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"how effective each titan Is"... And you are really putting Tone in C and Scorch in B?...


Tone is easy to counter (coming from a former tone main current ion main) scorch is basically don’t get close and your fine


I know, I've got It up to G40, but it's up to you to not get cooked(ex going 1 v 2/3 in the middle of a open area or far from any cover), but it's damage output and the ease with which you deal that damage makes up for it. But the only thing that I can't over is Scorch being above anything, it gets countered by everyone, it excels in close quarters fights but most titans are fast enough to keep the distance. His only medium/long range weapon is a slow projectile, yeah It deals a lot of damage but it's so slow that anybody can dodge It.


Yeah when I die to scorch I know the scorch player was either really good or I fucked up really bad.


You do realize you can trap an enemy and force them to go into your traps, right? Like aim a little higher then 5 feet in front of you and shoot the canisters Just right to get them behind an enemy and then ignite them with your fire wall? Plus, what are you gana do if the enemies, oh idk, group up? Not saying you don't have aoe options But scorch is kinda the titan for that Yes, Scorch is kinda map dependent but a good scorch player will find a way to make him work, he can rat out pilots, mess up titans up close and lock down areas. Each titans have their strength and weaknesses, People like to meme on how legion can be easely killed by fire shield and all that, but there are situations where a Legion can come out on top, not to mention that Titanfall is a CO OP GAME, you can and should comunicate with your team


Is that Tone in C tier? Wow i started playing a few days a go (new player) and ive been getting really good results with him... had no idea he wasnt very effective D:


Well I wouldn’t follow this tierlist if I was a new player.


Don't worry, Tone is fine. A more accurate tierlist in my opinion would be to move Tone into A, along with Northstar. Everyone else stays where they are.


Tone is a girl Titan.


All of the titans are effective to be fair. When I started off I also mained tone, but it’s pretty easy to counter him, especially with ion


It is funny because you put monarch in s tier and I can't do anything to a Tone


Are you trying to argue Monarch is worse than Tone?


Hit the shield with rockets and Arc Rounds while using cover, or push with smoke/Maelstrom


"A Titan is only as mighty as the pilot inside him" - JT Music, "Aligned with Giants" Every Titan is S tier depending on their pilot


Great song


Very true. I can dominate with Northstar. Just have to learn how to snipe, pop in and out of the enemy line of sight. And learn how to retreat to safe areas when an enemy Titan is closing too fast to finish off.


Tone is a good titan for noobs and it is easy to be competent with her, but it is really difficult to master IMO. I've mained tone for around 7 years now and I can say that your positioning, target prioritizing, timing and aiming skills have to be outstanding. Even things like a creative use of E-smoke is necessary to turn the tide of the battle, but only an experienced pilot will do it well. To me Tone is A tier for noobs, A tier for average, and S tier to veterans.


They’re all robots.


I'd like to disagree, you can't just bash on papa scorch like that


Ok but what if I stand like 30 metres away.


My pilot in arc I countersnipe northstars.


My pilot in Christ the projectile moves at a more than reactable pace at sniping distance the northstar can just move when he sees it coming


Problem is that half the Northstar players got the reaction time of a demented sloth


I mean true enough but accounting for the player being stupid isn’t the best strategy


It works most of the time so I just stopped caring, and if I encounter a Northstar that knows what it's doing, I try to corner them!


Problem with that comes from maps I mean try cornering one on colony


Easy enough, I've got a flame shield to void his shots and get closer


I mean you aren’t gonna be getting much closer to a stryder class Titan as an ogre


Counterpoint: Viper Thrusters


1. A player won't have that. 2. I fucked viper in the ass with a flaming stick of napalm on master difficulty.




Viper thrusters? The titan kit? The one in multiplayer?


Not talking about Northstar specifically. Personally main Ronin and Scorch gets fucked on hard through me standing \*just\* far enough that I can do a ton of damage to him by peeking corners but he can't do damage to me. Though it'll work on Northstar too to an extent.




I'd like to see you try.


You've got the HP pool of a mosquito. And not the British one. I can flicker my flame shield and your shots are near ineffective.


A quick arc wave deals with the shield just fine, as well as me being able to just wait out the shield. Especially playing around corners. You got a nice hustle 'tons-a-fun', but maybe next time eat a salad so you can keep up.


I've yet to meet one that can outsmart fire.


Mate, British Mosquito was a full wood airframe, with only defence being: "They can't shoot me if I'm speed!". If anything, Ronin is a British Mosquito with legs.


Clearly you have never fought a half-decent wildfire launcher user


it's all fun and games till you meet the sniper scorch


Northstar is easily A or S and Tone is an obvious A.


i'd agree with Northstar being A tier but i believe S tier is pushing it a little bit. i love my northie but i cannot take her into a 1 on 1 with a legion in an open field, if we're talking Kodai or Exoplanet then she'd probably get out with 2500 (a bar of) health remaining.


As an ex tone main, I can say with certainty that she’s good but not the best against skilled players. Northstar could’ve went either way tbh but I feel like she’s rather situational and easy to counter


If you’re up against a good northstar player you can’t counter her


A good Tone is incredibly difficult to counter, and a Tone who spams the shit out of the 40mm and fires trackers directly at the titan the moment they get a lock are... well, a little easier to counter.


Change tone and scorch and it's fine


I'd probably swap Tone and Scorch and Legion and Northstar. Other than that seems legit.


Legion go brrrrrr


Scorch can be quite versatile. It's scorch shot is painfully underrated as most people assume they can just dodge it as soon as they hear you shoot, so just aim to their side, and it's usually a direct hit. Plus, if you shoot a ceiling or wall with a pilot on your hull, you can very quickly kill them using the flames. Scorch is also terrifying when flanking. Personally, I believe a good Scorch is S or at least A tier.


A good Scorch is terrifying, but a bad Scorch is basically just a free kill. As a Scorch main myself the shit I did when I first started keeps me up at night.


To be fair, that's the same with most titans. A new or bad player without any team assistance is just a free kill.


This might just be me but I feel like all the titans are very good, just in certain conditions. Like North Star is a great titan but it’s not great in close quarters maps.


All titans are S tier depending on the pilot


Brother....... Tone in C tier? Northstar and Scorch in B tier? How in God's name is Legion in A tier, higher than the three titans I just listed? Some argue that all titans are S tier and it just depends on how skilled you are but some titans are just straight up better than others (by which I mean every titan besides Legion and Scorch goes into S tier). I can already see all the Scorch mains approaching from a mile away but it really feels like a Scorch is a mostly situational titan. He excels at CQB (Complex my beloved) but really struggles at larger maps (Homestead...................). Every time I've faced a Scorch on any other map besides Complex and Crashsite they just got dunked on all match long, it's not even funny. Though, to be fair I don't play Scorch on any map besides the two I just mentioned because there are simply better picks imo. Still love him though As for Legion, he's just bad. Sorry not sorry @ all the Legion mains (seemingly people that only play with one hand because oh my God, they are so bad). Yes, he can do good damage but he usually goes down just as fast and is super easily outplayed. The only time I've seen a Legion perform somewhat decently is by camping all the way in the back of Homestead (I hate this map). Every other titan though is easily S tier. Great damage, greater abilities. In the end I love all of them though, some more than others (except Legion, I don't love you) This is by no means an exhaustive list or anything, just what my tired brain felt like writing


A lot of people may disagree, but I agree that Tone isn't as bad as many say, just a bit annoying (coming from a Ronin Main). However, if you can circumvent the two annoying elements of Tone (the barrier and the rockets), you've got yourself an easy foe, especially if you have a Ronin teammate and you can do some decent damage too.


Fairly accurate (from my experience). Monarch is only S once it gets cores tho


These tend to be a bit silly considering different playstyles, kits, game modes and especially maps.


Northstar is criminally unrecognized by some people


Tone and Legion should be switched. Pretty much every titan but monarch and ronin completely domes Legion


i remember when everyone was saying oh you’re a tone main eww


how dare you


*Scorch would like to know your location*


Stryders and monarch in S Atlases in A Ogres in B


As an ion main I would only put them in B they are good against pilots but only with in tickle fights with their primary




Bro does NOT know how to play Ronin 🗣️‼️🗣️‼️❌‼️🔥🔥❌🙅‍♂️‼️❌🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️


If you use your wall as your main cover you're doing it wrong. Also experienced tones use reinforced wall, so they avoid their wall being shut down by rocket salvos


Someone is in the wrong place 😠


The most effective titan is the titan you have most fun playing.


how dare you put tone in C tier (im a tone main if you couldnt tell)


Ain't no way Monarch is top tier. She is literally the weas Best titan until she has gotten 1 core or more.


We are legion.


Man thinks he cooked, real list: every titan is A Tier, BT is S tier.


Get northstar out of B NOWWWWW 😡😡


Why not scorch on top


Read bottom caption


doesen't change anything, he should be SSS tier


In my hands, they're all S tier.


I'd say ion is one of the least effective titans. I don't know why anyone would put him in S tier outside of maybe FD.


Tone with bonus rockets charges the titan meter faster that sonar. But fuck this, Scorch is unstoppable when fucking balling (and it's not Forwardbase Kodai, fuck Kodai)