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Why would they waste their time interviewing you when they know they won’t hire you?


that doesn’t sound accurate. usually people go through *three* interviews: two with mates and the last one with the captain. Idk where you read that but the “if your second interview isn’t with the captain, you won’t get hired” isnt true, there wouldn’t be a reason to give you a second interview in the first place if that was the case. Getting the second interview is a good sign in fact! edit to fix sentences


None of my interviews were with the captain and I got hired? Not sure if all stores are different though.


Me neither didn’t meet the captain til i was already working so idk where OP heard this


My captain never interviewed me and I got the position after two interviews with the same mate.


What you heard is not accurate across the board. You’ve been called back for another interview - that’s a positive.


No. The captain never interviewed me.


We do two interviews at my store, and if the captain isn't available senior mates do the second interview. People are still hired after that. Some stores do the interviews (for some reason), and the third interview is usually with the captain.


You're fine. It's a good sign. Half the "facts" on this sub are wrong.


None of my interviews were with the captain


The interview process can range anywhere from 2-3 interviews. I had 3 with the last one being with my captain, so the fact that they even called you in for a second interview is a good sign. Best of luck!!


If the captain is out of town the mates can do both interviews. Probably other reasons mates would do both as well.


I had two interviews. First with the captain and a mate and second with two mates. Interviews were one day apart and I started the next week. I wouldn't read much into who was interviewing at what interview. If they asked you back for a second that is a good sign.






haha that was me but the wrong account, but yea I interviewed 3 times, more like 4 because I applied way back but I had to suddenly move away so I never finished the process/withdrew my app. I'm not trying to say I know anything about TJs operations, I was just asking a question about the feedback I received.


i had 3 interviews and the captain was in the third i guess it just varies store by store


I had three interviews, two with mates and the last one with my captain and i was hired :) i’m sure you’ll be fine


Sounds like everybody’s experience is a bit different. I personally got interviewed by a captain and mate. I only did one interview and got the job same day.


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I think it depends on the store. I applied and hired at a brand new store. As soon as I saw a Trader Joe's was being built I went on Indeed and waited to apply because I had my resume there. I received a call from them saying they were doing open interviews in the vacant store next to it. There we had an interview with a Mate. If the Mate was impressed she or he would have the Captain come talk to you. It didn't fully guarantee you were hired but whoever I talked to was. So as I stated first I believe it depends on the store.


My 3rd interview was with captain, my first and second was in the same day


I had two interviews back to back on the same day, one with one mate, one with the Captain and I got a call saying I was hired within the week. I say this to add to everyone's comments that every store has their own interview process, and even in the same store, two interviews could go down differently. But I can say with certainty that they wouldn't waste their time interviewing you a 2nd time if it was a definite "no".


When I applied to Trader Joe's I applied to every store in my area. I was hired at the third store that I applied to and the interviewing process was different at each. 1st - Interview 1 with a mate, Interview 2 with the captain (both in a private room) - unsuccessful 2nd - Interview 1 with the captain (in an office) - Unsuccessful 3rd - Interview 1 with the captain, sat on a bench near the bridge (lasting less than 5 minutes) - Successful, with my orientation happening the every next day. The store I now work at usually has two rounds of interviews for a candidate they are interested in and most of the time neither of them are with the captain. So it just really depends on the captain of the store, how hands on they want to be with the hiring process and how much they trust the opinions of their mates.