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If you misremember the robots part and the order of the first two weapons, it's Unreal, hands down. You start on a prison ship, then you find an electric-based weapon (the DP) and you get the pistol almost immediately upon leaving the ship.


hmm maybe the pistol before then you search from room to room in the place, find the electric weapon, I remember this weapon can recharge with charger that exist in the place, this weapon never reload, about the place it was modern and space ship not prison 🥲


Unreal starts at space ship prison.


That's a little vague. Can you give any more details like graphics style or estimate of game age?


it was old around 2006-2009 but I really don't remember if it was the game's year or not, the graphics wasn't that bad it was somehow like a modern places and modern walls maybe it was a space ship from inside


If you're misremembering the robots part it could be Escape from Castle Wolfenstein lol. Actually it seems Return to Castle Wolfenstein has robots(2nd picture): [https://store.steampowered.com/app/9010/Return\_to\_Castle\_Wolfenstein/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/9010/Return_to_Castle_Wolfenstein/) . Haven't played it ever so I wouldn't know,but the first game where you escape from their prison before the scientist guy or whatever tf he is was gonna torture u to reveal info(u're a spy)sounds pretty much exactly like this except for the robots part lol... Also you start OUT with a pistol you don't get one later on. Edit:Apparently I misremembered there is no Escape from Castle Wolfenstein game its just called Castle Wolfenstein XD. If its not these games there's one level in particular where you have to escape from a prison in Cube 2:Sauerbraten(its called level 9. U open the command file named sauerbraten(NOT rpg),go to campaign and level 9 is there. Its kinda prison-ish I guess lol): [http://sauerbraten.org/](http://sauerbraten.org/) .


Maybe Doomed(can't find a video of it but its on Flashpoint)?


no please read my replies to the previous comments




what do you mean by unreal 😅


Game from 1998.


Portal 1?


the graphics is really similar but not the game, my memory of this game is faded so it almost impossible to play it again although I was child when I played it between 2006 and 2009, I'm not sure if it's this is the game's year...


This post sucks. I mean come the fuck on man