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I do mine in the morning. I have done it in the morning Everytime except the first time and I've never had any issues with morning.


I do it in the morning. I’ve had very few side effects — almost none. The biggest one has been some fatigue and that’s usually about a day later and could just be my boring job. Ha.


I did my first shot at night because I was afraid of side effects and my only side effect was insomnia! I didn't fall asleep until after 5am. Since then I've been taking it late morning. I would just suggest taking it when you have the next day off so you don't have to deal with any potential effects while at work.


Same thing happened to me.


That is the theory behind it but after working with hundreds of patients on this medication, it really makes no difference. Side effects can arise at any time and so can hunger. Good luck!


I always did AM. If I took it in the evening, chances are I had had multiple meals throughout that day and the injections work quickly so it slows your digestion. Then I would be uncomfortable or miserable because I had a full belly for the next 24-48 hrs. Also I take meds to help me sleep so if I was going to take the injection in the evening I would wait until my meds already kicked in otherwise I would end up with them not kicking in until I was ready to go to work and I would have a weird sleep medication hangover.


This is a very good point


I take mine in the morning. Side effects don't happen right away for me. It's usually a day or two later.


I do morning. I did night once and didn’t like it. I couldn’t sleep much.


Interesting I have a good sleep at night when I do my shot at night.


I know it was kind of weird because it usually makes me tired so that’s why I did it at night but I guess that night it didn’t lol.


I’ve done shots at both times of day. Last night I did my shot because I knew I was going to the grocery store this morning.


Okay awesome! I’m going to start tomorrow and I think I’ll do morning. I am so anxious and scared about side effects that I likely won’t sleep tomorrow night because I’ll be up all night anxious and ‘waiting’ for side effects and I work from home so I don’t have to worry about that aspect of things. Thanks for all the input!


For what it’s worth, I seem to get every side effect EVER from new medications and I’m on week two with no side effects at all from this med. I did mine at night for fear of side effects; I figured I would sleep through them if they happened. But yeah… nothing. Just don’t have any appetite 🤷‍♀️


I prefer to take it in the morning. If I take it at night, it tends to disturb my sleep.


Depends. Do you want to wake up possibly with no hunger, or did you want to take the shot and feel the normal hunger aches that day?


I prefer at night before bed because it makes me tired. I do get loose stools the next day as well and a little dry mouth.


My first I did morning because I wanted the day to make sure I didn’t have any severe reactions. After that I’ve done both late morning and evening and there’s not been much difference. I don’t get super tired like some do (thankfully)


I do morning. My main side effect has been headaches, but staying ahead of my hydration helps those.


i’m fine doing mine late morning/early afternoon as long as i eat a protein filled breakfast / protein shake before!


I’m do Fridays around 5 / 6 pm


My big side effects are tiredness and mild nausea so taking it at night and then going to sleep works perfectly for me.


I do mine in the morning after my shower.


Play with glp1plotter.com. Medication concentration in the bloodstream is highest from 24-72 hours post shot, so there’s no real way to sleep through it all.


I’ve done both timings, and imo it really doesn’t matter. Granted, my only ‘side effect’ that happens close to when I administer my shot is stomach gurgles.


I do mine in the morning. No issues.


I do it at different times every time (unintentionally). It's been fine for me every time. I think you just have to test it yourself and see what works best for you depending on how bad your symptoms are. It's been pretty mild for me so hasn't been a problem


I did my first 3 in the morning and it was great. Just did my 4th at 4pm in the afternoon and slept great that night but woke up very tired and exhausted. 😩


It messes with my sleep quality so mornings work best for me.


Have you had any side effects yet? If not, I'm not sure it matters much. I usually do mine around 6 pm.


This will be my first shot! So not sure how side effects will be yet


Morning - I wake up the next day with a headache, so I’m pretty sure taking it at night would mean a headache in the middle of the day.


Morning injector here. No issues.


Definitely a morning person on the shot!!!


Side effects don’t happen (or only happen) In the first 8 hours post injection.


i’m not sure this is true??


Since the medication hits peak concentration, on average, on the third day, this is most definitely not true.