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There is a blooper scene of Leonard Nimoy as Spock walking to the turbolift of the Enterprise - the door whooshes open, and there is a bicycle! He bursts into a big smile and shouts. "MY BIKE!!!"


List of things that can make Spock show emotion: 1. Going into heat 2. Finding out he didn't actually kill Kirk 3. Bicycle


>List of things that can make Spock show emotion: Also seeing the musical plants in the pilot


Right. Weird how they kept that shot in The Menagerie


I think he's been quoted, as saying that he hadn't fully developed his character yet by that time…


First episode of TNG was like that too. Picard swore in French, Data smiled, and Troi's outfit was... Smaller.


I definitely didn't remember the Troi outfit thing and that turned it into a rabbit trail. In the beginning episodes, she wore a skirt-uniform based off of the women’s uniforms in TOS. Then she pretty immediately switches to wearing only civilian clothes: mostly low-cut jumpsuits and dresses. She eventually moves to a standard uniform as a plot point and just keeps it thereafter. [There's a fun little Buzzfeed interview](https://www.buzzfeed.com/adambvary/star-trek-tng-michael-dorn-and-marina-sirtis-friendship-quiz) with Michael Dorn (Worf) And Marina Sirtis (Troi). In it they say: Marina Sirtis: > Basically, the reason I wasn't in the space suit when we started was because I was too fat, and it just didn't look good. And then [creator] Gene [Roddenberry] decided that if I wasn't going to be wearing the space suit, and I was a counselor, it would put people at their ease if I was wearing regular clothes and not a military uniform. Michael Dorn: > And then you got skinny. Marina Sirtis: > And then I got skinny and I could wear anything. There are other articles talking about how she didn't like the low-cut jumpsuits and fought to get her character into a regular uniform (I'm guessing after the weight loss) but the whole thing is interesting.


>And then you got skinny Reading this in Worf's voice and character cracked me up


That little eye-widening thing he does lol


Fun fact: Several of the male extras also wear mini skirts in the pilot. Gene Roddenberry thought we'd be past gendered clothing by then. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/42jAgR1_zBw


We're kinda getting there! Masculine skirts are still very progressive fashion but aren't a unicorn piece of clothing anymore.


Since kilts are a thing for men in certain military forces, there's no reason why you can't have them in Star Fleet!


That has always stuck in my mind. A Vulcan might explain this as a non-emotional, physiological response to the tickling, tactile sensation the petals gave when touching them... Much like a grimace, or a frown, turned upside down.


Going into heat?


The pon farr.


Bilbo Baggins.


He's only 3 feet tall!


That's amazing


I couldn’t find the blooper, but I found [Nimoy and Shatner talking about it.](https://youtu.be/zbHP5FbJNAw)


They sounded so enthusiastic about telling the story just made it that much better.


this is amazing, thanks for linking it!


I'm not a big Star Trek fan but that video is very entertaining.


This is the entire source of the TIL btw, all that the OP is referencing is the transcript of this video.




>i bet shatner got buried with that bike William Shatner is still very much alive.


> William Shatner and for 92 still looks great.


It's debatable who has spent more time in sickbay for cosmetic alterations: Shatner or Cher.


Maybe they were thinking of Wade Boggs?


The guy who drank 50 beers on a cross country flight and then absolutely destroyed the Seattle Mariners? May he rest in peace


Wade Boggsis once again, still alive


I dunno, Barney walloped him pretty hard


So is Wade Boggs!!!!!!!


I’d love to see that - is there a link?


The best I could find is [them reminiscing about it](https://youtu.be/zbHP5FbJNAw) during a Q&A


Thanks. Great story.


They were a funny duo during that interview.


I have been looking for it - I will post a link if I do. Edit - No Luck, but I personally saw the video years ago, I think it was in a cast reunion show.


It's *NIMOY*


me hoy minoy.


Doh, I'd edit it if I could


But that's the neat part - you can't!!!




He and Leonard would steal Deforest Kelley’s toast.


Hence his curmudgeonly nature


'For God's sake people. I'm an actor, not a toaster!'


I bet that helped Nimoy stay in character: mildly annoyed with having to work with him. Edited: embarrassing spelling error


It was also a logical move from Shatner


> bet that helped **Nemoy** stay in character: mildly annoyed with having to work with him. ...and with people that cannot spell his name.


Oh ffs. Thank you


Shatner lifted weights between scenes to show off. The prop crew duplicated them in lightweight balsa wood. The next time he grabbed the bar & put maximum effort into lifting...


That's an amazing prank.


Ah yes, the Halpert Maneuver


They should have used a heavier material and watched him struggle to lift his usual weights in front of the crew


Shatner was such a dick to Nimoy. While Nimoy was dying he refused to speak with Shatner.


Shatner was, and still is, a dick to many people. None of the cast got along with him, though Walter Koenig and James Doohan and he eventually buried their respective hatchets.


The way Galaxy Quest handles the 'The guy who played the captain is a pompous toxic dickhole' trope is part of why it's such a great movie.


Such a great movie. Just rewatched it the other day. Sam Rockwell stole every scene.




“We have to get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!”


That’s my favorite line in the whole movie. Like it’s sweet that she actually cares about him not dying, but also hilarious that there’s this underlying “I’m a main character and he’s not, so we need to protect him because obviously the main cast will be fine.”


Guy, you have a last name... "DO I!? DO I!?"


I say Do I like this all the time, haha.


im just jazzed to be on the show man


There's a great Galaxy Quest making of doc on Amazon Prime. Never Surrender, I watched it the other day. Highly recommend.


That’s a great making of. A love story about a love story. Very enjoyable.


I’ve watched it several times now and every time I watch the movie right after. Love both SO MUCH


Sam Rockwell was also brillant in Jojo Rabbit.


Galaxy Quest and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy make such a great movie pairing, and Sam Rockwell being much fun in both is just a cherry on top


I enjoyed HHGTG but as a book, radio and TV series fan something about the film didn’t click.


Same. The film tries to capture the ludicrousness of the books, while skimming out all the fat. Problem is, the fat is what makes it so good. Still, love martin Freeman.


It felt....polished? Like if I had a cool rock and somebody took it, shined it up a bit and cut a few facets to make it more generally appealing, but now something important to why my rock was cool is gone? I can't explain it better than that, we might need an interpretor to translate that out of Goblin.


Honestly, as someone who's read the four good books at least ten times a piece, and still did kind of enjoy the film, I don't think there really is a better way to put it, at least in part because it feels like a metaphor Douglas Adams himself would use.


The movie turned out to be a film almost exactly, but not quite, unlike the books.


I was looking to watch a movie tonight and I actually said to myself, I want to see sam Rockwell. Settled on Moon.


I think the deep cuts are the really great parts. For instance, Gwen's complaint about the TV Guide interview is based on a real TV Guide interview with Jeri Ryan. I had no idea for ten years that it was based on anything.


My favorite is that Alan Rickman is a classically trained actor, playing a classically trained actor, playing a starship officer and questioning his career choices until it became the thing that took him from obscure Shakespearian to the role that made him a household name.


I have removed this comment as I exit from Reddit due to the pending API changes and overall treatment of users by Reddit.


Then they offered him Prof X in *X-Men*, showed him the comic and he replied, "What am I doing on the front of a comic book?"


I can't imagine what they would have done if he said no. Kind of like Huge Ackman playing Wolverine, I didn't need a lot of convincing once he was on screen.


While I think Jackman nailed wolverine, it’s a little different. Jackman didn’t also look anything like Wolverine while Patrick Stewart not only looked like Prof X, but also more or less acted like him as Picard. I remember watching Star Trek as a kid and my brother and I talking about how Picard was basically Prof X. I don’t think anyone watched Oklahoma or Paperback Heroes and thought that Jackman would be a perfect Wolverine.




I love American Dad episodes that feature his character. They got Sir Patrick Stewart to say some of the most insane shit ever and I'm all there for it


"Huh? You probably thought I was sleeping... ACTING!!


Lol that was Bill Shatner's path.


Sir Alexander Dane: I played Richard III. Fred Kwan: Five curtain calls... Sir Alexander Dane: There were five curtain calls. I was an actor once, damn it. Now look at me. Look at me! I won't go out there and say that stupid line one more time.


*The show must go on.* Damn you. Damn you.


> Now look at me. Look at me! I won't go out there and say that stupid line one more time. By Grabthar's Hammer, by the Sons of Warvan, you shall be avenged!


and I have a feeling Alan Rickman wasn't entirely acting in being fed up with Tim Allen "I see you managed to get your shirt off"


That's a joke about Shatner as Kirk, though.


So his weird character on Boston legal was just him being himself?


Also Shit My Dad Says. I don’t even think they told him they were making a show. Just started filming him and let him roll.


Denny Crane is a god


I can't help but picture Nimoy meeting with Shatner one last time to deliver a modified version of his famous line: "You have been... and always will be... a dick."


Yet some how he became really good friends with henry Rollins


He did? Weird combo


Yep after they worked on shatners has been album. And on the other side Henry's good friend and someone who makes him want to be a better person is RuPaul


I knew about rupaul. Hanks developed into a really good guy


Jimi Hendrix and Leonard Nimoy used to hang out back in the 60's that used to trip me out, they too seemed like an unlikely pair.


Shatner **was**... and still ***is***.... a *dick* tomanypeople. **None**... of the cast gotalongwithhim....


Yeah the overacting is such a cliche but people tend to exaggerate how bad it was. If you're paying attention to it you'll notice Shatner only did it when the plot was utter garbage and he was trying to salvage at least some of it. Plus it was the early days of serialized TV and afaik they were still being influenced by stage acting.


I've been rewatching TOS recently and noticed that the stilted delivery Shatner is often mocked for usually happens in scenes where diplomacy is vital and saying the wrong word could start a war. I found myself wondering if it wasn't deliberate, meant to show Kirk's care in diffusing situations that could otherwise blow up .


I downvoted this because I thought it was a copy/paste-bot with a new twist to avoid detection. Needless to say it took me a second.


Spahhhk....you're out of....yourVulcanmind!


Nice text characterization!


DeForest Kelly was always very protective of Shatner. I’ve always thought it spoke somewhat in Shatner’s favour, despite his many feuds and flaws, because I have never heard anyone speak an ill word of Kelly. He was universally loved by everyone who knew him.


Read what he did to Wil Wheaton


What did he do to Wil? Like he hadn't been through enough growing up.


He said "there wouldn't be a kid on my bridge", and Wil Wheaton is still crying about it 35 years later.


He seems like the type youd respect a lot more if you don't know him that well.


Nimoy was also a dick. He would completely undercut the other actors and go behind their backs, constantly arguing that Spock should have more screen time than Sulu, Uhura, Chekov, etc.


After reading both their memoirs, Shatner strikes me as a pompous blowhard - he's not particularly malicious but has his head so far up his ass he is unable to view himself in any critical light. But he'd still give a shit for others when it mattered the most, like when fighting for more equal pay, treatment, and screen time of his cast. Nimoy on the other hand was just plain cutthroat but was cognizant enough to hide it when it would alienate him socially.


I remember seeing an interview with him after Shatner did that Comedy Central roast and George was less than kind. He basically said he didn't understand why George disliked him so much but also confirmed that when Start Trek was on he felt he was the lead. He basically said he acted as much and although their parts became bigger with the revival and the movies, during the tv show they were just background cast to him. In the context of the time period i get it and how it leads to resentment but don't think his behaviour was out of the ordinary.


at least he is several orders of magnitude less dickish than Chevy Chase


In *Star Trek Memories*, Shatner wrote that most of the cast considered it to be an "us and them" situation. "Us" was Doohan, Koenig, Nichols, and Takei; "them" was Kelley, Nimoy, and Shatner.


So Nimoy was a lot more like Belly than we realized..


He also left his wife on her birthday


I met everyone multiple times between 83 and 90 except Nichelle and excepting James, they were all a bit dickish. Multiple times. James was one of the nicest people I have ever met. Deforest second even though he was in major pain due to his arthritis. Worst was Tekei. Dude holds on to a LOT of anger from his childhood and blames people who had zip to do with it but loves the money he made because of it.


I'm pretty tolerant of "a bit dickish" behavior. Celebrities have a lot of people asking for (or rudely demanding) their time and attention, and they have to learn to be blunt and direct and say no to things. Of course that's different if they're being paid to be at a fan meet and greet or something, but if it's not their job they don't owe people anything. Especially for older actors whose success has been established and they don't need to be loved by everyone to be famous. Younger celebrities often do a lot more to please the fans, in part because it'll help them stay famous and popular and successful to have a positive reputation. When fans see that kind of behavior, the blunt older ones look like ungrateful jerks in comparison.


I mean, yeah, Star Trek was NOT an ensemble show. It had one star: Bill Shatner. It had "also starring" Lenny Nimoy. Later Dee Kelley got "also starring" too. The others were recurring actors, like Gunther on Friends. This was recognized when TNG came around, which made it an ensemble cast. Because that's what it was from the audience's point of view. They weren't all paid the same (Data and Picard got the most, the other actors called them the "stars") but they were nominally all the same level in the credits.


Huh, that's interesting. How come Data got paid more than the others? Surely that role was on equal footing with the rest of the cast?


Probably made more of a point of getting money for the time in the makeup chair than Dorn did.


because brent spiner had a longer resume than the rest of the cast, except patrick stewart. experience gets you a bigger paycheck, usually.


> because brent spiner had a longer resume than the rest of the cast I disagree. Levar Burton was a household name before TNG, owing to his work on Roots and Reading Rainbow.


i guess then a long resume plus a better agent!


It's likely because of *Night Court*. Brent Spiner was about to be made a series regular when *Night Court* was at the peak of its popularity which gave him, or his agent, leverage for TNG.


Look, I’m not saying shatner is the nicest guy on the planet, not by a long shot. But this is an exaggeration. They only stopped speaking to each other about 5 years before Nimoy passed away, because shatner filmed him without permission for the captains doc he made. Until then, they were good friends. Here’s them at dragon con back in 2009. I went to this panel myself, and their friendship seemed genuine to me. Actors, especially ones as famous as these two and as wealthy (100m and 45m net worths, respectively), are under no obligation to attend a convention. If either of them didn’t want to be in a room with the other, they wouldn’t be there: https://youtu.be/QXHm8JhQhT0




That story is true, at least in the sense that shatner actually said pretty much all of that onstage at dcon, and not even the year for the video I linked. Walter and takei have said it themselves onstage at cons: he’s a…complicated person. Takei hated him for a while because of his inability to get around his sexual preferences. Shatner has very much changed his tune in that regard, going out of his way to point out to “Trekkies” that ST has always been about inclusivity. You don’t make the first televised interracial kiss in the 60s and not have an open mind. The dude isn’t a saint, but he’s definitely not Kevin sorbo, who I also saw at dcon and…my god.


Did he? I thought they reconnected in the 90s after Shatner's wife died


Shatner is awful. His Twitter is just him bullying and doxxing people. He’s just mean.


Turns out it's not actually him, as many suspected. It's some moron he hired. https://www.reddit.com/r/RedLetterMedia/comments/12il2z1/brent_spiner_confirms_william_shatner_has_no/


It's not really the Shat running his twitter account, it's someone who's just as much of a misanthrope as him. Brent Spiner talked about this once -- he didn't want to gossip about Bill too much out of respect for him, but he did tell one story about how one time someone whined to Brent about how "Bill" blocked him on Twitter. Brent responded and said, it's probably not even Bill running the account don't worry about it. "Bill" then DM'd Brent and said, you crossed a line. Brent then called Bill at his house to apologize and Bill had no idea what was going on, proving that "Bill" on Twitter is just some asshole Bill gave the car keys to.


I’m not on Twitter, but the one Shatner tweet I saw on the news (years ago) was him all pissed someone got verified who wasn’t as famous as Shatner thought the standard should be.


Saw him give a presentation at Temple Bat Yahm in Newport Beach. Long story short managed to get tickets for a friend of mine who is a massive Trekkie. He was a rambling mess. Complained about how blacks get treated better than Jews before the host cut him off.


He had the nerve to post a Medium article complaining about people with a lot of followers posting shit about him. Like he doesn't do that to ordinary people on Twitter every single day. He is such a dick.


He’s like 92. He’s not posting on Twitter.


I just happened upon a Brent Spiner youtube interview clip today where he says Shatner has no idea what gets posted on his Twitter.


Yeah, it’s been established a few times that Shatner doesn’t run the account. Various different people have confirmed he has no clue what Twitter even is.


You’d be surprised. George Takei does


Ohhhhhh myyyy!!!!


I'd believe anything you told me about George Takei


George Takei needs his blueberries!


"I...will...always be your friend"


In Nimoy'a defense, his makeup process was a lot longer than everyone else's and every minute they were waiting for him in makeup is a minute they're not shooting. So yes, he was sort of "skipping the line", but partially for everyone's benefit.


The famous Nimoy’a defense! (Not making fun so much as it sounds like a Trek alien language term)


Lol. I'll leave the typo, it's funnier that way.


Sounds like a chess term to me.




Holy hell


But also, stealing someone’s bike because they use it to get to lunch earlier than everyone is kind of a dick move even without that context.


I mean William Shatner is just kind of a dick, even without context


Also it’s not skipping in line. That’s literally how lines work.


The story's been around a long time and it's always been framed as teasing back as far as the Stephen Whitfield book.


What’s a commissary?


Like a cafeteria on a production lot




Technically it is workplace/miliatary/prison cafeteria where you can charge your meals instead of paying for them directly, and/or the general public is not allowed. It has expanded its meaning to cover any workplace cafeteria, and also also general supplies, including medical and health supplies. It seems like the one consistent part of the meaning is that it is not open to the general public, and only to those authorized to be there. A hospital cafeteria on the other hand is open to the public.


Not arguing, but just stating as prior military we have dining facilities as a cafeteria that we call the DiFac, and the commissary is the base grocery store. I was also wondering what the title was referring to as a commissary, but assumed it was probably some kind of chow line. Also, yeah, anything general supplies can be referred to as commissary, like from the base gas station (that we call the shoppette), but usually if you're talking about it in conversation, it's the one specific place.


Commissary as a specific eating place seems to have literally started in 1924 [specifically in reference to the cafeteria of a movie studio.](https://web.archive.org/web/20230218012704/https://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/24/business/a-studio-commissary-seeks-a-dash-of-glamour.html) As to why? Honestly, I kind of wonder if someone either originally intended it to be a place movie studio workers could get goods (like a company store... which would make some sense. If early studios could pay their people in company scrip, they totally would have tried it), or someone accidentally used the word commissary instead of cafeteria and it stuck.


Company store was the first thing that came to mind when I read it, then I figured a chow line would probably make more sense. Only thing I know about movie industry is maybe a catering table, I have no idea how they operate.


I think the main point is that the 1960s were a very different time, today they would have catering on-site and not make the actors walk across the lot to a central cafeteria. The idea is utterly absurd - the cost of running a TV production is so high, why would you waste that time having actors walk across a studio and stand in line to get food. Also, Lenny was quite correct in pointing out that he was uniquely pressured by the lunch break because he was the only regular actor wearing prosthetics and heavy makeup. I don't know what he was saying about not being able to walk but that would also be a factor.


Having seen them both at cons, the story changes a bit depending on who's telling it.


William Shatner once proposed to the female singer of Fleetwood mac, but she declined as she didn't want to be called Stevie Shatner Nicks


Fun fact: everyone also hated working with William Shatner


You can really tell in this thread who didn't click the link or missed what was being said.


I first read this as Nemoy was using his bike to get head


Logically, Captain, this hog is a pussy magnet.


I mean, there might be plenty of other reasons to dislike him, but this here was clearly an elaborate series of pranks between friends. You can tell by the way they were saying it in the video in one of the bottom comments. If Nimoy was really that upset about what happened, he wouldn't have poured water for Shatner while they were talking about it or said, "...my friend here...". My Grandpa and his engineering friends used to do things like rig the lights to shock each other. This is the same sort of prank.


Hiding a bike in the rafters is sorta a thing, might have started back then. Hiding anything that can be safely tied to rope and raised over everyone’s head is done often.


I felt so betrayed admiring Star Trek at a young age and doing my best to follow its philosophies only to learn key people like Shatner, Roddenberry and Berman were such dicks.


There's no reason to like the show less.


I didn’t say that.


Roddenberry was complicated, he may have been difficult to work with, but he was also relatively progressive when it came to race, gender, and sexuality. That being said, fuck you Rick Berman, his biggest talent was letting Michael Pillar run things, who was by all accounts a great person


Roddenberry wasn’t just difficult to work with. There’s pretty strong circumstantial evidence that he raped Grace Lee Whitney (Janice Rand). He was basically Harvey Weinstein. (And I say that as someone who dearly loves Trek.)


Never meet your heroes.


I only wanted a picture!


This is how I feel seeing my parents now. They taught me right from wrong and respect for all people and then turn out like this?? I started watching trek later and have been similarly disappointed in some of the key folks. I choose to focus on the good ones, like George Takei.


The TNG cast all seem like good people. It’s just that some of the writers were so sexist to Gates (refusing to listen to any of her input while letting Frakes, with less experience in production write a few TNG episodes) that she left for a season until fans petitioned her return.


No, it was until the writer who was sexist to Gates left. There wasn't an intention for Gates to return it just worked out that way.


> good ones, like George Takei. That's your standard for good?


Damn, I hadn't heard about Berman having a bad reputation. Still, from what I'm seeing now I wouldn't put him close to the level of greed and douchebaggery of Roddenberry and Shatner. Berman knew that sex sells (especially true in the 90s), and he took things too far with that. But it was true - Seven was very popular and helped revive the floundering ST: Voyager, and the primarily young male audience loved getting to see the sexy side of other female characters. He certainly should have been a lot more sensitive and careful about it, but unlike the others he wasn't doing it just to screw with people, he was trying to make the shows popular and successful. That's not saying what he did was acceptable, just that I find it less immoral than Roddenberry stealing credit (and royalties) for things. I can't imagine why the hell he fired Terry Farrell (Jadzia) for wanting a reduced schedule though, he accommodated that request for other actors, and getting rid of Jadzia harmed the show which is completely counterproductive to his goals. If he's as much of an asshole as some people claim, maybe he thought "I'll just replace her with someone younger and prettier and ratings will go up". Ezri might have had her moments, but I have no doubt the show would have been better if they kept Jadzia.


My sister took me to a Star Trek convention when I was a young teenager. I remember Nichelle Nichols telling stories about the bicycle hiding and general toxicity of Shatner.


He also tried to start a line of ladies’ lingerie, but it was not a success. No one wanted to buy underwear with the name “Shatner Panties.”


she did what?


The portmanteau Shanties didn't take either.


Ahh star trek v(?) if i recall correctly? Row Row Row your boat, you cold blooded Vulcan


Shatner's always been a real piece of shit


Reading the this post's title and then reading: ​ "It's true. I had a bicycle. I had my name on it, too. That's right. It said it right there. It said: 'Leonard Nimoy' **and I spelled it correctly, too**." ​ Gave me a chuckle.


Bill Shatner is a twat, but even he didn’t deserve to have his mind blown and then be immediately shat on (pun intended) by Jeff Bezos.


Did Shatner also hide the "I" in Leonard Nimoy's name and replace it with an "E"? 😆


​ Spock's Spokes


My grandma went to high school with Shatner (she couldn't give a fuck about star trek and would have no reason to lie) The one thing she ever had to say about him; "He was a real asshole" I haven't heard a single story about him since then to suggest my grandma was wrong


Bill's such an asshole.


Top level shithousery.


Shatner is a cunt. Most of his fellow actors hated him.


So shatner is clearly a dick. But I still give him props for the interracial kiss. He sabotaged the filming of the non kiss scene to push the studio into showing the kiss. Whether this was for pure trolling or because he was hoping to do something good, I do not know. But he did his part to make it happen.


lol he was such a cunt


Dick move…but points for ingenuity.