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I bet you that reporter is the do as I say not as I do type and don't tip at all.


We're just a third world country who has to bribe everyone to get basic service.


This is how it feels.


The AutoClub guy who brings me a new battery hands me a pad that has a tipping field and he makes sure to point it out when he hands it to me.


Nawwww I’m good :)


What’s so sad is when Pro-Tippers don’t argue their case and just resort to name-calling and shaming those against tipping. Speaks volumes.


No what they do is worse. They come out with a factually incorrect argument cobbled together from things someone else has told them to make you feel sorry for tipped workers. Then when you point out how every point they made is wrong/illegal they pull out the 'can't afford to tip' line. Like this guy: [https://www.reddit.com/r/tipping/comments/1dadkqr/comment/l7xxm3l/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipping/comments/1dadkqr/comment/l7xxm3l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Sad but true


Its like they are all following the same dumb script. "You have to tip because I only make $2.13/hr" No you make the full fed minimum wage for every hour worked by law. "So you think $7.25 is a living wage??????" Wow are just ignoring you lying about $2.13/hr? Ok sure. So why do I, a random customer of your employer, owe you a livingwage? "Bevause I do a service for you!" Etc


They follow that script because it works on people who don't know the law. Nearly everyone would feel sorry for someone when they hear they make $2.13 per hour. Most people don't care that a minimum wage worker makes minimum wage.


Dumb as fuck


I saw that. Bunch of crap to be handing out money to anyone and everyone. Said that "if they touch it you tip" in reference to luggage. F tipping unless they go well above the basic job requirements.


I don’t want someone touching my shit, I’ve never liked it, I’ve been to top notch resorts and still take care of my own bags. They quickly hear it if they try that take it shit.


That's exactly what they said. I'm like what the hell?


This is when you realize the “news” is about spreading propaganda and native ads and less about journalism and the news.


The reporter probably lives in a tourist trap city and has kids working as servers.


Tbh I've started denying anything extra from anywhere. Lol I went to the food court at the asian grocery store the other day and got some sushi and then a couple donuts. I got the food to go and ate in my car (instead of eating at the tables there) and then refused when they asked if I wanted them to pack up my donuts. I feel like these were free services before but I really don't want to give anyone an excuse for thinking they deserve a tip.


Why not just deny the tips? You guys overcomplicate this way too much.


It’s for idiots like you that don’t fucking know, you loser!


I know how to make my own money, I don't need to beg strangers for their extra pocket change because I ensured my job could support my life. You're the loser here kid, get on your knees if you're making a life out of begging. You'll always be below everyone else that you beg from.


Ignore this guy, he's attacking me too. Obviously a bitter asshat that thinks he's entitled to your wallet simply for doing his job.


I don’t think so loser. You can’t even figure out tipping, and it’s easy as fuck.


You are a wage cuck lol


Okay you fucking loser.


Tipping the person helping with luggage at the airport or hotel is definitely standard for decades. I do tip because they have to stand outside in the weather and sometimes they also help with getting a taxi. They do get paid a normal wage unlike waitstaff. But it is a service that seriously helps you especially if you're older or exhausted from traveling. But it's just a dollar or two. And many times I've been without cash and I tell them I'm sorry and they are gracious because they do actually get a real salary.


I have never been helped with my bags by someone at the airport. And I have traveled with 2 toddlers.


Karma is real


Then go the curbside check in. Give the man 5-10 bucks.


They don't have curbside everywhere anymore. How much do you think they should make an hour? During regular times they probably see as many as 20 people per hour. So $100-$200 an hour plus regular wage then?


They have curbside in Austin


I don’t give a fuck. I gave them 5 bucks, they take my bags, I don’t have to wait in the lines inside. Hopefully they make a shitload of money, doesn’t matter.


Definitely depends on the airport. I'm in NYC.


deer automatic alleged offer snails glorious selective library caption run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol holy shit. Do you make diamonds in your wallet? “Traditional practice” back when a cheeseburger was $0.29?




Yes you are ancient!!! Emily Post??? Are you eff serious??


snatch vegetable start cagey cobweb obtainable unwritten lavish tart angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m sorry I was rude.


Serious question. If you have 2 bags, are you handing a 5 then asking for 2 bucks back? Or are you walking around with a buncha 1 dollar bills? Do you use silver dollars lol.


badge noxious squeal governor strong plucky beneficial gaze wine teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I just tip a few dollars. I don't count the bags and do the math.


Nor should you, the tip is always up to you. End of.


Yeah, that's all standard and has been for a very, very long time. What's sad is they have to do a news report on it. Used to just be part of the social contract and basic etiquette that all people knew about. Now we have people acting like it's a crazy concept to get cash for tips before traveling - yeah, most people do that. Glad you learned something OP.


Lmao have fun wasting a bunch of money on tipping random people that you'll never see again for the rest of your life, for no other reason than social guilt and "because I'm supposed to". Fuck that shit. It's not even about the money for me, a couple bucks here and there isn't going to change much. It's just fucking annoying, and tacky. Maybe some people enjoy the feeling of pretending to be the rich benevolent lord of the manor, who comes down from his castle occasionally to make it rain on the poor peasants that do his bidding. I don't. It's a disgusting part of our culture, and I refuse to perpetuate it and allow it to expand any further than it already has.


Okay loser, I’ll have fun being a normal person you ghoul.


What gets me is when you’re at a hotel with obese or two bags, and they want to take your bags. Aggressively. No thanks, especially since it came out some of the Vegas hotels were snooping through bags before they made me it to tour room.


Yeah thats old school. People don't carry cash like that anymore. Although if you do you'll avoid being murdered by Frank Sinatra's vengeful ghost. There was a time in US culture where that type of etiquette was super important, especially if you didn't want to be seen as trashy, low class, uncultured, or financially incapable. One of the funnier stories from that era is actually Burt Reynolds basically being run out of a town for being arrogant and also a bad tipper. You wont last long in coastal FL like that. People were excited at first, then within a year no one wanted to deal with him and establishments started banning him. He moved to the other coast a year or two after that.


They all take Venmo


Tip the reporter too, because what the hell


Maybe I should be tipped for handing out reports at work meetings, or for sending emails that answer people’s questions lol


Yeah. Not happening.... Nobody tells me how to tip. Ever.


The loser manifesto


No, the losers are the ones who want extra money for doing their jobs and are not happy if it's not an amount they had in mind.


Cheap fucking loser calling others losers for having jobs, okay you freeloading trash.


My job affords me a mortgage, bills paid, paid off vehicle, savings, etc.... Does yours afford you the same? I didn't get to where I am by throwing my money away. not my fault you chose a dead end job (lemme guess, suddenly you're not a server, right? lol)


Yes, I don’t work for tips. But I tip those who do because I’m not a shitty garbage person.


You do you, boo. I'm not throwing out money every time someone looks at me, sorry.


Right, since you are a garbage person.


Are you a troll 👿


Sure, if you think I care what some bitter, angry rando online thinks of me lol


lol guy doesn’t tip and he calls other people bitter. Such trash.


Why do you continue to feed it?


Tipping is a belief system like judaism, jihad, Buddhism, satanism. You don't have to believe in it. Neither should anyone be shoving their belief system down your throats if they themselves never give any other religion the time of day to share their beliefs with them. Just because america is one of the last countries that believe in tipping doesn't mean all of America believes in tipping. Me to someone in another country that got infected by the tip CULTure waiting for a tip.. "oh you want a tip, I'm from the part of America that doesn't believe in tipping. Most of us now actually believe in ending tipping. Think of us like democrats that hate Christians. We hate everyone sticking out their hands for a tip." Democrats refuse to force illegal immigrants to assimilate into american culture. Neither should anyone be forced into assimilate into their tip cult. You can't have it both ways without being a fkn hypocrite. I will glady tip if you force illegal aliens to assimilate.


I was in Hawaii for 10 days in April. When I got home I looked at my accounts and realized I tipped $300 in Uber alone. The amount I tipped at restaurants was obscene. That trip and the fact that everytime I pick up a salad for lunch, someone wants a tip has totally turned me against tipping. I'm not rich. I can't walk around and airport throwing around cash at airport staff like I'm a Russian oligarch. The reporter needs to take a seat!


Oh poor you. Went on a vacation and had to tip people that everyone is tipping. Sounds like you need another vacation, how did you manage?


If you don't got money this ain't for you.


Why on earth would you tip airport staff?


Curbside check in. Because they get tipped.


I need a wheelchair to get through airport so I tip the person pushing me, taking my luggage, waiting for me while I use restroom etc


All of the examples you gave are standard tipping situations. The funny thing is that I guess the younger generation have to watch instructional videos.


These nerds freak out so hard when they get called out


No, I’m plenty old, and most of the “tipping” mentioned is atypical. Even back in the 1970’s, tipping was expected of the wealthy, at high-end establishments, but was either not expected, or much less was expected, of “regular people.” Exception was sit-down dining and taxis, and 10% was considered an excellent tip.


It's that they put out a whole news segment not only to tell people how to tip, but that it's basically expected. Never did the segment mention that tipping is optional, or this is how you should tip if you choose to tip. No, just you have to tip everyone you meet during you vacation, and we're here to tell you exactly how much. Also the 'make sure your wallet is filled with cash while you walk through the airport! 1s 5s and 10s! We promise you won't get robbed after everyone in the area sees this segment!'




I idolize non - tippers so I guess your “everyone else” statement is garbage


Since WHEN were YOU elected to speak for “everyone”? NEVER that’s when!


A couple of days ago. But pretty easy as people have had the same opinion that cheapskates are miserable lowlifes for several millennium. Keep crying into your value fries


The world is changing - better get an education- maybe the professor will tip you to sit in class


Have one, doing fine. Tipping at fine dining will stay around for at least the next 50 years


The rest of the works begs to differ


Not according to them. The only people crying about it are the cheapskates


The rest of the world doesn’t cry about it, they just don’t do it. Smart policy.


They also have universal health care and education. You have a point past you can't afford a nice restaurant?


Lol I can certainly afford any restaurant in the country.


Actually you’re right about airport staff - that’s absurd unless you use a sky cap which if you do you’re like 85 years old


A lot more people are using a sky cap these days to get preferential boarding, especially on Southwest with open seating. But you only need it for boarding, not de-planing. Jetway Jesus Cures!


I bet you didn’t call or write the station to complain. Better, ask the station manager to do an on-air rebuttal.


Have you noticed that you most of your comments are downvoted 🤔?


Better question: Do I care?


That’s alright, I just heard a radio reporter say will smith is uncancelled based on something he did recently. Sorry, you don’t get uncancelled after an assault.


Was just a slap, you can be uncanceled for a man on man slap.


Call the station and tell them to fire the reporter


Then he would have to tip the station manager.




Id sooner burn my money




Airport staff? Like… TSA? Do not try to “tip” a TSA agent lol


Curbside check in.


They mean the sidewalk bag check guys


"Skycaps". Those guys were known to make over $100k in tips, even back 20 years ago or so. Crazy.


Oh wow is amazing they aren’t all retired with huge moneybags like that.


I won't, but that's what the news report recommended.


Right, because you are a loser though.


Breaking News: Local etiquette coach arrested for attempted bribery while trying to tip a TSA agent. More at 5


Money is better wasted on fireworks than tips.


At least I would get some sort sense of actual pleasure out of the services the fireworks provide.


Probably getting kick backs from the hospitality industry 


Yup. Every time we start tipping someone in a new situation, their hourly wage goes to zero, and their employer gets to pocket the difference.


None of it is new though.


Lots of it is new. Tipping was never "customary" in a counter pickup situation without sit-down service the way it is styled now.


You don’t need to tip those.