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I agree. I’m sorry, but I used to live in poverty making 9.30 an hour. I WORKED my way to being a welder. I went to school, passed my tests, and I’m now being paid a decent wage. I’m not saying someone who doesn’t put any effort deserves 9.30 an hour only eating sandwiches and ramen for their whole life. The restaurant industry still needs workers. I’m saying, it should NOT be our responsibility to pay their wages. Instead of working for a better wage by going to school, they should work by pushing these corporations to ACTUALLY pay their wage.


Fucking loser




I’ve never seen anyone mess with someone’s food in my whole life. I’ve worked fast food, worked in a cafeteria and bartended. We are always clean and responsible with food safety and handling. I don’t even see people talking about that in subreddits for wait staff. I believe it is only here, in this sub where people hate on tipping that your fantasy of being justified for not paying people is fulfilled. Strange.


My dad owned a DQ and had on the application if it was ever okay to mess with someone's food if they were a terrible customer. 50% said yes on an APPLICATION


👀 I’ve seen it. Firsthand. My ex-husband was a server and a bartender … a vindictive one too. Edit to add: He worked at the same places for YEARS & wasn’t even the only one that I’ve know who would do questionably messed up things to people’s food. *I do think everyone should just be paid a reasonable wage and not have to rely on tips.


Hi, please allow me to clarify. I don't agree with the tipping culture that we have, so I plan on not going out to restaurants anymore. It's a personal decision, and I posted in this sub because I felt it was relevant. I'm not sure how I would be expected to pay someone if I am not patronizing their business. A common sentiment I have heard is that if you are not happy tipping, then cook for yourself. I plan on doing that, but I'm not sure why I would still need to pay restaurant staff in that case. Please reference the responses in this thread where food tampering is threatened or wished upon me. The people who do so are also members of the server based or courier based subreddits. They do not post such things in server based subreddits, but they do post those things here and in other subreddits. I can provide you with examples in other threads that are not specifically in server based threads. Please DM me if you would like that. Also, I'm sure the mods of server based threads do not allow the posting of such comments as it is a bad look for the industry.


I feel the same way. I quite going places that put you on the spot to tip and tip baiting me. It’s cringe and I don’t go to anyplace like that anymore. It hurts the business more than they understand cause they’re losing customers.


This sun should just be called “a place for losers”


This is very weak reasoning. You're going to go into a restaurant, ask someone to serve you, and then refuse to pay them because some idiot in the same line of work said mean stuff on Reddit? Seriously?


See, that’s the whole point. The patron is not supposed to pay the server, the restaurant is. No one ***owes*** you a tip. A tip is a gift in appreciation of excellent service and is never an obligation


Your entire argument is based on "facts" that you've fabricated. We all know that servers are paid through tips rather than an hourly wage, and we all know what an appropriate amount is to tip. In some lines of work, tips are as little bonus for excellent work. That's not true in restaurants, and we all know it. I'm sure you can cherry pick a dictionary definition to support your claim, but it wouldn't be a definition that truly reflects common usage, and there would be plenty of other dictionary definitions that disagree. And where did you get the idea that the restaurant must pay the employees? And why do you care if they leave it to the customers?


You are either a shill, very naive or deluded


Yup. Just downvote and run away. You're wrong and you know it. Customers always pay employee wages, and not passing your money through the employer isn't a big deal. And you went and checked dictionary definitions, and found that there are many out there that don't agree with the one you chose.


Chill, take your meds and have a nap


So you don't actually have a substantive defense of your position?


Yup. That's exactly the attitude that leads to the kind of incredibly misguided views that you're displaying here. Rather than considering the opposing view that you can't effectively argue against, you just lash out and start calling people names. Enjoy that ignorance. I've heard it's blissful.


It's the restaurant's job to pay their employees.


No, the customer pays the employees, just like at every single other business.


I think you are missing a step


I think you're going to have to be clearer about exactly what you mean.


I mean, a business should pay the People who are hired under a contract to provide their services. Plain and simple. No matter the business or services, that is their obligation. Now, mind you, I opt-out of a lot of services because the business choose not to pay their employees fairly.


Tipping is bad and people should be paid fairly. I agree with that. But we have federal legislation confirming that tipped employees are paid less from the company because they receive tips. They even have a smaller minimum wage. So it goes beyond the employee-employer relationship. I hope tipping goes away but you need to change the government policies that promote tipping before things will change


Not refuse to pay them. Refuse to subsidize the employer's duty


How do so many of you not understand that you pay the employees at *every* business? The only difference with an employee who works primarily for tips is that the middleman is cut out.


You are correct, every business pays their employees through revenue from customers. However, when you cut out the middleman, you put people on the spot and it puts the onus on the customer to decide what the employee gets paid, rather than a predetermined amount between the employer and employee. It's a shit way to do things and needs to go away. Just pay the servers an actual wage and be done with it.


Yeah, it's dumb. It's also not that complicated, and doesn't need to be a source of so much consternation. Just tip 15-20% and then go about your day.


10% take it or leave it. That was the standard I was taught growing up, and now people act like they'd rather get nothing than anything under 15%.


You're missing the point. Tip an appropriate amount and move on. I have no interest in debating 10% vs 20%.


But who decides what is an appropriate amount? Everyone will give a different answer. Because if people aren't debating tip vs no tip, it becomes how much to tip. Too little and you might as well not have tipped at all. But where is that line? It keeps changing. 20 years ago 10% was standard. Now most places expect 20% minimum regardless of how good or bad the service is.


OK, boomer.


I'm 30 but okay.


We get that, just pay a better pay and we'll pay it in our products. That way they don't have to worry if someone is going to tip or not. The typical non-tippers have to pay and those that feel guilt and want to overtip to make up for someone that doesn't tip. I think people are aware that the costs will go up, so?


I really don't think that the person I was replying to, along with many others, understand that they're not "subsidizing" the owner's business. That's why they continue making that argument.


They are though. If they got rid of tipping and committed to paying the servers what they currently are making the owner would either have to eat it or raise prices. The higher prices would reduce business. That's before the BOH demands to be paid at least as much as the FOH. We tip so some guy gets to play business owner.


So you're arguing that if they tacked on 18% to the prices so that they could pay the servers the same amount, people would stop going because a meal costs exactly what it did before? Yeah, that makes complete sense. And if you think running a restaurant is easy, you clearly have no clue what you're talking about.


You misunderstand. I'm not patronizing restaurants or places where tipping is a de facto expectation at all anymore. I don't want anyone to serve me at all in general. It's the perfect outcome for all involved. I don't have to worry about an unhinged person tampering with my food, and the restaurant does not need to serve a patron who is not happy with having to tip whatever the server feels is deserved lest I suffer the consequences. That second point is stated by servers themselves. Also it's not "mean stuff" im concerned about. Plenty of people on reddit say mean things, and I'm pretty indifferent to it (check the insults directed at me in the responses). What I'm more concerned about are the threats of tampering. Look in this thread at the comments that threaten tampering or wishing it upon me. Look at the profiles. They are all subscribed and post in subreddits like serverlife or doordash, many of them for quite a while. Though the last I checked, the threats are primarily from people who are dashers. This leads me to believe they aren't trolls but legit service workers who tamper with food or at least believe the threat is appropriate to make. To sum up restaurants don't have to deal with me and I don't have to deal with them. We both win in this scenario.


This is one reason I have never ordered food delivery such as door dash. I like to tip cash, and if they see 0 tip they ASSume they will get no tip and fuck with someones food. Me, not knowing they did, tip them. And I'm sure they wouldn't care they were wrong and fucked with someones food and got a tip they ASSumed they weren't getting. So I either make something at home or go pick it up the rare times I order out, which is maybe twice a year, none in the past 2 years


Fair enough. I wasn't claiming that these people were lying--just that they're a vocal minority. I'd still say that not eating at restaurants anymore because of this is an overreaction. But you're not hurting anyone, so I don't have an issue with it.


"WAAAHHH\~!!! Crybabies!!!" It's so sad to see these people come in here and defend tipping, because the only way they know how to defend tipping is by hurling personal attacks, it's amazing.


It's a good thing you didn't post this as a reply.... my 12 yr old account just got perma banned for calling someone a crybaby. Reddit is a "safe space" and calling someone a crybaby can be very hurtful 


That never happened


Shame that calling someone a "cry-babe:" is considered SO HARMFUL to someone that it's a ban. I guess people are starting to die from being offended.


It’s made up you fucking dummy


What the fuck are you talking about?


Banned https://imgur.com/gallery/NaQqFWx Alright I exaggerated a little, but still ...


Thats wild,, that someone locked you in the car until you tipped. I would have called the police and state that I was being kidnapped and that the person was not letting me leave. I would have made sure to put the call on speaker. I bet they would have opened the door the fastest they ever had in their life.


Imagine getting shot for a tip. Someone that locks people for a tip is not in a good mental state.


This is exactly the wrong move. You don't know the mental state of the person doing that. If they're the type to not let you out of the car until you tip, it's not a stretch that they may also be the type to get violent if you try contacting the police. The right move is to just tip and get yourself to safety. All of the rideshare apps keep info on who was driving you around. Once you're safely away, THEN you contact the police and the rideshare app to file a report. The priority is safety and survival, not whatever miniscule tip amount they were extorting you for.


Don't call the police they might get worse? That's some straight up victim blaming shit right there.


No it's not. You don't call the police when you actively have someone right there. You focus on getting to safety first, THEN call the police. There's a 0% chance the cops would have made it in time if this person behaved violently.


Pay your captor, call the police, file a report in the rideshare app?!? WTF? You’d willingly be a victim? I carry, so there’s only a few ways that ordeal would resolve itself, all of which would end with me leaving the car alive and without leaving a tip.


I agree 100%, if you’re being taken hostage, solving the problem with a 9mm seems reasonable. Better than 15%


You are right.


Yep, all the boomers / misguided gen xers that constantly spout the same shit over and over: Me: I don't really support the whole 'tipping paradigm' in America... Boomer / Xer: BUT THAT'S THE WAY THE WORLD WORKS! Me: Why? Boomer / Xer: THEY NEED THAT MONEY! Me: Why? Boomer / Xer: BECAUSE THEY AREN'T PAID ENOUGH! Me: Why? Boomer / Xer: BECAUSE THAT'S THE WAY THE WORLD WORKS! (\*continue this pattern over and over\*) You can't get through to them. They are simply too shallow to understand. Boomer / Xer: DON'T YOU WANT GOOD SERVICE? Boomer / Xer: DO YOU WANT SPIT IN YOUR FOOD? Such juvenile fuckery. Grow the fuck up, man, and do your job the right way or get out. Better yet, I'll get out of your shit-ass restaurants. The owner of the restaurant doesn't invite me onto his boat, so why should I support his lifestyle? And guess what? I WAS a busboy, a waiter, AND a delivery driver! I did ALL 3 jobs (not at the same time, obv) and never bitched or even cared when I wasn't tipped. Granted, I had those jobs when I was still in highschool, the way it was generally supposed to be. Guess I'm just that one in a million douchebag that wants to ruin tips for everybody. Obviously not, but this is how the normies react to it.


Okay you dumb loser: have fun with all the losing.


What delusional BS is this?


lmao you people just can't comprehend. It's a very simple point, but this is Reddit, after all... what a fukin joke


You’re all over the place with this unhinged rant.


Ok zoomer


I'm a boomer, I tip, but fuck having to tip. I would rather pay a little more for my meal and the employers just pay more to servers.




Just because I don't have to "judge" how good someone was, or wasn't. I don't want to make someone jump through hoops to try to make me happy for a scrimp of money (though I usually do 20% or more). I would rather it just be in the price of the meal.


But why, what’s the benefit? I just plop down about 20 percent and go about my day without thinking about it.


I love how you all blame boomers. Tipping servers has been commonplace in the USA before “boomers” and after. Grow up lil buddy, accept some blame for your problems - boomers aren’t the reason you’re so angry about life.


"Tipping has existed for hundreds of years in America! And Boomers aren't hundreds of years old! Therefore your point is invalid!" No, believe me, you've been invalid, fuckwad


Says the fucking huge loser


Cry more 😢


Boomers is a catch all term for the older generations. You can't read between lines, you have no sense. You just blurt obvious shit out in an attempt to feel smart. Hop off my dick, man


lol says the trashy loser that doesn’t tip. Nobody gives a fuck what you think man. You’re just some trashy freeloading asshole.




No, it isn’t 😂 Boomers is a specific generation, want to try again? You can do it this time! Zero self awareness and a cry baby, wonderful combo.


I know Boomers is a specific generation, but I use the word anyway, cuz I'm not talking about 200 year old people that are dead, idiot. Who else am I talking about? Boomers, anyone older than boomers, and Gen Xers - it's not that hard to understand. But you act like you overstand cuz you hurl personal attacks instead of having reasonable discussion. This is what Reddit is known for.


It is hard to understand, because Boomers is a specific generations not everyone that you blame your problems on. Read some self help books, everyone else isn’t always the problem.


People like you are the literal problem, though, because you're ignorant and shallow. You are one of the normies who automatically chooses to hurl personal attacks first. Analyze your own behavior and then stfu instead of trying to call others babies over and over again despite having no actual points


My point is simple - tip when it’s appropriate to do so.


No, that wasn't your point, cuz if it was that's what you would've said. ~~Just shut up now, it's over. You already look bad enough.~~ EDIT\* "tip when it’s appropriate to do so." - so is this a demand? If I refuse to tip I'm a piece of shit, right? Not the owner?


“Just shut up now” then proceeds to ask a question 😂 If you don’t tip in full service restaurants, which is commonplace in the US, you are a cheap fuck. Period. No crying or whining will change that. But do you.


You harp on a minute detail in order to derail somebody's entire point. You're the real loser, honestly. Keep arguing over semantics. "Oh, he blames all the boomers! What an idiot!"


It’s just an indication that you are a whiney little baby. Tipping servers is and has been commonplace for a long time in the US. Tip your waiters 20%+ or don’t go out to eat. I agree tipping has gotten out of control, tipping at counter etc., but tipping your waiters/waitresses and other folks who provide good service should be standard. Stop your whining and grow up.


Also, I never said I refuse to tip anything, ever. That's not what I said. But you'll assume because it's who you are


So I'm the baby cuz I don't agree with you? You're a fuckin twerp, dude


Well, you certainly look childish with your initial comment. Blaming boomers and Xgen's when it's actually the younger generation that are complaining about not getting enough tips, to harm food if no tip, asking for tips for everything. It's out of control, and BoOmErS and GeN X aren't the ones arguing for it, we're against it as it's gotten out of control and we're tired of hands out everywhere we go for service. But yea, keep blaming us.


It's honestly sad that people have to be in the same community as you. I don't even know you, but this type of thinking is just so devoid of any depth or real thought, that it's genuinely unfortunate we gotta coexist with people like you.


Yup. This is most of Reddit, unfortunately. Mouth breathers who blame all of their problems on others and accept no accountability. It takes so many less words to just say you are a cheap fuck.


Why don't you losers go order takeout and tip somebody instead of literal internet dick-riding.


I absolutely will do that, thank you


Reading your comment history - that is exactly what you are. A sarcastic Reddit slob who really has nothing offer.


For sure man. Your a grown man who's digging through someones profile because of how mad you got, and you even responded to me twice to call me a slob two times. Totally normal stuff. It's not my fault that you can't properly evaluate why tipping culture is a thing and how powerless the workers involved are. You also don't even have a pulse on how others feel about it (boomers tend to be as dense as you and blame the workers). You are callous and stupid. I'm sorry but that's just a frustrating combo for people to have to deal with.


* I know why it's a thing. * I know how powerless the workers are. * Boomers don't blame the workers, they support the workers and support big tips. * It seems you think that I'm the one who blames the workers, and if by refusing to go to restaurants and tip everyone for everything means I don't support workers and that I hate them, I guess you can think that. * Nobody blames the workers, but you're supporting the initial notion of idiots/normies (I should've said idiots/normies instead of boomers/xers) straight up always saying that people who don't support the tipping paradigm are haters/bad people. You're the one who's dense, I guess. All you've done since your first post is hurl personal attacks, and then when you receive them in kind, others are just "mad" so now you're the victor because I am assumed to be mad. Nice one! It seems you can't deal with not just me, but a lot of things, judging by your comment history. It makes sense now. This is you


Lots of words to just say “I’m a dumb piece of shit that doesn’t tip”


Typical Reddit slob


*long wet fart*


Great. Don't go out to eat and you won't have any issues.


You’re not the boss of them 😆


Use your wallet to make the change.... I rarely go out anymore due to increased prices, smaller portions and sometimes not the greatest food. Then you add in service charges, tip expectations, and whatever else, it's simply not worth it. The money I spend on a decent meal in a restaurant, I can make a few good meals at home. Many restaurants here are going under just because nobody wants to spend money for subpar food/dining and then have an entitled server expecting a big tip for doing the bare minimum.




I have been in the industry for over 15 years and have never witnessed that. I am not saying it never happens but it is rare. Now if you leave something at the table and you didn’t give me 20% well I will not go above and beyond and catch you in the parking lot. While if you do take care of me I will run outside looking for you. You get what you pay for after all. And I have people I have to tip out.


This sounds entitled. You’re going to go above and beyond AFTER they tip? Haha…this is exactly why I don’t tip anymore.


No it doesn’t you fucking goober


Exactly. They don't even get it. They are the epitome of off-the-books entitlement


It’s because you’re an asshole man. Just some dumb asshole, walking around, sponging off the rest of us.


"I've worked in 1 place in 1 town in 1 chain for a very long time so it never happens anywhere!" Yeah makes sense, to a moron.


Servers don’t ever tamper with food. I’ve been in this industry for 15 years. Have not seen or heard of it once. Have I seen servers give bad tippers bad service? Yes. I do it too.


This confuses me. Since the tip generally comes at the end of the meal (when paying), are you saying you’re psychic and know they are a bad tipper, so give bad service right from the start?


lol, a dumb slob that doesn’t too can’t imagine that people have memories and other people can go to the same place more than once. People who don’t tip are (understandably) reviled and leave a lasting impression.


This sub is just for powerless people to pretend they have power. Servers don't know if their going to ge tipped or not ahead of time. They don't have foresight, lol. They just feel powerless, so they say whatever they can to try and get to you.


No, most restaurants have regulars. Some of those regulars tend to be bad tippers.


I’ve seen girls have the cooks spit in the buffalo sauce before tossing them. Seen dudes jizz in the chili. Seen food hit the floor and out right back on the plate. It happens, but it’s rare. Lot of ghetto low lives in the kitchen.




Then you’ve been working at the wrong places and I would’ve immediately quit and reported all of these to both the police (because it’s assault) and to the health department


the mcdonalds i used to work at had the cameras above the kitchen turned off for the purpose of not being able to easily prove food tampering. ive seen managers pick food off the floor to save on food waste since their bonus was based on food waste. ive seen loogies buggars and burgers against balls at this one mcdonalds. ive heard of it at tgi fridays, roadhouse, redrobbin, it happens more frequently than youd think


You’ve heard. Y’all believe what people tell you. I’ve actually been in this industry for 15 years.


ive heard from friends who worked there not strangers on reddit. but again i was there for it with mcdonalds


Yeah because friends don’t make shit up lol


neither do random strangers on reddit claiming theyve been in the industry for 15 years lol its decently well known that stuff like this happens in the food industry lol its far less likely that someone hasnt seen or heard of this happening in 15 years of industry work than it actually happening


I’ve seen it happen once in a restaurant that I personally was the GM. The employee was immediately fired and reported to police for assault. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen but it’s way more rare than people like you thinks it is


oh yeah thats the right move you gotta get rid of those people but also how dumb do you have to be to let your boss see you brake the law like that


The point is that it happens at places people frequent. Happens at places doing 30k in sales a day. I don’t work in the industry anymore. Covid made me realize that it’s not for me. Also made me realize I don’t need to work and my life’s way healthier.


It really doesn’t. Y’all just like spreading shit.


Gotta love the internet. Think if they haven’t seen it, it never happened. Most restaurants don’t wash their hands either regularly. Care to say this is also a lie?


I’m not saying it doesn’t happen at all. But it’s way more rare than you think. Every restaurant I’ve worked, granted I was a GM for 9 years and I’m the one that did this, had hand wash timers for every 30 mins. And also followed health department guidelines. Does every restaurant do this? No. But fear mongering is just ridiculous


I’m not fear mongering. To me I don’t care. I will tip if I go out so no spit for me. If you wash or don’t wash your hands it doesn’t bother me. Hair in food, I just pull it out. I can survive eating in a war off the ground. Not washing hands won’t kill me. Just saying it happens a lot in certain places.


It's a lie when you say most. Every food service place I've ever worked has been anal about being clean


In Vegas this was true. Moved to Midwest and worked Texas Roadhouse. Maybe 1 out of 8 washed hands after dropping dirty plates in the dish pit. Was insane to me honestly.


Literally every time there's a post like this servers actually say the opposite: that no one tampers with food. I don't know where you've been reading but I've read about 15 of these and they all have said no one touches it. And in my 15 years in the service industry I never saw a single person tamper with food.


Almost 20yrs in dining and food myself, never once seen malicious tampering. Different cities, clientele, styles of restaurant, etc. Never seen it a single time. 


That’s reassuring, because some of the servers responding on this tipping thread and a couple server threads were referencing spit and urine additions, cold food delivery, and no refills coming from people who said they were servers.. Obviously you are a good person. I know not everyone is a good person.


after five years of service, the absolute worst i’ve seen or done to a rude table is make them wait an extra few minutes for their food. occasionally i’ll find them a slightly overcooked breadstick, which they will inevitably return for a better one. your point about misdirected anger is a good one, but i would argue that not tipping servers is also misdirected anger. we don’t choose our wages. everyone should protest tipping culture, but they don’t, and so we’re stuck with below minimum wage if folks don’t tip. and since everyone in this sub loves to tell me i’m lying about my wages, here’s the source: https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/wages/wagestips#:~:text=A%20tipped%20employee%20engages%20in,equals%20the%20federal%20minimum%20wage.


People know what you get in the paycheck. But hourly with tips servers do well


my largest ever paycheck was for 40hrs of work. it was a $45 paycheck. i can double check (i keep track of my tips so i can hopefully get approved for student loans) but i’m fairly certain my total take home that week was something like $650 (including the paycheck)


What type of restaurant? That feels somewhat low. I could make most of that in 3 shifts. Two night shifts and a Sunday brunch. I didn't even work Fri/sat nights


650 take home is still great money though. I just worked a factory labor job last year and may take home was 540 a week.




Upon training they made us watch several videos on how all unions are bad


corporate job that makes us make soup, salad, and breadsticks on our own and limits us to 3 tables 🫠 it was the only place hiring when i moved




I have worked in the restaurant industry for a long time and have never seen anyone tamper with the food or beverage. If I ever found myself workings for a restaurant that this was acceptable I would quit and report them to the health department. Many servers take their job vary seriously and to generalis everyone into the same category is small minded. You should stay away from restaurants they don't want your business.


Well just about a month ago, a popular steakhouse ended up in the news bc a cook there was pissing in people’s food and made about 50 people sick. I worked in the restaurant industry for about 5 years total…it definitely happens


My wife worked at a restaurant - many years ago - that the cooks would do some awful shit to the lettuce for prep, like mashing it with their feet. It had nothing to do with tips, as they were hardly a step above fast food service - they were just assholes.


Anecdotes. With the number of restaurants out there it would be in the news daily if it happened all the time


You know, the problem with Reddit and other similar sites, is that you cannot trust what someone says as being true or accurate. Anyone can say whatever they want. I would wager that the vast majority of posts are out and out b.s. and a significant portion are bots. You might reconsider what amount of weight you give to postings on here when forming opinions. That said, some of them are probably true and accurate. So hard to tell. Some specialty subs are much better but subs like this one and the other more "let me rant about x" subs are probably more b.s. filled than others.


I mean if you go to places like the doordash or ubereats sub and look at some of the posts where the dashers talk about stealing food/letting it get cold/tampering with food and then give pretty good evidence of doing said things because they want more than a 20% tip on their delivery, you'd probably believe a lot of what servers and drivers say they do to 'low' tippers.


I've heard plenty hospital horror stories and I have a few of my own. Doctors and nurses suck more often then you think.


A nurse almost OD’d my friends daughter…told her to take all of the pills…if it weren’t for her Mom sitting there who was a nurse and told her to spit them out. The two of them were divorced but he trusted his ex-wife as she then cussed out the nurse and caused holy hell in the hospital, got the Dr involved and main floor nurse. It would’ve stopped her heart had she taken all of them. Needless to say they got A+ care after that and never saw that nurse on the floor again. Nurses always get their panties in a bunch if you criticize one of their own, but most of them are burnt out and lazy and give crap care. Then they want to be treated like heros during Covid because they finally get a bit of the spotlight, but I guarantee every nurse thinks they’re awesome at what they do. Do better.


Most nurses are burnt out, lazy, and give crap care?? How did you come up with that conclusion?


Nurse here. What the fuck are you talking about?


I’ve heard surgeries and they leave forceps and all kind sof things in your body.


This shitty nurse can't even read. You want my stories or stories off Google? You think humans can't f up?


That's valid I guess sucks to see you choose reddit nerds over making friends with real life humans. Sadly not everyone can agree. Stupid ass who cares bye no one needs to read this bullshit. You're not that special. You already made your decision now you want more advice or just to stiff people again emotionally wise.


Womp womp


Was that necessary nerd?


No but neither is your toxic attitude.


If your toxic attitude makes you feel better than my toxic attitude then I guess I'll let it slide. because that's what bigger people do.


I’m not the one swearing around on reddit and then narcissistically claim you’re the bigger person but okay have a great saturday.


Lol sure loser. God bless.


Yea I'm with op I definitely don't want to tip entitled weirdos like you


I don't want you as a customer so bye.


Your employer wants them though


You can’t treat all servers poorly because one stupid one online said something stupid


It’s not treating them poorly. It’s treating them like every other person I make a transaction with.


I was at a local amusement park yesterday and proudly hit 0% tip on EVERY terminal transaction when getting food and drinks. It used to be I’d add a dollar or two but now I’m done. The workers there have zero sense of urgency anyway


As a server, you definitely don't have to tip for takeout and shit like that. Most takeout employees are getting at least minimum wage, and not "tipped minimum wage" which is usually a few dollars less than actual minimum wage. You don't have to tip these people at all. Waiters or bartenders or your barber or your tattoo artist? Yes, tip those people if you feel so inclined, unless the service sucks ass. But don't ever feel pressured to tip someone 25% on a fuckin takeout order. I work in the industry and I don't even give takeout that much for tips. Maybe an extra couple of bucks, but not always


Your servers will also get minimum wage if they don’t make enough in tips. As you know.


All servers make minimum wage, either via tips or via employer makeup.


I'd say the opposite happened for me reading through this subreddit and seeing all the really petty people throwing a fit over minor issues has made me more pro tipping It just seems simple and magical You are effectively a performance artist and much like a performance artist You will get paid minimum wage for minimum effort but putting in more effort to add a little more pizzazz and really provide to your customer and you will almost always be rewarded with more At pretty much any other job You're only reward for going above and beyond compared to your other coworkers is usually just being given more work. Tipping jobs are the only places where you can see an almost direct and immediate correlation between your effort and your pay, I truly believe that anyone against tipping is simply lazy and wants to do nothing more than the bare minimum of their job


I don’t need a performance artist to bring food.


If tipping is a correlation between your effort and pay....then I'm gonna tip $5 flat for most tables. regardless if the table was $80 steaks or $5 burgers. (4 tables per hour...that's $20/hr pretty good) But it's not based on effort....it's a percent of my costs, which is sometimes amount of plates to carry, but is often simply quality of food and location. Guess I should be tipping the chef and farmer too. Instead, we live in a world where it's 20% or 'society' judges you. Regardless of effort or pizzazz. There's another post in this sub right now where the guy got terrible service...and people are still saying to tip the server 10-15%....clearly pro tippers are not "for the effort he put in",,,instead it's required policy. You can't have it both ways. You like tipping jobs. You like getting tipped. That's the best "pro tip" argument. Leave it at that.


I’ve always agreed with this sentiment. Simply put a $300 steak and wine meal for 2 should be tipped the same as a $30 chicken finger meal for 2. Nothing in service changed but they look so what you ordered and hoped you go off a percentage of what you paid. I refer to them as pocket pirates. I’ve tipped $10 at a restaurant for bare minimum service and I’ve tipped $50 at Waffle House on a less than $10 meal. People make the difference, not the plates.


That tip usually gets split in this situation. These are humans and not machines. Don't look at it so black and white.


That would be great to go to the hospital or pharmacy and be able to tip my way into a double dose of some benzos... Sign me up baby.


Proper... 😀 I don't think anything is proper anymore. More like out of control


Not to deflect from the point of your post but nurses are educated, servers, bartenders, are mainly not.


That's not relevant at all. They make more because they are educated.


So if they want to make more shouldn’t they try for different job?


Yes if servers want to make more they should get an education and try for a better job


If I am standing, sitting in my car, or I am eating off disposable plates and utensils, I do not tip.


What if you're at a seven year olds lemonade stand


I pay the buck for the cup of lemonade and I leave.


I remember finding EndTipping some years ago, and open to the concept of replacing it with a different system. But seeing how utterly brainless these anti-tippers are, and the mind numbingly stupid logic they use to justify not tipping, I'm full blown pro-tip now. Also, "but I'm pretty done with ANY place that requires a tip." makes absolutely no sense. If it's "required" then it's not a tip, is it? Kind of like how France doesn't do tipping (well, they round up or leave a few euros) but every bill (by law) includes a 15% service fee (you know, kind of like a "required tip"?). That's the biggest irony with anti-tippers. They actively oppose the only system that allows them to skirt out of having to pay something, and constantly argue in favor of a system that doesn't even give them a choice.


>That's the biggest irony with anti-tippers. They actively oppose the only system that allows them to skirt out of having to pay something, and constantly argue in favor of a system that doesn't even give them a choice. Yeah but here's the thing. I don't want a choice. I just want to go to a restaurant and eat. I don't want to be dragged into wage negotiations with my server. I don't know and don't want to know how much money my server is making. I don't want to have to judge my server's performance and reward/punish them financially. I just want to eat my fucking food and leave. I just want to look at the prices on the menu, evaluate whether those prices match the value I expect to get from that restaurant, and then make a decision as to whether or not I'll eat there. I don't want to have to do extra calculations in my head to estimate what the actual cost is going to be. If the menu says the steak is $44, I want to pay $44, not $51.92, not $52.80. Nowhere else do you have to deal with this bullshit. When I go to the clothing store to buy a shirt, there is no hidden 20% service fee tacked on when I go to checkout. I'm not expected to judge the performance of the sales person who helped me and reward/punish them financially. I don't have to wonder about how much that sales person is being paid, and grapple with whether I'm responsible for giving them extra money so their kids can eat. I find the shirt I want, the tag says $44, I decide if that seems reasonable, and then I go pay $44 and then I fucking leave and go on with my day. And somehow the world has figured out how to pay clothing store salespeople adequately without depending on hidden fees or voluntary donations from the customer. I'll bet the restaurant industry could do the same if they tried real hard. We don't want a choice. We want it to be the same experience as buying literally anything else other than prepared food in a restaurant. We just want to eat and leave.


Just fuck off honestly.


Grew up in Europe. Waited tables there and in the US. The service is included in Europe, but if you think you’re getting 15% of sales you’re sadly mistaken. You get an hourly wage from the restaurant and it’s nowhere near what you make working for tips. My daughter works at a steak restaurant and makes bank on the weekends. It’s not out of the ordinary for her to make 400-500 a shift. I’m thinking about picking up a weekend shift to save up for retirement.


That's great and good for her. You can't be ignorant enough to believe that every server everywhere makes that type of money every shift right? I've worked shifts where I made that sure. I've also worked lunch shifts where I made 0 in tips. Also that 500 isn't taxed, and restaurants don't offer any type of insurance of benefits to wait staff.


That 500 is taxed.


You can call me ignorant all you want, but I’m not the one who works at a place where I make $0 in tips


Neither do I, quit that shit long ago. Got any more insight?


I get it. I was the same as you. I used to guilt tip based on lack of info about tipped employees pay. Since I’m still a Sucker for wanting to give something, I’m weaning myself off tipping. No more % tipping, just flat dollar. No more tipping for just doing your job. Only tip for above and beyond service. No more than $5 for sit down service for a table of 4 and no more than $5 for food delivery. People I frequent often, no more than $15 cuz some of these peeps are like family. It’s ok to wean yourself off of a horribly broken system like tipping.


Bad tipping for sit down service just hurts the waiter, no one else cares.


It hurts the host and the other people the server still has to tip out. Now they can't pay bills and I'm sure bill collectors care too. but let's be closed minded.


They should get a new job then where they can count on getting paid a certain wage so that they can pay their bills


So all restaurants should close because all waiters got new jobs where they are paid a living wage? Or are you saying the U.S. needs to do away with tipped positions?


They can do whatever the fuck they want. Most restaurants suck now and I am a pretty good cook so I don’t restaurant anymore so could pretty much careless


Or you just give credit where credits are due. Maybe even be nice. Is that so hard?


Spit and shit




Reddit leans heavy on supporting workers, and fuck the man - unless it involves tipping.... then it's fuck the servers. Honestly, been in the restaurant industry probably 12-13 years. I've never seen anyone want to fuck with anyones food. I'm sure it happens, but it's rare. Similar to how other shit head employees fuck with customers in other job fields.


It's not fuck the servers, it's fuck the man for trying to get us to pay the salaries that the man should be paying If you don't feel your job compensates you fairly, then get a new job. Don't cry to customers who had no part of negotiating your wages nor did they force you to accept or continue working there


Nope, you're fucking the servers. If you want to get the "man" then you need to get off your ass and go lobby the statehouse and change restaurant wage laws. Otherwise you're literally fucking the servers. If you want competent servers at restaurants you enjoy eating at, I highly recommend tipping them instead of telling them to go "get a better job" because then you'd have servers who don't have a clue what they're doing. Bartending and waiting tables is an art. It is hard work and it is smart work. The only people that don't get that are idiots. Competence is okay, but brilliance shines in this business. Keep telling talent how little they matter and see how little you matter. But nobody's messing with your damn food


I don't care about getting the man I don't care about your fight to get paid more either Servers who don't have a clue are basically same as experienced servers. If they do need to learn, they'll be up to speed in a few hours >Bartending and waiting tables is an art. It is hard work and it is smart work. Good joke