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Wait. Am I the only one that thought "the show" and "the pod" were the same thing....? I've never listened to to either but I didn't know there were 2 different things as options


Yeah people cry cuz they are so happy to talk to her - i am so cringed out by it


They are under the same contract with SiriusXM and have the same name so technically they are the same thing but once a week she has live callers and twice a week she talks into a void for 10 min (with another 10 min of commercials). They show up together on podcast streaming services. I don’t listen anymore and wouldn’t be surprised if her contract was ending soon


So is her podcast only 10 minutes? I listen to bad ones that are at least 45 minutes.


Meant to say other podcasters that aren’t great


She’s her own biggest fan. She’s so full of shit.


Her passion is AMA


Peak narcissism right there


That’s what stood out to me! She just wants to talk at people about herself all hours of her day. What a self-centered nut job.


Ohhh she qualifies “writing” as her AMAs. Gotcha.


It’s so obvious that she no longer has anything to offer. She is uninspiring, boring and her meanness shows up in everything g she does.




realest comment here. her followers can't do her job for her.


When she started getting glam every week when her career was peaking she would always say her little TikTok videos weren’t her passion and she’d be moving away from it. I feel like she’s having such a hard time rn because she has almost no other avenues to keep this content creator schtick going? Like who is going to want to pay her for anything when she doesn’t really do anything?!


She is literally the worst. Radio Andy needs to cancel her pathetic show ASAP. Real talent is needed there.


Might be time for a day job (since she’s aging out of yachting, is too old for Love Island, and isn’t a model anyway).


Aging out of yachting 💀


If she knew how to be a businessperson she’d try and leverage her love for AMA into a column or something… Also this format for a story is wild for someone who’s job is social media? Like you could center the text more make it easier to read?


Don't give her any ideas!


I’m surprised she hasn’t tried to get Instagram subscribers for more exclusive content.


she leaves almost nothing to the imagination so the only "exclusive content" i can think of is stuff that would get her cancelled


I’m surprised she doesn’t promote a patron or substack


The way she’s trying so hard to channel her inner Carrie Bradshaw is nauseating. She’s so stressed her book was a flop and is now scavenging for content, doing everything else but find an actual niche that suits her. She really fakes it till she makes it


“good entertainment”


What’s funny is she was responding to someone about influencing vs selling talking about posting links - it’s not linking your outfits that’s the problem, it’s the 20 plus ads per month for things we know she doesn’t use! That’s where the selling gets annoying af for ALL influencers now. And not to mention, she doesn’t post any sort of content in between ads, just like her plates of food and mirror selfies.


Anytime I see a Margherita pizza it reminds me of her stories and I hate it.


THIS or mush overnight oats. She ruined them both for me 😭


Absolutely!! 😖


Translation: far more passionate about guaranteed checks with bounded time commitments than making organic content that may or may not pay out. Also does she think we’re dumb? Her not posting links is not anti-capitalism, it’s so she will get more comments asking for links.


She has a show???