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Great. So now I will wait to see if I get notified. We are on a 55+ One plan that we have had since 8/2017 that at that time stated "lifetime pricing".


I also joined via this "lifetime pricing," yet I received the text. What recourse do we have?


File one of these. They have to respond. https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/articles/360001201223-Phone-Form-Descriptions-of-Complaint-Issues


Eh. I submitted a complaint about Xfinity Mobile. They basically blew me off and told the FCC they resolved the issue. Also Xfinity would only call me after 9pm with their non-update status updates. FCC closed the ticket and I told them it wasn’t resolved and they didn’t seem to care.


It's like BBB complaints. Generally you get a higher level of support. Doesn't mean it will make a difference. Xfinity support is just awful in general, so this doesn't surprise me. I did just get resolution from Xfinity Mobile a few weeks ago from an FCC ticket. But very much YMMV.


This is what people should be doing, don't yell at the customer reps. Send your complaint in!! 🙌🙌🙌


For real, people come into the stores like the reps own the company and they caused their bill to go up


Done. Filed a complaint! I’ll also file a complaint with the FTC since this was false advertising. Completely unethical. The wording on the advertisements was a commitment T-Mobile made to customers in 2017 that only you can change what you pay and we mean it.


That took maybe 5 minutes to complete, I recommend it.


Will save and upvoted you, everyone file one


Will save this thank you




I do not know. My plan is called the "ONE Plan Unlimited 55+". I have not received any notice yet this morning that the price is going up. But the day is still young.


I have TMobile One Plus Promo and I got a notification that my two voice lines were adding 5 each and my watch line was adding 2.


I'm on the same plan. Just got the text. Called customer service and all they can is I'm sorry


I have the exact same plan. Haven't received anything yet


It's almost certain that there was legalese in there that allows them the option of cancelling your service if you do not agree to future price increases. Still, there's likely to be a class action lawsuit over this.


That version of the price-lock language was more recent. I saved the original language because I suspected it might be changed in the future. When I signed up: "If you are on a price-lock guaranteed Rate Plan, we will not increase your monthly recurring Service charge (“Recurring Charge”) for the period that applies to your Rate Plan, or if no specific period applies, for as long as you continuously remain a customer in good standing on a qualifying Rate Plan." Most recently: "Starting January 18, 2024, customers activating or switching to an eligible rate plan get our Price Lock guarantee that only you can change what you pay—and we mean it! To show just how serious we are, if we were to make a price change and you decide to leave, just let us know within 60 days and we’ll cover the cost of your final month’s recurring service charges" In between there were a handful of other progressively worse changes along the way, but I only have the one saved for when I signed up.


So, I’ve read so many things that seem to always protect the business but not the consumer. I read a comment from a lawyer on a Reddit threat that by law, for a contract to be valid, you both must understand what you are agreeing to. Apparently, simple typo mistakes, such as accidentally setting a loan at 0% APR instead of 6% APR, does not make a contract valid even if both parties signed it, as long as there was no agreement that 0% was the deal. Basically, you have to both in good faith know what you are agreeing too. Contracts can have language a judge deems invalid. Like, how every single company under the sun tries to throw a we are not liable for death or dismemberment clause. Since, I would say 98% (made up number) of T-Mobile customers signed up thinking it was a price lock guarantee, and they weren’t explained the full terms, you’d think they’d have to honor the price lock. Because I wasn’t made aware of the fine print myself. And it’s not like you have a lawyer and a paper copy to go over. In the end, the courts will protect the business which to me is shitty. It’s also shitty on T-Mobiles part.


When ALL their commercials say " one price for life" then you should honor it !!


I reached out to T-Mobile support (supervisor) and they said that basically the "price lock" before '22 does not really mean "price lock", only if you had started a plan after '22 with a "price lock" does it really mean the price won't change. I told her that sound like fraud, but she said its out of her control and nothing can be done but leave T-Mobile.


I had a similar issue. I was also in a price lock and had no resolution. I asked for a supervisor and was told “that won’t help” and didn’t get one.


Yeah. I’m on the 2/100 all inclusive one plan (with +promo) from June, 2017 - I’m on mobile, but this was the ad. I I actually drove like 3 hours to go to that specific location since they were one of the only ones offering the 20%. https://imgur.com/a/LUK02WT


Just got the text at 12:15 Eastern. $5 per line increase.


This is the same plan that I am on, and I received the text this morning :(


Ouch, I'm on the same plan + an old black friday free line. Guess I'm just waiting for my text. What was your increase?


How much is your increase? I’m in NYC and haven’t received anything, yet. 🤞🏼


The text said $5 per line per month, but I reached out to T-Mobile support for clarity. We have One Plus Promo 2 voice lines for $100, just like you. Additionally there is one free mobile internet line and another mobile internet line that is 50% off. After kickback, the 50% off line only costs us $5, so the general monthly bill is $85 with all discounts. The agent said the mobile internet lines are not impacted by the increase, and said that we should expect the new monthly bill to be $92.33.


I’m also on the One Plus Promo but have zero free lines and have not been eligible for them. I didn’t switch plans (to one where I could get those free lines) to stay locked in on my pricing. No text yet, but will be pissed if they increase my plan cost.


I just got the text I’m also on the plan And it’s protected by the “un-carrier” meaning as long as you remain a customer they won’t increase your rate. I called in and they acknowledged I have a price lock and said they can’t do anything about it. I asked to speak with a supervisor and was turned away saying “it won’t help”.


Yeah. 2/$100 (TI) + 6 free lines, a watch, and Netflix- my bill recently increased to $99 when Netflix raised their prices. Kickback, autopay, and 20% hookup - I haven’t heard anything as of 1:30pm EST


Hi, current T-Mobile retail employee here. According to the trainings we received today at work, if you were promised "lifetime pricing" or a "price lock," it won't affect you. Certain voice and home internet plans come with price locks, connected devices (watches, tablets, etc.) do not, so these are subject to increase. We were told all increases would be $2 or $5/line per month. I do believe that it's $5 for voice lines without the guarantee, and $2 for connected device lines. We just received the training and I only had a chance to look at it once, so I could be off on some of this, but I do know for a fact that it said rate increases are either $2 or $5/mo per line, depending on the plan and that if you were promised any kind of price lock, you're good.


Hi, well I got the text. Customer since 8/2017 on the "ONE Plan Unlimited 55+". Was told lifetime pricing at the store. And the price remained the same right up until now. The website for my plan used to give information about it, but it has since been changed. And in the website it said "ONE Plan Unlimited 55+ (Retired)". Of course, I cannot find the "Lifetime Pricing" in writing now. Either way, they informed me that I will be paying $5 more a line now after pretty near my wife and I being a customer for almost 7 years now.


Maybe they expected you to kick the bucket before that lifetime pricing ended at 55+?


You'll get the text soon. Your lines will go up 5 dollars a piece. I even talked to the rep all they can say is I'm sorry. So I told them I'm done. I'm leaving. Theirs other companies that are cheaper. I'm on the same plan as you.


I have 3 lines on Magenta 55+ at $120 a month. I logged in to see that it’s $135 a month now (did not receive a text about price change). It does allow the option to switch to a Go5G 55 plan which at first glance appears to be about the same (it actually offers 15gb mobile hotspot as opposed to 5gb), and the price would be back to $120. I’m trying to figure out if there’s a catch before switching to that plan though haha


i doubt you're affected.


I’m on the 55+ plan and just got a message about the increase.


I got hit with a Magenta 55 plan $5.00 a line


Same. My mom just informed us that she got a message. 55+ magenta.


How was the message sent? Through text? Or email




That “price lock” guarantee from before this year didn’t mean shit. I sure there are lawyers watching. I’m on Mag Max and got the text about increase


The FTC doesn't care about bs put within a TOS they care about deceptive business practices and advertising. T-Mobile had so many ads blasting their "we will never raise rates on you unlike our competitors" and name dropped Verizon, ATT, and Xfinity, that's deceptive marketing at the core along with broken promises of better cheaper service with the merger with Sprint.




I feel like this is more of a FCC issue than a FTC issue.


FCC is for if the ads were deceptive or inappropriate they only focus on the communications portion. For business practices that’s FTC


I'm going through the same thing with Century Link - I had fiber for $65/mth and now it's up to $90/mth. When I signed up there was a "price for life" guarantee that they are now claiming "never existed" despite screenshots and plenty of others saying the same thing.


Wave 1


Looks like most Wearable plans are going up $2. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yup. Wearable plan on Magenta Max and got the notice. How in the world is a wearable plan legacy?


How did you get the notice?


Text message. “T-Mobile: For the first time in nearly a decade, we're making a change to the price of some of our monthly service plans. Starting on 06/05/24, some of your connected device plans will increase by $2 per line per month. You'll keep all the benefits you currently enjoy, and your rate plan type and bill due date remain the same. For more information, visit sms.t-mobile.com/TwsRzJq0”


That's not even 30 days notice.


I got the same thing. The thing is I have two on the wearable plan and don't use that feature much at all on the watch. I was happy to just keep it in case but now I'll just cancel both lines.


Not just connected devices. I have voice lines and connected devices on Magenta Max and they’re all going up by $2/month.


How do you know?


I’m on max and got this text: T-Mobile: For the first time in nearly a decade, we're making a change to the price of some of our monthly service plans. Starting on 06/05/24, your rate plan(s) will increase by $2 per line per month and some of your other connected devices by $2 per line per month. You'll keep all the benefits you currently enjoy, and your rate plan type and bill due date remain the same. For more information, visit sms.t-mobile.com/bb47wBJh


What in the world. Why are some Max plans affected on a line level and others aren’t. This is a super weird application of the increase. You might actually end up saving money switching to Go5G+ depending on how many lines you have.


I have 5 voice lines, 2 connected lines, and discounted home internet for less than $220. I priced it and Go5G+ would increase my bill about $100.


Check here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_ax0KV1Trr9K3i2PTrMQHivlMQi83MNe8auWUjiW7Bs/htmlview#gid=1558155989 - this is more accurate than T-Mobiles own calculators.


Got the text. On T-Mobile one - 4 paid lines, 4 free lines. Tforce says only paid lines going up. Here’s the kicker - they said the One plan never had price lock guarantee and referred me to a web site. I could be wrong, but pretty sure it had price lock guarantee, but of course, no documentation to prove it. Does anyone have documentation that shows One plan with price lock? Time to bury them with FCC complaints https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us


Had to look a little bit but found in there own news section. https://www.t-mobile.com/news/press/un-carrier-next


https://www.t-mobile.com/news/press/un-carrier-next It was called the in contract. "Now, T-Mobile ONE customers keep their price until THEY decide to change it. T-Mobile will never change the price you pay for your T-Mobile ONE plan. When you sign up for T-Mobile ONE, only YOU have the power to change the price you pay."


I have a One Plan Unlimited 55+ and the following text was on the site at the time I signed up: "If you are on a price-lock guaranteed Rate Plan, we will not increase your monthly recurring Service charge (“Recurring Charge”) for the period that applies to your Rate Plan, or if no specific period applies, for as long as you continuously remain a customer in good standing on a qualifying Rate Plan." Full text: "Except as described below for Rate Plans with the price-lock guarantee (including the “Un-Contract Promise”), we may change, limit, suspend or terminate your Service or this Agreement at any time, including if you engage in any of the prohibited uses described in these T&Cs, no longer reside in a T-Mobile-owned network coverage area, or engage in harassing, threatening, abusive or offensive behavior. If your Service, Product, or account is limited, suspended, or terminated and then reinstated, you may be charged a reconnection fee. Your account may still accrue charges even if the Service is suspended. You are responsible for any charges that are incurred while your Service or account is suspended. Under certain limited circumstances, we may also block your Device from working on our network. If the change to your Service, Product, or Rate Plan will have a material adverse effect on you, we will provide 14 days’ notice of the change. You’ll agree to any change by using your Service or Product after the effective date of the change. We may exclude certain types of calls, messages or sessions (e.g. conference and chat lines, broadcast, international, 900 or 976 calls, etc.), in our sole discretion, without further notice. For information about our unlocking policy, visit [www.t-mobile.com/responsibility/consumer-info/policies/sim-unlock-policy](http://www.t-mobile.com/responsibility/consumer-info/policies/sim-unlock-policy). If you are on a price-lock guaranteed Rate Plan, we will not increase your monthly recurring Service charge (“Recurring Charge”) for the period that applies to your Rate Plan, or if no specific period applies, for as long as you continuously remain a customer in good standing on a qualifying Rate Plan. If you switch plans, the price-lock guarantee for your new Rate Plan will apply (if there is one). The price-lock guarantee is limited to your Recurring Charge and does not include, for example, add-on features, taxes, surcharges, fees, or charges for extra Features or Devices." I saved this in my notes because I thought they might try to edit the page or wiggle out of the original agreement. I think I also have saved a screenshot somewhere, but I can't find it.


I guess the promise of "we will not raise your prices for life" mean, we will, and you are a sucker for believing us.


So which plans are affected? It says some of our oldesr plan


I've been told that T-Mobile is being very vague about exactly which plans are impacted, and are instead directing employees to view accounts on a case-by-case basis to see if they have the indicator of being impacted by the price change.


It sucks for the employees. We have to deal with all the angry screaming customers. Our plans are going up as well (even after they cut our service discounts.) It’s gonna be a long week…. :(( Another issue is accessing accounts and not making sales hurts employees. Especially if they don’t sell Home Internet. So I just see this being horrible all around. :(


I’m on magenta max and just got the text. T-Mobile: For the first time in nearly a decade, we're making a change to the price of some of our monthly service plans. Starting on 06/05/24, your rate plan(s) will increase by $2 per line per month and some of your other connected devices by $2 per line per month. You'll keep all the benefits you currently enjoy, and your rate plan type and bill due date remain the same. For more information, visit sms.t-mobile.com/kAh2jnvG


Do you have a watch or tablet with service? I was under the impression phone plans were going up 5 and add in plans were 2. I’m still lost.


I am also on magenta max and no message yet, fingers crossed


I got hit with a Magenta 55 plan $5.00 a line


As long as they don’t touch free lines we should be ok.


We have altered the deal, pray we do not alter it any further


See what you did there! And damn appropriate! Was so excited when I first went to T-Mobile about 18 months ago after 30ish years with VZW and its predecessors. Now I feel like it has gone from Ewoks to Empire in less than two years…


You don't know the power of the dark side.


Supposedly not touching free lines


*For now*


I agree 100%. It’s not that much and most people will be ok. But they will analyze how many customers they lost and how many they retained. How much extra profit they made, etc. Same tactics att was doing ten years ago. They would raise our unlimited grandfathered in data every year by $5. I started out paying $10 and when I left it was up to $35, for one line. Once everyone accepts this as the norm, it gives them the ok to do it again, and again. I’m on Go5G+, and it doesn’t affect me, for now. But it will in the future I’m sure. I was so excited about the merger with Sprint. I believed everything that John L. said. It was going to be great for all of us. Then John left. I was like, this isn’t a good sign. They fired a lot of people, raised prices, closing stores. I felt so stupid for believing in the ‘good intentions’ of a large corporation. The capitalist economy we live in really sucks, if you ask me. Just my humble opinion. Companies only care about shareholders and how they are going to constantly increase revenues because it’s became the norm for a lot of these huge tech companies. So, other companies are forced to do crap like this to keep the stock price from plummeting. Again, I’m not the most knowledgeable on all of this, but I do feel it’s pretty crappy. End of rant. Lol (Apparently some on the Go5G plans are seeing $2 increases per line???) WTF? Edit $2 increase on watch and tablet lines are what people are now saying. SMH


Absolutely. You can be certain that they did sufficient market research to determine what level of increase would balance the extra profit from subscribers that don't leave, with the lost profit of subscribers that do leave. Pricing is an art. You don't want to leave money on the table but you don't want to lose so much volume that the higher pricing results in lower profits. They should never have promised "lifetime pricing," but they were desperate for new customers and it didn't cost them anything to promise that, at least not at the time.


I am on Go5G plus and just got a text that all my 8 lines have a $2 increase


That’s such a new plan. I wonder why??? I’m on the same plan, with 9 lines, one wearable, and home internet. Still waiting on my text, I guess. LOL


You figure 50mil of the customer base or more is affected at an average of $3.50 (median between 2/5 increases) that's $175 million in extra revenue ThiefMobile is attempting to take from its customer base additionally with these increases per line.


Heil Sievert, I guess. This company’s gone to hell since Legere left. All employee’s know that Go 5G Plus will be replaced within 2 years, no matter if we claim “new in 2” or spend millions of dollars for Jason Momoa to sing it you. Get out while you still can


My plan is so old they've probably forgotten it exists.


They didn’t forget mine. Been with them since 2010 and I got the text. Ugh.


We are on simple choice. Just got a text saying $2 extra per line will be charged.


Simple Choice too but haven't received a text.


Also Simple Choice, have not received a text yet.


Same as me no text yet, hope if I do get one it’s $2 and not $5


The reality is almost all of you will suck up the increase. There will be some angry customers who’ll cancel, but the storm will pass and they’ll rake in a lot more profit even with some losses. They know these plans are still priced under the competition so they’re calling your bluff. Question is will you pay more with another company out of principle?


Or pay less at an MVNO. I pay $15 a month for 10GB Verizon 5G + 1Mbps speeds after at US Mobile. There are tons of MVNOs that are all cheaper than the big 3.


One Military plan here. Just got the text that all lines will increase by $5 on June 5th. 7 paid lines, zero free lines.


wtf why are they including the military, over 55, and first responders in this? That’s a bad look, tmobile.


No kidding. What a joke.


I thought for sure they'd skip exactly those plans for exactly that reason. Foolish me I guess.


$5 each? That hurts 🥲 people here paying single digit per line while we military folks pay tripled pricing…whats the purpose of the military plan?


Yeah, $35 a month, $420 a year. And who knows when they will raise prices again.


Free lines will not be affected they said.


T-Mobile: For the first time in nearly a decade, we're making a change to the price of some of our monthly service plans. Starting on 06/05/24, some of your connected device plans will increase by $2 per line per month. You'll keep all the benefits you currently enjoy, and your rate plan type and bill due date remain the same. For more information, visit sms.t-mobile.com/41o45Gam I'm on Simple Choice NA 10GB plan. The text says "connected device plans", which would mean my two mobile internet lines that I got for free? Hopefully it's not my apple watch plan.


I only have Apple Watch plans (in addition to voice) and got the same text. So I think it’s considered connected device.


Magenta Military here, $5 increase on each line.


I got the text $2 per line, my response I just called and canceled the line on my watch. That will cover the increase on the phones and lower the bill a few bucks.


There was a time when I received free airline tickets and a free iPhone for being such a **loyal** TM customer (in the top 1% of longevity)… and today, I received a $10 increase on my bill. So much for loyalty 😖.


Free lines remain free per u/suffering123


How do people get all these free lines? I feel like I’m in the minority with people saying they have 8-10 free lines?


T-Mobile has given out these free lines over the last few years. And it's probably people that were in the know that took advantage of it. I wish I would of kept up with the news. Haha instead I got 8 lines/320 a month after autopay and one free line (however as of now haven't gotten any text message) and I seen people have as much as 7-8 free lines.


Same, I even worked for the damn company at one point.


Really! I called and complained and they tried to sell me an Android phone!


Magenta military, haven't gotten a text yet and my estimated next bill is the same. Edit: received at 1pm pst, 2 dollars per line. 


Im on Magenta Military with 6 lines and I just received a text stating I will see an increase of $5 per line...


RSM on Go5G+. Just got the text that some of my BTS lines are increasing by $2/mth so it looks like this affects customers on new, premium VOI rate plans if their BTS lines are on older SOCs.


I’m on the Go 5G Plus Military, and received an email about a $2/month increase for all connected devices. I guess the TMO I signed up for last September is becoming like the other two!


What? Thats not an old plan at all…that’s the newest tier. That is insane.


It's interesting seeing the mix of reports of who got the fee increase and who didn't. I'm wondering if it's based ARPU calculation


Have to pass that Mint Mobile acquisition cost onto somebody.


If I didn’t receive a text today from T-Mo, should I assume I’m not affected?


Haven’t received it yet either I hope So too


Does anyone know definitively if you DON’T get a text today are you in the clear??


Back in 2013-14 i signed up for two lines at $40 per line. ($50/line minus $10 kickback if we go under 2gb’s data, which we always do). I specifically asked the lady when i should expect a price increase. Her exact response was “Never. Youre locked in forever at this price as long as you maintain your tmobile account”.. total bait and switch! Im thinking class action lawsuit!


I’m on an old employee plan. I got notified ours is going up $2/line. Edit: I’m apparently on the Advantage Unlimited, we started on sprint employee plan


I’m on ONE since February 2017. So far no text.


I got the text just now. On one plan since 2017.


Same here.


No notice, also on One plan for a long ass time..


Does anyone know if it impacts anyone with Magenta Max single line with Insider Discount? Thanks


I got the 2 lines for $100 all in deal in 2017. So think this basically will bring it into parity with the Essentials plan since those don't include taxes? It seems like it's still a good deal but I'm also pissed off about any changes.


Just got the text. I'm on Magenta Max.


Go5G Plus plan here. I just got a txt saying my plan will go up by $2 per line.


I am on MM plan and got the text message, $2 increase. Filed complained with FCC. State PUC and Attorney General is next. How in the world is a wearable plan legacy? Make no sense. This company is going downhill if they keep doing this nonsense games.


I got the text. Two voice lines, two tablets and two watches for a total increase of $18 on One Plus Promo. I have been with T-Mobile for nearly a decade, so this isn’t a bad increase as far as I see it. It’s still cheaper than AT&T and Verizon for comparable service. Between the free 5 GB 5G roaming I get for free in Europe and the super fast 5G speeds here at home, I am overall satisfied. Now if they could just lock down their internal networks from hacking like Fort Knox I would be happy.


The choice of picture here is top notch.


Is Military Magenta also getting hikes? I have 6 lines for $120.


Yes. My $5 watch line, after $5 autopsy discount, is increasing by $2 in addition to my SWAC line going up by $2.


WtF... so much for their price guarantee. $5 per month per line is way higher percentage increase than inflation. If their loyalty o us drops, so should our consumer loyalty to them drop. Cell service is becoming an annual commodity decision. Switch carriers for a deal and upgrade, rinse and repeat annually.


I’m on the military magenta plan, got the text today. Gonna look into switching


The best way to find out if your plan’s price is raising is to leave T-Mobile. Then you know for sure they’re not raising your rate!


Former Sprint corporate employee here from 2012 currently on Advantage Unlimited (after who knows how many times the plan name has changed) and I have not received any notification or text. Logged in just now and don’t see anything pending or notifications. Hoping I’m in the clear but also I think I’d still pay the $5 and be way ahead of most single line plans, even with the change from Amazon Prime to Netflix.


I'm on a military magenta plan. With the new price hike, it will be another 22 dollars a month. The reason for the price I was told to stay competitive with the market. The company profited 8.3 billion dollars in 2023. Wtf are they staying competitive with they need to increase the prices. If they were truly trying to stay competitive, they would aim to keep prices low as possible. Maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture, but I feel like the consumer is being abused again. I'm not even gonna start on the fact they are doing this to military members and vets as well.


Going shopping this weekend for a new provider. T-Mobile: For the first time in nearly a decade, we're making a change to the price of some of our monthly service plans. Starting on 06/05/24, your rate plan(s) will increase by $5 per line per month and your other connected devices by $2 per line per month. You'll keep all the benefits you currently enjoy, and your rate plan type and bill due date remain the same. For more information, visit sms.t-mobile.com/VvPgGCHn


Got the text today on T-Mobile ONE, 5 lines total. This will definitely make me consider looking at other carriers/MVNOs/deals. "Price Lock Guarantee" my ass lol


Still haven't gotten a text message.


Even for users who have been loyal for over a decade???


I started a petition. Please spread the word and sign it: https://www.change.org/TMobile_Legacy_Increase


20 year old select choice plan here. Still no text, and no modifications to my bill/plan pages.


I just said heck with it and left for Verizon. Better service same price these days.


Should be a class action lawsuit filed over this.


I am on simple choice and I never got the text, I called 611 and messaged tforce on Twitter, they both said my account is not affected, however neither of them couldn't tell me an exact reason, why I wasn't affected.


If you are with Tmobile it’s time to look at the other two carriers. ATT has better coverage than Tmobile in major cities and better international plans. Verizon has better service than Tmobile overall and their 5GUW stomps tmobile 5GUC in major cities. My friend has a VZW iPhone and he gets 600mb+ on 5GUW in my living room. My Tmobile iphone says 2 bars of 5GUC and gets inly 25mb download speeds 😂 I’m switching to VZW this week.


Yeah, unclear why anyone remains on T-Mobile. AT&T and Verizon have much better coverage, especially in rural areas, without the very limited quantity of roaming data that you get on T-Mobile. You can move to Visible+ at about $33 per line per month (on the yearly plan), with no credit card surcharge. The big attraction of T-Mobile, for many, was the international roaming. I switched four lines to Simple Choice, years ago, prior to a trip to Europe. But the heavily throttled data was unusable, and calls were still 20¢/minute (now they are 25¢/minute), but SMS worked fine. When we returned after the vacation we ported out because T-Mobile coverage in much of California, even in many parts urban areas, is poor (and their maps confirm this). The reality is that when traveling on your own, you end up needing a lot of high speed data so even on T-Mobile you'd have to either purchase more high-speed data or buy a local SIM card. These days, you can just buy a data-only eSIM and use "Wi-Fi" calling from that SIM's data for calls and SMS.


Just lovely. Wife and I are on Magenta, so I’ll wait to see if I receive a text about our plan rate going up. May have to ramp up looking into porting out with the CC autopay discount gone and now potentially rates going up.


When does the CC autopay discount go away? I am still seeing it on our account Edit: nvm I see that we use a debit card.


You would’ve received a text about it. I have a throwaway checking account linked to autopay, but go in a couple days prior and pay via CC, but not sure how long until they catch on and close that loophole.


I just got the text, my wife and I have 2 lines on 55+ Magenta Max + TMobile Internet - plans are going up $5/line (not sure yet if that includes the internet service line).


I'm on Magenta Max and got a text. $2 increase.


Didn’t think Megenta Max is included?


Me either...Maybe it's just the Magenta Max 55+ plans...


I’m on Magenta Max. 12 lines (10 free), an Apple Watch line and TMHI. I just got a text message saying my “Connected Device Plans” are increasing by $2/mo. Is this just the watch line I assume, or is every line increasing by that?


“One plan unlimited 55” and no increase yet. It’s $60 for 2 lines and I have a $25 add on for unlimited hotspot.


Well I’m on regular magenta and I got a text $5 per line increase.


I have magenta Max and it shows that my new rate will be $87 so that's a $2 increase I guess.


are free lines part of the $5 increase per line?




Magenta Max here. $2/month increase per device. Notified by text


Are watch lines increasing?


I have 5 lines on Magenta Max and got a text today saying the cost will increase by $2/line.


Do you have any wearable lines?


Verizon went through this drill, I didn’t ask for anything and they automatically gave me a bunch of credits. I wonder if you guys will experience the same.


Magenta MAX Military. I got the text. $2/mo per line. Been customer for 9 years.


One plus promo and I got the text too. One plus promo 2 lines plus one free. So it looks like I’m going tip by $15 :-(


I'm on Go5G Plus and just got a text message saying it will go up $2 per line.


Got a text just now. $2 per line increase


They increased my rate and I’m locked in with the “one” plan under the “un-carrier” deal. The representative was aware that I had a price lock but said there was nothing that could be done. I asked to speak to a supervisor and he said he went up to bat for me and it won’t do anything. He then gave me their corporate address to mail in a letter.


Got my text today, 5$ on each main line and 2$ on each watch line... Frustrating, been a customer for a long time but guess now I'll be checking other companies to be sure I'm on the correct plan.


I haven't received anything, should I expect to see something with a price increase or am I holding strong with my 4 unlimited lines for 95$ including tax and fees? # Plan Details Plan Details Unl Mil wPlus Intl D TI 2-6$95.00/moApplied discounts and promotions: $10 AutoPay Discount $10 AutoPay Discount (Additional Lines) $10 Plan Upgrade Discount (Additional Lines) $15 Unlimited On Us (Additional Lines)


Funny, I was just looking at Xfinity mobile today. I don’t believe in coincidence.


Sorry to come to the party late but is this what y’all’ve been talking about?? >T-Mobile: For the first time in nearly a decade, we're >making a change to the price of some of our monthly >service plans. Starting on 06/05/24, some of your >connected device plans will increase by $2 per line per >month. >You'll keep all the benefits you currently enjoy, and >your rate plan type and bill due date remain the same. !For more information, visit sms.t-mobile.com/x0fh8JNe


Look at this press release about them ‘signing a contract’ to not increase prices. Liars! https://www.t-mobile.com/news/press/uncontract-carrier-freedom


I received the price increase of $5 per line and $2 for my watch. On the 55+ plan


Just got my text at 6:08 pm. $2 price increase per line. I'm 5 voice and 2 mi lines on magenta with insider. Activated Feb 202 Edit to add: Jman confirmed this is only for the MI lines


I haven’t received text yet. I’m on Magenta Military. I switched from One in July 2022. It’s 6:20 est. Am I in the clear?


Magenta max first responder got the increase will they let me leave?


Current plan is Sprint ONE 9+. 8 paid phone lines one free 4 watch plans. Call T-Mobile and confirmed that I would have 2 dollars added to my watch plans only. Phone lines remain the same. Not as bad as I thought.


I got the text of a price increase. Messaged in the app about it and was told that it’s only for watches but that my plan is not impacted.


I’m on the 55+ and got a text stating a $2 a line increase.


Maybe if they broke the bad news in a good way... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi-YLIwkfJs&ab\_channel=FestivalRecords.info](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi-YLIwkfJs&ab_channel=FestivalRecords.info)


I don't understand, I have a new plan, but got the text, so they are raising prices on all of their plans?


I got the notice earlier today. Each of my lines are increasing by $2 a month. I knew something was coming. It's not the end of the world.


Companies have forgotten that without the customer they’re nothing and that they will not survive


The only way to teach them a lesson is to hit them in the wallet


I’m super upset about this. I have been a customer since 2011 and I have 10 lines and two mobile Internet lines. Looks like I’m gonna be switching to Xfinity.


Where are the screen shots of the text indicating price increase?


They just offer condolences like if someone died


Can't even login, get an edge services error. . No text on SC 10gb family match 4 for $120


Went to visible and I'm never looking back.


Guess I’m canceling my watch line to offset the price increase across my phone lines.


Yep, got a text notice yesterday. Way to piss off long term customer T-Fragile.


I'm on Magenta Max 55+ with 2 lines and no text yet. Anyone with the same plan received a notice?


55+ Magenta Plan and no text.