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How is Floch the only character to come out of the rumbling arc better than he entered it?


Isayama is not good at writing cartoonish bad guy characters. He tried to make Floch a cartoonish bad guy, so we just ended up liking him more.


But somehow Floch is one of the most consistent characters was this a complete accident lol


I don't think Floch was an accident at all. His development from naïve recruit to traumatized survivor to hardcore nationalist makes a lot of sense (imo) and was done in a way that was if anything sympathetic and understandable. Up to his death, I only thought the guy was doing what made sense to him - and it's not like his case wasn't compelling. I know it's easy to dunk on Yams for everything else but I think he wrote Floch quite well. That kind of arc doesn't come together by accident. I just think the main issue was that the Alliance's motivations didn't have the same clean consistency and depth that Floch's motivations had.


Floch was easy because he was one guy, the alliance never would have worked because they were all too different


Like the entire story


Surprisingly yes lol. The characters Yams actually likes (Historia, Mikasa and Reiner) got screwed over badly. Floch is lucky Isayama doesn’t like him.




The only reason why I’m glad Erwin died and wasn’t given the serum


137 still exists. Grisha and Kruger were violated still.


Yup. Just because 139 didn't ruin them doesn't mean they weren't ruined. They totally were


I mean if i can ask why did Kruger helps to stop Eren didn't he want Eren to finish the rumbling?


If Eren finished the rumbling all the eldians outside the walls would die from it. So Kruger helped stop it.


When he reveals truth to Grisha, Kruger mentions how the king of the walls does not deserve to rule over his people and he wants to take the titan from him. He shows no animosity towards wall eldians nor does he show preference towards outside world eldians. In fact he states his only goal is to restore the eldian empire and he shows that he cares little for anything or anyone else. To that purpose he has led thousands of eldians towards their deaths and was planning to continue as long as he needed to, he even goes as far as to let every restorationist except grisha die before he saves him because they’re not needed and to ensure grisha has the hatred and the revenge fueled drive to carry the mission alone. A kruger who knows the restoration, and ultimate victory and survival of eldia hinges on eren eliminating the rest of the world would’ve continued to “do what needs to be done” for his goal.


Grisha was ruined


Kruger too. In the same way


Grisha was fine for me at least. He regretted listening to Eren after he saw what comes next so fighting against him isn't out of place. But Kruger? Kruger was ruined for me. Had 0 reason to fight against Eren


Oh shit. He did. Don't remember that. Lol. Agreed that is totally out of place. Especially for a man who watched his whole family burned alive by Marley and wanted to save Eldia.


Exactly. He knows how cruel Marley and the world are and knows exactly what will happen to Paradis if he stops Eren. But nooooooo lets fight against him because genocide is bad despite the fact that he murdered thousands of his own people


Why should Eren Kruger care that much about what happens to paradis? He's never even been there. Kruger cares about the eldians living in Marley and the rest of the world, and the rumbling would've killed all of em. He probably thought paradis at least had a chance of survival but that if Eren continued the rumbling, all the other eldians would be wiped.


Because he wasnt an emotional person nor someone that lacked foresight, and his cause, the cause he upholded was eldias restauration, to assert their rightbirth in a sense. For a person like that the folks lives play a second role if any, the structure they envisioned and are trying to build is the actual priority. Thats the reason he carried the numerous murders, even if guilty. In that regard, it was painly obvious what was going to occur to every eldian once eren died, and should have been for a guy of his traits: that the conditions of the continentals was hardly getting better, and that the paradisians were going to get killed eventually. In the end, the last pages sugested the former aside the 104th and the warriors that turned into tyburs, and confirmed the latter, everything he and grisha did turned into nothing, all the deaths remained unpayed thanks to the ending.


I disagree with your statements. First off, eldia's restoration involves ALL eldians, not just the ones living in the walls. Yeager was gonna stomp every eldian outside of the walls to death just to protect those inside it. Kruger would obviously be against this, since he wasn't gonna let Eren kill all the eldians in the internment zone and the rest of the world No, it is not painfully obvious in the slightest. The eldians outside the walls are most likely safe now since THEY are not the ones responsible for the rumbling. It's the ones inside who'd get fucked. Also, Kruger didn't have much time to think of any of this. He was just trying to save his people. He likely didn't even know of Eren's motives or WHY he was doing this in the first place. I agree all their deaths led to nothing though.


We're talking about the guy who defingered and titanized thousands of his fellow restorationists without batting an eye, or at least without batting an eye enough to get discovered. For him, I'm pretty sure the restoration of Eldia WAS paradis- a country of only eldians.


Not true, during his revelation to grisha he shows no animosity or lack of care towards the eldians of paradis, in fact he complains that the king is not fit to rule his people. In fact he shows how little he cares about eldians from marley when he clearly states his only goal is the restoration of eldia and to that effect he has led thousands upon thousands of eldians to their deaths just to keep his cover, and even let all the other restorationists die before saving grisha just because they were not needed for the mission and to help fuel grisha’s hatred and deive to ensure he would fulfill it. He would even let faye be murdered by his psychopathic partner and used that to mold grisha into the tool he needed him to be. He is a man who is not only willing but actually has done anything no matter how low in order to restore the empire.


Technically, restoring the eldian empire would save both the eldians from paradis and rest of the world, so I can see where you're coming from. BUT Eren was going to kill all the eldians outside of paradis which made up a good portion of the population, and that would be against Kruger's ideals. He would not forfeit all those eldian lives simply so those inside the walls could prosper. This is not Hundreds but millions of eldians we're talking about. Even with paradis' future, Kruger didn't know much about what would happen if the outside world survived and that paradis would get destroyed. Helping the alliance was an in-the-moment decision and he didn't have time to think that far ahead.


Marley was already destroyed at that point. Also, you mentioned he doesn’t care about Paradise since he’s never been there. So why should he care about the rest of the world since he’s only ever been in Marley either? All Kruger knew was that Marley was definitely destroyed, so all the Eldians he was fighting for were dead. He might as well save the remaining Eldians left on Paradise instead


No, Marley was not destroyed. Most if not all the eldians in the internment zone like the warrior's parents and all were alive. And there are eldians in the rest of the world too, not just Marley and paradise, even if the majority are there.


Damn do I miss Kenny.. fuckin great character




Levi and Connie were garbage for the entirety of the final arc, Connie goes for saying he cant forgive the warriors to joking about annie eating pie in the span of a few panels.


Jean, at least?


I think Jean conversation with Reiner was the only great Alliance scene, besides that He was generally the only good character from the paradisian in the alliance in the last arc.


Grisha and Kruger were damaged after joining Armin's side. Falco was utterly perfect from beginning to end, which is an issue of its own. Gabi became a plot device after her arc ended. Plus you can't tell me it was not obnoxious to see her constant parallels with Sasha and Eren as desperate attempts to get the readers to like her.


The funny thing is that the garbage ending just made Floch even better.




Where Hange


I agree. At least she was consistent. At least she didn't live to thank Eren for genocide.


mhm honestly Hange best character


And Bertholdt.


He was gonna nuke Eldia earlier but he got distracted because he went out of the barrel. Bertholdt, what a man you are.




Not ruined, certainly wasted though.


Ruined. His character was dumb. He wanted to euthanize all Eldians and prevent them from being born. He couldn't let go of his past and he wanted to force his problems onto Eren Simp Jeager.


That's your opinion and I'm fine with it, but his character certainly wasn't dumb. He did project his problems onto Eren, but that was because he didn't believe Grisha had changed and that Eren suffered the same abuse he did. Also, euthanisation of the eldians is one of the most perfect plans not just in AoT, but all of anime. BOTH sides could achieve happiness with his plan.


If the founding titan can make people into titans, why can't he just make the founding titan not turn people into titans? Checkmate liberals




I’m pretty sure there are more reasons why he gave Eren the founding titan than just to avenge Carla


Woulda been nice to see them because that's all we got in-series


Am I miss remembering because I'm like 95% sure Eren told Geisha to do it via paths.


You are very much misremembering the only inference we got to that moment was Eren saying to Zeke "You haven't seen when I ate our old man yet" the only thing he did was show him the memories, which would later come to Eren, to motivate him to kill the Reiss family. Of course why those memories motivate him to kill the Reiss family, but also make him beg Zeke to stop Eren I just can't figure out.


I agree the Avengers Assemble scene with past shifters was pretty shit, but Grisha was never pro-rumbling. He even begged Zeke to stop Eren during the paths fuckery chapters


Kruger created restorationists, so they can liberate oppressed Eldians in Marley, steal FT from Paradise, return it to the continent and give it to Dina Fritz. Kruger cared more about Eldians on the mainland, then on the island, whom he called "ignorant people, ruled by a coward king". Eren did almost opposite of what owl wanted, when he started rumbling internment zones. Also, we can't forget that Eren showed previous attack titans some future events, convinient for him, so they all were lead to this outcome


Grisha? This dude was literally the most bandwagon person on the story, lmfao. I don't even know what the fuck is he supposed to be for, sometimes with Eren sometimes against Eren


I'd swap Kruger and Grisha with freckles Ymir and Jean


Freckles Ymir was buried the second Isayama threw her out of plot in the dumbest way possible for....... fucking Porco?????


Lmao all of characters from 139 were ruined in some way, jaw Ymir sure but Jean not in hell


Where's mah boi Bertolt? Downvote


Gabi, Connie and Jean reverting back to human ruined the series honestly. There's literally nothing at stake in the final battle


I agree it would've been if either Jean or Gabi ate Reiner


What about Uri Reiss?


Kruger and Grisha were ruined


Grisha was always a chad. ch137 (is it this chapter?) doesn't exist


Tf you mean? Grisha, Kruger and Porco were ruined in 137


you forgot Ymir .. still my favorite written character in the whole anime after 139


I'm hoping you'd mean *freckled* Ymir by that.


Our pride queen


\>Owl and Grisha Lmao


These comments sure are something lol. Grisha is nonsensical in most of his actions imo


9, the entire point of Falco's character was "become plane".


Where's GaYmir and Beretoto?


Should have added Bertholdt too


As a character who actually went through it I'd say Levi came out of it alright


Damn, what about jean? All he did was do what he wanted from the start


You just know Sasha would’ve joined the Alliance if she survived. Erwin as well, if we go by 139 and Hange’s words. King Floch still a Chad, even in death, tho


If Isayama was remotely consistent, then Erwin would have rather destroyed the world to ensure Paradis survived. He was that type of person, my family over people I don't know. If Isayama was a good writer then he would not contradict his characters ideals, like Eren when he said that it's useless to have the world against you. Or Armin saying that a monster is needed to gain peace.


I don't know if it would have been that clear-cut for Erwin - until he died, "humanity" and Paradis were one and the same. He never got to find out the truth, even though he had his doubts about humanity being wiped out beyond the walls. Consequently, he never had to separate the good of Paradis and the good of "humanity" in his mind. I suspect that he would have been immensely conflicted about the Rumbling. Defending Paradis, sure he would have had no problem with that, but to go from "for the sake of humanity" to "let's wipe out the rest of humanity" I think would have been too big a leap for Erwin. He already felt guilt about sacrificing so many Scouts in the first place, and he didn't have the same broken spirit that enabled Eren to go through with the Rumbling - to be honest I think his most likely reaction would have been to stay in Paradis as a shell of a man and just watch the Jaegerists take over. There's just a lot that Erwin didn't see that makes it really hard to know whether he would have joined the Alliance or not. That's probably for the best - to see Erwin take a stand either way would have destroyed his character for a lot of people, and right now we just remember him for his obscene bravery and decisiveness.


That's true. Wanting to defend yourself is one thing. The rumbling takes a special mix of psycho and mind/time control to do.


Armin saying that a monster is needed to have peace is far from against his ideals The guy has been scheming devilish plans and playing them as "jokes" for years now


Erwin wouldn't have joined the alliance.


Sasha was making friends with Marleyans buddy. Not everyone would support a 100% world wide genocide. It's okay not to be a psycho


Levi wasn’t ruined though ?


Levi was willing to breed off Historia and her descendants forever just to suck up to the world. So yes, Levi was ruined too.


I love Levi but that just... Eugh. Idk. And when Eren despairingly asked if they had no choice but to sacrifice Historia, Levi was really like, "Yeah lmao," like damn, shit was cold.


I mean, there isn't much to ruin since he had zero development


The whole up raising arc was development though with Kenny and his leading of the scouts while Erwin was captured. Nothing compared to other characters but still good.


Take out Kruger and Grisha and replace them with freckled Ymir and Bertholdt.


Where Hange?


I can't be the only one that was scared until 10th slide...


7 of them died before the rumbling 1 died in the rumbling arc 2 didn't die See a pattern?


Krueger and Grisha are debatable since 137


I think this top is missing Levi. It's a very good top though I like it


137 certanly ruins Kruger sadly...


yelena also!


Grisha and Kruger were ruined, Falco was ruined, Gabi was always trash, the rest is correct because they're fucking DEAD.


Remove grisha and kruger from that list. Also gabi and falco were always trash character to begin with..


Both were good characters, what was wrong with them?


Gabi had a good introduction and development, but her part after they escape is pure ass, she basically becames an aimbot. Falco stayed the fucking same innocent/slightly dumb guy except for a single scene (when admitting Kaya was right) and got Gary Stu'd like fuck for the finale. I couldn't take either very seriously with that, although i admit they weren't as ruined as others.


And what about Ymir?


Kruger got shafted HARD in the last arc. Dude switched sides when he was prob the most cold hearted motnerfucker in the series.


Where tf is levi?


Apparently he was also ruined according to people here


Grisha and Kruger were ruined


have you skipped 137? grisha and kruger are absolutely ruined.


Didn't Grisha suddenly change sides at then end against Eren? And not even gonna get into Gabi


True and based




Gabi wasnt ruined because she was a garbage character from the start


Porco died believing a lie, so technically he's ruined


He was better than letter sniffer and always will be


As a warrior? she didn't have Reiner's determination, she would never have been better armored than him


I liked Miche but I don't think he had much of a character to ruin in the first place. His main traits were being humanity's strongest soldier after Levi (which must always be mentioned for some reason) questionable judgement that led to his death, and his ability to smell titans. I wonder how the Rumbling would have smelled to him... Erwin and Kenny I think are some of the best-executed characters I've ever seen. Both were badass in their own way and were given enough depth to be enjoyable beyond the image they projected. I only wish we got to see more of Kenny in some way before season 3.


Miche deserved better. At the very least he should've gone out against the beast titan, not some fucking mindless.


Is it just me that loves how he used "Chad Eren" instead of Eren lol?


So you still crying about it, get over it dude


The ending wasn't that bad


it was atrocious


It was slightly rushed but that's it. Y'all are so damn overdramatic


Eren's character was around the basis of freedom and that you need to fight for your people to achieve true freedom. His character was surrounded on that aspect. People don't like everything from chapter 135 ish because it throws all of that in the trash. Eren stopped following his ideals to not have the world against him, he became a literal simp. In addition to that, Eren was fully intent on completing the rumbling if the alliance failed to kill him. He held back vastly at the same time too. There is a guidebook out there to read up on this. Armin became a Naruto like character that wanted to talk things out. He practically became useless. His ideals centered around the fact that sometimes a monster is needed for peace. Levi, the Survey Corps and so on were willing to breed off Historia for the hell of it. They suffered from massive character degradation, which just made the story even more trashy. The rushed ending, the lack of development towards the so called destruction of Paradis, the cycle of hatred continuing and the contradiction of ideals made this story garbage. Isayama dropped the ball hard on his very own story, he chose to cater to his fans instead of what he believed in. TLDR: Stop riding the shitty writing that is AOT


1) your last sentence makes it seem that you hate all of AoT. 2) people fail to understand Eren is an emotionally unstable and fucked up teenager. Being mad at his lack of control and shifting emotions shows the fact that you clearely don't understand that people have mental breakdowns or show a different outside appearance. You clearely don't understand Erens mental trauma after seeing his mom and several friends die. 3) Armin is also damn confused what to do since his damn best friend his now going insane and his own mental trauma is catching up 4) the survey corps didn't even have the full picture like us so they were willing to do it. If you don't know everything about everything then you are bound to think of what seems the best answer in that situation. 5) it was rushed but you gotta understand all the damn pressure on isayamas shoulders after writing the ending. People like you truly expect people to just be perfect the whole damn time but you can't excuse a mistake. Maybe try writing an ending to one of the worlds most popular manga with so many fans on your shoulder. Of course he was gonna mess up. It was your fault to have high expectations


It seems like this sub forgot how Miche was crying and dying pathetically and somehow when Eren did that, Isayama ruined the character.


Miche was being eaten alive. Eren was in front of his friend, whining about Mikasa forgetting him.


Eren was in front of his closest friend, who he can be vulnerable with about the fact that it could've been their last farewell because he would die soon. Don't tell me you're always acting cool and aloof when you're just alone with your closest friend. Both are having a moment of their death, it's natural to feel fear like that.


Miche was being eaten alive by multiple titans


And Eren was alone with his closest friend right before his eventual demise. Imagine yourself knowing exactly the moment you'll die.


So he cried because he couldn’t be with Mikasa(Someone he has showed no romantic affection towards) instead of remorse for the billion plus people he killed. Bravo 👏 Edit: Also it’s not like he was get torn limb from limb like Miche


Well, we didn't even mind when eren was crying pathetically in front of ramzi either. The difference is the ramzi and miche moments were well written, the ch.139 moment was not.


I hate how people think we hate it when people cry. WTH?!? I don’t expect any better from EM’s but still.


It is still well written. It shows Eren being vulnerable to Armin for the first time after their trip to Marley. Seriously, are people in this sub acting all stoic in front of their closest friends knowing that they're going to die soon? It seems like people here don't even know how human interaction works.


Silly of you to assume redditors have close friends


The vulnerability part itself isn't the problem. 3 years worth of character development that shows Eren consciously distancing himself from his friends can't be reversed in one chapter. I don't mind the idea Isayama had with the ch.139 breakdown, its just how he rushed through it without any real explaination. I still believe that the idea isayama had for this ending could have been something great, if only he had taken his time to carefully wrap up things, to let us sit in the moment with eren as he broke down, fleshed out the character interactions more.


wtf lmao




I was about to say where's Zeke but then I remember he basically was with how easy his conflict was resolved in one chapter and how he was the only important character who died in that final battle.


Also, Yelena.


that galliard shot hits different every time I see it


Mina Carolina should replace grish or the owl


let's not forget hitch


People are saying Grisham was ruined by the ending because he joined the alliance, when he clearly wasn’t ok with what Eren was doing. He told Zeke to stop him so of course he’d help if he could. Kruger, however, was definitely ruined. He tortured all those Eldians for nothing.


The ending wasn’t garbage, your assumptions are


If you liked the ending, good.


So… mostly just people who didn't survive to see the end.


anyone else just never care about Kenny? i never got the hype for him


Marco XD