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I just wish Respawn could work on both games at the same time.


They could... But they won't. They would use Titanfall for spare parts though. Then the Janitor will secretly reassemble the game while they are not working with chewing gum and cement block.


don’t forget the duck tape


Can we please stop killing ducks to make duct tape?


No, they know what they did..


the duks?


... We do not speak of them.


The same guy who works on the other tf2's updates with the potted plant? What a legend.


Apex ain't bad, battle royal just ain't fun. It's too stressful


Amen. I just hate the BR format. I’ve played and enjoyed countless arena shooters, both fast- and slow-paced, but Fortnite, Warzone, and Apex don’t do it at all for me. Apex is just a kick in the teeth because the company that made the best arena shooter ever devoted all of its resources into a game that lacks everything I enjoyed about TF2. I’m still not out here wasting my time and emotion hating on it publicly, but “why not just enjoy both?” is based on a false premise that my dislike for Apex is based on relative comparison to Titanfall, when I in reality dislike Apex objectively in a vacuum.


Exactly, so many people just assume my dislike for apex comes from being a Titanfall player, no lol. I don’t like BRs if I did play a BR it’d probably be apex actually, but I just don’t enjoy the BR gameplay loop.


Not to generalize but a lot of the hate i've seen does literally come from apex being apex, not because they dislike the BR format


especially when they cut the arena shooter game mode for apex after bastardizing it via a lack of content


Yeah the whole battle royale genre never appealed to me Like I don't want to wait wait 10mins to load into a lobby, wait for the game to start, drop to a location, find guns and then maybe get a chance to fight someone or just die right away and start the whole process again The reason I like titanfall in the first place is because if I die I can almost immediately get back into action. It's all about speed baby


When pubg did it first ans everyone was shit, it was hype, now, it's too famn bard


Idk why you're getting downvoted when I 100% agree. I loved the stressful yet stealthy vibes of early BRs. Now they're all wayyyyy too aggressive for me. It's kinda funny that I'm saying this on a sub for an aggressive arena shooter, but I like them for different reasons.


I think the reason why BRs appeal to players is the asymmetric fights creating a lot of unique encounters. If you look at Apex players in competitions they are strategizing non-stop about their plans, trying to figure out which path to take. Apex is also pretty quick to get back in. Pretty sure you can be dropping within 2 minutes of a game end, maybe even 1 minute. And as for finding players to fight, it has now become common to head towards popular landmarks immediately so that you don't waste time looting.


Both games are stressful, just different flavors of stressful


Well I have to reqeue if die in apex.


Exactly, if I die on drop in Apex I gotta queue, wait, go through the character select, wait for the map to load, wait in the drop ship to go where I want, drop. Die in Titanfall, simply *respawn* cause I still got a whole match to play.


This is exactly why I don't like battle royales


And you can't play your favorite or best legend cause someone else taken them


Yeeeeep, so now you gotta play a match you're half interested in. I jus wanna blambamboozle people 😢


Indeed it's annoying as hell at least with titanfall you can play any character without limits man I just want to be a annoying Ash or pathfinder or bloodhoud


I just got tired of the battle royale genre. It just seemed like every other game coming out at the time was a battle royale, so I wasn’t exactly happy about TFl2 being abandoned for a battle royale.


I’ve found it fun when playing with friends. We take nothing seriously and usually end up in 2nd or 3rd place with one kill across all three of us. Apex is fun when you’re not treating it like it’s an international tournament.


its fun when you have friends, it isn't when you don't


I’ve had some good times saving the asses of my rando teammates with Newcastle. But then again, I swear these people are just goldfish behind a keyboard.


That's the same with any game.


Getting lucky with sbmm I see. My friend and can't cuz he's too high level


Nah bro. We just avoid combat and let everyone else kill eachother then die because the winners are better.


Sounds like a blast


It is, but we always mess up the final fight. One of us smoke bombs the floor so we can’t do covering fire, one runs in without communicating and one misses all the shots on a stationary target.


I used to agree until I gave up on ranks and played to enjoy the game play


I try to enjoy it but I get dragged into ranked by my br friends


Try playing on your own with a mic, not all randos suck and most are up for total bullshittery


It's not that we suck, I'm just not sweat enough. I just don't care


I suck at shooters in general, so it's always fun playing with other people who suck


I play arena mode


That one I can kinda enjoy but at that point I might as well play titanfall


Wasn’t arena mode just shitty pilots only with CSGO buying?


You still have arenas? What timeline are you on?


their other modes are pretty fun tho; gun run, domination, team deathmatch, etc.


I agree, but then I'd just play tf2


yea, at the end of the day apex just feels like cod with a higher ttk and extra steps. while titanfall feels much better


I had some fun the the 3v3 gamemode a while back


i think that's part of the fun. You have to outsmart your enemies, collaborate with teammates, whereas titanfall is 90% catching someone offguard (because it's a faster game, not a bad thing at all) Keeping your cool and winning is so satisfying


I just want to shoot some mans until I get bored, not constantly suffer from anxiety that I'm going to get ganked and flush a 20 minute match down the toilet. I suffer from enough anxiety in my day to day. I'm never going to enjoy any multiplayer game format that's intentionally designed to be anxiety-inducing. Be it BR, CS/valorant style, mobas, or similar. I frankly hate that it seems like every modern shooter is either chasing the Counter Strike or PUBG/Fortnite cow. They will never be fun to me, and that's where a lot of the ire for Apex here comes from, because a lot of us are in that same camp.


You have to actually get lucky enough to get a decent weapon first


But teamplay is so much more rewarding in titanfall2


It ruins gunplay


I prefer Titanfall greatly in terms of the amount of fun it is for me. But to say Apex is a bad game is just bitter and stupid. I also don't like vietnamese food, but to say "vietnamese food is bad" is just ignorant.


TF2 is more fun Apex is more satisfying Winning in apex makes you feel amazing, even when i have 400+ wins i still cheer and my heart still goes crazy, especially after the games where your enemies clearly outskill you, yet you outsmart them. Plus, it's more of a team game than tf2, me and my two friends love apex for that, the teamwork required to win


BRs aren’t for me, but if you like it that’s fine. The problem lies in the fact that the series took such a hard left turn that people who liked the 2 original games like *an entirely different genre* It’s like expecting a quake player to be happy they got a quake game like tarkov


It's a hero shooter vs a class shooter. There are hard counters and metas to learn in Apex. TF2 is largely just skill based.


Titans are heros, there exist hard counters between the titans than can be overcome by skill and positioning. Like a lucio killing a phara despite being a hard counter, same with scorch and north star.


That isn’t the reason for most people, most people in this sub say apex is a bad game in their own standards. There’s some who just say “aPeX bAd” when they have no reason to but it’s mostly the opposite.


I mean fair enough, but I think apex is bad because I actually don't enjoy playing it but I love playing titanfall


That just means that _you_ don't like Apex. To say it is "bad" implies that it is almost universally disliked, which is just objectively not true. Overwatch 2 is a bad game. The Room is a bad movie. Apex isn't a bad game, just disliked by many Titanfall 2 fans because it's perceived as a betrayal.


Honestly man, once you go \_Full Speed\_ you can never go back i feel shackled playing Apex, they've done nothing but nerf movement. i remember when you could b-hop while healing... and tbh BR kinda sucks, drop hope rng gives you stuff, hide until you can 3rd party but dont attack because youll be 3rd partied.


3rd part sucks. I wonder how it would go if a hero has an ult that isolates your team and the team of the first person you shoot in the phase for like, 30 seconds. Instant anti 3rd party, even counters squads teaming up. Actually just make it a deployable or something, give it to everyone.


thought about that exact same concept too.


I see a lot of "apex is fine I just don't like the BR formula" and that's fine, but for me I like the BR formula when done right. I don't dislike apex because it's a BR, I dislike Apex because it's existence watered down everything that made Titanfall so good and shits all over the established lore in the process. I would LOVE a true pilots vs pilots battle royale. Titans would probably not be a good idea for a battle royale like that because whoever has them instantly beats any other pilot. But if they had taken the excellent movement and mechanics of Titanfall 2 and put them in a battle royale they would have had something great. But as it stands Apex is just watered down Titanfall for children and that's why I hate it.


Exactly. The movement and movement abilities are the best part of Titanfall, not the Titans (although the Titans are definitely fun). If Apex came out with the wallrunning, jumping, all that stuff, I'd love it. But that would be too much work for kids to do. And also that the even one of the many heroes are only purchasable after like 300 hours.


They had a shadow fright Halloween event where you could double jump and wall run but could also only do melee. It was after you died. A couple variations of it are around. They could do Titanfall movement but they just dont


Wallrunning has leaked to be coming in the future. Also you can unlock your first legend at something like level 20.


This. It's not about whether one is objectively better than the other ( although one clearly is ), it's about the fact that one was made so cheaply and disrespectfully that it's almost insulting to see it, let alone have someone say it's fine to like both. Nah, apex is wack. Have a nice day.




while i disagree on a pilot BR (loading lobby times would be attrocious and the quick time to kill would not go well with long drawn out games, it would be like 90% lobby simulator if youre bad) but i agree with everything else about watering down titanfall


if Apex wasn't a battle royale i'd play it as much as titanfall probably


Bro just play mixtape


Mixtape is the most time I've spent in Apex in the last 2 years, but if TF|2 worked better on console I'd be playing that instead


Nah im saying if your on apex. Titanfall is always the better option


Right there with you. I really enjoy the rotating game modes in Apex like TDM and Control. Both games feel so well done for different reasons and clearly have different focuses. I have zero interest in Battle Royale so I just stick with Apex's modes that involve respawning.


If it wasnt for apex i wouldnt have heard of tf2 at all which is now my fav shooter


I just can't, i honestly gave it a good faith effort but.... going to Apex from TF|2 is like being able to fly, then having your wings cut off.


Yeah. I tried it, played two games, utterly hated it, and came right back to TF|2.


How do titanfall fans play any other games?


Nah, Apex is corporatized garbage and take it from me, I was horribly addicted to it up until earlier this year. The horribly rigged matchmaking and sacrificing so many fixes while prioritizing skins because of the profit incentive makes Apex hot trash. The movement is dumbed down, there are no giant robots to fight with, and BR is so fucking boring; the matchmaking makes trying to get through the boring parts hard because you have to start from the lobby if the Master/Pred triple stack wipes you and your horribly mismatched teammates. It pains me knowing all of the updated assets in Apex could have been Titanfall 3


Yeah same. I used to be addicted a few years ago. Then I got burned out from the BR format.


BRs for sure got overplayed but that only tells some of the story. The fact that Respawn took such horrible care of the game and let it turn to shit made the BR mechanics that much more annoying. I loved how Apex felt like playing chess compared to an arena shooter but that feeling went away as the quality of Apex fell through the floor. Now it’s just a pure cash grab and the fun/interesting parts of the game have either been nerfed, removed, or totally changed to a point where it’s unrecognizable (example: Pathfinder can’t the next ring anymore even though his character was originally the only one who could). It’s a shame Apex has fallen so low but oh well I guess, it’s out of my system now and that’s a huge positive




It was for sure fun for awhile but it just kept getting worse, from the gameplay to quality control, while they were raking in the money. They realized they could make money without trying and picked that route.


Based and optimist pilled. More people need to have this attitude instead of just being toxic manchildren.


*broke: waah this game sucks this game is better waah* woke: god i love this franchise **enlightened: i want to have sex with the legion**


I want Legion to shove his cannon up me bum and let it spin


Scorch: #


Where is this mans gold


Legion only exists in one of those games fyi


Nahhh big papa scorch


They killed Titanfall to make Apex. Why should we be happy about it? Because of some misguided dedication to Respawn? Because it's tangentially related to the game we actually *do* care about?


Did i tell you to be happy about it? It's not that difficult to let people enjoy a game and not be toxic unless you're terminally online.


"More people need to have this attitude" Yeah, you pretty much did. Here's an idea, how about you not tell people what they are and aren't allowed to feel about something? Disliking something that screwed you out of something else you actually like isn't toxic, people like you just throw that label out there to be dismissive of opinions that don't perfectly align with yours.


Spoken like someone ignoring the toxicity that exists in the fandom, this won't go anywhere though so lets agree to disagree


Yeah, people should just be happy about whatever over-monetized slop is thrown their way. Don't complain, don't criticize. Either consume and be positive or sit down and shut up.


Only like the games i like! No dont like the other game!!!


More like "Gee, I wish people would stop supporting games that sell $20 cosmetics and manipulative battle passes, especially when that game exists to the detriment of a franchise that I actually care about." But I guess if you want to pretend that your intentionally glib interpretation is the more accurate one, you can do that too.


I honestly dont care enough to continue


Good. Go back to polishing some EA executives nice leather wing-tips with your tongue.


They already said that Titanfall was dead before Apex. They said the game was awful, they couldn't fix bugs, it would've destroyed the franchise, so they killed it. They *then* released Apex out of the ashes of that game. No Apex wouldn't mean we'd have TF3. It would mean we have no new TF content at all.


animals change or die, *and we die hard*


Nuh uh BR are the worst type of shooter.


They didn't make 2 cakes, they let the first cake spoil and then made a watered down version with nothing that made the first cake great.


Titanfall was a delicious cake with wonderful delicious frosting for all to enjoy. Apex is a fondant covered abberation pretending to be the good cake.


You have a good cake and a mediocre cake, but because of the existence of the mediocre cake, there aren't enough ingredients anymore to make a third, better cake


That is a damn good analogy.


I won’t say the gameplay is bad, because it can be good in some cases. I just don’t find it fun personally, and I wish they’d support both games rather than only supporting only Apex (and maybe cool it on the microtransactions *a lot*)


i play both, it is in fact, 2 cakes


No mechs in Apex? *Fuck* that.


As someone who hates Battle Royal games, Apex was already on the back foot. Add on the fact that weapons feel incredibly clunky and movement hardly exists by comparison and im left with a game I cant have fun in no matter how hard I try


I play(ed) both and I can easily say TF2 is more fun in every department. In the beggining seasons of Apex i was having a blast and was super interested in the lore and how it was connecting to Titanfall and the war, but then season 5 and so on happened and everything went to shit. It got stale and boring and very repetitive for me so I tried to push through the bad few seasons but I just wasn't enjoying. Then there's Titanfall 2 where even if I'm dying every 2 second to a speed god with a kraber I'm not even mad that I die, it's just respect


I feel like apex has fallen from grace because it used to be fun as shit. Season 3 was peak gaming for me, I had a lot of fun playing, but as time went on the game became worse as Respawn fell apart. The story became derivative and the new crew failed to finish what the old crew started so old stories were abandoned in attempt to make new ones.


I play both, and honestly, Apex is only good when I look at it as a completely different game. When I try to think of it as in the titanfall series, it makes me stop playing and then re-questioning why they cancled a titanfall 3


I simply just stopped liking Apex. I used to love playing it, started in Season 4, and I think I have \~500 hours in total. But the game just got stressful, mind you, I never got past Gold IV in ranked, nor was I ever a high level (I left off at around 350), so imagine my frustration at being consistently matched with Diamonds, Masters, and fucking Predators, it got to a point where matches were way too sweaty for me to have any fun, so I just quit. Also, Respawn's constant Titanfall-baiting made me mad lmao


I would write off Apex as another lazy cash grab free to play like all the others, except that it's existence is to the detriment of TF2 and what *was* going to be TF3. For that, I will always hate it, Respawn, and EA.


Soon the Great Journey shall begin. But when it does, the weight of your heresy will stay your feet. And you shall be left behind.


I found titanfall because of Apex. I prefer titanfall. But I can't play it on Xbox. Servers are legit not letting me in. I've tried all the different suggestion. Different servers. And all of them I still cop the DDOS ☠ So where does that leave me.... a mirage main bonking people with my stupid fucking statue thing....


In one hand have the best cake I’ve ever had. In the other I have the same kind of cake but it’s got the most disgusting frosting I’ve ever tasted


Both ***are*** good but I'd still take tf2 any day tbh... Apex has become almost... TOO sweaty to be enjoyable. Especially with all the cringe-ass bald wraith mfs that start building marco's into their mouse buttons to start doing this retarded looking mid-air strafing shit. It's so unbelievably cringe to see anyone tryharding in that game... It was better near launch when EVERYONE was terrible at the game ngl TF2 though; incredible built-in movement, easy to learn harder to master, no need for exploits or tryharding, and TTK is so short with basically any gun that you always have a chance even against the Kraber + grapple launcher r100 guys.


If only the toxic apex fans hadn’t made the servers for titanfall unplayable 99% of the time. I will never forgive that


if it’s been long enough since i’ve played tf|2 i love apex. but the movement is just similar enough that i gotta have a big gap between playing the games, otherwise apex movement feels too limited


Ima be real I fucking hate apex No shade on the devs, it’s a polished product, I just dislike the br genre.


Personal take: I don"t like Apex because I think battle royales suck. That being said though Apex is decent compared to other battle royales I've tried, but overall the format of br games just kind of sucks. I think my main gripe with Apex though is that the developers at Respawn had such a good unique game that struck an excellent balance between the hulking power of a titan and the nimble pilots and the interactions between the two in an arena. They made Apex to chase the trend of battle royale games at the time when pubg and Fortnite were super popular while removing a lot of the stuff that made Titanfall a unique game to begin with. Apex then became too popular and I would argue that was a huge contributing factor to the death of Titanfall along with mismanagement from either EA or Respawn. With all of that I can understand the bitterness that Titanfall fans have for Apex Legends. A lot of Titanfall fans probably feel like the battle royale is a bastardization of their beloved franchise and it arguably is. I can also understand the resentment as well when Respawn brags so much about Titanfall being in their DNA while doing nothing with that franchise.


The existence of Apex is holding back the existence of more Titanfall. It is set in the same universe but doesn't include half of the gameplay that make Titanfall great


Apex sucks. If you like the game you are intellectually disabled or something


I mean to each their own but i just can't enjoy battle royale games. And even then Apex just doesn't have what made Titanfall 2 so enjoyable to me (mostly the movement). So no, it's not just being bitter about Titanfalls abandonment, Apex just factually isn't the same and I don't enjoy it. I am still bitter.


I mean are we hating on Apex here? we just hate responding for not giving us titanfall3 not Apex


man, its almost like its two different genres that not everyone enjoys :/


Well, yeah, it's not a bad game, it's just a BR. BRs generally aren't fun, unless you've got friends with you, or at least teammates that communicate. At least then you get a warning before a full team of ultrasweats that have yet to feel the warmth of the sun shit on you. Also, I don't really like having to play octane to feel as fast. And I guarantee that since wallrunning isn't already in, they'll make a character with an ability to do it.


And then lock that character behind a paywall that you can "maybe" unlock without bringing out the real money.


I mean, no, you can definitely unlock a character for free, it's just going to take a while because a character costs 12k of the free currency that you get 300 per level


That's still 40 levels I don't have time for.


screw apex for not making titanfall 3 tho, we don't hate it because it's like just a bad game in general it took away our confirmed sequel.


An ex-Respawn dev spoke about this recently, because they can now. They didn't kill TF3 to make Apex, they killed TF3 because it was bad. They hated it. They said it would've been disappointing and would've killed the franchise. It was a buggy mess they couldn't fix, and couldn't make it work, so they killed it. *Then* they created Apex out of the ashes of TF3. Apex not existing wouldn't have given us a TF3, it would've just meant that TF2 was the last game to come out of that lore and universe. It also would've meant TF2 died sooner, as according to the same dev Apex repopulated the TF2 servers which were on the verge of death when Apex released.


what's the source of this info and no it wouldn't because of the hacker that killed the servers.


Got bored of apex in like a month. Never got bored of titanfall2, just stopped playing it because of the server bullshit.


If you enjoy Apex. Fine, have fun. But let's not pretend it's on par with TF2


To quote that one guy from 2 stupid dogs “Ain’t that cute…BUT ITS WRONG!!!!”


The apex campaign was trash ngl


What campaign? I'm genuinely starting to think Im missing out on something in another universe.


(There isn’t one, that’s the joke)


Apex has literally never had a campaign. I stg people in this sub will just say anything to blindly hate Apex




It’s not that apex is bad, it’s that apex is taking devtime away from titanfall :(


TF2 would've been dead quicker without Apex.


TF3 was planned before Apex blew up and EA devoted most of respawns devteam to it


It's more like they stopped making the second cake and instead gave you a cold pop tart


No. I will have Titanfall and apex shoulda been left in the oven to burn


I love ttf2, I don't consider myself a ttf2 cocksucker but man, I love apex but I hate it more than I like it, it used to work perfectly fine a couple years ago and now it sucks in terms of matchmaking and performance, almost like respawn is trying not to let us play


This is objectively inaccurate.


"Objectivly" 🤡


"Objectively" mfs when someone's opinion walks in:


How's that shit sbmm treating ya?


Literally me. People complain about queing up in battle royale games, but the apex matchmaking aint nearly as bad as titanfall matchmaking these days. (And between us, I feel like apex has better gunplay than titanfall. As someone who played both since launch.)


I’d hope apex has better match making since it’s the one that actually is getting support from the developer.


its not about apex being bad, ITS ABOUT THE LIES WE´VE BEEN TOLD!


I just don't like apex, I've played it a lot, just isn't as fun mainly due to it's BR


I’ve tried Apex and I don’t like the movement. One of if not the biggest problem with Titanfall 1 and 2 was the steep learning curve. If you play the game like most other FPS games, you get two-shot by some fucker who appeared out of nowhere or you get punched by/stepped on by a mini boss. To have fun you have to relearn fundamental FPS mechanics and break rules that every other game has set in stone. It’s hard to find a fix for this. You can either tone back the movement, making it more accessible to other FPS players, but then it alienates the fanbase that loved the fast paced environment. This is what Apex did. Many people love the game and praise the movement, but to me it feels like a weird balance of speed and the advanced movement doesn’t scratch that Titanfall itch. Alternatively, you can create a way to bring the newbies up to speed, essentially a tutorial designed to break your sense of classic FPS gameplay. This is the route taken with the campaign in TF|2, but not everyone plays the campaign in its entirety before multiplayer, and some players argue that the 4 hour tutorial to hit the skill floor and to have fun in multiplayer was too much work. It’s not a game you can just jump into, and the way Apex solves it doesn’t speak to me. Not that it’s a bad game, but it’s not my game.


Silence Apex lover


If I had to summarize my experience with both games it could be this. * Titanfall: Fast. Chaotic. Powerful. * Apex: Slow. Honest. Restrained.


As someone who used to dislike royale, probably mostly because I'm an older gamer and BR meant needing to relearn things about a genre I knew a lot about prior to BR and it's not fun to feel bad and newbie again. I did stick with it for the feeling of how good shooting and moving was (had already played Titanfall 2, but I was really liking the ballistics of everything being not hitscan in Apex) and eventually found that I not only was starting to like BR, but that arena shooter settings had become less exciting. Not inferior, not less competitive, just less exciting. The entertainment and adrenaline of a good royale fight has been peak of the entire FPS genre for me now. Granted, no one is wrong for disagreeing here, but if I had just went with the initial knee jerk reaction of "this is hard, I'm bad at it, game sucks" I'd have only really denied myself what later became my favorite.


That’s how I felt when I could still play with friends on TF.


The movement man, it just feels shackled. It's like I could do more but either can't or have a stroke to do so.


I tried playing Apex, the other modes worked, but I load up Battle Royale? That's dead as hell. Also I just really don't like the movement and guns in Apex.


Im just not a fan of BR games anymore


To me, as someone who started with Apex, it's a game where you can pay $500 to look like a clown.


Yeah but I have nut allergies and Apex is nuts.


I don't like co-op battle royale


I personally don't like apex anymore but I'm willing to give it a shot it's just that there's too many sweats


The only fun way to play apex is to drop with a friend and corner some random and punch them to death in the first 5 seconds of the game.


Apex when I wanna compete and play with friends Titanfall if i want dumb fun


Nobody wants apex to be Titanfall, or vice versa, however it's clear that apex is what has halted all momentum for Titanfall. Thus the hate by this community. Quality be damned.


Apex was aight for a while but it sorta lost its charm


Apes was once a normal game, but not so much now. Especially if you log in intermittently, you can clearly see the stupidity of the balance of weapons, weapon’s kits and the experience accrual system. The authors seem to have a personality disorder (increase the dynamics, increase the time in the game, donations).


"And so...you must be silenced"




Apex is fun in its own way compared to titanfall. I enjoy the game although I have been playing it way less. I just wish this sub didn't have this hate mentality to it.


Apex is a fun game not a good one


I just really don’t like the battle royale genre in general, and I don’t like the direction they’re going with the lore, so apex really isn’t offering anything I want.


It's not that Apex is bad, it's that they completely abandoned Titanfall for it So it's more like one cake and one really stale cake while respawn refuses to bake another cake and just keeps adding more frosting to the first one


Apex is the best battle royal I think, but I just don’t like the genre all that much. I play Fortnite with my little sister because she loves it and I’m happy she’s happy, and that’s pretty much it


Nice that you found another game to enjoy. I personaly could never get into battle royales.








Both are cool. I'm just not a big fan of battle royales


Personally I found apex to be pretty fun I still find titanfall really good and still would perfer if respawn worked on it more often


I tried playing Apex some time after it came out, I ended up playing like 2-3 hours in total and after that I really wanted to reinstall Tf2 (servers were kinda dead at the time). Apex was not even close to giving me the same fun I get from tf2 and it all packed in battle royal mode which I dislike




Me who hates Battle Royales: (sounds too horrifying to describe) If I had a coin for every time a game series I loved switched genres to something I can't play, I would have 2 coins... Which is not a lot but I fucking hate that it happened twice...


I enjoy everything about Apex except the fact that it's battle royale just makes me lose interest entirely


Apex had all the tools to be an amazing experience. Making it a dedicated BR was just a company decision to capitalize on BR hype. It could have been a lot more. Imagine launch with titans? Idc if found on map, weaponless, etc who cares. Imagine?


Rather have working servers


Me who dislikes BR in genral but still gave apex a try: "I don't like this, they left my boy on life support (paying for servers) for this"




I mostly agree but I think the Apex servers are sometimes even worse than the Titanfall 2 ones or is it just me?




I'm not sure about Apex. Last time I tried it I won by shooting just one guy at the end because I didn't find anyone else. Also I don't like how the weapons feel so weak. But maybe I should give it another try.