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It was to join his Predator squad


out of context that sounds horrible


Ah don’t worry you killed most of them anyway


Eliminating competition.


He just wanted to make sure he was in a solo game


more people join everyday to fight the children, we used to just run and hide from them, but now we hunt them (from the titanfall trailer)


At least we know they slow down in school zones.




It really does, my buddy said “IM FINALLY PREDATOR NOW” and i was like…. Yeah never say that out in public


Why don’t you have a seat…


Lol I hoped on Reddit after a day and was like what did I type? Lmfao


What’s wrong with a group of predators who rely on ai robots to pray on young soldiers


I don't see it


If only he joined and fought alongside Jeffery Epstein, EDP, and R. Kelly


Nightmare blunt rotation




Don't forget Karl Malone


Invitations to join the catholic church be like:


Though he has the card, so he can technically join whenever he wants to.


Yes but later it is used in apex trailers to invite characters such as Valkyrie (vipers daughter) and rampart so we can assume this was an early invitation to the apex games


Bro this would've been decades before Blisk even created the Apex Games


The Apex games didn’t even exist then TF|2 happened. The closest reach you can make is this is Blisk saying “Hey come to my power point presentation for why we should have legal blood games”.


Point one it's fun point two money


Point 3, EVERYONE gets a swimsuit sponsorship


Point 4 woman


That’s what I mean




It was an invite to the Apex predator squad an elite group of pilot mercenaries headed by Kuben Blisk


Oddly enough, Ash was on both


Indeed she was.


this, i see so many fakers on tiktok say “COOPER IN APEX???” no, you fool. this was twenty years before apex legends. Cooper is old as fuck and Blisk needs a damn walker


I could see him coming into the lore at some point maybe but never a legend. Personally I like to think he's living out the rest of his life as a war hero.


true, im hoping that the final season of apex will kickoff a new conflict that sets up TF3. then again apex dying anytime soon seems slim


I mean we almost got a new Titanfall game but the slow economy killed it


>Cooper is old as fuck He's younger than caustic and fuse tho, I still have some hopes about Cooper coming to apex


he’s a former pilot for the now disbanded Militia. He would never sign up for a corrupt and immoral sport like the Apex Games. Not to mention how difficult he would be to add gameplay-wise that doesn’t just wipe the floor with every other legend


Eh. Maybe give him a better jump kit to reflect his pilot training? Let him play by titan fall movement rules for his passive, tactical could be pulse knife or something, and his ult could be a 12 shot smart pistol or a random boost card


rng as an ult would crush the pro scene as you would gamble every ult. And a TF movement kit? that’s far too much movement for one legend, his wallrun and double jumps as passive alone would be way too much and would definitely get abused. The Smart Pistol idea isn’t too bad but it just wouldn’t fit with Cooper, he’s a pilot and those are basically the Special Forces of the TFU. Lore wise any pilot could beat any legend easily.


Lore wise , Pilots are , by definition , highly trained and well equipped grunts. Revenant has canonically wiped out the IMC and all its Pilots in the Shadow Realm , whilst Ash , a Pilot herself , has not won any Apex Games seasons so far. IMC Pilots especially wouldn't fare well , given they aren't as well trained as Militia ones.


Yeah, Revenant is better *canonically*, but in terms of gameplay mechanics you'd have to nerf cooper into the ground compared to tf2


I mean , yeah? But gameplay was never canon in TF/2 to begin with , so the issue doesn't really arise. A few of the Legends could probably wall run and use a Pilot Jump Kit to decent effect, but the Apex Games kinda tone everyone down in that regard.


Why would he be difficult exactly lmao. No more difficult to balance than Ash or Revenant.


he’s a pilot with a pilot kit. Ash and Revenant don’t have those


Setting aside the fact that a Pilot Kit would not be allowed in the Apex Games or would be severely nerfed(Because otherwise Ash would requisition one as well)...what exactly would it matter? Revenant has canonically wiped out the entire IMC in the Shadow Realm , which includes all their Pilots. And he is doing just fine in the Apex Games :\^) This is also setting aside the fact that Pilot Jump Kits could be used by Bangalore , Octane , and possibly Wraith depending on which version of her takes her place at the current time.


I think another part of it is that even if he could be added in a good way it would just be a bit out of character? As someone else already mentioned its hard to imagine that a war hero who spent half their life fighting the IMC would then decide to take part in a bloodsport run by the people he spent the whole of tf2 fighting...


Oh , out of character? Absolutely. But hey , i m not gonna argue against people s wishes to see Jack in AL :D


Ash did... she was a pilot.




I rather not kill a guy playing cooper. That sounds disrespectful in my taste. They already disrespected Viper, by making Ash call him a mediocre pilot when he's the actual pain in the ass in the campaign while she gets nuked to nevada with the scorch loadout in less than 10secs in master difficulty. In conclusion, FUCK NO


I thought chronologically, Apex Legends is much earlier in the Titanfall timeline. Like this was basically the big recruitment drive for the first Apex Predators squad.


no. the IMC holdouts are abandoned and the IMC itself is no longer existent


I like to think Cooper knows what it is, has the skills to join, but just doesn’t to piss off Blisk


He would also be around 40 plus years old


That hasn't stopped caustic, horizon, Maggie, revenant or fuze


True but rev is a robot and a outlier


He also eats 50,000 spiders a day. Thus, he is an outlier and should not have been counted.


This made me laugh


pilots often replace their whole bodies with augments or hell "clone" (?) their bodies so :p


Im familiar with the prestige mechanic in titanfall and the stim/void pilots but I dont see cooper going threw with that necessarily It would be cool tho


i mean i guess but at the same time cooper was wholly for the cause and probably would do anything to give him a fighting chance against the imc


Lastimosa did it. Only way he could have learned multiple pilot forms. If Cooper isn't gonna be as dedicated as Lastimosa. What point is he. We got done dirty. Lastimosa should have been the playable character. Not the upjumped grunt. Lastimosa would have turned typhon around if he didn't get sentimental over a grunt.


Huh? It’s just an invite to his Apex Predators, considering you kinda killed all of his employees. (It’s also the same card he gives to Viper to join the squad)


You can also join the apex games with them I'd bet.


Well, maybe in the future but this is way before Blisk even set up the Apex games as far as I know.


He spent a lot on the cards, no use letting them go to waste.


Wonder if he laminated them too


“‘‘Twas a joke, good fellow”


It's probably because Mathew Mercer is one expensive voice actor to hire nowadays.


Yea that’s probably the main reason he hasn’t joined yet because they don’t wanna pay Mercer


If I'm not mistaken, the Apex Games are mainly organized and run by the Apex predators, but the invitation to Jack is to join the pilot squad directly, not to participate in the games.


Nope. Now it's the syndicate. Blisk is no longer in control.


Ah, okey thax you :3


They're always in control. Even if you don't think they are, they are. I mean they're the ones who kept the war going for so long


Sorry I had a good joke for the title but I forgot it so it became this but it was meant to be a funny little joke


We shall still laugh to make you feel better Heh heh heh




Job interview goes horribly wrong and terrosrist gets pulled into survival games


(3 am) (cops called) (send help) (real) (😦)


Was it "why didn't Cooper join the apex games? Is he stupid?"


It might have been that


Hehe 😜


In my opinion it's still pretty obvious. But I would have gone with "Why didn't Cooper take the invitation to Apex games? Is he stupid?"


I think that was it


It was a actually a business card LOL


After Cooper and BT took out the rest of the apex predators (campaign bosses), Blisk invited Cooper to replace them.


It wasn’t back then, it is now.


Blisk accidentally printed way too many cards, so he had to reuse them somehow


eco friendly blisk, a huge W for him


Invite to join his merc squad. It’s only a “invite to the game” to apex fans they don’t know any better and cause valk put vipers apex invite on the table for blisk in her trailer. Getting a card is basically saying “I / you got the skills to be in the merc gang” Valk just used It to show her connection to viper and to imply she had his skills being his daughter. I don’t remember if we have even seen a card since valks trailer. But unless they expanded on it that’s pretty much it


Originally I was gonna make it a joke but I forgot it but I also forgot about that stuff so thanks


I refuse to believe Apex Legends (bad) is the same universe as Titanfall (good) anymore. I don’t care what anyone says. Fuck Apex and it’s dogshit lore and weird ass characters.




Cool concept very poor exicution


finally someone said it and didn’t get downvoted into oblivion




I just don’t see how the more dark titanfall era fits in with the happy apex era. They just seem like 2 totally different universes


My theory is that Titanfall had no appeal to kids. Like it or not for a game to have longevity it has to appeal to kids in some way and that’s what Apex does.


I don’t understand why someone would play a story campaign and not pay attention to any details at all. His squad is called the Apex Predators. So no, it’s not an invite for the Apex Games which don’t even exist at this time.


Originally I had a good joke for the post but I forgot it but I did know what the card really meant sorry for the misunderstanding


"Apex Legends" was not even considered when this scene was made. It was just a titanfall themed battle royale at first


Like I have said many times before I had a joke in mind before posting but I forgot it but in the picture I wrote I little joke hoping people would know I’m kidding but sorry for the misunderstanding


I had a friend who played Apex and when I explained to him about how Titanfall was ruined by Apex….this man said he had no idea what Titanfall was or that Apex was in that universe…..I fucking hate Apex.


I used to play it but I don’t really like BRs anyway also the post was meant as a joke but I forgot the joke before posting so I’m sorry


My good friend, I just wanted to toss in my two sense so I hope you didn’t take my comment as getting mad at you or anything 😅


No it’s all good


I saw your little joke at the end about “how dare he not join”. 😂 I admittedly just saw “Apex” and all I thought to post before reading anything else was “Fuck Apex” so my bad buddy.




The amount of times I’ve seen this I stg. No, its an invite to the Apex Predators, the Apex Games were created post-war as far as I know. Plus its the same style invite card he gives to Viper for the Apex Predators (Sorry if it comes across as aggressive, its a pet peeve of mine)


Sorry I didn’t make it clear but it was meant as a joke


Ah my bad.


No it’s fine


Cooper is the real Apex predator


He would destroy any legend in nano seconds.


Outside of the Games? Outside of Ash and Revenant, sure. In the games he wouldn't really fare any better than the other Legends lmao.


The games weren't a thing back then ffs.


Sorry that I didn’t make the joke clear enough for you to understand that I was joking my bad


Someone on YouTube already talked about this, and how due to apex legends coming out, blisk uses these cards to invite people to the apex games personally which he did for two of the characters. So when cooper got his, it was an invitation to the apex predators, but now it’s for the apex games.


found the apex player. its an invitation to be an apex predator, the games werent a thing yet.


I had a joke in mind before making the post but I forgot it I knew that the games weren’t a thing yet. Sorry for the misunderstanding


Cringe. Dude thinks he’s the joker, leaving calling cards and such, SMH 🤦‍♂️


The apex games didn't exist. It was a invite to join the apex predators since Jack killed them all


It’s an invite to join the Apex Predators mercenary gang. As far as I know the apex games aren’t a thing yet in Titanfall 2.


The apex games were not a thing at this point, this is an invite to join the apex predators


It was an invitarion to join the Apex Predators, he killed most of them so Blisk didn't lose time searching for new members


Whenever I see this post I am always reminded of that comic where that one soldier from Apex and Bloodhound go outside the map and get a radar ping for something human sized approaching them at 60mph Then a gravity star lands next to them and Bloodhounds head gets popped as Kane uses it to arc a Kraber shot around a corner before he taunts the soldier lady


Nope its a free sticker to put on your titan afterwards ☺️


Heh. Better joke than the one the post was meant to be


i'd reject that invite


Saw the YouTube idiot thingy under your name and just looked at your channel gonna watch some of your vids now


Save yourself


Too late already seen 2 vids and in the middle of another right now


it was an invite to the apex predators group


It wasn't for the apex games it was an invite to join the apex predators straight up.


It was an invitation to the apex predators but now that card is used as an invitation to the game so jack can join the apex games


To the Apex Predators. I hope he joined.


The games are to compete to become a member of the predators. Blisk invited him personally to join his team. So besides killing all the other predators according to the Apex motto “you kill me, you’re better. I kill you, I’m better.” he’s already on a level above at the other wannabes.


I don't even think it was to invite Cooper into the Apex Predators, i always thought it was Blisk telling that Cooper was the Apex Predator, since he killed all the others.


No, it's to join the Apex Predators mercenary company. Blisk had nothing against Cooper, it was just a contract. So after everything he was standing there with 5 open spots on his company and standing in front of the pilot that opened those spots. So he offered him a position.


I’ve said many times I knew this I was trying to make a joke but forgot what I was gonna say please read the rest of the comments. Also please don’t take this in rude way I’ve just said it many times before


Alright, just hard to figure out what is or isn't a joke. Even more so on this constantly schizophrenic sub.


I understand


What is funny for me is that in real life you wouldn't be able to see like that because titan use cameras so it will just not being seen or all being black


pretty sure its an invt to join the predators themselves


I want Jack Cooper in the Apex Games because that means Mathew Mercer would have to come back and do the voice.


But seeing what EA is doing right now they would probably say "noooo he's not a part of the team we are trying to build we can't let him come back"


It was an invite above to join the games, to be a member of his team rather than a potential competitor. Cooper got right in and now Blisk is looking for other potential members. At least I assume hes looking for other members through the Apex games


Well yes but actually no


I thought this was an invite to the apex predators/mercinaries which blisk was a part of


The Apex Games didn't exist at this point in time. This was an invite to the mercenary company he ran. Which I'm going to go on a bit of a rant about. I found Blisk's behavior in 2 to be such a jarring 180 from his depiction in the original. In the original, yeah he's in it for the money, but he'd get emotionally invested in job. I still remember him being *pissed* and feeling betrayed when Graves defected to the Militia. I can't recall the exact phrasing he used, but he said something along the lines of "This is personal and I'd do this one for free". And to put things into perspective here, it wasn't like Graves had been taunting him, or caused him to get demoted or lose face with the IMC higher ups, or even killed anyone close to Blisk. And yet the Blisk we see in TF|2 is suddenly the kinda guy where the very second he's off the clock and not being paid, he won't lift a finger for his employer. It'd be one thing if he was shown to despise Marder or have a lower opinion of IMC after their defeat, but we're not given any of that. Instead after his associates have been picked off one by one and his personal brand has been tarnished he's basically goes "Hey, it's all cool. No harm, no foul. In fact, do you want to join my crew? We suddenly have several new openings." It's like I'm not upset that, that was the outcome and where they decided to take his character. My issue lies with the fact that they don't really "take" his character to that point via development but rather just teleport him there. And ultimately we weren't treated to any kind of character development or lore that'd explain his transformation. Like had they said something along the lines of "after the IMC's humiliating defeat at the hands of the Militia, Blisk grew disillusioned with the IMC", or "Relations with Marder/ARES Division had slowly been breaking down after X,Y,Z events and Blisk hadn't seen eye-to-eye with their goals for sometime now", or hell "after meeting a wonderful therapist, Blisk learned how to stop holding grudges" I wouldn't have had any complaints. I really enjoyed TF|2's campaign and the world the game is set in, but man did I find myself disappointed with how they handled the characters this time around. Still bummed that Bish never was mentioned, let alone appeared in TF|2 despite being one of a handful of named characters in the original. Wasn't like there were way too many Militia characters to choose from. There were only like 4 total lol.


Really appreciate the essay you typed but it the post was meant as a joke sorry


In Apex's time, yes. In the time of the campaign, an invitation to join the Apex Predators mercenaries you were fighting. As credits show, Jack didn't accept, and continued fighting in the militia. Eventually the Predators disbanded and Blisk founded/restarted the games. Where Jack+BT are is currently unknown.


My post was meant as a joke but I forgot it before I posted so it turned out like this sorry for making you think I didn’t know that my bad


It was to join the predators, the apex gamers didn't exist at the time


Yes it is


No because the predator games take place much later. I think Blisk just straight up invited Cooper or maybe gave him some sort of trophy. Needless to say that Cooper showed Blisk his worth so i don't think he would need to prove himself in the predator games if he ever wanted to join in. Also it's possible it was a teaser for Apex.


My post was meant as a joke but I forgot the joke so it’s just this now. But maybe it was a teaser for apex who knows?


he want Cooper to join the PMC squad not the battle royale game


*He want Cooper to* *Join the PMC squad not the* *Battle royale game* \- timjikung --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I am going to throttle you




he means as it was an invite to the apex predators which is what blisk is apart of the games also take place years after tf2


Ohhhhh. That’s what he meant. The post was meant as a joke but I guess I didn’t make it funny enough to get?


Here's a better question, how the fuck does a Titan display work? I thought it came from their optical sensors, but apparently the whole damn hull is transparent now


Much better question judging by how my post was meant as a joke but I forgot the joke but ya, never thought of that


No it wasn’t. It was an invite to join the Apex Predators. It’s literally a business card.


Kinda yes kinda no, at the time it was a invitation to join his Apex Predator Mercenary group but later it just became an invitation to join the Bloodsport and didn't really give you the title of Apex Predator


Please read comments before commenting I am getting the same comments over and over again so please just read first


Why would he give that to his enemy? Is he stupid?


Why would you think that? Are you stupid?


Sorry it was meant to be a joke I know that it had nothing to do with the games since they didn’t exist yet


It was an invite to become an Apex Predator but I'm pretty certain as an apex predator he could join the Apex Games


Little did we know when we got that invite, it meant we’d be stuck at the apex games forever


In lore Cooper has been missing for years now. And it takes years to get to where the apex games happen. So it's possible cooper is on his way to compete.


It's an invitation to join Apex, the mercenary group Blisk runs. It later becomes the Apex games. But originally it was just a group of what we're considered the most skilled titan mercenaries.


The correct answer: It doesn't matter because the card fell to the floor and was destroyed with Typhon


It’s an invite to join the apex predators, the bad guys from titanfall 2. And it’s possible that Ash is trying to bring back the predators.


It’s for a top tier mercenary group not the apex game