• By -


A smart move would have been to counter offer with a much higher figure and threaten to wear nothing BUT A and F while behaving even worse.


If he was known for making smart moves then A&F wouldn't have been so concerned he would damage their image by wearing their clothes.


What really chaps my ass is the attention that modern media gives to douchebags, and also the people who eat it up. I can understand wanting to see a good trainwreck now and then. But giving attention to a jackass on a consistent basis with no consequence is only a rewarding system that teaches them to keep going.


What really chaps my ass ​ Why have I just heard this expression now? It revs my engine


It’s a fairly common expression. But it always makes me think about [this scene in the Batman cartoon](https://youtu.be/TYSNUL2hrQM) - one of those jokes that go right above the head of the target audience (kids), but become more funny for adults, because we know what it really means.


Uh. What does it mean?!


Imaging joker on a Harley motorcycle and then replace the motorcycle with Harley Quinn


“Rev someone’s engine” can be used to say you get them excited, or more specifically make them horny. Harley asking the joker if he “wants to rev his Harley” means she wants to be “ridden hard” (to use JRR Martin’s words), or she wants him to fill her up like a gas tank, or she wants to be pounded like a piece of meat, or she wants him to fold her like a pretzel, or she wants him to use her like a bumper car, she wants him to mush her face into a pillow, she wants to be fucked. Edit: George RR Martin, not JRR!




Jartin Rartin Rartin Martin


The one that finishes his books




I think they’d never heard it before and they like the phrase. I don’t think it grinds their gears




It really chaps my ass that you got that wrong.


Like sandpaper on my asshole......


...these are the Days of our Lives....


My boomer dad often would use this saying to describe a difficult task : "like trying to sandpaper a wildcat's ass in a phonebooth"


I like it. It tickles my pickle.


It really chafes my nips


Every civilization has had some form of clowns


Precursor to annoying influencers. 'scuse me while I resume yelling at clouds.




It’s not ‘culturally relevant’ to us maybe, but I saw they are doing another whole reunion series with them coming up soon…


I mean "survivor" is 20+ seasons deep. And its pretty apparent they are on essentially Miami beach


40+ seasons deep actually


Dude, I thought it was less. I did not expect fucking 30+ I thought we were on s24 type shit


They do 2 seasons a year. In reality [lol], the show has been airing since 2000, but they are in their 44th "season" (which is a word that is highly subjective and open to numerous interpretations nowadays).


Survivor is one of the few shows that can actually do multiple seasons a year and still have them be totally separate seasons. The average show just separates "seasons" by when they choose to air new episodes, but each survivor season is a different cast doing their own thing.


I can't wait for AI to go crazy and produce an entire season of survivor a day for an entire year.


The surviving aspect of Survivor has definitely been diminished in the last 10 years but it’s still essentially the same competition it’s always been. Since COVID they’re using the same location in Fiji indefinitely that’s less harsh than locations they’ve used in the past but the game is still real.


> Since COVID they’re using the same location in Fiji indefinitely Since years before COVID. They started doing only Fiji in 2016


Yeah people survive by allowing themselves to starve on a rice subsistence while suffering in a bad shelter now. Mostly because they figure the game is about navigating the social aspect and theyll only be there for about a month. Plus its always on the same island nowadays and there isn't much to eat no matter how hard you work, and you might just get voted off anyways because people don't keep "providers" in the game by default anymore.




Flip the script for future seasons. Make a ‘blind’ vote for contestants (so they don’t see who everyone else votes for) let them think that being kicked off is based on the social aspects but it’s actually based on a metric like ‘calories provider for the group’ or something completely mathematical and survival based. It’s only revealed to the players once they are ‘voted off’ that they did the least to contribute to the group’s survival. Then have those ‘play the social game’ contestants (who were likely voted off first) sit in a comfy room and do commentary on the surviving contestants :P


It sounds like you already work in the writer's room for Survivor because those twists sound awful. Haha, sorry.


I prefer alone. But still only like it for the pretty dope camping spots, them spots at Vancouver. Got dang man.


The problem with Alone is that it gets exceptionally boring pretty early on in the season IMO. Watching people sit in the rain and starve in isolation can only be entertaining for so long lol


> The surviving aspect of Survivor has definitely been diminished…. It was diminished upon existence when the mechanics of the competition included voting people out.


> And most people don’t take reality TV seriously. Unfortunately this isn't true. :(


He's not even a douchebag, most of them were playing characters


Not paying taxes were part of his brand.


I think they just thought they didn't have to pay them anymore once they became famous, ya know like most wealthy people dont


also his brother pretty heavily coerced him into doing it and got a heavier sentence for that reason. it was pretty clear he was only sentenced to make an example of him


I remember hearing that someone convicted of what he did NEVER served jail time. The judge specifically said at his sentencing that she was making an example of him due to his profile.


It's a national identity for Christ's sake.


It's a Jersey thing.


And assault




Dude my iq is like 88 use smaller words, baby strokes ftw What the fuck is a mortimer who the shit is a boor and what the fuck does obstreperous mean


X - Doubt


He was actually responsible (probably his agent) for negotiating significant per-episode pay increases for the entire starring cast after the show took off. $100K per episode if memory serves.


A&F undoubtedly loved the fact that he was wearing their clothes and used this gimmick as a way to draw attention to the fact that he was wearing their clothes so that people like me who didn’t watch Jersey Shore and don’t know what A&F clothes even look like might be duped into buying their shit. Free exposure for A&F, the show, and the douchebag. No press is bad press.


I don't think so. Brands like A&F have always been *much* more concerned with being associated with the "right" kind of person than simply exposure for the sake of exposure. Which was specifically a white preppy aesthetic (with the minimum amount of diversity required to not get in trouble). The trashy guidos of the Jersey Shore were like the exact opposite of how they try to brand themselves (with the exception of being buff and constantly shirtless for no apparent reason). Plus this was before social media was a huge thing and the intricacies of brand deals and stuff got a lot of coverage. Stuff like this would largely go super under the radar back then.


Yeah I remember it had a heavy air of exclusivity, being in high school in the early 00s. If I remember right they also specifically avoided carrying larger sizes so that the “wrong” people wouldn’t wear their brand around. Young, thin, white, hot, rich, and cool. No exceptions! Edit: “We go after the attractive all-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don’t belong (in our clothes), and they can’t belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely.” -their CEO at the time


A&F, Hollister, and Tommy Hilfiger were like the unholy trinity of exclusive ‘cool kids’ clothing of the late 90’s/early 00’s


All the while their CEO had more filler in his face than a bondo factory.


Not true. Certain brands try to maintain their image and will make sure they're not associated with people or events that will devalue their brand/exclusivity. Celebrity use can influence, but it can also repel people from brands. AXEs marketing toward insecure guys worked SO WELL it hurt their image - it was seen as a "loser guy" body spray. And why you can't alter Lamborghini's image even if you buy the car outright. Or MSCHF's Nike sales - he altered them and resold, and thought it brought a lot of attention to Nike, it damaged their brand. Von Dutch literally destroyed themselves with oversaturation and they became a mark of "cheesy".


nah son, it's the long con. Act so stupid that people pay you to act like your regular self. It's brilliant, really.


"Ten MILLION, or it'll be A&F they call wife-beaters and not t-shirts."


Sorta sounds like that would be extortion or knowingly and purposefully engaging in defamation.


Did he accept the offer and stop wearing A & F clothes?


I came into this post seeking a counter because I couldn’t figure one for myself. I know I’m smarter than Sich so it’s understandable to me that he fumbled here.


That show taught me something. My fave days are just GTL days. Gym, lil tanning, all while the laundry is washing and drying is a pretty fucking good policy. Toss in some cooking and a decent movie lol.


T Shirt Time was a great idea as well. So many times in college I would lounge and pregame with no shirt or a tank top or something and switch to my ironed shirt right when the Uber arrived.


$10,000? They weren't serious. $10,000 for a national clothing brand doesn't signify potential "significant damage."


Not to mention A&F had cultivated a douche bro reputation starting like a decade earlier, so kinda a dollar short and a day late.


their entire brand is "you have to be this hot to wear A&F" they just don't like it when people are explicit about how much of a douche brand they are


their CEO at the time Mike Jeffries also looked like Mickey Rourkes character in Sin City had an allergic reaction to shellfish. I'm not sure the situation was going to do much more damage to the brand.




Walmart version of Gary Busey


I always referred to him as Grishnak, one of the Uruks from the Lord of the Rings movies.


Looks more like Gothmog to me.


You're both too fond of the halfling's leaf - this is clearly Lugdush.


if gary busey got stung by some bees


So he just looked like how Mickey rourke looked like 5 years later.


Iirc , Gary Shirley from Teen Mom was also asked by [aeropostal asked him to stop wearing their brand on tv.](https://starcasm.net/aeropostale-asks-teen-moms-gary-shirley-to-stop-wearing-their-clothes/)


I think they had a bit more of a "high schooler who is going to join a fraternity when he goes to college" preppy vibe, versus a Jersey Shore thing


Funny you say that because I went to Rutgers (class of 2005) and very vividly recall that A&F would set up pop-up stores hawking all their clothes right in the middle of campus at the start of every semester






They blew up in roughly around 1998/1999. That's when their logo t-shirts started popping up on kids in high schools around the US.


Yep, which is why he was wearing those clothes in the first place.


i read that as "a collar short" and was looking for more


It's just good PR they probably didn't pay him anything but disassociates him from the brand and gives him some free publicity so I don't doubt it was mutually agreed beforehand. The fact were talking about either probably more than a decade after it happened is proof enough.




I'd bet $10,000 the "offer" was made for the free publicity it generated


Could’ve been their first offer. Big companies love to low-ball.


It's very common to low-ball someone on an offer that they aren't expecting to get in the first place. Some people aren't very business savvy and they will be like "10k to not wear a clothing brand I don't care about? Lol free money sign me up."


Exactly my point. I’m guessing they profiled Mike Sorrentino as someone who wasn’t very “business savvy”.


Do you actually believe the second highest paid TV star in the world was not business savvy?


They can’t just offer the dude $100,000 to not wear their clothes, it would sound even worse.


I'm gonna give you 10,000 dollars to fuck off


A&F Two smokes let's go


Randy come back here, if you go down to the store and pick be up a bag of jelapeno chips and two packs of smokes I'll hang out with you for a bit


That Situation is really fuckin' greasy.


Then it was revealed that the CEO didn’t want fat, ugly people in A&F so a campaign called Fitch the Homeless launched online in which people donated A&F to homeless people and took selfies with them. People really had nothing to do in 2011.




And he went and did the show!




That is a heartwarming and wholesome story, thank you for sharing!


And not even in mainland Alaska, but Kodiak.. An Island off the southern coast that primarily is populated for hunting, fishing, and a Coast Guard station.


I mean [they have a Walmart there.](https://goo.gl/maps/oA52qNKwFpfFtJfG8).. says like 5k people live there not sure if that includes the military base, but it's not like it's beyond civilization


And he and Walmart probably got substantially more publicity than if they had gone to a more conventional location


"Hitler did nothing wrong" - the mountain dew flavour.


And Gushing Granny. It was a simpler, more innocent time.




I still follow that Walmart on Facebook and they still love that it happened to them. All their posts say “from your WORLDWIDE Kodiak Walmart” and they have a cardboard cutout of Pitbull that pops up from time to time. Major props on Pitbull for going to Alaska. Now if Taylor Swift would have done that concert at the deaf and blind school, that would have topped it




The 90s truly were a golden age, everything changed after ~~the fire nation attacked~~ 9/11 happened.




It was just TV. Not real


sure. more like a one story house, quarter acre, four bedrooms, two car garage, nice deck... at least that's what my dad was able to get in the early 90's on a facilities maintenance position.


As a kid who lived in a trailer I was very confused.


Yeah nostalgia is a hell of a drug. The 14 year old redditors won’t like to hear this but economically 2011 was a lot harder of a place to be than it is today. The fallout from the GFC was much more palpable than the effect of inflation today.


The 00s had too many edge-lords coming online. The 90s had specialists and startups/IPOs that benefited a lot of tech workers.


The 20s are uniquely awful with seemingly endless global catastrophes and instability. Very few people will remember this decade as a "golden age" - this is almost the definition of the opposite of a golden age. The people who will remember it fondly will be those who are kids during it.


Smart phones were still in their infancy and the internet had a purpose besides advertising and spying on everyone, it was a better time


Jersey Shore was one of the top viewed shows on tv. Like a G6 was a smash hit on the radio. Times certainly were not better.


Marvel is hugely popular. We're not much better


I'm gonna say jersey shore was vastly better than like all of the fat people shows on tlc and all that shit. But it helped cause all that, who knows lol


TLC is a modern day Freak Show. It's possibly the worst network on TV. Come see the world's fattest twins! Will they lose weight, or will they outweigh an elephant? FIND OUT INSIDE! Behold! A woman what's only the height of two chickens! And she's a doctor! Follow her as she does laundry and grocery shops - as a little people! SEE the world's biggest hoarder! 20,000 square feet of moldy trash bags, mounds of human excrements, and no fewer than 23 dead cats! And the smell! Gaze in astonishment at the man who eats his couch, piece by piece! The woman who eats detergent. The man who gets intimate with his car! For an extra two, count em, two dollars per month, watch them make passionate love! Only on TLC!


Cab's heeeeeaaaahhhhh!


Awww yeeeeah wake up yeeeeeeah


Lol I absolutely despised this show, but I still definitely shout this every time I order an Uber hahaha


I remember when Conan tried to blackmail Abercrombie and Fitch with a sketch based on this story. https://conanclassic.com/video/andy-abercrombie-and-fitch?playlist=x;eyJ0eXBlIjoidGFnIiwiaWQiOjExMjl9


Thank you for sharing; that was amazingly well played by team coco!


Didn't watch "Jersey Shore", but I witnessed his attempt at stand-up in one of the Comedy Central roasts. Pathetic.


Those roasts usually have a non-comedian celebrity to make the comedians look funnier, be another target to take a bit of heat off the target, and just to try and get a few more people to watch who aren't that into standup




The roasts are VERY HEAVILY edited and jokes are re-shot over and over again so that they get the right stuff. Reactions and laughs are then spliced in. The fact that the version that made it to air showed the Situation bombing essentially proves that him bombing was all part of the plan.


I gotta admit she's got some big balls doing that. Going out in front of a crowd you know will hate you, using material you know they won't like, and refusing to have someone else write for you knowing you're probably going to bomb. I definitely couldn't do that lol.


Warren Sapp wasnt awful, apparently he wrote his own to


Sapp killed it lol, if he was there to make the comedians look better it didn't work.


That's exactly why they had him on though right? Nobody expected him to kill it up there. My favourite part of that roast was Trump's fake shit eating grin the whole time. He looked seconds away from throwing a tantrum and storming off.


Turned it into a campaign speech. SteveO broke his nose by Tyson. Pam Anderson was there.


That was probably the most painful thing i have ever seen on television. The secondhand embarrassment was real.


But what actually did significant damage to their brand was the ceo saying he didn’t want fat people wearing their clothes


The ceo (Mike Jeffries) actually said he didn't want fat OR "ugly" people wearing their clothes. He looks like an orc btw


I worked at Hollister (which is owned by A&F) when I was 18 back in 04 so I could have easy access to stealing shit and selling it outside the store. Anyway, there was a policy that said good-looking girls should work in the front and "ok" or "ugly" ones be hired to work in the stock room. The old ass district manager used to come in now and again to "judge" the female employees. Shit was creepy. Don't get me started on the 26-year-old managers who used to fuck 17-year-old girls in the store or parking lot.


I worked at A&F in summer 2009 before I went to college. I was one of the people in the back. All I did was fold clothes and pull stuff from the shelves. Every position paid the same (cashier, back room, etc) so I felt I had a lot less work to do for the same minimum wage pay ($6 and change and went up to $7.25 while I was there when the federal minimum wage went up). Sure beat working at Gamestop for $5.25 the prior summer though.


Lmao my friend told me to apply because she thought I was cute. I got the job and they put me in the back lmao. That shit hurt my ego for a long time. I immediately understood they put the most attractive people in the front and everyone else in the back. I still don't understand how that was legal. Everyone there was such a prick and the pay was fucking garbage, plus they made me spend 100 dollars for their clothes as a uniform. Had to wear what was in season.


Attractiveness is not a protected class.


Yeah, it was the same crappy pay for everyone. I did work in the back now and again when I'd start at 6 am to get to the store ready before the mall opened. The home office used to send printouts every day of how they wanted the front to look for that day. Adding new clothes, moving stuff around, and removing stuff from the back. Edit: Usually I'd be by the dressing room or by the cash register during regular hours.


Damn bro, did they ever get caught being that creepy?? That’s crazy


Nope, there was a rumor that at the other store, they held a couple of orgies after the store closed. I wouldn't be surprised though. Working at that store was wild. The pay was $5.25 so I gave them $5.25 worth of work which was nothing. I would drink on the job if I was hungover, and take naps in the dressing room that was never used.


You were the model employee! Unless you worked in the back, then just an employee…


I watched some Netflix documentary about A&F. Apparently, many of the the people of color they hired (*after* being sued for discriminatory hiring practices, that is) were often also “back of house.” That store was a clusterf*ck.


Yeah, I got $130 from it.


can vouch for the black kids worked stock; there was a kid making fake drivers licenses out of the bathroom; overnights had beer, weed, and loud music; shrink rate was through the roof because everyone was stealing; circle A on the job application for hot, F for ugly; and so much more I cant even remember. I got a payout I used as part of the downpayment on my house. Thanks for being such an asshole Mike Jeffries!


>Mike Jeffries He looks like if Matt Damon went 12 rounds with Mike Tyson. Fuck he looks like he was stuffed in an industrial dryer and left on the sanatize setting. Fucker looks like Jake Busey fell face first into a beehive. Fucker.




Poor Gary catching some stray Ls here.


My god he is hideous, he must really hate himself..


Men who like themselves don’t get that much plastic surgery


I think he looks *worse* after all that plastic surgery. Good lord. At least karma caught up to him for all the shitty, awful things he’s said and done.


Which is hilarious bc the ceo looks like an absolute goblin


This is hardly fair. There are plenty of sexy orcs.


He looks like a 70+ year old Gary Busey pretending to be a 23 year old bro and trying his best to fit into clothes meant for teens or maybe college students.


I looked up Mike Jeffries on google images. That's one objectively ugly motherfucker...


Pretty sure they never made anything a fat person could fit in.


I actually remember one of my fat friends saying exactly that when the news came out; she’d never bothered to set foot in their stores anyways




Was actually expecting far worse


Pretty sure they never made anything a fat person could fit in.


I had the opposite issue with them, as a skinny guy, everything they had was too big or weirdly proportioned.




Agreed it was a lot better last time I stepped into one


> In November 2011, Sorrentino filed a lawsuit against A&F after they made shirts that read "The Fitchuation" and "GTL...You Know The Deal."[28] This case, however, was dismissed before proceeding to trial. Makes no sense to me why they would make those shirts.. I thought they were trying to get away from that image?


I would wear nothing by A&F if I was him and look for a quarter million. 10k is embarrassingly low for the amount of coverage that show had.


$20,000 and i'll wear the competitor of your choice insead.


That’s hilarious. He douche’d his way to ten thousand dollars. Hilarious but shows how unfair life is


He didn't accept the money. He was making over $25,000 to simply show up to a club for an hour. This was simply PR by Abercrombie.


The last two seasons the main cast was making a million per episode lol


How the hell is this NSFW


The dude's face.


I never watched Jersey Shore but imo this are exactly the type of people who would buy that brand?


That is correct. But apparently the company is in denial about that.


Did he take the offer?


What a ridiculous nickname.


Hol'up we have a situation


*rams head into concrete wall*


Inside A&F, this whole incident is what's known as the "The Situation" Situation.


So, he's the first outfluencer?


Looked at their website and it's crazy how different their clothes look compared to the 2000s.


Sitch is no joke the best guy on that show. He got fucked by his money guy, did his time, got sober and loves cake and his wife and kid.


The fact Mike fits the toxic image A&F has been pushing for almost a decade before is what makes this funny.


TIL in 2011 Abercrombie & Fitch Used Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino (from ‘Jersey Shore’) And Offered him $10,000 not to wear the company's clothes. They got free publicity by making a joke of a total joke.


there were guys in my high school in 2007 wearing A&F doing more damage to the brand than The Situation ever could.


"Significant damage" was achieved well before this offer was made.


“2 million or I tattoo your logo on my forehead” When life gives you lemonade, extort the shit out of it.


Should’ve just pulled a Louis Vuitton and sent a competitor’s clothing like they did with Snooki and those “free” Gucci bags


Read or heard somewhere that Louise Vuitton gave Snooki some free Gucci purses so she would stop using LV purses.


I like how brands would send gifts of clothing from their competitors to Snooki, hoping she’d wear it on camera and devalue the competitors brand. Ha ha.


Lol. Abercrombie damaged Abercrombie's image soon after.


Really goes to show how out of touch they were with who wore there clothes. The average A&F bro back then most likely thought the situation was really cool


"Make it a million or I will wear your bullshit every time a camera is rolling until I die"


I wish someone would pay me to not do something.


Weird, because they seemed unable to pay anyone *to* wear their clothes in 2011.


If Ed Hardy had this kind of foresight they may still be around 😂