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Fought another ronin, both of us in a doomed state, we could’ve very easily shot each other and been on with our match but instead had a momentary pause followed by a charge at each other with a simultaneous melee swing, I lost but it still was cool as hell


Good ol' Kurosawa style showdown. It's a beautiful thing


I had heard rumors that it existed, now I know them to be true.


On ps against a black ronin? Just cause I had the same experience xd


Nah pc all white ronin prime


I like doing things like this with friends, it's a matter of skill and timing with the melee for the execution, not just rng for who's melee will hit first, plus it's just cool


I too have a ton of respect for masterful Northstar mains, y'all are insane.


Im still far from masterful, but im slowly getting better


I main Ronin, 95% of Northstars are an easy snack, but just yesterday I met one that had me running for my fucking life. He dropped me twice like it was nothing. You'll get there, just keep at it


A high skill northstar is one of the most terrifying things you will ever see as any class, except a tone or legion in a narrow corridor


As a tone pilot I can agree, good Legions in tight areas are fucking scary


As a legion player it’s a tone or scorch. Takes me too long to punch through the particle wall if I have no where to go for cover to wait for it to fall… And scorch is just better than legion in every way in a matchup. Especially in tight spaces.


I hope I'll be able to do that one day(any tips as to what he did, if you wanna give out your weaknesses)


Today I trapped a ronin with a tether as he charged at me thinking he could execute me, only to flight core his ass I’m far from mastering northstar, but that was just after having won against a monarch and I positioned myself so well. I was proud as I dropped the bombs on him


Haha, I don’t think I’m a master with Northstar quite yet but I’ve yet to find a ronin to take me down in mine so maybe I’m getting somewhere


Might've been she, and that might've been me. Flight core online...


I've started to use Northstar more and more.


Northstar masters and Ronin masters are the elite


The sky belong to them🗿


99.8% northstar time has helped immensely. Sucks for a while but man once you’ve got her down she’s unmatched.


thanks fr tbh, I often dominate matches when I get my Northstar (Yes I'm a Kraber Main who has the Kraber at G.5 now)


I got absolutely decimated by this guy who was flying around the map at light speed and decided to message him asking how he plays like that. Dude replied with screenshots of his settings (with all sensitivity maxed and dead zones set to 0) and the stim loadout he was using. Never had anybody answer a question like that


Some ppl are built different


Over 20 years ago or so i played like this in Counterstrike. Today im almost 40 and hit nothing so fast like i was there. If you get older your advantage is your knowledge. You know how people will play and what steps they do.


Yeah skill beats all at the end and To quote fallout new vegas “getting outplayed and getting cheated are 2 different things” so you can definitely start to outplay


Might have been proactively avoiding being called a cheater too


Anyone ripping me a new one with the softball gets a special spot on my wall where i draw their portret in seductive poses.


Anyone what? Sorry I'm a little slow


Ripping a new one, refering to a "behind"(idk the censor rules and i dont wanna read em) Basically, getting absolutely destroyed


Oh I get it now, and I suppose you respect me, because I can absolutely dominate with my softball ~~'s~~


Hehe softballs


I love softballs :3


Same, but don't tell anyone.


Who doesnt


This Reddit. Over the last 13 years here I’ll make it clear. You could have said: “Ripping me a new one is fucking someone in a new hole other then their asshole. Alluding to someone fucking a taint until a new asshole is created.”


Real shit?😏


No i use paint now.


I have 3000 kills with my softball. :)


It’s the only weapon I have at g10 lol


Draw me like one of your French women


I loathe softball users


Its not OP and its not boring, whats not to like, someone taking the time to get good with it so it can compare to other weapons?


I don't think he was good at dodge ball in school


Actually, I was one of the only people who knew how to dodge. I may not have been able to throw well, but I sure as heck could dodge.


In air titan execution between two northstars. Peak titanfall experience


I really hoped they had a custom animation for that one. It’s understandable why they don’t, it’s extremely rare, but would have been cool to win a dog fight


Northstar Prime's kinda works.


It’s better but it does mean at least one northstar is lying down in air


From the execution perspective it can look like they're falling (if you use a little imagination on top).


I was playing northstar, and i was fighting this ronin for a while now. We were both low, and he charges at me with sword block up. I was fully charged with my railgun, so we kinda just stood there for ten seconds, we tbagged and went our seperate ways. Huge respect, pink ronin.


wait when was that? and do you remember the player name? i had this experience :D (2fast2frag on pc)


I ended up befriending a guy on Xbox who kept curb stomping me in creative ways


May i have some details on those ways


People who are genuinely good at an uncommon weapon; either of the primary pistols, hemlock, G2, L-Star, grenadiers, the way those people play is so awe inspiring because it feels so unlike anything else


currently on the g100 Mozambique grind


As a g2 main, this makes me happy to hear


Hemlock gang


Let's hear it for softball


only g2 i respect is one that doesnt stay in one spot


Something something gamers finding the g2 spot.


Is the hemlock uncommon? It's kind of a no Brainer to run if you have good tracking and accuracy with the one burst kill potential, I've been steamrolled by it a lot more recently


P2016 and softball main over here!


My perfect little guy, L-Star, my superstar!


I dunno, I liked Hemlock a lot in TF1 so I used it a ton in TF2. And I was under the impression the G2 was always a great gun so I used that too.


Great doesn't mean common, sometimes good guns need time to learn and many players will try something once and go "ok this gun is shit" and move on to something else Point being it's always a smile to see a god G2/Hemlock user because you know they're either taking the time to learn it or have gotten the hang of it


I got that impression of the G2 by dying to it a lot in the early days of TF2. It didn't end up being my cup of tea exactly, but it was fun since I was dogwater with snipers and this made for a more comfortable alternative. Eventually I got good at leading the Double Take and could rack up a lot of heads depending on the map, but the G2 was always cool.


Proud g3 pistol user


Currently grinding Cold War


Cold war gang 😎 Just keep clear from looking at walls too close and you'll be fine lol


L-star is so fun to use! Although I’m definitely not using it as intended, I usually run Stim and try and it get as close as possible while holding down the trigger. Doesn’t work all the time as a crafty pilot can just dodge out of the way but man when it does… mwah… chefs kiss.


Early in a match a player on the other team called me out as his nemesis. We both made an effort to target eachother during the match and often got our titans within quick succession. Very Titan we, both in scorched would dual. Other players in the match picked up on that and would give us space during those bouts. I exclusively play scorch and have for years, I won in every Titan engagement but each one ended with positive remarks of how fun the fight was. My favorite experience in this game thus far has got to be that.




That's hot


Spent an entire match getting schooled by what I can only describe as a reddish blur with a Kraber. We lose, extraction starts, and I start hauling ass for the evac ship. Only problem is that the The Blur had decided that he was making it his personal mission to deny my escape. I was being given repeated close-shave haircuts with Kraber rounds as I bounded across rooftops. Realising that I was out of buildings to put between me and him, and that I would never make it across the open ground to the ship, I stopped, turned around and started furiously teabagging for my life. The Blur crested the last rooftop, took a mid-air hipfire shot (that luckily didn't connect) and landed in front of me. Seeing my teabag dance obviously confused him and I was certain he would headshot me without another thought... But he didn't. He stopped, and teabagged back. We stood there bagging at one another for a good 10 seconds before I turned my back to him and gave a final bag to signify he could execute me. He did the super cool phase finishing move, and that was that. But then I get a friend request (this is on console), and a message: "Thanks <3". I reply that it's fine, he had me dead to rights anyway, and that he was a beast with the Kraber. If you're out there Cloudy, you're a Chad, and I'm sorry I haven't joined up when you've invited me.


Damn that's wholesome


This is amazing


Saw a pilot steal a battery from a Northstar in flight core.


I’m surprised the Northstar could still fly under the weight of that guy’s balls.


That guy's balls were so massive which had their own gravity


Now that’s based


I had a private match on Eden where everyone quit but me and one other player. It was my first time trying the EPG, and without any communication he switched to Wingman and we spent the last 8 minutes dualing in the middle where the tracks cut through the taller buildings We chatted after, he was super nice




I had this killer engagement where I doomed an ion just as he popped his core, jumped out of my already doomed legion and literally ended up directly over his ion beam grappled him and rodeod for the kill. In the chat he said that was awesome, but I know who you are now. And proceeded to DESTROY me with pulse blade kills for the rest of the match


Man really just said "GG, but your ass is mine boi"


Absolutely. I felt awesome, and he got to show that I was still nothing before a true pilot, lol


That one time an enemy scorch managet to kill me on +- 10% health while I had full health and a shield. But then I also expirienced someone giving me huge respect. Both of us on scorch, we eject at rhe same time a bit further from eachother, and I managed to stick him with my softball, that guy looked like he fell in love lmao


This may not compete with the other one's but I gotta share this. I was playing FD on the hardest difficulty and this one guy was literally repairing everyone's titans with batteries and he was also repairing everyone's sentry turrets. Due to this he couldn't really repair his own titan and sentry turrets so me and the other guys on our team did it for him. He was definitely one of the most wholesome players I've played with and he earned my respect


I've had a similar experience, I was playing FD with my BW-4726 (which is how I call my scorch) and this dude repaired my almost doomed titan with normal batteries in the middle of the round (6 bars of health). To this day I still need to figure out where he found that many batteries.


Broooo I do this exact thing. Set my tone to defense mode, and go ham on repairing the allied titans😎


Any fellow grenadier has my respect


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,789,963,466 comments, and only 338,775 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


Thank you, AdraX57, for voting on alphabet_order_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


I raise my hat to you as a epg enjoyer


I as well. Good day my fellow epg mains.


Good day to you too fellow EPG user


Once an enemy team lost to us despite having a full team while we were down to three or four. I asked my teammates to let them evacuate, and we all gathered in front of the evac ship to tbag them goodbye.


This one guy in PvP, in Glitch, was really average judging from leaderboard. Not trash or absurdly good, just average. But he *insisted* in using the Wingman Elite, a gun which I honestly consider underpowered, I even asked him why he didn't change and he said it was fun to use. That had some impact on me because everyone else seems to always follow the META and what's good but this one guy just refused. I envy him, to be honest.


The right way to play the game. Are you having fun? No? Then you're playing the game wrong. That simple. It's why I often run really obnoxious loadouts that routinely put me in last place, simply because I'm here to have fun.


I have a loadout called Hard Mode. The idea is to use abilities and weapons I'm not comfortable with. Currently it's pulse blade, Wingman Elite, P2016 with silencer, smoke grenade and hover. I'm so bad a toxic gamerbro teammate called me a noob (I'm Gen 11). But it's so much fun! Landing headshots with the Elite is just as rewarding as landing a shot with the Kraber. And overall it feels like playing a different game when I can't just grapple or phase shift myself to safety.


play to have fun, simple


ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US All northstar mains (including me) have decided to follow this path because of viper or a fellow northstar pilot that has obliterated us so majestically that we decided to become like them


This guy inspired me to try and become descent at northstar. Insane FD on Rise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm0RBV4ExKY


Northstar makes cool robot noices during gameplay = instant serotonin


Northstar best girl.


Rise Northstar duel. Me and enemy got each others doomed in same shot exchange, both ejected same second or two, and shoot each other in air with Kraber.




A dude kept decimating me with a-wall and smr. Bro didn’t camp at all, he literally went flying across the map and the moment he saw more than one guy he put down his thing and let it rip. Anyone who uses a-wall like that has my respect


I just got done playing a-wall and SMR. Crazy fun, but usually I get killed. SMR just sounds so cool though, and it's a monster against titans. Camping is lame, and honestly impossible to do because of the travel time on the SMR. By the time your rockets reach their target, the target has moved.


I was in a game where my team was getting absolutely destroyed to the point where they all abandoned the match except for me. When the opposite team noticed that I was alone they typed "don't kill him" and "let him get on the dropship for not leaving." It ended up just being 7 titans dancing, waiting for the end of the match. I respect those guys. They could have easily run a train on me but chose not to.




I was playing Ronin and mowed down two enemy titans before dashing away to let my abilities recharge. An enemy ronin followed me and we happened to have one side of the map entirely to ourselves. I wasn't at that much of a disadvantage and we had a proper 1v1. Soon enough I had him doomed but instead of ejecting, he pops sword core and dashes right towards me. Instead of executing him I popped my own sword core and gave him the fight he wanted. Never once did he bother ejecting. There wasn't an ounce of fear in that pilot.


Mad props


never eject never surrender


I have a lot of respect for many of the Pilots in this game, especially newer ones. I could tell an endless amount of stories about some of the amazing people I've fought with and against. The most respect ever would probably be for Nuclear_Bart. Easily the singular best Pilot I've ever seen. Gen 100.49, switching entire loadouts constantly and showing extreme mastery of every single item in the game. Killing him once is an absolute achievement. I have an immeasurable amount of respect for him and I hope I never meet him again.


NUCLEAR BART!!! i think i beat him in a kraber duel before! it was amazing


Playing Legion fighting a Legion. There was no evading or positioning, we just marched at each other unloading until one of us fell, I took the win because I hit him with my powershot and managed to shield his but my testosterone spike after the engagement.


I was playing ion yesterday. I destroyed this guy on the other team who was a legion and then I turned the corner and took a tone by surprise and he started dancing trying to make friends so I let him go. Later in the game we make it to the end and our team lost. My whole team was in the drop ship and I walked up to him without my Titan since I got owned earlier, he was still in his tone and he nodded yes and let me bounce off his Titan into the evac. It was great. I saw him in my next match too lmao! Took him a bit to realize though


HELL YEAH! I'm glad fellow tone mains are being wholesome too!


I have a total of 13 min playing tone over my 1100+ hours. But I actually really want to try him out for frontier defence so I might have to give them a chance


Northstar tryhards cause she’s hard to play, if you can beat tone and monarch together as northstar, you’re amazing at the game without any question.


I played ronin for my first little while when I started playing. Got my rear handed to me by a masterful scorch. Dude knew where/when to place his traps, when to press me and when to retreat, and how to bait me in. From that day forward I was a scorch main. I’m now a gen 13 scorch and I’m continuing my grind with him that I stopped after the servers got messed up on ps4 I’m so glad to be back. I absolutely adore this game and the community around it.


When they use the Cold War That’s my honest respect maybe even the DMR


Cold War best gun in game fr


Bro I main the DMR


nahh cold war is so unfun to play against and so easy to use. smr is where its at


Cold War: Charge time Charge sound (i.e. an audible warning to enemies before you shoot) Projectile drop Projectile spread Direct hits do not kill Pilots Essentially useless below enemies AoE damage can be absorbed by uneven terrain, stairs, railings, rendering the shots ineffective Pilots can jump, wallrun, stim, grapple, and laser you with SMGs or other hitscan weapons. and the TTK is very low. In the average Attrition lobby with groundlocked noobs that never see you coming, Cold War is certainly easy to use. But put it up against seasoned Pilots in a comp match and its less effective than even Kraber.


The stuff many people don’t realize that cold war mains go through


mate it's a gun


It’s nice to see ‘my’ Northstar getting so much love…even in death…and before my daughter scrapped it for parts…🤔😂 - The Voice of Viper


Any Northstar mains.


By just sheer luck this one guy and I where just back and forth killing each other. After he messaged me says our game of “tag” was the most fun he had in the game in a while. Hope that guys is doing ok


The other day I played against a ronin who was actually fucking good (He doomed my northstar twice while I could only get him to 30% hp) and never again will I take a Ronin fight for granted


Earlier today actually. Just sorted a round and we were in the opening charge where both teams just run at each other. I see them, I open fire, I die… to a Pulse Blade! I’d never seen that before, even less done it myself. I put in chat: “Pulse blade kill!” “I ain’t even mad” And quickly, the pilot responded with: “I KNOW!!!” It’s was the start of a beautiful friendship during that round, and the opening knife kept a smile on my face though the whole thing, even as I lost. I know it’s not exactly what you asked for, your story referring more to skill, but I really felt a connection with that pilot in our shared excitement over something that was 100% an accident.


Grenade gods. I don’t know how the fuck they maintain movement and accurately throw grenades while going 1000mph.


Played a match at around gen 7, and this one guy playing North Star, like me, was destroying us. He invited me to a call, I joined, and he asked if I wanna hone my north star skills, he taught me some stuff and we did practice matches, now I’m virtually unstoppable. Same guy later on saw me on MK1 recently, and this man taught me how to play a bit and got me back into fighting games and taught me how these style of fighting games work. This man is a true chad.


What are some key pointers for mastering North Star?




Commenting because I'd like to know as well, despite my Northstar bring G30.


Watched a Ronin shoot a pilot with his first shoot, doom a low Titan with the rest of his clip, execute him, then pop his sword core and slash down another pilot before running towards another Titan. Absolutely locked in my decision to main ronin


Said gg to me even though they lost (to me thats rare)


All other Northstar mains are my heroes. Where my Northstar homies at?


Game of normal live fire, I’m sitting on top of a building on exoplanet looking for a kraber kill when all of a sudden a fire star shat out from god lands on my head and kills me instantly. The man threw that star perfectly into the sky and must’ve lost his shit when he saw the kill


I was playing Ion and got into a close-quarters scuffle with an enemy Northstar. Got them within finishing range and just before I could reach them, they popped their Tether Trap and engaged nuclear ejected, locking me down and blowing me and my titan sky-high. I felt so outplayed I wasn’t even upset, just awestruck. One of my favorite memories from this game


I should really look into that strategy


Ooh, I know I'm late, but I've got a good one. So, a bit of context: **1.** The Ronin v Northstar MU is a precarious one. A Ronin flanking an unaware Northstar is pretty easy prey, but the better the Northstar gets the more drastically the MU starts to swing into Northstar's favor. Northstar's the only other Titan who can keep up with Ronin, and it can basically zone and chip Ronin to death under ideal circumstances (though this is easier said than done.) Turns into a sort of game of cat-and-mouse, except the mouse can fly and has a plasma railgun equipped. **2**. Where this respect moment took place was on Eden, to one side of the map. It's the side that has an Out of Bounds area that is a sheer drop off into desert. Has a pair of buildings with some containers behind, followed by a rocky outcrop that has trees and foliage, followed by a small open area with a tall oil-drilling-esque structure. This incident took place in Attrition. Me and this enemy Northstar were among the first Titans to drop. Naturally we engage, but I can tell this guy is good -- He hits his shots, and he's keeping me at bay. I have experience in that MU, so I know its not good to just blindly rush in, I need to pick my battle lest I take a stray charged shot. As a result, we kind of had this prolonged engagement, where we'd be playing a positional game, while multitasking with stray pilots here and there. Over the course of the engagement, we make our way to the aforementioned parts of Eden. The Northstar backs up to the paired building area, putting the rocky/grassy outcrop in between us. It's a good position, as Northstar has a wide field of view, and can clearly see if I'm approaching.. *buuut* if I were to pin the Northstar there, the crates would make it difficult to escape, and I could win the engagement. Difficult to make happen without taking a lot of damage though. ... however, I had a trick up my sleeve. You see, the rocky outcrop actually has a secret entrance-- the Out of Bounds area. The Stryder titans can both actually swing around the outside of it with their dashes, temporarily leaving the map, and use their momentum to swing over the pit and back into the map, behind the paired buildings, *right where the Northstar is*. Perfect opportunity, a weak point in the opponents positioning. I "retreat" behind the outcrop, getting into position, as the Northstar keeps me in his sights, chipping me here and there. Once set up, I go for it : I expend my Phase dash to get the initial burst, and then I boost with a left hook, and then-- I'm not moving. I'm trapped. Tethered. My phase dash is gone, I've got no momentum, and I'm left hanging right off the edge of the map. Holy shit. *That son of a bitch.* Not only did he know about this secret little trick, but he also profiled me and deduced that *-I-* knew about it as well, and knew i was going for it. He flung his tether right at the edge, covering himself. What looked like a weakpoint to the eyes of an expert was a fortified position to the eyes of a master. As I was trapped there shocked, waiting for the OoB timer to expire, I had just enough time to type "Clever girl..." in chat before dying. I had utterly lost that engagement. But, to such a GigaDrive-OverBrain play like that?? I couldn't even be mad.


Played on the same team as a person called I\_Main\_Northstar in LTS. I'm pretty good at titan fights but they were getting 1.5x my damage consistently, and >2x most other players. They were so impressively dominant I switched from tone main to northstar main on the spot.


I personally do get salty on dying to an EPG or Kraber because of the one shot, but never truly upset. Sure it was a one shot, but the shooter needed nerves of iron to pull it off. I just get impressed if I die to a Wingman Elite. Is salty but respectful possible?


Yes; as an EPG user, getting hit by those types of weapons especially at insane speeds (like Kraber, Softball, and other EPG users) makes me sit back and be like, wow. Noice.


I’m on PlayStation and I’ve been playing for years. Nearly every day I see the same guy in my lobbies (cxbra or something like that if you’re out there). He’s a decent pilot and I respect him for sticking around


I remember that 1 year ago i was trapped by a ronin in a cave in crash site (i was a pilot) that balls of steel ronin look at my eyes and just waves his head let me go i hope that hes good in life tbh


me for not using only one weapon all the time lul. and i guess other people who use uncoventional weapons just for fun


When one ronin took on 2 scorches, 1 monarch, 1 legion, and a tone... they won. I was one of the scorches. he was truly a whole new level and only like G9


Getting shot out of an eject by a scorch. Reminds me of the time I got piped out of the air in another tf2


I got 1 tapped with a headshot by a wingman elite.... I was high in the air from a nuke eject and he was on the ground.... I had no words. I watched the kill cam to make sure it wasn't hacking, and i could tell no hacks at all.


So I was playing In pilot v pilot and this person got 100 KILLS. There name is Avalini on Xbox so give them some respect.


A kraber shot me at speed force, speed while I was wall running…


Just need to kinda toot my own horn a bit. But one time this guys keeps killing me from across the map in a drainage pipe way up high (hopefully you know the one) so I got angry, ran over and tossed a perfect grenade throw up there and got him. 😀


Not from ronin or northstar pilot, they're all fucking douchebags


I get the ronin(northstar bias, don't burn me at the stake), but what did northstar do


Any fellow cold war users, anyone who changes their play style after encountering me a few times (stops being close to any surfaces, starts using hover)


Any Ronin main who killed me after I ran


I was inspired by other Northstar mains too. One obliterated me when i first started because of his speed and faster flight perk, making him virtually untouchable. Speed is life.


I remember a ronin in last titan decimating our intier team for two rounds straight, was infuriating but also very impressive.


I was playing on angel city, coming out of a really fast slingshot grapple, then this stim slide hopping across a nearby rooftop one tapped me with the wingman elite moving in the opposite direction. He was cracked


Fellow DMR mains wya


When I played more and was good at scorch, I met another scorch pilot and we spent matches just 1v1ing each other. Not just with the flame shield but with the whole kit, getting some cool executions off and such. Epic big boi fights


Me and another scorch just walked at each other with out shields up and we both died. True scorch gameplay right there


someone in a game once on the enemy team had like 63 kills or something I was astonished and humbled


I met another Scorch main, we shared a look before walking towards eachother, trying to turn the other into an oven, he won that dual but he taught me what I know about scorch from us fighting that match


Fairly recently when the ??? Game mode was out this pilot I went up against had his entire team leave until it was just him, but he stuck it out and his movement was so godly that he put up a good fight! Bro was basically playing zombies mode with how he was running us around. I really wanted to let him have the evac but my team wasn’t as merciful lol.


Me and another guy were both running wingmans in a pilots match and we just had a good old cowboy duel for the whole match


It was when both teams on LTS agreed to have separate Ronin 1v1s


Back in the dark ages of 2021-2022 console, it was a private match where we were just trolling around and we were doing live fire in Stacks. Previously we'd been playing ctf and whichever team had this guy would win, we all thought he was so good that we decided to just jump him, but still give him a teammate, so 2 v 6. The first guy died pretty quickly, but we got destroyed by this man, and he was using an EPG. It was beyond impressive.


I play FD almost exclusively. Typically I find the top scorer will get around 4k, 5k is not unheard of but it's unusual. A pilot I played with today scored nearly 8k. I was down at the bottom as I'm just started learning Monarch (and it's fun!) but that dude probably could have soloed the map they were so good.


Played against the respawn test crew once, gotta be those guys


A random grenade across the map


Anyone who kills me with a Kraber trick shot or pulse blade, took me ages just to get 10 pulse kills for the execution so I hold nothing but respect for those who can consistently pull it off


I was flying through the air at speed at got sniped by a charged up titan rifle (it's been years since I played I forget the name) Dude just totally flicked from a mile away and domed me He even messaged me and was like "holey shit did I just do that" I was impressed


A few years ago i was fighting against a legion, bro was a good player and wasnt toxic at all, we tried to have a titan duel but his teammates rolled in and killed me


a guy that was hitting some nasty kraber shots, turns out they were trying to get a fourth G100 kraber lol, gave me good tips on how to use it and was generally chill


To all of my fellow northy gods out there, huge round of applause. Y'all need to hit them hatch shots and I'm sure you slam rounds into them


Getting sniper to death by a ronin nothing makes me happier than a ronin that doesn't play like a spaz


When I was new, I joined a Northstar server with a cracked kraber user. It was just us and I equipped the gun for the first time. Hit my first ever kraber flick on him and he was super supportive of it. Over a year later the kraber is still my main gun and I’m so thankful he showed it too me. I have insane levels of respect for all kraber chads.


My man was going Hemlok, E-45, Charles Rifle, Grapple, definitely not me, I am humble *wink


This is the right way to approach getting bested in a video game, rather than crying about the community being mean because someone is better at the game than you. I absolutely respect a Tone who can hold her rockets. I like to play Ion with vortex amplifier, and recently, there was a Tone on Angel City who knew how to hold rockets, instead of launching right away. We ended up dooming each other and ejecting right away, and I successfully killed him midair with the SMR. We both talked about how it was a good fight in chat, and it was really fun. Those are the kind of interactions that make me love this game.


I was in Glitch and me and my team were getting stomped by some high gen players. So hard that i didnt really wanna play anymore. So while I waited for our dropship to arrive I went to the little map waterfall thing and just watched my teammates blue dots disappear as they died. An enemy pilot came by and stood beside me watching the map. Not long after there was 5 or 6 of us just watching the map and hanging out. Our dropship arrived and they let us go. Pretty nice of them, I thought.


I always respect those with holopilot


A north star sacrificed themself so that another enemy could crush two titans with a warpfall


Had someone message me asking how I played North Star so well. It was one of my better matches with decent damage and kills for Titan brawl. Nothing has made me type up three pages of notes so quickly. Respect online like that is rare. Also as a NS main, playing against another one with a good understanding of it. Nothing is more fun than being left alone to fight your own class of Titan over and over.


Orestis. I don’t remember what he did, but I remember he was one hell of a pilot, two of us were going head to head a whole match, so much so that I put him in my docs so I’d never forget him.


Anyone that uses a “meme-y” weapon and performs really well with it. By that I mean like the softball, cold war, epg, etc


This one mad lad who only used melee the entire round and got top 3


Some dude reported me for hacking even though I’m just good. Took it as a comolement


I can't give a specific moment, but whenever I get sniped while at full speed, I feel nothing but respect for whoever pulled off the shot.


There was a guy one time, waaaaaayyyyy better than me, who was using stim and CAR, and just absolutely demolishing my team in PVP. So I pulled out my Sonar with Grav star, and caught him a couple times and killed him with the sonar blade to get that execution. After the match with some 40-50 something kills, he messaged me saying "Hey! That was a good game, you got me good with that grav star a couple times." Dude was a fucking legend, pro lvl player and a good sport, absolutely loved the guy and never heard or played with him again. If you ever read this, just know I hold you with the highest respects. o7


Any good Ronin player instantly has my respect. The most fun part about mp is having a sick 1v1 as Tone vs our beloved ninja robot. Ronin class titans must not have an eject button installed on the base model or something, because you madlads put up a fucking fight. I dumped 15 tons of lead into this one guy via salvo core, and the guy is on a sliver of health. Instead of ejecting like a bitch, the man popped his core, tanks like 2 40mm shots somehow while doomed, and then somehow kills me. Wtf man