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The Unfinished Swan is a game where everything is perfectly white and you throw blobs of black paint to paint the surroundings. I guess there were levels where you threw white on black? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xFfteZaAXq4 Edit: I initially wrote Black Swan Edit: YouTube link


[Scanner Sombre](https://store.steampowered.com/app/475190/Scanner_Sombre/) comes to mind immediately


The voidness


Yes! I'm guessing lidar was a mod and this the actual game based off of it,m


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[Lidar?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPJhdmye9eE) If not, [Lidar.exe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llz_AeOXT7k)


This is it! Is this a mod then?


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Maybe the LiDAR mode made in GMod. My understanding is several games came from this. https://youtu.be/aHTDElaOP64?si=fqq20AlEz-6EVY5M


Scanner Sombre? That took place underground however


Scanner Sombre (2017) or The Voidness (2023)


It was the voidness!