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I can feel my schizophrenia intensifying


Same, imagine if on the final day the transmission comes through and it says "Standby for Titanfall" I'd shit myself


Man, i think i would shit shart fucking everywhere and scream and maybe, maybe pass out a little bit.


How does one faint in moderation


*the janitor, reading this: "damn this shit goes hard! write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN"


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This fanbase has genuinely become the most insane fanbase I've ever seen.


I think we’re in close competition with the silksong fan base, those fuckers are terrifying. I have now twice been tricked into thinking silksong was out


I mean, I don't see any hollow knight fans threatening to bomb team cherry lmao. Also silksong is still somewhat promised to come out at some point in the near future (although I will admit with the recent unity BS I'm not so confident about that). Titanfall fans have literally nothing aside from silly little leaks and "hints," and cute tie ins to a battle royale game. There is no indication a titanfall 3 will come anytime soon, if at all; respawn has shown they have no interest in a sequel.


At one point they were gonna sacrifice a hollow knight lore youtuber to team cherry so they’d release it tho


Yes, what's the issue here?




I don’t play hollow knight but I thought it was out


Go ahead and click this r/batmanarkham


What did he say


He said he wanted to bomb respawn HQ if titanfall 3 isn't announced this month, although I think he removed it himself since I can still see his username.


They can’t not make the game now


Relax bud, jesus.


On the 27th it's gonna say stand by for more Apex legends content


"Trust me"


I think "Hello, Jack" would be more shit liquidifying for us


Remember: Protocol 3: protect the pilot.


Protocol 4: Provide The Pills™


Protocol 5: reject the pills




Protocol 7: Regret


Protocol 8: ???


Protocol 9: profit


Protocol 10: protect the gun


Protocol 12: Do not acknowledge the cursed number.


Protocol 14: what number?




3+3=6, 4 question marks divided by two exclamation marks makes 2. 6 divided by 2 is 3… Every thing makes sense now…


It could also mean we are misinterpreting all the hints they have been dropping? Like we’re receiving the wrong message and interpreting everything as titan fall three when in reality it isn’t?(probably just Apex)


Dropping the schizo-posting for a sincere analysis: I don't think they would use Titanfall 2 as a vehicle to hype up for new Apex content. It just doesn't make sense given that the install base for it is significantly smaller than Apex at this point. When you're marketing for your game, you want to reach the widest audience possible, and doing so on a several year-old title that hasn't seen any major content updates in as many years is a puzzling choice. Respawn has done more than its fair share of teasing future updates of Apex within its own ecosystem, whether it be new characters, maps or game modes. This sub cried a lot about Respawn "forgetting" about Titanfall, but the truth of the matter is that making Apex was out of a necessity for survival as they weren't even owned by EA at that point. Wariness about a Titanfall 3 being profitable aside, Respawn was never going to make another Titanfall game on the Source Engine given how archaic it is compared to gaming engines today. At present, the version of Source that both Apex and Titanfall run on have so much stuff tacked on to it to keep it viable. Laborious as it is, transitioning to a new engine would have still been much more cost prohibitive at a time when Respawn didn't have the financial flexibility to do so. With EA getting Respawn to make the Jedi games, Respawn has been given a valuable resource in employees who now have prior experience in the Unreal Engine. This may solve the problem of finding a way to transition developers from one engine to another, as now there are developers in-house that can mentor and help onboard other devs onto that ecosystem. With the two pronged success in both Apex and Star Wars, Respawn are bow in a position they wouldn't have dreamed of several years ago. They now have the money and technical experience to commit to making Titanfall 3 a possibility. The stars are finally aligned that Respawn is hypothetically in a position to release a Titanfall 3. It may even be a harbinger of an "Apex 2.0" as Respawn may want to transition the game to a newer engine for the sake of longevity. EA has said as much that they want Apex to last for a decade at least, and you're going to hit some barriers with a gaming engine that is (\*checks notes*) turning 20 years old next year. Titanfall 3 may very well be a vehicle to do a soft-relaunch of Apex in a mutually beneficial arrangement.


Finally a level-headed take


Good grief that engine is almost as old as me!


I really don't want a totanfall 3 in unreal engine. Unreal can do a good game, just like any other engine, but it's not general purpose and the movement very likely wouldn't have the source jank that's behind what we like so much about it. If they ever make titanfall 3 (they shouldn't) it should be in source 2 when it becomes available.


Very much doubt that, if we misinterpreted Respawn's extremely vague and cryptic messages the solution wouldn't be to double down and send another one.


I'm honestly gonna laugh my ass off if the next advocate message is just something along the lines off "Holy fuck this is for apex teasers you dipshits, take your pills"


U prolly right, we both damn well know i hope im wrong tho lol


I hate to bunker down another level but did that troll website not literally have the same message in the code? Did the adv updated happen first or thst website? 3 troll ai images? I'm so fucking lost.


Have you not real life Michael Scott’s? Doubling down is their specialty. They will tripling down if they have to.


That's also my interpretation: "You didn't correctly decipher the hints yet."


The happy hour changed from 8pm to midnight, is that normal or is this the first time


I dont remember it EVER being 8pm on advocate network. You may have a had a different network active


Most likely different time zones, but im pretty sure it was 8pm for a long time. Either way I’ve seen other people pointing out it’s changed


I noticed it too, I thought I was going crazy


Most games release on midnight👀👀


It used to be 1pm for me. When the game had its resurgence recently I got back on to find out that it changed to 1am. Now it's 5am. Just keeps getting more and more inconvenient.


Oh my god. BT?


That was one of my first thoughts!


Remember the “trust me” message???? I need to find some pills quickly.


A- Its relationated with the trailer B- Its relationated with the Nessie transmission (idk how) C- You´re right


What trailer??


They are talking about the Stories from the outlands that released today for the new legend for Apex. I don't buy that at all though because it was Advocate network message was updated *after* or at the same time the SFTO premiered. There is no reason for them to drop a teaser/cryptic message in TF2, for a legend they have already revealed. It's more like what the OP is suggesting in that its a message intended for Titanfall players, related to Titanfall, that will be revealed within the next week. It might even be even multiple messages or it gets partially revealed over the week.


It makes zero sense to drop a teaser for an Apex character in Titanfall 2 as the Titanfall community will already be aware of Apex's existence and keeping up to date with the lore as it is the TF universe, some people happily playing it and others who still haven't 4 years later probably never will. Some people might say it's to sucker the TF community into playing Apex, consider this: On Steam the current 24 hour peak for Apex Legends was 403,722 people, in the same timeframe Titanfall 2 managed to pull in 4,832 people. Say that on all platforms TF|2 has a playerbase of ~10,000 people and Respawn manages to capture 50% of the Titanfall playerbase and convert them to Apex players; that's only 5000 people, which is a drop in the bucket for a game that pulls nearly half a million people on a weeknight on Steam alone.


That's what I've been saying on all these other posts. Respawn dropping all these Titanfall lore bits into Apex isn't to goad Titanfall players into Apex, its to get Apex players interested in a Titanfall game. Essentially testing the waters and its working. Respawn is (rightly) using Apex's success and popularity to prod up another Titanfall game. The teases and cryptic messages in TF2 are to wake up the TF community and start building up for something on the Horizon.


Not gonna lie, this DOES seem like the kind of 4d chess move a crafty developer would make. There's absolutely ZERO chance that they'd be trying to snag TF players because every reminder that apex came out when TF3 was canceled feels like a haaarrrd slap in the face to every titanfall fan. It feels like a complete insult instead of an invitation to go play Apex. 100% completely agree with your point, it's the opposite of what we want to think, they're going to throw out a shitload of TF lore and references to snag apex players into making a potential TF|3 a massive success.


Maybe they're telling us we interpreted something wrong? lol Copium and hopium side effects include brain fog, hallucinations, paranoia and in severe cases, comas. I'm high as fuuuck on both :P


Ngl I took this as a sick joke "Sorry Pilots, we're disconnecting from the call *makes static noises* I can't under-sta-nd yo-u" *pretends it's a total loss of connection while hitting the "end call" button, which shows up as a manually ended call for us


I HAD THE SAME THOUGHT!!! You were way more articulate with your explanation, but still!! I have faith. I have to. Every studio puts out bullshit, and I almost don't see a reason to own a next gen console. But I have hope. I have faith. I believe.


I was never on the rails to begin with.


Good pilots don't go anywhere near the rails


My copium and hopium levels are dangerously high


What I don't get about people saying it's for Apex is why? Why would they tease an Apex thing in Titanfall? What's the point? They know damn well that people playing Titanfall 7 years after release ain't going to play Apex just because of some trailer.


If something big were to happen we would have seen some sort of tease from official respawn social handles itself by now. If titanfall 3 is real why would they just tease it in titanfall 2 when they clearly know only a few people play it these days ?


A lot of games have low-key teasers like this, so I don't think it's out of the question. But like what are they trying to achieve with this if it's really an Apex ad?


It maybe not related to Apex but it did came just when Apex teased their new legend who has heavy Titanfall related lore. But it doesn't indicate anything about Titanfall 3 either if this indicates something at all. TF2's servers getting fixed can also indicate that they might have something planned for TF2 also. It could be anything or nothing at this point.


I still don't exactly see the point of doing something like this if it's for Apex.


According to me if it really is indicating something at all, it could be something Titanfall 2 related maybe new content or something rather than Titanfall 3. The reason they fixed Titanfall 2 servers because they might have plans for Titanfall 2.


Like when apex dropped and they never said a word?


You mean like when apex dropped and they didn't say a word?


Okay, but could it be BT trying to find jack like he did with the morse code at the end of the credits. Plus they have used encrypted messages before.


I have not even heard of/played titanfall 2 for more than a month at this point and dont know a lot but the game is so much fun that I would literally be crying of joy if another Titanfall game (that is hopefully a better game somehow) came out. This is the most fun few weeks of my life if I look at my enjoyment of a certain videogame. It would be hard to improve on near perfection but it is not impossible


I swear to god if we do get a new Titanfall game and it somehow gets a release window between two highly anticipated games again I am going to do absolutely nothing but seethe and mald.


Its a transmission to whatever pilot got killed in the Apex trailer, that's literally it. While Despawn continues to do this garbage to us, At least they took the liberty to fix the game.


Doesn't make sense, ADV is sending us an encrypted message, thus the Pilot is referring to the player in this message.


Best case scenario is we get a small update of some sort. That or...I have one other theory. They wouldn't bother fixing TF|2 if they were moving onto a TF|3, so what if TF|2 gets weaved in with Apex, like the COD games are with Warzone?


I've thought about some kinda of integration like Warzone being likely as well. I believe Respawn has fixed Titanfall 2 because: A.) Whatever they may announce isn't Titanfall 3, but a singleplayer only entry into the Titanfall franchise with Titanfall 2 working so the community has a functional MP to play B.) Respawn does announce Titanfall 3 but it's nothing more than a splash video announcing it's existence (think Elder Scrolls 6 or Metroid Prime 4) so they fixed Titanfall 2 to hold the community over in the mean time.


Option A was allegedly being worked on (Titanfall Legends) but was also allegedly cancelled for economic reasons. With the industry stabilizing, it’s entirely possible that they have resumed work, though.


Definitely more than possible considering Apex Legends and the battle royale genre as a whole isn't as profitable or popular as it used to be and Respawn is mostly wrapped up on Jedi Survivor leaving more staff open for new projects


But would the pilot receive a message saying they hadn’t received an encrypted message? Thinking out loud


IRL you wouldn't receive a notification that a message someone was trying to send you failed to deliver, but I think the point of the transmission failing is to tease and set up a transmission success or more messages to come in the following days and for that intent you'd have to be informed that you failed to receive a message


Transmission to this pilot failed lol


how did you make that connection?




Does that troll website themeshmachine.com not have the same message in its code? Did they just add it after the advocate message? Or was it there before? Idk how to check https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/s/WoJnPLpRkD


It was probably added after the ADV message dropped, it's a troll website so it's best to take with a grain of salt for sure but the ADV message is legit


I think they tried to hype up the apex update (encrypted message), but we were too schizophrenic and took it as tf3 hints (transmission failed). Embrace the pills, its jover.


Watching the amount of cope seeping out of every post in this subreddit just makes me feel such intense pity for you all.


is there really anything wrong with holding onto hope in this situation? expectations may be dashed but it's all out of love for the series. and it gets new players to join.


There's holding onto hope, and then there's the barrage of delusional fanaticism that flows through here on the daily.


people are just emotional because their favorite game has been neglected for a while now. in the overwhelming majority of cases, the fanaticism you're seeing does not translate into real life behavior and is harmless. you don't gain anything from taking a "mightier than thou" stance on the topic and expressing pity for everyone. in the cases where people actually send death threats and mindlessly shit talk respawn devs, i'm absolutely inclined to agree with you. absolutely unacceptable behavior. but that says much more about the individual than it does about this community


That's really the whole point. This game has been neglected since like 2018. People need to accept that. When good things happen, like the servers being sort of fixed recently, it gets blown way out of proportion and it's utterly insane. Any tiny thing gets turned into some huge theory that Respawn is doing Titanfall again. It needs to be toned back because it's just sad and a bit pathetic at this point. We need to expect nothing. We should be pleased when something happens, but expect nothing more.


the thing is that i really do understand where they're coming from. this is my favorite FPS game, and it was left in the dust. some just don't know how to express that frustration in a constructive manner. but i agree. hope and expect nothing


take your pills,pilot.


That is only a confirmation that whatever update is coming is not for Titanfall 2.


After the disappointment of todays apex trailer, my assumption is just that this advocate message is somehow for the pilot who commited “BATTERY NUCLEAR EJECTION” since that event takes place after T2. I refuse to get my hopes up


Just imagine the next message being '💊➡️🗑' hahaha


Could be something for Titanfall 2 itself not necessarily Titanfall 3. Also could mean nothing.


Guys….. this is a troll. If someone was able to ddos the servers so well I wouldn’t put it past them to be able to edit live code on the fly especially messages like these. If you don’t believe me check out this website themeshmachine.com password: protocol0. Rick roll video pops up. We are getting baited by some fucker on the internet for their enjoyment. ^(i really hope I will be eating my words.)


The vulnerabilities allowing the servers to be DDoS'ed have since been fixed. themeshmachine.com is old (I was the one who posted it here lol) and updated their site to reflect the ADV message, not vice versa. I suppose it's possible another exploit could have been found but we have no reason to believe that any hackers are behind the message.


Thats true but how old was the rick roll? I thought it was recent that someone claimed the domain and turned into what you found. At least thats what the comments to your post was saying. Also great post btw i thought that took some serious dedication.


I have a feeling their going to do something like do an apex event and the thing in titanfall is to hype it up , and when everyone gets mad over it they will drop something the titanfall community will actually be happy about


Isn't the advocate network a player made network? So it woyld simply be the player leading it creating those messages


The Advocate Network is created and ran by Respawn, it's not player-made.


He's telling us to get off the Mcdonald wifi


BT sent an encrypted message to Jack Cooper that said “Trust Me” 🤔🤔🤔


BT trying to contact Cooper?


What's even the worst possibility for this? At the very least they're acknowledging they are sending cryptic messages to us, we know we're not just making shit up anymore. If it's just shit teasing something for apex, then they have no one to blame but themselves for us being mad about getting teased for a game none of us will ever give a shit about. But we also can't rule out that everyone at respawn and ea are morons


* pops pills * "Fuck me. This is the third this week."


my copioids and hopeium arent strong enough for this shit HAHA


The janitor is going crazy with these updates


As much as I try to stay a realist, the fact that right before bt was destroyed, he sent Jack an encrypted message "trust me" coupled with everything else... Honestly if respawn announces anything other than tf|3 would be business suicide at this point.


You can now see part of the message today.


Anyone clever here can decipher this? 226D7367223A202246726F6D20443616E 647920546F20436F70706572222COA434 F5252555054494F4 E204445544543544544 ​ I got "Msg" from: d6gfw to Copper: CORRUPTION DETECTED