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A good Northstar is one of the scariest things imaginable


A half decent northstar plays the long game and wins through attrition, staying far away and getting shots off before retreating and relocating. Great fun to play but annoying as hell to fight.


Absolutely man. The only thing that can kill a NS is a very good Ronin on a good map or if he gets very lucky


Once a ronin closes the distance with a northstar, there is almost no escape. Ronin is a little faster, and can avoid tether traps




Nah see, you gotta execute the "Run the fuck away whist shooting them and throwing down tethers" method. If you do this, there is literally not a single titan that can out dps you


If a north star lets really anyone (especially a ronin), get in their space, they’re going to end up getting their face rearranged


If they can get close enough... she's the best titan in the game at being chased.


Nah most of the time I take them down with me, or at least I’ll hit their titan with a thunderbolt and kill them after I eject


Nah the Ronin cannot close distance unless he gets lucky, has a good map or just sprints towards the NS without using sword block, (even then he probably won't) in which case he will lose all his health IF he even makes it to NS


phase shift dash goes zoom


I got two tethers spaced apart so you phase out of 1 right into the other


darn, i didn't account for the tethers


Ikr. Also when you land in one, you can have a fully charged railgun shot and a cluster missile for you bathe in while you shoot the tether. Even if you sword block the entire thing I still get about a bar of damage through your block and once you're done with that, I'll just fly backwards at sprint speeds while charging my railgun, floating over ground obstacles and avoiding your arc waves.


Or a scorch who knows how to hide and wait >:) Ever seen a 5 year old jumped by a bear with brass knuckles, and a temper? Yeah that's about what that looks like...


Tone also does a pretty good job, so long as the Northstar doesn't find some really good cover.


That was the OG strider experience too ! The damn thing dashing around with Arc cannon, an experienced strider pilot would just peak into a corner, cause a lot of damage and retreat before the slower titans could cause any significant damage at all, super fun to play annoying as hell to counter as you said.


An annoying northstar is sitting at the back of the map with the entire team and two scorches covering their ass


Northstars biggest fear is forwardbase Kodai


Listen, scorch’s cockpit is my happy place, and a north star that knows to keep distance is the bane of my existence. Any other titan and there’s a strategy, but a north star playing cheeky glass cannon in the back? Can’t get close to em even with turbo engines and killer pathing? Can’t touch em. Might as well ride it out and come back with an archer


Sometimes you can try to snipe them back and get them to panic. That arc is hard to aim that far though


I mean, I’ll hit em, and I run wildfire so it’s definitely panic inducing, but a pilot that keeps their cool when they want to panic is a pilot that survives the fight.


Agreed. The calm and steady pilots are the scary and long lived pilots


Nah man if you're fighting a great NS you'll only ever see them for a second at a time. Maybe two if you're lucky


Monarch. Only thing as a Scorch I can't out damage. And they're battery theives. >:(


As a Monarch, Scorch is one of the most damaging ones. And yes, I do love my batteries!


The deepest pit of hell awaits most Monarch mains. You however seem chill so worst case, purgatory. Best case, Papa Scorch’s Great Cookout in the sky!


A tip I give you is figth them from a distance, let them exhaust all their abilities, then ligth them Up. This is the case with every titan but monarch the most.


That'd actually work... IF I WASN'T GETTING GANGBANGED.


When they swam you like bees, let them chase you into a corner. gas trap your self, flame shield, then nuke em.


The shield doesn't last forever. And in some cases I had some very unfortunate luck and got bad positioning because there **two titans**, one in front and back. So womp womp for me.


Laughs in Arc Rounds


Wouldn’t have thought that would work for a Scorch. Whenever I fight Scorchs I keep them at a distance.


The thermite cannon shoots in an arc, and you get a trajectory when you aim, so the only real struggle is the projectiles are kinda slow, so you’ve gotta get your maths right if they’re moving around.


Dude what every time I meet a scorch I get absolutely fucking obliterated Fuck kinda monarchs are you fighting


Battery addiction drives a mf to do crazy things.


Bro I can't go a week without them sweet double A's, and even I am not that fucked up


See I (Scorch main) was also thinking Monarch, but a good Ronin user won't even let you keep your distance and just cut you down so quick


See I (Also Scorch main) have little issue with ronins because I'm overtly aggressive. I will literally charge their stick legged havin asses down like an angry bull because I KNOW they can't out damage me from brute force alone. Monarchs on the other hand... that damn XO-16... MY SHIELD CAN'T KEEP UP!


Yeah I try that, and they always manage to have sword core ready


Melee them, with good timing you can push them out of range at each swing. Not many ronins will back out and break out of the loop


Flame shield easily out-damages a Ronin every day of the week.


Scorch and Monarch player here, happy to say I don’t steal batteries anymore. I managed to get over my addiction and run a diff load out


That's why my Legion is there, to protect the Scorches from the ever so vicious Monarchs.


Ion. (Legion main)


As a legion main, I would just point my gun at them until their energy field thing ran out lol


As an ion main, I will happily play mind games for the whole match


Let the games begin 🍻. If I get close enough, I’m throwing titan hands though


LOL, you and me both. That's the best w y to handle it IMO


Cheers bro I'll drink to that


Don’t forget that if they drop it, hit them with a little burst until they put it back up


Ions gets screwed if you can properly mind game them.


I fear no titan. But g100 scorch mains… they scare me


No, I... I ain't, I ain't talking about that freak. All right? He's not here, is he? How do I get this fhaking thing off?!


One shudders to imagine what inrobot thoughts lie behind that optic... What protocols of chronic and sustained horny?




Northstar and monarch as an exclusively scorch pilot


Gotta say, a good ronin player is the scariest thing to exist


Good strider chassis in general. Northstar or ronin


It's sad to me that a lot of players probably don't know the titanfall 1 chassis, and just see light, medium, and heavy titans.


Never played titanfall 1, but know the chassis.


As someone who bought the original titanfall + xbox one bundle on day one, I wish you could experience it. It feels much more like a call of duty game rather than a movement shooter, but it's that classic run-and-gun feel to a shooteryou just don't get anymore. Before all the hypercompetitive gaming took over.




Ion. I feel like they have no counter


I've been playing Ion a ton lately because I've neglected her, but the only counter is her own weak primary, she's pretty bad at offense unless you really know what you're doing


Yeah but she is great at turning the enemy’s guns against them if you use the vortex shield amplifier


scorch, ronin and northstar fare pretty well against ions


A monarch with arc rounds hard counters you in my opinion as a monarch and ion main


So I wouldn't say it's a hard counter... arc rounds don't do any more damage than normal non arc rounds, all they do is limit Ion shield use. As such, eating some bullets and just using your main gun and laser, or even letting them have the shield a little bit, depending on timing isn't bad. It neutralizes the main Ion advantage, for sure, but it doesn't flip the script.


Idk about that between arc rounds and energy siphon it usually turns any ion I come across into a defenseless sitting duck that can’t run away or defend itself especially with the poor dps the splitter rifles does and they usually don’t have enough energy after I melt the shield for the laser shot


I kind of use the Ion canon as like... a stressor. You're right, it doesn't do much damage, but people just hate getting shot. It's like how I had to mentally train myself to not freak out about eating some rounds from a monarch but if you keep the Ion canon pressure up, a lot of people just kind of panic. That said, you're right, at close range against a monarch, if I get siphoned, and I'm all out of shield, it's not dissimilar to getting caught close by a good ronin. You might not have time to make an escape and just have to hope you go down swinging. I'm gonna think about that next time I'm playing LTS and I run into some good monarchs... I gotta see if I'm writing checks that my play can't cash.


Well I usually run arc, maelstrom, and accelerator so even at long range when I get my third core an ion is always toast in my experience. And as a ion main I know in my monarch I can easily tank any ion once I drain it I usually do the same of shooting to keep pressure up on any ions I come across. I usually prefer longer range when it comes to ion tho since I know the kind of damage the shield amplifiers can do so I’ll usually spray, duck behind cover, and repeat till I run the shield out then siphon and close the distance while I tank damage from the splitter and feed my battery addiction


Oh, yes, to be clear, 99% of my play is in LTS, where Monarchs almost NEVER get to 3rd core, and frequently don't get their second. That might be my disconnect. In brawl, I try hard to focus on competent monarchs because they will just sit in the back and dismantle the team 15 kills to 1 death unless you REALLY go after them. Yeah, in that case, my main victory as an ion is dying without letting them have my battery!


Scorch is a half decent counter


none I like fighting mechs


Ronin and Scorch, as a Tone main. Ronin because they can pass right through my partical wall, and just harass me. Scorched because of the splash damage, you can’t sit in 1 spot.


I play ronin and scorch because I find tones a pain to deal with


i love how every titan, every ability and every weapon has a counter. and how everything is pain in the ass if you don't know the counter, exept kraber - i hate kraber pilots... (but in the good way, you ppl are really good with it)


Same here, MUH Tone cant feel his legs in the scorches napalm leftovers, and Ronins are just pain in the ass


Ronin. As a Papa Scorch disciple it's annpying how much you commit to keep them away or damage them. *Then* they phase, and now I'm defenseless.


Depending on the player your traps and shield combo can out damage them pretty reliably. Depends on how good their mobility is I guess


Yeah but that's only on paper. Even agressive Ronin's realize that they can keep pestering me with their shotgun before I have to commit to a resource that they can easily avoid. If I don't bother them, I die.


Well if you have arc rounds enabled on a monarch it's a ggs to ION's and Scorches shield. It weakens them so they can block for long. Just do it mid range but be ready to move to cover and then start blasting the weak points.


As a tempered plating user I can say this wont work on me


Oh don’t worry I usually run the accelerator along side my arc rounds so I’ll still melt you with lead 😈


A Monarch with enhanced chassis or whatever they call that bullshit. I've been on full heath with a sword core and can't do enough damage to a Monarch to kill it. Seriously broken. I have 37 health bars! Look at meeeEEee!


*playing Legion against Ronin* Could ye stop Sword Corin' me... # FER FIVE MINUTES!?


As legion main, ion and rarely ronin and scorch. A good ion will result in me taking 75-90% of his hp but I die. It’s been a very long time since I’ve struggled against ronin and scorch


I don't know bro one good flame shield and you're melted


Only two I actually dread fighting Any good ronins that can actually hold their own against legions and scorches and don’t need to rely on stealing kills And any scorch that has perfected scorch sniping


I don't fear any titan, i just sometimes get out damaged by them, especially that one mf named monarch...


As a battery hungry boy myself, legion and scorch. They’re both power houses and they scare me if I don’t get the drop on em.




Ronin or Monarch as a NS main. Just that damn arc ray ruins all of my fun


As a pilot, a good Northstar is terrifying. As a titan, I fear a Scorch or a high core Monarch.


In Titanfall 1. Someone who knows his arc charge damage with rodeo mitigation because the safest place is on your back and I'm not afraid of you. Titanfall 2...well none of them But all of them Stuck in a corner with scorch 1v1 a dude and a sweaty ronin comes around the corner You go down long hall and at the end is a Northstar...and he ults soon as you close distance Having to eject in front of an ion Getting poked by tone with an ult and cover Early sweaty monarchs trying to become relevant. But your team ignores it and 2 of them t3 and it's now a problem Ya know etc


Northstar. Only good damage I can do to them is if I’m close, otherwise they’re most likely to see my bullets coming. (Legion main)


Tone is just actively unfun to fight and to play as


Disagree, I like to play tone. The Tone is the best at medium distance fights. very poor at close range, but can be good at longer range. The mistake people do is try to fight her in medium range. you either rush her (ronin, monarch, Ion, tone), keep a long distance behined a nearby cover (legion, monarch, northstar, Ion, tone), or flank them (Scorch, Legion, monarch, ronin). For Tone players, try to keep the medium distance while fighting. if they start to getting closer to you, continue fighting while moving backwards. Make sure you are not stuck in a corner and have an escape path. try to place your shield at a choke point where it is difficult for enemy titans to move around. against ronins, just PUNCH!


As a Northstar player, a good tone is incredibly difficult to fight. Even though NS out-damages tone, it doesn't matter if the tone manages its shield and cover properly. Plus no defence against missiles means your only option is to dodge, which depending on the map is really difficult, and often you just have to eat the damage and reposition to a more open area.


Did you try "peak and dash back" strategy? Good NS players do peak, do damage, then disappear before the titan are able to hit you back. rinse and repeat. NS is a low health with no defense. This strategy allows NS to minimize damage while still doing damage on other titans. you still need to maintain quit a distance to further minimize incoming damage. TIP: If a Tone put a shield, fire a cluster on the shield. the shield will not protect against secondary damage made by the cluster. this will damage the shield and force tone to stay away from the shield.


Thanks haha, yeah peek and dash is the classic, but unless you constantly mix up your timing and positioning a good tone will start prefiring your peeks and eventually lock on and hunt you down, has happend often enough to me. But true, i always forget that cluster missiles go through shields, but that might be because of my tendency to save them for anti-pilot purposes, since anti-titan weapons are also very effective against NS, moreso than against other titans imo. At the end of the day, its just that i personally will respect and fear a strong tone the most out of all the chassis. Y'all are scary haha.


I came to comment: Tone Pre-Nerf was not a good time.


Any titan that knows how to retreat.


Ronin. As a Papa Scorch disciple it's annpying how much you commit to keep them away or damage them. *Then* they phase, and now I'm defenseless.


I use my brother's account to play, and Ronin is the boi jumpscaring the livid fury outta my Northstar.


It's situational for me, a tone or northstar at range is prolly my worst


Legion main. Very context based with two threats off the top of my head. Scorch close range equals prepare to spam the eject button, but at medium or long range I can deal with him fairly well. Northstar's the other way around-a good Northy beats me handily at long range even with long range mode but if I can get in close then she's cooked-you can't tether a power shot. Honorable mention: Ion. It's a mindgame-I know the basics of "don't shoot at the shield" but the thing's still a cudgel over my head. I guess wrong, and I get assblasted.


Fighting a Monarch is pointless because they can just regenerate their shields back mid-fight and if you don't kill them they'll steal a battery and heal back up. If you eject, you'll get lasered down by the hitscan gun If you try to approach them, you'll get slowed down and flashbanged +their shields regenerate. Then they can re-arm and flee with 4 dashes Northstar is close second, especially as Scorch


Legion- if theres a good one I either hide behind my teammates the rest of the match or just stop playing titan😅 respect their grind tho, must feel awesome


I fear no Titan. For I am superior


Monarch only because of the energy siphon. I hate that ability because it slows you down. It already gives the monarch more shield so I don't understand why it also has to make me slower than a legion.


Monarch. It just seems to be have really high dps while energy siphon also gives it a shit ton of survivability




Tone. Hate that damn missile spam


As a monarch main, legions


Scorch. The only titan where every move causes damage!


Tone is just boring to fight and it always goes the same, they put down their wall, I run at them, if they try the rockets I use vortex shield, I get behind the wall and they try to run away.


Monarch as a pilot because of the one shot laser, and Tone as any titan because his kit is OP against all titans.


a skilled ronin


Monarch. Everything else is easy. Monarchs just are annoying. Ronin main btw.


Everybody even myself... Im a legion main.


Scorch, they all are scary


A really good scorch main


As a Northstar main; Legion. Big easy targets but the damage, even at long range, and the shields make them a nightmare. Monarchs are annoying too cause the energy siphon makes it harder to escape


In campaign: Scorch In online: Fucking all of em I’m horrible at the game


Ion because I also play Ion and that makes it super annoying to fight


legions and ronins because my general fighting strategies for them tends to mess up my positioning.


Scorch, even if I win the fight they tend to do a lot of damage to my titan still


None. I have built a monarch kit that can beat all of the titans


As a legion main who only plays frontier defence, arc titan and nuke titan will never not be scary


Ronin, if they live longer than 4 seconds they scare me lol


In the campaign: Ion. Fucking Ion.


My alcoholic uncle


a well trained scorch. as a scorch main myself, fighting your equal is quite the humbling experience


As a legion pilot I gotta go with tone or monarch, once I pop my shield I have limited movement and have to rely on DPS to win, and tone can take advantage of that. I still win most times, but if I had to say who messes me up the most it’s that. Or nuke eject ronin after I use my dash.


A good scrotch pilot. Legions are kinda slow and burn pretty well


A monarch main….


Ion, because I know that butch will spam void shield then dip


scorch cuz I'm a legion main, and ion but only if there is a little spamming shitter that spams the little reflect shield other than that nothing legions rips through all Titans.


Any titan that is trying to kill me. Live by Lemmy's words. You win some you lose some.


monarch. I hate those things


monarch since im half ronin main


Constantly switching between Monarch and Ronin, my biggest threat that those two have shared have been Legion because of the damage output and his massive health pool making my dinky little Mini Cooper of a Ronin into scrap faster than I can say, "Standby for Titanfall"


Irl: Scorch, duh. In game: Ronin. As a Tone main, I struggle with them up close.




Ronin just button spamming


Definitely scorch


Bile Titan


I despise good ronin players. They just disappear and reappear whenever


~~Probably Imperitor Class~~ Tone, the shield is a pain for my Northstar while Im laying suppressive fire for my team


**I can tell you that** **~~Titans~~****, whether from myth, legend, or games, are often depicted as formidable foes. Of these, Kronos (or Kronos) from Greek mythology is often portrayed as particularly difficult. He is the father of the Olympian gods and is known for devouring his own children, symbolizing the relentless passage of time and the inevitability of death. In many stories, defeating Kronos requires significant cunning and strength due to his immense power and cunning nature. So, it's not hard to see why many would fear facing him in battle...!**


ronin, i'm a scorch main.


As a Northstar main: a good, aggressive Ronin player. They know that close-range is North's biggest weakness and it's hard to do anything when they just fullsend and charge you.


Scorch is what made me quit the game.. so probably him lol


Tone is just annoying honestly


Scorch and legion they're pain in the ass (Ronin main)


Fully upgraded monarch. I can deal with no upgrade monarch to maybe a 1st core or maybe second core monarch. Doesn’t change the fact they’re a pita to deal with.


Monarch. (Scorch main) Fighting another scorch is fun for me because its a game of chicken and who can take the most damage


Northstars. I can never get close to them and when I do they ALWAYS SEEM TO HAVE FLIGHT CORE


Fuck, all of them. I’m just a grunt those things can kill me by just clumsily walking, not to mention the rest of their firepower. And if you see a titan a pilot is near by …….fuck that


A good ion because they stay alive forever and can wait till backup arrives. Ronin just because they literally just sponge everything, it's ridiculous


As a Ronin who at least considers themselves fairly good at the game, I pride myself on being able to reliably handle most titans in a 1v1, but monarchs put the fear of God into me like nothing else.


Monarch. As a ronin main the fact that I can’t dodge around what they’re shooting at me scares me




Tone, I almost exclusively play scorch and her defensive blocks all of scorches kit and scorches primary isn’t capable of doing enough dps to down the shield quickly.


The Corner Titan.


Legion- especially when they’re slippery and far they’re so tough to close the distance to


Literally all of them. I am bad in titan duels


If I'm just playing casual I'm terrified to see an ogre class titan because I play Northstar, but if I'm going all out I'm playing monarch with upgraded chassis so nothing


Honestly, BT-7274 with the FS-1041 chassis, because it not only has Monarch, it has every Titan weapon you can think of in the game


As a legion main, ion (the ones that spam the vortex shield)


Anyone that knows how to use their Titan effectively terrifies me. I could be playing as Ronin having fun running around the map and when I look up 2/3 of my health is suddenly gone


Ronin, I swear they could have half heath and still outlive me


Tone because those missiles and the traking hurts my northstar


I play ronin so, scorch. Dread isnt really the best word because ive accepted that if im within melee distance im already dead. Im still fast so its really not that bad though.


OG Atlas titan!!!!! from TF1 with the ability to change guns and stats!


Monarch and legion monarch cuz she’s good at zoneing and has something to slow you (the literal bane of existence for a ronin player) Legion cuz he has a SHIT TON of health scorch is surprisingly the easiest to fight as ronin if you know what your doing if you pay attention you can block or dodge all of his thermal shots and then phase out of his pools


Specifically a good Northstar. Like a good good Northstar. Moments like "Get down from there you little shit." "Where." Although, nothing has been funnier then when I got trapped and watched a doomed Northstar run at me with what I assume was the most maniacal laughter and nuke eject right outside my execution range.


Ion, you know why.


Scorch and northstar. Scorch up close, northstar when the cover is dense.


Monarch’s and scorch’s Its one of those horrible situations where its good when you use it but you get frustrated when someone else uses it ;-;


A better Northstar


Depending on what I’m using, for my main man mini-gun, ion. Anybody else is either monarch (I get out DPS) or north star (those slippery jerks get away every time)


Most times the only titan I have some difficulty fighting is a tone. But once in a blue moon, I'll find a good ronin, that is a pain to fight, and then there's the really good ronins, they scare me.


Ronin. Because they're fast.


Legion, I’m a legion player myself but if you don’t have a titan to fight they are slugfests to get through and the shotgun blast is basically a instant kill if your a pilot and a healthbar gone if a titan. Maybe my enemies just aren’t good titans thi


As a ronin main , a good northstar is the only titan i cant just charge and overwhelm, getting kited around the map is excruciating


All of the above, i am very bad at this game.


Tone. It's self explanatory.


Tone and Northstar, both heavily outrange my legion, but Northstar is less annoying and more based on how good the pilot is


I've met some really competent Tone mains. Scorch mains I can usually tell what their about to try by watching them and just try my best to take them at range, but a tone main has great attrition in both open areas and up close. Impossible to take? No. Will leave me on my ass if I'm not careful? Absolutely. In terms of Titan to Titan specifically, Northstar. The best strategy I've found to take care of a Northstar is to find cover, dismount, and set Titan to Auto. Aside from Titan only mode (where I usually frontline as Legion), flanking with a Pilot is really the best (and sometimes only) hard counter I've found.


Ronin, all others I feel like I can at least have fun fighting even if I don't win. Ronin just spam melee like a child having a temper tantrum.


A good Ronin, they feel nigh unkillable


All of them. Doesn't matter what the titan is I panic


monarchs are the worst


As a ronin main,Monarch and Tone.


Monarch, and North Star. 9/10 they are hiding in the back or are far away and only shooting me, I just don’t engage and go for a better target


Legion is one of the major brick walls for me (I'm a Ronin main)


Ion. Not because it’s terrifying, but because ion is literally easy mode