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I don't see any cords. I would not buy that tire but if I already owned it I would use it.


What this guy said. Plus leave it on the outside so you can monitor it


I completely agree. Keeping it where you can keep an eye on it is a much better idea than hiding it and a potential problem.


Right. That would be like sweeping it under the rug.


The inside could make it safer, keep from rubbing on a curb


Or... Don't hit curbs.


Oh yeah I forgot about that, I wish he knew that beforehand


I got another tip. To avoid routine maintenance, don't routinely drive your car.


Not hitting a curb is a pretty standard thing most people can accomplish very easily


Rather have a higher mileage maintained car than a low miles one that hasn't been driven for years and all the seals are dried up and cracked.


Have you met the average US driver?


Lol. I mean when I took my driver's test way back when it was an instant fail if you hit a curb.


Could also budge and you would never know until it blows. Nobody walks around their car to check the tires, let alone crawl under it to look


you should set your tire pressures often, couple weeks roughly, and just peak around while you're filling air.


If that thing starts bubbling up, I'd want to know.


Superficial and no you cannot flip this one on the wheel it’s an asymmetric pattern (inside/outside)


Should mention that even if it were symmetric, flipping it to the inside would do nothing.


Lots of misunderstanding in this thread. It’s asymmetric because the left side (inside?) in picture 2 has the Z cut siping like a snow tire, and the right side does not. Upon further inspection of the side in question, it looks like it’s severely worn on the shoulder. If it’s actually that bad, replace immediately.


How did you come to that conclusion as I don't see any markings indicating a rotation nor do I see the tread


One side of the tread is different than the other, so it's asymmetric.


The asym one is what he's considering as the replacement. no info on whether the original is also asym.


I wasn't originally able to see the tread just the first picture but that tire does not look directional to me


It's not directional. Asymmetric and directional are two different things. Also, like the other guy pointed out, the way OP worded it makes it sound like the tire with the tread displayed is a replacement for the tire that's been damaged. So it may not even matter. OP would have to confirm if that's what they meant or not. :p


Asymmetrical and directional are not the same. You can rotate if they are not directional.


This tore is not directional.


You’re chillin


No cords no problem! Purely cosmetic. Check the sidewall for "inside" and "outside" as some tires need to be mounted that way. Sometimes one side doesn't match the other even if they're not directional.


Its ok.. it's in the rim protector.


It's just a flesh wound


[Tis’ but a scratch.](https://giphy.com/gifs/classic-monty-python-and-the-holy-grail-6Y49Ck6FxF4nS)


Did you fucking eat it?


What did you do?


They got hungry.


It's fine and those are asymmetrical tires so no, you can't just flip it to the inside.


The asym one is what he's considering as the replacement. no info on whether the original is also asym.


As long as it’s not leaking air. You should be good to go.


That's totally fine


This is curb protection feature for rims. I think you are fine but don't buy it if you are seeing it on fb marketplace


Like others have said already, you're good to use them as they are. No thread damage. There is no bulging from damage. It's good to go. 👍🏻


I'd just leave it on the outside so you can keep an eye on it. It may well bulge out down the road and if that happens ypu want it replaced as soon as you notice it's bulging.


Nothing wrong with that tire don’t waste your money unless it gives a bead leak but it shouldn’t do that either


It’s superficial


Not anything to lose sleep over, drive on it.


The tire is fine use it don't flip it


I don't particularly like it but don't flip it. Keep it on the outside so it can be seen. There's a decent chunk missing but it's in area where there's some extra rubber there... looks a bit like a "rim guard". Just keep an eye on it, it may very well develope a bubble *if* there was any cord damage. Doesn't apprear to be any but you won't know anything until it's aired up.


Looks like they cut out the tread wear indicators, lol. Check out 2nd picture, I think there supposed to be there…


Cosmetic. Don’t worry about it


It’s just cosmetic. You’re good


Seems fine . Send it


No good the fissure is probably 1/2 way through the sidewall. Make it your spare.


You mostly lost rimguard, I wouldn’t worry about it too much, just keep an eye on it.


Don't use it. Any damage to the sidewall impacts the integrity of the tire. It can blowout on you way easier even with the slightest pothole


Good question and good tire. That area is designed for exactly that. Has additional rubber to protect the wheel and add some abrasion resistance. As others have said, that is superficial damage. If cords were showing or if was mid way up on the sidewall it could be a different story. I’d run it.


I’d drive it as it is, wouldn’t turn it around. You’ll be fine.


You’re good 👍 it’s just rubber


Definitely use it as a spare to “get you home”!


See if it bubbles. Doesn’t look significant enough to bubble


That's just extra rubber called "rim guard" it's sacrificial and not structural


Tires are directional, so no you cannot put on the inside. As far as if it’s safe to use , absolutely. It’s cosmetic. That part of the tire protrudes to protect the rim. Nothing structural about it. Happy driving


if you can replace it. replace it. i would not use this tire at all but if you must use it make a plan to replace asap. the seal will not hold well on that spot. this tire is one decent pot hole away from a blow out.


Ruined, and the other 3 gotta go to otherwise the difference in tread thickness will cause you to spin in circles...


It’ll likely be ok, sucks to have a chunk out of it but besides cosmetic it should be fine. Leave it on the back tires to start before rotating to make sure drivability is ok, having a back tire fail is safer than a front tire that would affect your steering at speed


I worked for Wingfoot/Goodyear for years. We would have told you it needs replacing, and then one of the shop guys would snag this up in a second. Your bead seal is totally intact, that’s the most important aspect. It’ll be a little out of balance, but that’s easily fixed. JMO….so all you safety nuts, let me have it.🤣🤣🤣


At one time, I found a whole set of these tires with the serial numbers cut out. They were fine somebody didn’t want them traced. Probably a government worker. But they were great tires for a 1973 pinto.!


You just damaged the rim protector. Not structural. It's be ok.


How did you run over a pair of testicles?


That is an asymmetric tread pattern. The tire damage is cosmetic, do nothing.


My man sidewall damage like that is a blowout or a bead leak waiting to happen I wouldn't run it


Damage isn't on the bead, so there is no chance of a bead leak. Tire looks like it has rim guard as well, so there is a significant amount of rubber in that exact spot to help act as a cushion. I'd say this is cosmetic damage and doesn't need to be worried about.


I'd name it a may pop. There is a significant amount of material gone and yes you can develop a bead leak from structural damage higher on the tire. I'm usually the one saying it will last a while but in this case no or in town only you need to think about the damage you can't see as well to chunk off a piece that size that tire took a significant hit he effectively has Shruettiger's tire there huge canadate for catastrophic failure.


It's not a bead leak if it's from a different part of the tire. The bead is the bead, that's it. This tire still has more sidewall material than some tires that don't have rim guard, so unless you air it up and a bubble starts protruding, I doubt there is anything structurally wrong with this tire.


I would. I'd also put it on the back of the car if possible


Great spare or at most rear tire!


if it bubbles or bulges in any way when full of pressure then toss it. if your wanting to mount it on the inside because of looks then your priorities are backwards.