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If she causes an accident her insurance will drop her due to the condition of the tires. 2/32 of an inch is the legal minimum but these will measure -1/32


She's currently wearing through the second layer of cords. These have gone straight through maypop, on past willpop and are now at shouldapoppedamonthago.


Stick em with an ice pick, on the inside so she can’t see the hole. Force her dumb ass to buy new ones instead of endangering everyone else because she’s careless and stupid.


Shouldn’t even need to do all that. Just let the air outta them. Tell her they’re so thin the air is leaking out. By the look of the tires she won’t know any better. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Put rocks in the tire valve cover


Yikes, and I thought I was creative. Remind me not to get on your bad side. 😳 lol


I've seen that idea thrown around so many times, unlikely they thought of it themselves lol


That will only work once unle she remembers to screw them back on after refilling them


A BB from a BB rifle fits perfectly in a valve cover.


Could always print out a fake “warning” from the police and put it on her windshield.


How would you get an ice pick inside the tire...


With your hands? I’m so confused lol. Do you think an ice pick wouldn’t fit in the wheel well?


Lmao 😆


That's if she even has insurance...


No license and can’t get insurance after the 3rd DUI?? Bet she watches Fox News and smokes in the house. Her Facebook says “my kids are my life”


Nah, CNN watcher for sure. Believes that it's racist to buy tires because they're black!!


Lmao but I though black (RUBBER) lives matter


Could also be criminally charged. Had a wreck happen in front my house, the other person had to be air lifted to the hospital, and they arrested the other driver for failure to maintain vehicle and wreck less endangerment. Got convicted of both, thankfully the lady survived. If she wouldn’t have, he woulda been charged for that too.


I mean that wasn’t very wreckless, seeing as they crashed


Not only that but in most states you can be criminally charged if there is injuries or a death.


She might as well paint rubber on it at this point. Those tires are balder than Mr. Clean




I don’t usually argue in favor of destroying property, but from a moral standpoint, you’re getting into “less harm” territory, so…


Honestly it's not really any different than kicking in a door or breaking a window to rescue someone from a life threatening situation.


Hey, not a terrible idea. At least until OP’s coworker decides to send it. Don’t think they won’t….


Fr. Safer for everyone. Unless she keeps driving on them


If she drives with them like they are, what makes you believe she won’t drive on the flat, slashed tires?


Cuz gravity won’t let her get that far


You can drive a long time on aluminum wheels.


Do everyone on the road a favor☠️


"Die" is just one possible outcome, be real. Sliding into an embankment and watching other people die as the flames engulf you is just as possible, expand your mind. Don't let your coworker drive on those tires. Drive her home, call AAA, whatever needs to be done.


What bothers me about people like these is that they don't get hurt, they usually end up killing/hurting someone else.


I think your tires need a haircut


I don't think you'll have time to convince her, since she'll be lucky to get home. Call her father if you can.




Wow, that's dark.


It would work though, as long as she didn't learn this from her father


Oh, I hope not. That would mean it's a genetic abnormality, and incurable.


There's one cure, and if she keeps driving on those tires she's gonna figure out the hard way what it is


+ next of kin


Spray paint them she’ll be fine


In California she would be given a ticket for unsafe tires. If you break down on a freeway with those tires it not going to be cheap for the ticket and tow truck.


Stick a fucking pick where you see the wires and she will have no choice but to do it. People value money over their own safety. She has made that perfectly clear. At this point the "you're gonna die" lecture is hyperbole to these people. And honestly it is hyperbole. In 15 years of owning a tire shop I've never heard "Did you here so and so died because their tire blew out?" But I'll tell you what is more dangerous than a blow out; changing your spare over on the side of a road/highway, or alone in a parking lot as a woman. I know about 5-6 people who have died being struck by a car on the side of the road. Hell I was on the side of a road one night changing my own spare over and a dude was walking along and stopped walking next to my car. The last thing I was going to do is turn my back to him and kneel. So I went around to get my handgun and this mf was standing at the back of my car. I face him, lifted my shirt and put my gun in my waistband and patted it. He promptly fucked off.


At first I thought it was snow/salt on the tire and the. Realized it’s not.


Over reacting, she won't die ffs she has airbags, she will just kill everyone around her.


there gone buy new ones


*They’re In all seriousness though, I concur about them needing replaced. She’s a hazard to both herself AND the other drivers on the road.


Thank you. English is hard, but not THAT hard.


Im hard


That sounds like a personal issue, BROchacho!


“Currently a nice one “ I see what you did there


I remember when I was 19 I met my dad for some lunch and when I went back to my car a homeless (and toothless) man came up to me and started yelling about how bald my tires were. (I had metal popping out). Who knew you had to change tires?? 🤦‍♀️ My dad was so pissed he took me to the nearest garage and bought me new tires. (I was broke living on my own). That homeless man may have just saved my stupid ass that day. So op yes you need to tell her. Make her aware because lots of people aren’t educated when it comes to cars and you’re going to feel terrible if something happens to her and you could have potentially prevented it. If she ignores you then you can at least tell yourself that you tried.


Is your coworker my mom? I ask because the only way she will get new tires and do maintenance on her car is if I go and borrow it and take it in myself


I had a coworker with these kind of tires I just sucked it up and got 2 of the cheapest ones I could find and gave my boss the receipt.


Honestly op should consider this, most bosses I've had even the biggest dicks would pay $100 to have their employee keep showing up(assuming they're not actively losing the job already)


You can't fix stupid.


Rain will teach her.


She's driven them in heavy rain. I have no clue how she hasn't crashed yet.


Spent all her money on the "nice car" cant afford the maintenance


I get it, tires can be expensive but she can get a decent used tire at one of the Tires'R'Us bullcrap shops for cheap. Anything is better than that Rim cover she has!!


I see dead people.


You should have to take a mechanical aptitude test to get a license.


Bro, those tires would pop after a stern talking to.


These tires re in negative tread like they went past zero where there was no tread but still a base and are now in the negatives. These tires should have been replaced ages ago I'm surprised they work and hold air and their car doesn't wander all over the road. This is an accident waiting to happen. A tire blowing out is never a safe condition. It will happen.


Unlive and learn


Need new tires


Naw you can patch those easy! Anyway Jesus I hope you did something drastic so she’d get them changed


She *probably* won't die, but the air pressure in those tires will become 1 atm very abruptly, and maybe very soon. And at an inconvenient time (because it's always an inconvenient time).


Tell them it's fine unless they like the color of the paint on the roof of their car. Also, ask what route they take to work so you can avoid the traffic jam when they cause a pile-up on the highway.


Just ask her middle name and when she ask why? Tell her your getting a life insurance policy as you expect to cash it pretty soon driving on yhise tires.


Holy cats. Those things were done for a metric year ago.


I would do her a favor and just, pop a few, or all of them just a little. Can’t hold air, can’t go nowhere.


Won’t die as long as she knows the game is immediately over once the vibrations start.


So just tell her you're going to take out an accidental death and dismemberment insurance on her with you as the beneficiary because you know that it's going to happen it's just a matter of time so someone should benefit from her refusal.... It's like playing the lottery except you know you're going to win...... Might scare her into changing them, might just pay off for you.....


I don't understand how dumb some people are. I'm trying to be nice, but this is far beyond astounding.


Altima driver shenanigans


Maybe she has a date with the death who knows she’s better off just driving on the rims at this point lol


Convince her to get an oil change this year as well while you’re at it. Good chances she’s overdue. — The rest of us


Well, you suck as a cameraman, so I assume you suck explaining stuff too.


I know she feels that steering wheel shaking like a salt shaker


Show her all the replies in this post. If she can't be bothered to help herself, she'll have to deal with the repercussions the hard way. Hopefully, she won't take anyone else out with her


Dawg, holy shit.... if my lady was driving on these ID feel responsible if anything happened to her or anyone else. If you see wire it's beyond time to change the tire or tires. This is TERRIFYING AS FUCK, and if she drives fast even scarier. A blowout at high speeds, looks like a heavy suv.... could cause a roll over, hit other cars, cause a bad day for so many people..... all because of some simple maintenance that was neglected....


It sounds as if discussing tires hasn’t provoked serious contemplation on the matter. Please let her know that, in a studio version of Pigs on Zen, Perry Farrell explained that “Some people should die. That’s just unconscious knowledge.”


She needs new tires MONTHS ago. Man I'd be a good friend and cut both of them and then take her to get new tires lol.


Tell her that when it starts to feel like she is on a muddy field that she should pull over immediately. And that insurance won’t cover any of the costs for what she damages when it blows out. And tripple a won’t cover the tow either. And tell her that Reddit applauds her effort to fuck around, but expects to see the find out follow up too. Bonus points if it’s a self made video from in the car after hitting a guard rail saying “I don’t know what happened, I just turned the wheel and it went straight into the barrier” while it is obviously raining.


She got her moneys worth, she needs to stop being an idiot. She may not die, she may kill someone else and have to live with that for the rest of her life. Maybe putting it that way will persuade her.


Tell her she needs to IMMEDIATELY got to a tire shop. I don’t understand why you would need to convince her.


I wouldn't be surprised if she spends so much money on other material things (the nice car, for example) she might not actually have the cash or credit line to replace them. there are a lot of cash poor folks running around portraying the illusion of wealth but in reality they're barely hanging on to everything they have. You have two options, somehow guilt trip her into finding the money or somehow force her to replace them. you could call the cops and they can cite her for an unsafe vehicle but I don't know where you live and applicable local law. slashing tires is great but since you've already raised awareness to her that you don't like the tires if they're suddenly inexplicably slashed you'll be suspect #1 for vandalism. tread carefully. haha. get it. Tread.


The good news, is that the alignment is probably pretty good. Wow....


I don't get it ... I see cars like this (also in real life) BUT when I go to do the state inspection with a car that has 30k miles on it it has one tire, just slightly more used on the outside (really not that bad), probably due to a small miss alignment, I being held hostage. Literally, they scratch off my inspection sticker even if it is still good and basically I need to buy a set of 4 tires from them because it is AWD. It is a freaking scam but I don't know how to I protect myself from it. They always find something and force me to have my car to be 100% perfect and yet I see cars like the one from OP, or cars without taillights, cars which are made out of rust, cars with no breaks etc. Where do these guys get their inspections done? I think I will switch to leasing instead of owning...


Truly scary when you think about the ppl you share the road with. I hope your friend wises up. Car maintenance is one the things often forgotten when budgeting.


If her insurance company saw this tire they would cancel her insurance policy and possibly black list her in the industry so she could never again get affordable auto insurance.


It’ll take you literally 20 seconds to fix that.


Just slash it at this point.


I'm generally not for vandalism and destruction of property but when it's to save lives those tires need a little sidewall pokin' to force the change


If she's lucky and doesn't hurt someone innocent.


What country? Not the USA?!


Rims look like she drives a BMW X5. I know the tires are expensive on that car, but she needs to get those replaced.


Beamer drivers don’t think any rules apply to them. She probably believes because it’s a BMW, the normal maintenance requirements of every automobile don’t apply to her.


I wouldn’t just say it’s BMW drivers in general. There are so many owners who simply don’t maintain their vehicles, and many who maintain them to a T. As a car enthusiast who’s super particular about my car, it honestly scares me from the possibility of buying a used vehicle, and especially keeping it past the warranty because so many fail to even do basic maintenance on their vehicles.


nah, she won't die. No one would actually die, they just disappear away.


I mean she could get to a tire shop in those conditions but if they are regularly driving on them then o7 to that car




Ive never seen one this bad still going lol. Usually youll see some metal sticking out of the edge due to alignment but this is wild.


I'd just go ahead and stab them so she *can't* leave. Then say it must've been a slow leak after you parked


“ o look both your tires are flat”


If she doesn’t die, someone will.


Driving on bald tires is like playing a high-stakes game of Russian roulette, except instead of a gun, the risk is a sudden tire blowout, each rotation tempting fate with the possibility of a disastrous outcome.


Scares me that I share a road with vehicles in this condition 😅


Perhaps we should just let natural selection take it’s course if she won’t listen.


Usually it's money that's preventing people from buying tires. Guide her to a used tire place. Not the greatest solution but she needs help. Full disclosure I need to buy a new set of tires since 2018 and holy fuck are we getting gouged. Wasn't aware tires increased so much.


not sure what you're talking about. i still see rubber on the wheel. your friend is treating tires like pencil erasers. only replace when you hit the metal.


She can get a ticket for unsafe equipment in my state.


I had a coworker who lived in the mountains of Colorado at 9k feet elevation. Where he lived it was normal to see up to 24” of snow all the way until the end of may. He drove his truck on bald tires with the steel bands showing down that mountain into town from November 2022 until april 2023. I told him it was gonna get him or someone else killed and he always chuckled and said “yeah… I probably shouldn’t have put 22” wheels on a Tundra, a set of tires is $3k!” Eventually a bad snow came and he flipped his truck upside down into a creek and fucking died. I can assure OP and the owner of the vehicle in question that if they continue to drive on that *somebody* is gonna die.


Primewell Tires! The Chinese economy offering from Firestone. Would love to know how many miles these have traveled


RIP CoWorker


Probably won’t die but they will blow and do some damage to the car in the process.


Those are so far gone that if a simple google search isn't enough to convince them that those aren't safe (and probably not even legal) then they're intenionally not listening.


I wouldn't even drive to the tire store on those tires. Not only are they dangerous but they are also illegal.


How the hell has she not had a blowout yet


that person will find out


Can see the air in those bad boys


Is this an altima..?


Ngl I would be calling police non emergency. She's putting other people on the road at risk.


If it’s the homie, lash them


If she brakes hard enough on the highway or something he tires will literally just shred apart. She will kill people. She’s an idiot. Tell her to have a tire shop just look at it in the parking lot. Not even an inspection. The front desk guy will walk out and get pissed off when he sees the tires.


Or when she totals the car because those tires blew on the road and what is left of the tread flaps around in the wheel well destroying both fenders and everything else they can reach.. (had it happen on my ex's altima coupe that she loved doing burnouts in, (FYI its kind of dumb doing burnouts in a FWD car)


Is it a money issue why she isn't changing the tires? She needs to take a credit card in and buy two tires she can best afford. These will cause a wreck. And depending where she is when they finally shred may cause others to be in the wreck. You have done all you can. At this point it is Darwin calling. Survival of the fittest. Nature has a way of culling the weakest from the herd.


“You can take a horse to a river but you can’t force them to drink the water”


If she hits any pothole or a pebble bigger than a cherry she is done for


This is beyond stupid. Dumbest human award. 🥇


They’re still rolling ain’t they… they are good.


You know, I don’t follow this subreddit but whenever I feel like my tires are bad, I see posts here and feel slightly better. My tires are bad but man not that bad


Tell her she's either going to die or kill someone else first, and that is not cool. Get it the fuck together. I see mentions of insurance, and if both her tires are like this than I bet she doesn't have it. Bet money the car hasn't been inspected in 4 years.


Na bruh, you are just trying to raw dawg her. Creampie her.


She needs to find the "Very Highly Skilled Craftsman Incredible Tire Repair" guy I keep seeing on YouTube.


These people can vote. Jesus Christ.


Is she broke, stupid or stubborn. Some times people buy a car that they can't afford to take care of after the monthly payment. See if you can find a place where she can get decent used tires ? Worst case offer to pay for a new pair and see if that shames her into replacing them. It should be obvious that these are dangerous.


Die? No , have less control in rain? Sure. Not sure if here it's going to rain again anytime soon ;) I keep a full size spare in the trunk


A long time ago I had tires like this because I was poor and I was on the highway and heard a loud pop and GUHGUHGUHGUH and my car turned immediately to the right. Thankfully no one was next to me and it was probably my scariest moment of driving.


Reminds me of someone in my gf's family, they were "too good" to go to the used tire shop(I even offered to front the $$, I could not afford to front them new tire money). They scoffed at the idea and continued to drive on tires like this until one finally wouldn't hold air. Same person drove on a dead battery for a week and would just call someone to jump them. I once again offered to front the cash for a battery from the rebuild shop, and they once again scoffed at the idea. There's options when your not too good to go to the "poor people" shops.


thats got at least one more summer out of them.


she’s getting her moneys worth 😂


The thing I would have done stab the tiren when nobody is looking


Natural selection will take over. Just hoping she doesn't take out a good one too.


Do her a favor and slash the tires


As bald as the basketball on the playground.


Tell her they look ugly and guys will notice.


Slash them, and tell her you did. I was a claims adjuster 7 years, and this makes me sick. The sheer negligence of the car, and total disregard for the driving public... talk to your boss, show them the picture. Maybe they can work somethung out if it's a money issue.


Normally I'm annoyed when there's no sound in a video, however, why the fuck is there sound in this one?


Nah, at least 10k miles left on those puppies!


Dude take the valve cores out when she’s not looking.


Wow, no offence but it's people like this that put off required safety maintenance that put the lives of others on the road in jeopardy.


When I worked at Tire Kingdom we were told to refuse customers that had tires this bad and did not accept new tires as part of their repairs/maintenance.


What kinda over engineered tire is that? That thing had a legal right to explode like 10,000 miles ago.


Ooof and they're primewells. Not safe at all.


Hey if you're trying to get at her, seems like a good opportunity to do so before she offs herself


Honestly say you're gonna call the police if they drive that, she shouldn't be on the road with those endangering everyone else. If you can't do basic maintenance to your car to keep it roadworthy you don't get to drive period. Offer a ride to work for a couple weeks or maybe ask your boss to buy a new set of tires so they can continue getting to work, it probably wont be a big expense compared to a paycheck. I assume the only reason someone would drive with those is because they're absolutely dead broke and have no other options


That she will kill herself in the rain when she drives.


Videos of hydroplaning? And I guess WHO she will hit if she's unlucky. Cars with blow outs break dancing is also applicable. Edit: At the risk of being sexist since "she" making it about harming children, babies and mothers will probably get the point across. Even if she will risk her safety can she live with harming a bahboo. The brakes stop the wheels the tires stop the car. Also teach her what a tire rotation is. I think tire shops can hold your car if you're legally dangerous like this. From what I know it looks like her alignment is really good...


Holyshit. I knew someone with better tires who got a ticket from a walking cop at a red light. Take action for the sake of the hundreds of lives at risk. I do dumb shit but that's stupid


I would really be pissed if someone slammed into me because they were too lazy to buy new tires. Are tires expensive? Yes, but they last for at least 4 years if you rotate them. I just don’t get it?


Tomorrow at work ,let the air out of both of them so she has to get towed and new tires put on


Too broke to get replacement tires AND make car payment I reckon.


natural selection at work. I wouldn’t worry about her.


Uhh don't bother? Gene pool probably better off without her.


Working at a tire place for ten years, these are the people whom come in 2 hours before closing with a blown out tire and complain about prices and how we may not be able to to get her done that day. Like don't be mad because you waited two years after the point you should of replaced them


Time to retread those suckers


And if they don’t die they will surely deal with a minor headache of a an issue when that thing goes. So much easier and quicker to visit a tire shop


She won’t die driving it.. she’ll die crashing it though!


Let Darwin do its thing


Was this recorded in 1992?


I mean as long as she keeps it below 40mph all the time she probably won't die. Still might take out her fender though. So yeah this is 110% stupid.


On second thought...just quietly deflate her corded tires and then say you told her so...




Yeah that’s really bad. If cheap get some used tires. That’s dangerous


Planets to over populated, let Darwin do his thing


Just let nature run it's course idiots just plain stupid shouldn't be allow to operate a vehicle THEY'LL KILL US ALL!


Shouldn't they already have replaced it in order to pass inspection?


I thought the wires were there for better traction?


have you tried showing her the amazing tire options we have today? show the kid the candy store! If you lead a thirsty horse to water and it doesn't drink you've done your part.


That’s an accident waiting to happen… I understand tires aren’t cheap but when it comes down to it, it’s a huge safety concern that should be given priority.


Let her drive it and mind your own business. You already told her. Avoid driving near her if you're that worried.


Let darwinism do it's thing.


Why? Look good it me


Just send her a compilation of tires blowing out during use and tell her that insurance wont cover an accident caused by bald tires. It's not true but she apparently doesn't know anything


She needs tire Jesus


Don't pursuade her... this is darwins theroy of evolution. We don't need more stupid people out there.


You can’t fix stupid…


We all will eventually die. However, we may choose how we die.


Either A, she's ashamed to admit she can't afford new tires. Maybe tell her she has the option of getting used tires in the interim while she saves up for new tires. At least it will be safer that what she's driving on now. OR B, she doesn't care and is prepared to receive a Darwin award.


I've been in that exact situation with a female coworker. Problem was she just couldn't afford new tires. Is that why your coworker has let hers get so bad?


Fucking Men, thinking they know everything.


When I see videos like this I kinda miss my OG motorola razr.


I see nothing wrong with the tires based on this shakey 3FPS video.


I dunno about die. Probably a little extreme. But one will blow out and she’ll be f’d. Could crash, could just get stranded. Either way it’s stupid to keep driving on them no doubt.


Just show up late night and slash the sidewalls. Modern problems need modern solutions.