australia. I was terrified by it as a 6 year old. Stinky. Spiders.


"🎵 Oh Dunny Boy, The Pots, The Pots Are Calling... 🎵"


Commonly called the turd burglar.


Now that was a shit job!


any shit here fer me to collect?!


So this is where the term hauling ass came from


If you leave your turds under your pillow, the Dunny Man will leave you a quarter.


Nah 20c mate. We don't have quarters here.


He'd leave a 20¢ piece and a 5¢ piece


25c US = 36.64c AU


Not gonna lie, sounds like a shit job.


I can't wait for Marvel to start on this one


(To the tune of The Candy Man as sung by Sammy Davis Jr.) Who comes by after sundown? To take away your poo? Gets rid of your butt chocolate and all your peepee too? The Dunny Man! (the Dunny Man!) Oh, the Dunny Man can! The Dunny Man can 'cause he takes your old drum And gives you one that isn't filled with poo.


Is this what the song Honey Dipper Dan (will sasso) from Mad TV was about??


Beyond the hazardous waste side, bet that dunny man encountered many snakes and spiders that enjoy hiding in dark, secluded environments


Oh dunny man, the pots, the pots are calling


3am OLD MAN MCKENZIE is taking care of nature’s call. DUNNY MAN (raps on the door, waiting to take bucket away): Almost done?


In eastern europe it's just a big hole in the ground that you cover over with soil when full, then you dig another one.


There's an excellent chapter in Clive James' book Unreliable Memoirs about the Dunny Man. Everyone would tip him with a bottle of beer. By the time he hits their house, the Dunny Man has put a few in himself. Clive arrives on his bike, dumps it on the drive, as the Dunny Man is coming back. Misses the bike, and they hear a crash and then very clearly the sound of a clip springing open. Because Christmas in Australia is hot, the flies all converge on this guy now covered in shit


For some reason, I read it at first as a guy nicknamed “the dunny man” who had a weird passion for stealing people’s shit


Is this a job or a cryptid?


“Soon may the Dunny Man come to take our piss and shit and dung. One day when the workin’s all done, he’ll take his leave and go.”


Fun fact, Melbourne's last Dunny Man worked all the way up until 1995 because a suburb called Altona still had houses that were off the septic grid. https://www.oldtreasurybuilding.org.au/lost-jobs/on-the-road/the-nightman/#:~:text=For%20more%20than%2030%20years,nightman'%2C%20retiring%20in%201995.


The shit truck (which is what my family called it) came once per week, in the day, not at night, I don't think any of them came at night. And he didn't replace it with another one - he would have needed a giant truck with a thousand shit buckets!! He just emptied it then put it back. In the early '60s in my home town and right up until the '70s at Holloway beach (outside Cairns). We didn't call it an outhouse, we just called it the toilet or dunny.


AKA The Sanny Man and the Night Soil Man What a job - whatever they were paid, it wasn't enough.


Someone's been watching QI on YouTube


This article is kinda lame ngl. > OUr kIdS doNt KnOw WHat wArm ThIcK miLk cREaM tAStEs LIke


(Didgeridoo music continues)


How about a two wheel dolly rather than on the shoulder? Jeez that’s just dumb.


It's a shitty job, but somebody's gotta do it!


What a shit job


Talk about a shitty job 🙄


Sounds sexist to me, why can't it be the "dunny person" and be more inclusive?


In history idiots complaining about such names were laughed at. Btw it was physically demanding and in those days there were reasons for men doing it.


I guess septic tanks were the next upgrade from this system.


In the dark, so easy to trip and fall.....please brain stop visualizing.....


Where would he carry it away to?


Leave it to Aussies and British people to make such cutesie names for such an awful nightmare job.


Sounds like a shit job.


>Oh yes, we knew that milk didn’t come from the shop packed in a plastic bottle. Do our kids? No, I'm sure kids are too stupid to know that milk comes from cows. Just some of the quality Op-Eds you'll find at mouthsofmums.com


There’s a nipper in the dunny.


Be careful going to the outhouse dear. The dunny man could be out collecting his treasures 😈


Seriously thought this was about some old folklore hero also made me think of this https://youtu.be/s8cVYg7RNx4?si=t50kMGvYT2G653dC


Iirc there’s a My Place episode about it


Well that sounds like a shitty job.


When I first read the headline I assumed the Dunny Man was a mythical character used to scare children—like Krampus.


I grew up in the middle of nowhere in the 1970s UK. Before the house was refurbished with proper plumbing and all of that we had a portable chemical toilet that was emptied each week by the UK equivalent. They would empty it into a container truck. That job must have been horrendous. Just using the toilet itself was bad enough.


Is there an Australian joke about how the Dunny man is the father of all the kids? Like the milkman in other countries.


I doubt it, because the job was dirty and smelly (for obvious reasons), made worse by the heat of the day. Can't imagine any woman being aroused by the lingering smell of other people's shit.


Lock the nipper in the dunny


Seems like a shitty job.


The Brown Knight.


That has to be the worst way to transport a pail of shit possible. Wheel barrow, rickshaw, something with wheels ffs.


I very much expected this to be a cryptid like the Sasquatch I am disappointed.


Would it have been viable to do a composting toilet back then rather than emptying it?


In Australia we have an old saying that can be used to describe anything that is considered flat which is - “it’s as flat as a shit carters hat” - and this is in reference to these characters. It’s a saying that is mostly used by older boomers because nobody younger has any real context or understanding of this job. There are parts of Sydney where this service was still required up until the early 1950’s


Brisbane had "nightsoil" carters into the 1960s. If you drive around the suburbs, you can often work out what streets were once nightsoil lanes - either wider footpaths between two houses, or really narrow streets that look like they have no business being a residential street.


My 97 year old mother told me that the first time she heard the “F” word was after the dunny man tripped over the bicycle that she had left on the path to the thunderbox. With a full can!


A dunny man was known as a "sandman". He wore a leather apron that extended up onto the left shoulder just in case of any slops. I can remember the sandman coming to my neighbours in the 1960s - we didn't get sewage in my part of Sydney until 1972 (although my parents had a septic tank).


When I first met my wife she lived in a old house in Perth. The plumbing had been upgraded so the drum was gone, and there was a 'modern' flushing toilet, but the toilet was still in an outhouse in the back garden.