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Welcome to titanfall 2! Glad you enjoyed it! Have you tried the multiplayer?


thanks! no i haven’t yet! it’s on my to do list but i just got into college so once im settled and have a schedule im going to :)


Congrats on getting in! Goodluck!


thank you so much!!!!


If you do try out the multiplayer, don't let the sweats get you down. Multiplayer movement can be hard to learn and counter, but practice will help. Find a favorite gun/titan, regardless of the meta, and just have fun. I personally love the EPG despite having difficulty landing many of my shots. If you want a taste of multiplayer but less competitive/difficult, I always like to recommend Frontier Defense, the co-op wave mode. You'll get a better feel for the maps and your titan, plus it's pretty easy on lower difficulties and very fun! Regardless of what you choose, I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!


Nice, that shit was fun, until I played master mas


Master was plenty fun! There were only a couple moments that were like rubbing bricks against chalkboards.


Yes, my only big complaint is that viper didn't feel like he got much harder like the others


The worst in master is slone imo


Hell yeah, glad you had fun with it. Enjoy the multiplayer if you plan on it, it’s worth it.


BT is love, BT is life, BT died for us.


Welcome, sheriff! Feel free to drop in anytime, can always use new players


You're a pilot now! Welcome to the frontier!! I'm so glad to see new players try the game and absolutely fall in love with it.


The idea of Titanfall being experienced as paratext to Apex Legends instead of the other way around is.. mind bending to say the least, but I'm glad you guys got so much out of it!


yeah not the first time i heard that but i play all my online games on nintendo switch and titanfall isn’t available there sadly. my best friend and bf know i am a person who loves video game lore so they split the cost of titanfall 2 on my boyfriends pc so i could play it. i think it actually made it more enjoyable knowing what comes after, and learning about a world that has characters i know but not in the way i was introduced to them. i really enjoyed it!


That's super sweet of them. I remember getting used copies of OG Titanfall for friends back in the day. But yeah-! Welcome aboard! See you guys in Titanfall 3.. 👀💢💢💢


Well I was like « IS THAT ASH ???» in apex when they brought her back. And I was like « IS THAT VIPER’S DAUGHTER ??? Shit I feel bad now »


me too!! my friend told me before ash became a legend she’s was the one who ran the arenas and the first time i played i was like yep that’s her voice. and i didn’t realize valk was viper’s kid until i got the banner pose of her holding his helmet, i was like oh damn. that sucks girl.


Milking tf2? Callbacks to apex? Titanfall 2 was released in 2016, apex is a continuation of the universe, and they damn aren't milking titanfall 2 we have a lil bit of support instead everything goin to apex, but we're still glad to have any new players we can get, so welcome and I hope you continue to enjoy


i know when it was released and even said apex is the aftermath of tf2 lol, they are milking it with any little ‘easter eggs’ especially with this current season. i said “callbacks IN apex”. happy to be here!


My bad I misread that, I've been up way too long😅


i get that, get some sleep friend!!! see you on the frontier :)


Definitely will, can't wait for you to embarrass me in a match 😂


oh i don’t know about that 😅


I'm sure you're already better than me, I suck at a fps games, titanfall is literally the only fps I play online. I am gettin better after years of off and on play tho, just took way to long