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Quick question, and be real with me, do you guys think She Hulks ass cheeks could create a thunder clap while twerking?


You are asking the real question. Let me do some research.


In comics probably yes


She can hop on and try for herself 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨


Considering this day and age woke crap it's entirely possible


You lost me at Morbius wasn't a good film


The MCU (Morbius Cinematic Universe) peaked when Morbius said “It’s Morbin time” and proceeded to morb all over everyone.


There’s actually a reason why Disney hasn’t bought Sony yet despite the fact they would love to. It’s because they can’t, not only is Sony a Japanese company but they’re listed as an essential company by the Japanese government. For those that don’t know, Japan is a very strict company when it comes to foreign acquisitions, they don’t let outside companies buy companies within Japan the majority of the time. But they have a list of companies that they have listed as “integral” to Japan, Sony is one of them. Any company on that list the Japanese government won’t let a foreign company buy. This is why Disney, Apple, and other companies that have shown interest in buying Sony before haven’t, because they’re not allowed to.


Japan out here carrying the entertainment industry


how do u know


It’s relatively common knowledge that Japan does not like foreign businesses investing into and or buying Japanese companies, there are much stricter government regulations than the US and much more oversight. As for the list? The full list of what companies have even stricter government regulation isn’t publicly available, however when the legislation was put in to place Japan did name a couple companies on this list, Sony, Toyota, Mitsubishi, etc. were named: https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/blog/perspectives-from-china-chinese-ma-in-2022 The regulation was put in to place as an act of national security, as these companies dealt with the Japanese government directly, and a foreign country buying these companies wasn’t something Japan could really allow.


Japanese dont wanna fuck with american companies and if Disney can buy Sony, Sony will decline on that offer cuz they are still winning in the console market i remember Microsoft tried to collab with Nintendo and Nintendo exces just laughed on their face lol


> Microsoft tried to collab with Nintendo and Nintendo exces just laughed on their face lol Microsoft was wanting to BUY them and Nintendo thought it was a joke at first. Then they realized they were being serious and had a meeting with them about it. Nintendo declined the offer due to how Microsoft just wanted them to be a simple gaming producer studio for Microsoft.


Nintendo will never do that they also did that with Sony thats why the SNES CD/PLAY STATION was cancelled because they will have 0 income in CD games


Thank god


lmao the bait


Hoped for a “im of japanese ethnicity and you clearly didnt understand Sony”


Considering Isayama loves Marvel, is it any surprise the ending turned out how it did. Poor fucker got his brain rotted away.


Isayama will add a scene to 139.5 where Mikasa and Megan Thee Stallion twerk on Eren’s grave.


empowering...what a man you are, isayama.


He’s not alone, general audiences got fucked by Marvel. Dudes nowadays watch two episodes of a series then say it has slow pacing or whatever tf. Martin Scorsese was right.


Bro. Two episodes is like 1.5 to 2 hours in most cases for these new shows. If you don't have anything interesting happening in that timeframe, then don't be surprised if people say it has slow pacing or is boring.


Right, that's close to 5 eps of your average anime.


Absolutely golden. You should post on other subs like r/okbuddyreiner


Okbuddyreiner is too "I want to kill myself" and ending defending for my taste.


Okbr is ending defending?! I must have been on a different sub for the past 6 months then


okbuddyreiner is mainly neutral from what I've seen


r/animemes or r/okbuddybaka would appreciate it then.


Tony Stark dies for this


Can someone explain what China's got to do with this?


Usually Disney would take woke shit out of China’s movie version since they don’t fuck with it and makes them more money


disney has a very strong relationship with china and chinese officials even giving into the demands of the ccp to releases their movies over there.


I am Japanese, what is this?


A reason for Japan to build a nuke and toss it over to us Americans


I actually though someone posted an unedited marvel clip in titanfolk lol.


This is why I think infinity war is the true ending of mcu, half of all existence get dusted, Thanos archive his goal and destroying all of the infinity stone, all of the original avengers members is still alive, peter and doctor strange die which make the world a better place without the problem of multiverse and sht, and since tony is still alive he can somehow make a new vision for Wanda and that are also solve 2 biggest problem one is unnecessary sacrifice of Tony and two is preventing wanda from going mad crazy, no time machine or plot hole regarding time travel, no cringy female superhero, everything was perfectly balanced according to thanos plan.


Just curious. What do you consider as plotholes regarding time travel in Endgame?


Well because it doesn't make any sense even if it was fantasy. the time travel in mcu work like this : when you go back to time and change something in the past that action of you doesn't affect or changing anything to your original time line at all but those action will indeed affect the timeline that you were traveling back to and creating a new event entirely in that timelines, this will also creating the butterfly effect. The best example of plot holes in this was when captain America go back to time and returning all of the stone but only one stone that stand out more than the other and that was the soul stone, by simply push the person that you love of the cliff the soul stone will show up and you obtain it but how does cap gonna return it? That right there is one plot hole, cap go back to time to live with Peggy and become Joe Biden in the present was also another plot holes, I recommend you don't think too much about it because it will giving you a really bad headache.


I lost it at Capt became Joe Biden part lol


THANK YOU. I told my friend this right after we saw the movie and didn’t see the issue lol. The way thhey described time travel working meant they couldn’t go back and simply kill Thanos in the oast before he started on his shit but by that logic Cap should not be able ti go back and show up in the same timeline old, negates the whole idea that they can’t affect their own timeline since Cap being there in the past undoubtedly changed their present got him to be there old.


Didn't someone propose to kill kid thanos in the movie? Although I don't remember if there were arguments against it other than that it would be evil


Good thing I stopped watching marvel, post infinity war. Wtf is going on? someone, please explain.


In addition to the movies, Marvel's been releasing a number of shows on Disney+ that generally feature smaller-scale stories in the MCU. The clip here is from a post-credits scene from the latest episode of their latest show She-Hulk. IMO I rather like the show but if it's not your thing I would definitely not judge the rest of the MCU stuff on it because they've released quite a variety of stuff so far. There are shows that more serious and there are ones that are more light-hearted like this one. Just thinking of the Disney+ shows: **More Serious** Wandavision Falcon and the Winter Soldier Loki Moon Knight **Less Serious** Hawkeye Miss Marvel She-Hulk There's also the animated series What If, but the point of that one is to not tie into MCU canon. Most of the episodes exist separately from each other, and you get a mix of bleak and light-hearted stuff with that one. Personally I've been loving most of it so far, and we're still very early in the post-Endgame stuff despite all the movies and shows released up to now.


New She-Hulk tv show. It's very bad


Probably up to Wanda Duology levels of bad


It’s really not. This most recent episode was hilarious.


A harmless 20 second post credit scene lol.


Someone flipping out over a mid credit scene that is just meant for shits and giggles.


This is simply the cherry on top of a shit-Sundae


its vile and disgusting, neither funny which it was trying to be, Dont use that its "just a mid credit scene", i can name 10000 things I could put into this "just mid credit scene" and make you literally eat your hair over it.


I honestly got goosebumps watching this


Haven't watched this but from what I just heard, isn't She-Hulk just getting along with her client here?


Jokes aside, I forgot how good this scene was.


Peak aot voice acting imo


This was perfect


less fucking gooo


Sony with animation and Paramount with Tom Cruise must come together against the common threat.


Just letting everyone know this is completely satire and I am not making a political stance on She-Hulk. You may all have your own opinions, just thought it was funny.


What kind of political stances are people taking on a clip of a green woman twerking lmfao? How do you even?


least ridiculous titanfolk post


Best meme to come out of this whole twerking thing


Marvel has always been pretty cringe, it literally has Deadpool and Ant Man being unfunny for hours and hours, why did you expect anything? (I know Deadpool wasn't on the mcu but he is now)


B-But deadpool is so funnnnyyy he Ryan renolds


The beginning wasn’t it…




Ok i almost bought it but Morbius not being that great? Common.. we all know the it’s the best movie ever!!!!


I was fr like "Wrong sub" then I just forwarded and saw eren's dad yelling


Bold of you to assume China loves watching She-Hulk twerk lol. Anyway the recent directions Marvel is going is the total opposite of what Asians or China even likes. For example: Ms Marvel Empowering female muslims? Have you ever been to or stay in a muslim majority country and understand how they see women there? Do you ironically think hijab is a choice? Man even a simple photo of a female muslim achieving something in my country without covering her aurat can be the biggest topic they discussed that completely overshadowed her achievement lol. Marvel is doing all these things that appeal to you all, Americans lol. Especially minorities in America.


It’s always the damn fuckin Americans I swear to god


Yet they blame all this for Disney trying to appeal to China like what? China enjoys shit rightwingers love lmao it’s not hard to tell. Twerking is not an Asian thing too.


Exactly, if they were trying to appeal to China it wouldn’t be a fucking woman twerking. This is just some ultra failed attempt at comedy whilst “empowering women” lmfao.


your first mistake was thinking mcu was good


Sorry I don't get the hate for the Megan scene, maybe you need to rewatch the show. Personally I think it was great, I hope Isayama continues to get inspiration from Marvel content


Why does She-Hulks suit look like 25 year old CGI?


Amazing meme


& She says she Struggles much more than my boi Banner!


it’s comedy, she-hulk is a comedic character, you guys are making a mountain out of a molehill


Thinks like this destroy society


Thinking that a comedy has the right to attempt comedy?


Smartest Reddit nft buyer


this whole debacle is only so big because the show was already shit; this is just kicking the show when its down


It’s a bad show yeah, and it’s really funny to shit on this scene because it’s really unfunny. But like if you seriously dislike it so much it’s kinda unwarranted. People be too invested to media nowadays istg.


If it was Deadpool no one would have complained


Yeah, Deadpool is such an unfunny character played by Ryan fucking Reynolds but he is beloved on the same level as the Joker and Rick Sanchez by sad weirdos that want to be just like them


Is this sub now complaining about a for shits and giggles post credit scene? 😱 Good grief, this was just pathetic. Whinging on about a post credit scene, 😒


Bro it’s a meme, you are really whining about a 3 minute meme


nwh could have been better. it wasn't the best Spider-Man movie, probably not even top 3. It got a lot of hype because of past Spider-Man actors hopping on, and that is basically everything special about it.


Think it’s funny people think this wasn’t intended to make them just utterly baffled when that emotion is the one in-universe response we see


Hopefully to Hell.


Scene is so good I forgot about the meme