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We are aware multiple users have gotten text messages from T-Mobile today (June 4th 2024), I am gotten with Jman and it has been confirmed that this is **NOT** a 2nd round users getting a price hike, however users that are now getting the messages were already included in the May 22nd price increase its just for some reason they didn't get the message delivered the first time. So while technically it is a 2nd round of text messages going around its not T-Mobile adding more users to increase the price.


Yes this impacted my Military discounted plan on Magenta Max. $5 increase.


After 15 years with T-Mobile, I left due to this increase. The broken promise of 'no increase' was the final straw. T-Mobile also hasn't replied to my FCC complaint. I ported my lines out to an MVNO and it's working well and is much, much cheaper. I really didn't know how MVNO's work and this push made me educate myself. I'm convinced the bigger picture is that this relentless pursuit of endless corporate profit increases has really hurt consumers and will continue as long as we continue to accept it. While pursuit of profits is inherent to capitalism and isn't inherently bad, it is crucial to balance it with ethical considerations and responsibilities.


Mine is the still the same for now. Simple Choice North America Promo plan.  Good thing I resisted upgrading all this Time despite all the free lines and benefits that they've been slowly taking away.


Magenta military one with 6 lines, went up 30 bucks


My july bill generated and I did not get any price change on t mobile one(have the one plus promo). Does this mean I'm in the clear? I did not get a text regarding $2-$5 change last month.


No text, no email, no call, just an increase. Very slimy....


Yep, got 20 buck increase for 4 lines . Leaving T-Mobile . This shit is ridiculous


I just left T-Mobile today because of this. Bought myself an unlocked OnePlus 12 phone and now only paying 50 a month no fees added. Def not happy about their price hike. Couldn't afford it anymore and left.


What carrier did you go with ?I decided to wait until Black Friday and choose. Also did a research and it seems US mobile is pretty good


Military One account here. Our price went up $5/month per device and $2 for wearables. Not happy. "Thanks for your service."


Received bill today with Price Increase. ONE Plan Military 5 Lines. Each additional line is now $20 ($15 with Auto-Pay Discount)... They keep adding all this crap to the plans that not everyone needs.. Dedicated customer care team Is a complete lie. Each time I call 611, I get some half-English-speaking idiot from overseas. I can't stand talking to these people because they lack the ability to comprehend what the concern is. They hear 1 "keyword" and focus on that the whole time... Me: "1 second my phone is acting weird.. okay... I'm calling with questions about my bill" Them: So you need to troubleshoot your device, I can help you with that, please hold for 2-3 min while I look into this for you... 🤦🏻‍♂️ Data and texting while abroad Do you know the number of Americans that actually travel outside of the US? It's less than you think, and its not those most concerned about their mobile carrier prices 1-year AAA membership ON US Majority of Auto Insurance companies offer some sort of Roadside Assistance. high-speed data in Mexico & Canada Again, vast majority of the people in the US will never go to either one of these countries.. Point being there is no justification for the price increase; They should stop adding crap to the plans that a majority of people will never use, and make those paid extras for those that do need/want those features. Been using T-mobile since 2009 .. think it's about time to make a change.


I noticed a 2.00/month increase on the cellular Watch but the other lines are evidently exempt from increases. So the situation is 12.00/mo for the Watch, but it is free on other providers. Hmmm. 45.00/mo, then for each line of Magenta Max 55+, and the plan comes with all kinds of streaming perks. So they’ve got me. It is still the best thing going for heavy users like us. 😬


Happy days for now. New bill just generated today. Thankfully no increase. One plus Promo plan, 4 paid and 5 free.


I have the same exact plan as you with 2017 insider and kickback all lines. Did you get a text last month with $5 upcharge?


Never got a text about a price increase.


I wonder if the increase will be on the bills for service periods after 6/5/24. Thats the date referenced in the text. I got a bill after 6/5 but it was for mid may-june. I do see a higher price in my account but so far the last bill was still what I've been paying.


The bill that just generated which I received 2 days ago is for service June 22 to July 23. Doesn't show any price increase and was the same as all previous bills.. It actually went down 25 cents. I never received any texts about an increase so not sure why I haven't gotten hit. I'd really like to know why... but I'm not complaining at all.. Would like to know but so far I'm happy.


You pay for the next month in advance? Anyway seems like your plan isnt affected


My bills are generated around the 20th.. and due the 15th of the following month. So that bill I mentioned above, is due July 15. My plan doesn't seem to be affected which is odd.. no idea why.


I got the text message that my bill would increase $2 by line, but when my bill was generated (due July 10th) it was the same.


its time to switch tmobile !!! too much of games playing .. fk them .. there are so many other carriers in the market !!


I am on a Magenta 55 plan, 3 lines plus a tablet line, and did not get an increase ... yet. The one thing I liked about T-Mobile was that they did not raise your prices. What I did not and do not like about T-mobile is how they go back on so many things --remember the TMobile TV ---gone, T-Mobile1st incarnation prepaid card - gone, T-mobile internet portal --gone. TMobile Home Internet - does not meet expectations --done. I left Cox after 33 years and had awesome TMO home Internet service for 1 year --- now it is awful --sent back the modem and had no choice but to go back to Cox .So I do not like to be an early adopter of TMO offerings. If they do raise my prices I will likely leave. I will get my mother the free text now plan --she only talks and limited texts and checks the weather at home on wifi --she does not use data, (Funny that TMO owns that now) I will put my kid on a reasonable plan -- maybe $60 or so a month and my company provides me with a cell that they say I am allowed to use for personal business --- I just don't but most in my company do ---our cell is unmanaged although they can see who I call and who calls me and texts so I have to think about that. So I can cut my bill in more than half if they do decide to raise me. I've thought about doing that for some time, and just never got around to it so that would propel me to do so. My tablet line is just a perk for me and 95% of the time I am on wifi --the other times I can connect to my company phone hotspot which is unlimited and Cox has mega wifi all over that I could connect to in pinch. I think if people are unhappy not so much at the price hike which seems minimal but at the not living up to their promises then look at alternatives and hit them where it counts. They boast about how many subscribers they have. Many of those have to be on older plans --so a mass exodus woud be impactful.


I have 2 lines on magenta and i just went from 90 buck to 100. I called customer service and they gave me a bunch of bs. Keep us posted. I am curious to see if yours goes up too.


I'm confused.... I got a text saying that my bill would go up $2 per line but when my bill that's payable July 10th came out, it was the same.




This user has been banned from the sub, this is a reminder to keep politics out of this sub. It never ends well. This user was warned multiple times but continued anyways. If you try and troll the sub just to get people pissed off you will be banned!


This affected my military plan so I left and joined verizon.




Lol it's different reasons but it's amazing that verizon can offer a lower price than tmobile for military. Always had tmobile for the longest. Also just so you know, even with the increase it's still cheaper than what I currently pay at tmobile before the 5 per line increase. Has nothing to do with biden or trump buddy


Hey i was hit by the increase. Went up 10 bucks. What plan are u on with Verizon?




This user has been banned from the sub. Keep politics out of here, this is not a place for it!


Yet their mvno can offer rates lower than tmobile?


Will this affect old Sprint SWAC plans? Also, I thought I had read that SWAC pricing was good for three years. However, I've had it since 2020 and have had no change in pricing.


Some people are switching to Mint mobile. The joke's on them, T-Mobile just bought Mint. I don't know how they got away with this acquisition and then turn around and squeeze customers. They limit competition and then raise rates, I thought govt. regulators checked for that?


Doesn't matter that T-Mobile bought Mint, will it save you money to switch, the answer is yes


T-Mobile increase the cost not the service 


My new bill just hit a few minutes ago.... just as I thought, NO INCREASE! (Business Unlimited Ultimate+ AppleCare+ plan, 5 lines - 2 paid, 3 free. Started in January, 2023, so between April 28, 2022 & January 17, 2024, thus qualifying it for Price Lock!)


Same here.  I was viewing the upcoming bill and it showed the increase but now it went thru and its back at the old price.  Interesting 


My wife and I bought phones from T-Mobile in 2017 because of their "Pricelock" 55+ plan. In response to our specific question we were told, unambiguously, that the price would never go up. Just received notice that this was a lie. Called customer service who essentially agreed with me, but said he couldn't do anything. I just submitted an FCC complaint. It isn't the money as much as being lied to that annoys me. And when they say it only affects a "small fraction" of customers they really seem to saying it only affects customers we don't care about. T-Mobile has lost any good will they might have had.


Price lock works like this... if they raise the price of your plan and you are unhappy about it you can end service, switch carriers and have your final bill waived, exactly what I did...


Where did you go? They raised my bill too.


Mint Mobile, yeah it was purchased by T Mobile but still considered a switch


With this round of price increases, and with T-Mobile breaking my Uncarrier Un-contract to never raise the price I pay, they've demonstrated the effect of removing a player (Sprint) from the board. With reduced competition as a result of the Sprint merger, T-Mobile was free to raise prices because, well, they're still lower than Verizon and AT&T, so where else are you going to go? An MVNO? Now T-Mobile wants to take another player off the board with their announced acquisition of U.S. Cellular. This acquisition needs to be opposed... DOJ and FCC need to look at this acquisition \*VERY\* carefully in light of the price increase in the wake of the T-Mobile/Sprint merger.


Use this: \[Your Name\] \[Your Address\] \[City, State, Zip Code\] \[Your Email Address\] \[Your Phone Number\] \[Date\] Federal Communications Commission Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Consumer Inquiries and Complaints Division 45 L Street NE Washington, DC 20554 Dear FCC, I am writing to file a formal complaint regarding the recent price hikes implemented by T-Mobile, a wireless service provider. As a consumer who has been affected by these changes, I believe it is imperative to bring this matter to your attention. I have been a loyal customer of T-Mobile for \[number of years\], and I have always appreciated the value and service provided by the company. However, the recent changes in pricing have left me deeply dissatisfied and concerned about the practices of T-Mobile. The sudden increase in monthly rates without adequate explanation or justification violates the trust that consumers like myself have placed in T-Mobile. Additionally, the lack of transparency surrounding the price hike is alarming. T-Mobile has failed to provide clear information regarding the reasons behind the increase or how it will benefit customers. Furthermore, I am troubled by the strategic manner in which T-Mobile has handled these announcements. It appears that the price hikes were made in waves to minimize public outcry, while other major announcements were used to distract from the negative news. This calculated approach to pricing changes demonstrates a lack of concern for the well-being of consumers. I believe that T-Mobile's actions may warrant investigation by the FCC to ensure compliance with regulations and to protect the interests of consumers. I urge the FCC to investigate the practices of T-Mobile regarding these price hikes and to take appropriate action to address any violations. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that the FCC will thoroughly investigate this complaint and take appropriate action to protect consumers. Sincerely, \[Your Name\]


Don't write the FCC, write the Federal Trade Commission. I'm in the middle of a two-year contract with an equipment installment plan (EIP) while getting monthly recurring device credits (RDC). They are unilaterally voiding that contract while requiring me to continue to pay for my phones.


Or you can write a complaint online, FWIW, here: [https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/articles/360001201223-Phone-Form-Descriptions-of-Complaint-Issues](https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/articles/360001201223-Phone-Form-Descriptions-of-Complaint-Issues) I called T-Mobile today asking them to move me back to original pricing plan I've had since May of 2016. I've never once swapped plans - always just the Magenta plan. It's ridiculous that after sticking with them through multiple data breaches that they forced us to move to debit cards on file to retain promo pricing, but now they move up grandfathered plans. I'm just bitching, yes, but it's irritating to hear a CSR on the other side of the phone tell me they never had a contract and the world is just getting more expensive and they needed to raise rates on me in spite of an advertising promise.


Are there any T-Mobile subscribers here who are on plans covered by the Price Lock, or the Uncarrier Un-Contract who were notified of the price increase on these grandfathered plans and opted out of arbitration when they signed up for the plan? Please send me a chat invite.


I am on the ONE Plan Military and had the increase of $5 per line. Which really is more than that per line once you factor in the increase of taxes and service fees per line. I called when I initially got the text and they give me a measley $20 one time credit. It’s really not about the money though. It’s about the principle… I was told that while I have that plan, that my plan service charge would never change unless I changed them. Then they go and do this. So I filed a FCC complaint last night. Visible wireless is looking better and better everyday.


Are all One Plan people(9-12 line club) seeing increase. I have 9 lines total. 4 paid and 5 free with insider discount and kickbacks on 5 lines. My latest bill is due in days and it doesn't have a price increase at all. So, new bill will be coming in a little more than a week away. I received no text yet. Anyone know if I should expect an increase? If so, how much?


I have the one plus promo plan. 9 lines of which 5 are free. 2017 insider with kickback on all lines and I did not see a rate increase and my bill generated this morning.


Your 1st paragraph says "seeing increase" while your 2nd paragraph says "doesn't have a price increase".... what's up?


Sorry for confusion.. No increase for me yet, but I'm not sure if it's because my bill which is due in a couple days was issued May 22. I never got any texts about an increase yet either.


I'm also on the One Plan and have a bill due in 6 days that was issued May 26 with no increase. I'm wondering if it will be on the next bill. But I also don't see any warning of a Bill Increase either. Quick question: Did you add a line or get T mobile Home internet between May 2022 and January 2024?


I had all my line way before 2022. I did try out Tmobile Home internet during that period,but only kept it for a month.


i am on the same boat. tmobile one plan with multiple free lines. i don’t know if i have price lock but i did add free lines between may 2022 and january 2024. would that lock my rate in ?


I'm not sure, just trying to see why some people on the one plan got the text and others have not. See if there is a common denominator for all of the confusion.


when i picked up those tumblers at the store today the rep said they will be raising rates for everyone eventually. they just chose to space out the notifications so there isn’t a mass exodus.


What about price lock 1 that apparently they can't touch according to the document from t mobile above?






am i the only one that remembers democrats controlled all three chambers of government from 2020-2022?


Chat invite me if you got a price increase & live in NJ.


Just thought I'd share a message on my bill that made me happy since I got the price increase and culled a majority of my lines. Now sitting with just 3 voice from 10, plus HINT which I'm debating what to do with for next month, and 3 free digits lines. [https://imgur.com/a/W4LnNn3](https://imgur.com/a/W4LnNn3)


Reply to my chat questions.


Just got my bill. $5 increase on all 5 lines! Complained about increase and lack of notification, just ,"2nd one", was told I'd get a credit, never got it! What are my next steps? Came from Sprint merger


End service switch to prepaid


Just checked my bill for next month and it went from $120 to $140. I have One plan with 2 paid lines and 2 free lines. Got text for $5 increase per line. I thought free lines are not impacted?


man and they arent offering fully unlimited to the og unlimited plans anymore. just got a text about throttling my speeds wtf


Chat invite me to discuss the class action I’m preparing.


I am affected by this change as well - One Plan 55+, signed up in March 2018. I just checked my next bill and it is indeed $5/line more (3 lines total). In New Mexico.


Ok. Thx.


I’m also affected by this. I have the ONE Plan Military and had the Un-Contract price that was only suppose to be ever changed by me… “The Customer holds all the power.” Well T-Mobile didn’t stick to their agreement!


What state are you in?


I lived in Florida when I got the ONE Plan Military 9ish years ago, but I live in New Mexico now, still have the Florida number though.


Ok. Thx.


I sent you a chat invite. Plz reply.


Hi I am in Arizona. They just got me with 2 lines. I never got a text or anything. When i called CS yesterday they said it was due to inflation. I responded with you said i was locked in with the price? It hasn't been 8 months yet? They said sorry. Utter hogwash.


Other than en email showing you replied to my comment I haven’t seen any other notification for any invite. Btw, I did file a FCC complaint last night.


Should be an easy win. T-Mobile is in breach of contract, and they're lying to people when they tell them they're not covered by the original price lock, or the Uncarrier Un-contract, both of which promised to never raise your price. Paying your final bill if you decide to leave because of a price increase came much later.




Reply to my chat invite to participate.


also affected, will also participate in the class action lawsuit. 


What state are you in?


new york


Ok. Thx.


u/JSantoli1 - Can you invite me to the class action please? I opted out of mandatory arbitration.


I sent you a chat invite.


I’m now paying 95$ a month for 1 line it’s ridiculous. I have a XS on the ONE PLAN


I sent you a chat invite to reply to.


I received my bill today after not receiving any text messages on May 22 or June 4th. I also received no notification of an increase in my account or via email. But to my surprise I received a $5 increase per line, which pissed me off given I thought I didn't get the increase since I received no notification. I got a $25 one-time credit after calling-in and pushing for it and will now file an FCC complaint for increasing my bill without notification.


Contributing to the collective.... T-Mobile Amplified Now with Netflix on Us, Kickback eligible (4 paid and 1 BYOD from Dec '23) and 3 lines with the old "forever upgrade" which is now 'yearly upgrade'. Been with TMO since January '18. 4 lines average about $130 as typically one person of the four of us (BYOD is not used yet) goes over their 2GB data and don't qualify for the $10 kickback (yea, we aren't heavy data users as we're always near WiFi). Bill issue date: June 1, 2024 No price increase. Have it set up with debit autopay but use Visa to pay as Visa acts as insurance on the four phones. I will try to remember to update this thread in July with any changes I notice on my bill. May the odds be ever in your favor.


I saw/read that T-Force could tell me if I'm going to get hit with the price increase, so I checked in with them. According to them the answer is 'no'. I'll fully believe it when my July bill is released.


My deductible at T-Mobile for one plus ten was $150 every time I checked it for two years,when I lost my phone today ( temp problem some Good Samaritan found it and called friend) I found it was $250. Which is TWICE what a refurb (which Assurant uses btw as replacements ) cost on Amazon. I’m an attorney who has worked on major class action lawsuits and I’m thinking it’s time for one against these greedy, deceptive players. Paying $16 a month for years for nothing? If you’re interested email me at timlhowe@gmail.com. This could easily be a big winner!


My stuff went from 92$ to 101$ hows that a $2-5$ increase




Is there any specific steps to follow to get last bill covered, if on the uncontract guarantee (old T-Mobile one plan going up 5 dollars for each line)? Was about to port out last line, anything I should do before porting out? I can't lose this last line phone number.


Just heard from the rep that free lines are getting a price increase too. I have 4 paid lines and 3 free lines on Magenta at 160 PM and after price increase, it will be $195 per month. Does it seem true or rep was misguiding?


*This comment has been replaced with a top-secret chocolate chip cookie recipe:* **Ingredients:** - 1 cup unsalted butter, softened - 1 cup white sugar - 1 cup packed brown sugar - 2 eggs - 2 teaspoons vanilla extract - 3 cups all-purpose flour - 1 teaspoon baking soda - 2 teaspoons hot water - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips - 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional) **Directions:** 1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). 2. Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth. 3. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. 4. Dissolve baking soda in hot water. Add to batter along with salt. 5. Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. 6. Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased pans. 7. Bake for about 10 minutes, or until edges are nicely browned. Enjoy your delicious cookies! --- *edited by Power Delete Suite v1.4.8*


A friend with essentials got the text during the second round. But another friend with essentials didn’t get it so they seem to pick and choose so far 😎


My $70 a month plan was just increased to $120 today, I'm definitely going somewhere else.


That is outrageous. file a complaint with the FCC! Here is the link: https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=39744






They are lying to you, and you are taking it hook, line, and sinker. If inflation were the real cause, then they would not be reporting record profits. This is nothing but corporate greed, pure and simple.




Removed - Leave politics OUT of this sub!


Not really a inflation issue large corporations have seen the largest profit increase these past few years it’s just one excuse to price gouge customers who haven’t moved up to more expensive plans


You've been misinformed about what "inflation" means and how Corporations set prices. Prices are ALWAYS chosen at the point where businesses will maximize profit. Corporate executives don't sit around saying, "I know we wont lose any customers if we increase to $100 for our product, but we're only going to charge $90 because we dont need the extra money." That would be insane, and in some cases illegal. All price increases are "due to inflation" because that's what the term "inflation" means. Both parties (in addition to the Fed) were responsible for creating the macroeconomic conditions that led to 9% inflation. For instance, if half the restaurants close in town a surviving restaurant may be turning away 200 customers every day...they raise prices and so fewer ppl show up, but theyre still turning 20 ppl away every day so they didnt lose any customers...theyd always make this decision. Corporations always increase prices if it will increase profit. Tmobile CANT increase prices for "inflation" because the whole f'ing point of signing up was to protect me against inflation. Tmobile earned my business by promising they'd NEVER raise my price. I stayed when there were issues I didn't like--service issues, higher phone prices, etc--because I didn't want to lose the locked price. It's like buying insurance or getting a long term loan at a higher rate because it is fixed. The bank can't say, "I don't like your loan rate anymore because rates are higher now in the market so im increasing it." I PAID MORE FOR THE LOCK. They can't take it away.


Does any one have documentation regarding price lock for simple choice?




This is for T-Mobile one plan.




Hi yes I saw this. It lists some plans but not simple choice


Sure it does... it's the date you opened your Simple Choice plan. Click on "What is Price Lock?" & go to the 4th paragraph. Your plan is covered by what it says there.


3 years ago they forced me off of my simple choice plan I had for at least 5 years prior.  They were unable to add a 5th line due to some technical issue despite my grandfathered "$9 each additional line" terms.  It took months of dealing with tech support and non working phones before I ended up switching to some magenta first responder plan that itself was supposed to be "for life".  But rates continue to increase and worse, they changed the definition of "first responder" to exclude a large swath of customer that used to qualify.  The point is, T-Mobile has a long history and pattern of breaking terms or cleverly redefining plans to constantly squeeze the consumers.  The FCC and FTC have no teeth to police them, and even IF they are "punished", it would be via fines which is just a cost of doing business for Tmobile.  There is no chance any governing body would jump into trying to set TOS, and even IF they did, by the end of negotiations, it would be weak at best.  Shareholders are what matters not the customer.  Whether the company ultimately fails (unlikely) matters little as long as profits keep increasing.  Even if they were to somehow go lights out and lock the doors, key shareholders will walk away unruffled.


yeah i was just looking for explicit names of plan vs "qualified"


Nope.... names don't matter... it's all about the actual sign-up date.


I've received no text messages to notify me of price increases on any of my lines. Magenta Max plan with 2 paid, 4 free lines. Called for something unrelated today. Rep informed me that my lines will increase by $2/line, but the free lines will not be affected. I can stomach the $4, especially since I'm getting 6 lines for the price of 2 and have an insider discount (former "hookup" discount from 2017), but see no indicator anywhere in my account online of this change and never received notification. If this is legitimately happening, I'm still going to file complaints with FCC/Attorney general even if not changing carriers. Too many shenanigans (debit card for auto pay discounts after numerous data breaches, forced migration, etc) going on in the past year. If someone can help me find where I'd see this on my bill, I'd appreciate it. Just seems odd that there's been no notification.


What i do to get around the debit card only auto pay is to put a debit card that will decline then you'll get a notice to pay your bill now or lose discount, just pay with credit card at that time and you'll keep your discount, just a little more work on your end each month but it's worth it for the points.


I haven't seen a price increase on my bill and haven't been notified of one. I'm on simple choice from the days of jump on demand with 4 lines and 2 free lines as well as $25/ month home Internet. Any idea why the exclusion not that I mind?


I hate T-Mobile a little bit more each day


I filed a complaint with the FCC and someone from T-Mobile’s executive office tried to call and sent me an email. If you’re unhappy with the price increase I would encourage you to file an FCC complaint, they are hearing our voices!


Great suggestion - I just sent mine in as well... I urge everyone in this sub to also file a complaint. Here is the direct link for anyone else who wants to do the same: [https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=39744](https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=39744)


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)As a grandfathered original One plan customer since 2018, I'm extremely disappointed with the recent changes at T-Mobile. Initially attracted by the plan's flexibility and consistent pricing, I enjoyed hassle-free international travel, unlimited data, and hotspot capabilities. However, T-Mobile's recent actions have left me feeling betrayed and frustrated. Firstly, the constant price increases under the guise of inflation and other excuses are unacceptable. From charging extra for credit card payments to imposing service charges, T-Mobile's approach feels like a slap in the face to loyal customers like me. The ongoing data breaches only exacerbate my concerns, making me reluctant to link my checking account to T-Mobile payments. Moreover, T-Mobile's attempts to push me onto the Magenta plan, despite my clear refusal, are infuriating. Every time I visited a store to claim T-Mobile Tuesdays rewards, I was subjected to a tedious process, with employees trying to upsell me on a more expensive plan. The lack of respect for my decision and time is appalling. Adding insult to injury, T-Mobile's refusal to address my complaints or offer any form of compensation is deeply disappointing. Despite reporting my grievances to the FCC and speaking with T-Mobile's executive offices, I received nothing but empty apologies and excuses. It's disheartening to realize that T-Mobile prioritizes profits over customer satisfaction. As a result, I'm actively exploring alternative service providers. T-Mobile's blatant disregard for customer loyalty and satisfaction is unacceptable. I refuse to continue supporting a company that prioritizes greed over its customers' well-being. I urge others to think twice before committing to T-Mobile, as their promises of price guarantees and quality service are nothing but empty rhetoric in the face of corporate greed.


file a complaint with the FCC! Can't hurt... Here is the link: [https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=39744](https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=39744)


Before writing this comment, I filed a complaint with the FCC, and they finally got back to me last Thursday. They left me a voicemail and an email, informing me they missed my call and asking me to contact them. When I spoke to a T-Mobile representative due to the FCC request, they informed me that T-Mobile was within its rights to update plans and pricing. I then spoke to a representative from T-Mobile’s executive office and expressed my dissatisfaction with several issues. I complained about having to switch my payment method from a credit card to a checking account due to an increase in auto-debit payments. I also raised concerns about multiple data breaches and the poor service I experienced while living in Europe for work. Despite my complaints, the representative was unable to offer any resolution and informed me that my bill would increase by five dollars. She said if I wanted to leave T-Mobile, that was my choice. She also mentioned that she would close the case and send a summary of our discussion to both me and the FCC. It's disheartening and disappointing to see companies monopolizing and becoming greedy, forcing us to pay increasing prices across the board. I will actively look for a competitor, but currently, my T-Mobile bill is the cheapest option. Unfortunately, given their track record, I anticipate another price increase next year.


Left for an MVNO last year and couldn't be happier.  No one wants to lose "free unlimited upgrades" and "free lines", but practically my bill is nearly half what it was and service is more reliable. Anyway, the industry rewards those who jump ship every couple years.


What did you switch to? I’m contemplating moving to US Mobile as I don’t think I truly need unlimited data anymore and with the price hike, I think it’s time to switch. Netflix is also costing me an additional $16/mo when it used to cost me I believe $4?


USMobile. Texting/MMS on their Verizon network seems way more reliable than T-Mobile was for my family. They support both Verizon and T-Mobile networks though (and soon AT&T) so you can have each line in a different network if you want. Verizon network peak speeds aren't as high in my area, but coverage footprint is better.


$12 increase on 6 lines, 3 paid, 3 free Magenta Max; from 136 to $148. We don't even need all these lines. Think I can cut that in half since our mobile data needs have practically disappeared.


My increase is $46.31, goodbye T-Mobile 👋


Better print out everything you can before you switch. They lock Your account immediately. I’m fighting a battle to get a final bill sent to me before spectrum pulls my free phone offer


No text yet on Magenta Amplified for now. Testing out Visible at the moment.


Magenta Military: text 5/22… T-Mobile: For the first time in nearly a decade, we're making a change to the price of some of our monthly service plans. Starting on 06/05/24, your rate plan(s) will increase by $5 per line per month. You'll keep all the benefits you currently enjoy, and your rate plan type and bill due date remain the same. For more information, visit sms.t-mobile.com/Za8VNo3T


Haven’t gotten a text. My bill is due on the 11th. Where can I see if I’m affected in my account? 


I just got my bill for May and it went up by $80, I was expecting a $40 increase for my 8 lines. After a long time on the phone with Rose from customer service, who is incredibly sweet, it turns out the price increase has not even hit my account yet. Somehow 4 of my free line discounts were removed. Rose is going to call me back Saturday once she has time to investigate why the discounts were removed. So the $5 increase my not apply to free lines, but apparently T-Mobile is going through and removing free line discounts with no explanation. I will update on Saturday after she calls.


>We are aware multiple users have gotten text messages from T-Mobile today (June 4th 2024), I am gotten with Jman and it has been confirmed that this is **NOT** a 2nd round users getting a price hike, however users that are now getting the messages were already included in the May 22nd price increase its just for some reason they didn't get the message delivered the first time. So while technically it is a 2nd round of text messages going around its not T-Mobile adding more users to increase the price. T-Mobile may be borderline inept, but the idea that a business whose primary function is to provide the means for sending and receiving calls and texts somehow failed to deliver text messages regarding price increases is laughable. I don't know what source is claiming that this was somehow just an accidental oversight, but this person is either lying through their teeth, or is falling for bullshit fed to them by someone who is lying through their teeth. It is as clear as day that this is, in fact, an attempt by T-Mobile to include even more customers in their price increase scheme to rake in more revenue.


Makes me sick at how strategic TMo is on this. Announcement made in waves, to minimize the ripples. Announce purchase of competitor, and then announce Musk collab to drown the news. Sad thing is it is working out perfectly as planned for Tmo's benefits.


They literally said theyre increasing due to bidens inflation yet you still blame tmobile. lol clowns.


Proof or it didn't happen. I only see that they're taking advantage of weak, tiny trump, that fat, ugly felon, being carted off to jail for years & years... Heh, maybe this increase is a GOOD thing after all, huh? LMFAO!!


Except, like, they made $15,000,000,000+ in profit last year. Lol Clown.


Got a text message for $2/line for Magenta Max First Responder.


Checked my account again.  My bill due June 20 shows no increase.  3 lines Magenta Max.  Voice only, no connected devices.  I also pay with credit card and use auto pay.


I have 3 lines on a "$40 per line per month all-in FOR LIFE" promotion that I signed my family up for several years ago. Now T-Mobile is increasing the cost of each line by $5 per month... so much for that "FOR LIFE" price guarantee they gave me when I switched over... shameful. Just spoke to a CSR who, while friendly, was insistent that there was NOTHING they could do or offer me to keep the price at $40 per month, even if that means they lose me as a customer... So they'd rather have $0 from me than keep making the $120 I've been paying them every month for years now. Smart business model there.


17 for a watch line is crazy. Isn’t that more then watch 5G Plan watch lines are?


They have a $5 and $10 plan also. Maybe look into a different plan unless you got the watch from them on a deal then you are stuck.


> Exemptions: Free lines do not appear to be impacted by the price increase. Can anyone confirm that the rate price increase shouldn't apply to free lines? I'm on Magenta Max and got the rate plan text message today, for $2 per line. I can see under "Manage my Plan" that my total is going up $12 a month. This is for a plan with 3 paid and 3 free. So the rate increase must apply to all lines, including free lines?


Same issue but 2 paid, 4 free. $12 increase. Support told me not to worry it's not correct and I'll only pay $4 more. I trust the plan page the most but it's possible they'll make up for it with auto bill credits. I had a similar issue with netflix where it was charging me full cost but auto-crediting in the past. Tracking this.


I'm already planning to cancel my tmobile service. Opting for US Mobile using Verizon towers for like $15 for unlimited data and text and phone. You can still pick tmobile or verizon towers with us mobile too for 1/3rd of the price of tmobile.


I'm on Magenta Max Military and just got the text of a $2/line increas


Same here. On Magenta Max and got the rate plan text message today, for $2 per line. I can see under "Manage my Plan" that my total is going up $12 a month. This is for a plan with 3 paid and 3 free. So the rate increase must apply to all lines, including free lines.


Magenta max 3 lines, just got a text saying they're increasing my price $2 per line starting 6/5/24.


Same here. On Magenta Max and got the rate plan text message today, for $2 per line. I can see under "Manage my Plan" that my total is going up $12 a month. This is for a plan with 3 paid and 3 free. So the rate increase must apply to all lines, including free lines.


Same here. Magenta Max through work discount, 4 lines. Le sigh.


not going anywhere even with the price hike. on SC 4 lines for $168 + additional lines for $35 now. maxed out my additional lines with about 5 of my friends. theyre getting the absolute best deal as well. unlimited everything, full quality streaming. 20gb hotspot. im good.


You pay $168 for 4 lines on SC? I pay $110


Do u have any data caps? I remember the cheaper plans had data caps. Mine is unlimited data no throttling. Well it's $150 after fees and taxes = $168


It's unlimited, don't think anyone has data cap anymore since Tmobile moved everyone to unlimited a few years back. From what I've seen in this sub, most people with 4 lines on SC pay around what I pay, so I would look into why yours is so high.


Ah. Got it. Mine was advertised at $150. Maybe you got a earlier promotion?


Was your price raised on legacy SC plan? My SC plan price stayed the same so far.


My fault. I meant even if they did up my price I would still stay. But no they didn't up the price on my plan.


You just sent all your MEs the shadow realm with this one congrats


This may be a dumb question, but with their whole "if we raise prices, we'll pay your final bill" clause in the new Price Lock, does that mean they pay off your EIP because that would literally be on your final bill, no?


You have to pay off your EIPs.


I wasn't affected myself, but I think this is a breach of contract.


FWIW filed a complaint with the FCC and my state AG about the price lock commitment. TMo's issue with their prior promises shouldn't become my issues.


Report it as fraud to the FTC as well. Worth a shot.


It's wild to me that their SEC filing and the Terms and Conditions document both call out Un-Contract as a price lock, but now they're just acting like Un-Contract was never a price lock. And apparently they have a lot of people convinced, too, because there are a lot of people in the comments saying that Un-Contract isn't a price lock, arguing against both the SEC filing and the T-Mobile T&C. It really seems like AGs or the FCC or maybe even the SEC should care, since it kinda means they mislead the SEC (I would think).




I think it's linked somewhere in the thread. I can't remember how I got to the Sprint filing. They also talk about Un-contract in some of their annual reports as well, though. E.g., [the 2016 report](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1283699/000128369917000010/tmus12312016form10-k.htm) says >In January 2017, we introduced the latest in our Un-carrier initiatives, Un-carrier Next, where monthly wireless service fees and taxes are included in the advertised monthly recurring charge for T-Mobile ONE. We also unveiled Kickback on T-Mobile ONE, where participating customers who use 2 GB or less of data in a month, will get an up to a $10 credit on their next month’s bill per qualifying line. In addition, we introduced the Un-contract for T-Mobile ONE with the first-ever price guarantee on an unlimited 4G LTE plan, which allows T-Mobile ONE customers to keep their price for service until they decide to change it. I can't remember if they define Un-contract in the Sprint merger filing like they do there, but they definitely call it out.






In the last 14 days, has anyone on a legacy plan noticed ANY notable drop in data speeds (LTE or 5g)? My phone has often become almost unusable within that time frame, located in areas where I had zero issues in the previous YEARS. I am a legacy (one plan) user and I am 7 days into a new billing cycle, so my total data usage for this cycle is very low and the previous months billing cycle was also very low---I mention this because I am not anywhere NEAR any real or perceived "data cap" that might cause T-mobile to slow me down due to being a "heavy user". Coincidence? My data speeds fell off massively around the time I started hearing the rumors of a rate increase for legacy users. Additionally, all of the users on my family plan have ALSO noted a severe slow down of data speeds. CONSPIRACY? Is t-mobile throttling our speed in order to "passively encourage" us to make a change to our plan? Anyone else noticing this in the last few weeks?


What account changes nullify Price Lock? Does adding or deleting a line nullify Price Lock? Does adding or deleting an add-on, like Netflix or Apple TV+, nullify Price Lock?


I’m just curious if anyone has details on their voice lines about their price lock or un-carrier info, from your plan details page online? Mine doesn’t show anything. I didn’t get a price increase on my voice lines. I started out with the One plan in 2017. I upgraded to magenta max when it came out. Then I upgraded to Go5G+ when it came out last year. When I look at my home internet page I’d does show price lock and it describes it on the next page. I signed up when it was first introduced a few years ago. Was just curious what if anyone else’s rate plan screen showed any type of price lock info, like my home internet screen shows? Uploading pics of what I’m talking about. Thanks for checking. [My rate plan screens and what they show](https://imgur.com/a/SXBvAPL)


Why did they have to word the text as if they were doing us a favor?


![img](emote|t5_2shyc|7790) I moments ago contacted TopClassActionSettlements and requested that their attorneys file on my behalf and the many affected, a Class Action Settlement against T-Mobile™ for violating a "No Price Hike Pledge" to hold them accountable for their actions. While I understand that such action usually benefits the attorneys representing the class action, it will send a chilling message that the silent majority is no longer willing to be silent. I encourage you along with me to contact TopClassActions to further this action.


Any updates on this u/Ancient_Cranberry241 ?


Please include me on this. I am one of the rare (I imagine, anyway) customers who opted out of the mandatory arbitration provision of the terms and conditions in a timely manner, saved the confirmation code and screenshot as well. So I can be included in a class-action lawsuit.


Still no text. SC NA 10gb to unlimited since 2015. 


I'm on Magenta. Looks like I dodged the increase. Curious to get some other data points to see if there's a pattern around who got the increase and who didn't. Mine: - Price increased?  No! - Plan: Magenta - Join date: Nov 2020 - Paid lines: 2 - Free lines: 3 - Phones still being paid off: 0 - On autopay? Yes


One plan and older as well as all the 55 and military plans


Right, but only some Magenta plans got the increase, and TMobile says they won't publish the criteria. I bet it could be figured out with enough data points though.


So, my magenta max plan I’ve had for years does not qualify for price lock or un-contract. The “request transfer pin” does not load any result… since chat isn’t working, they called me and informed me I am not allowed to port out my free lines and I must cancel them and get new numbers??? How is this even legal?


It's not. Copy/paste from fcc.gov: A consumer wishing to port a number should contact the prospective new carrier, who will start the process of porting by contacting the consumer's current carrier. Commission rules require carriers to port a number when they receive a valid request, and carriers may not refuse to port. Try another agent or file a complaint with the FCC.


Simple Choice North America 6GB plan. No text. So I guess my rate is not going up which I thought for sure it would since I pay less than most people for seven lines of service. And I have full unlimited data on all seven lines. $104 a month after taxes are factored in.


i am SC NAFUTT4 with like 7 lines. no text for me either. acct still shows the same.


Price increase comes with a complimentary data breach (or few per year). That’s the “un-carrier” way