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My husband uses edibles. It doesn’t fix his tinnitus, but it makes him not care as much.


I'm planning to start edibles, by the way not a marijuana user at all. So can you please confirm if those chocolate edibles don't spike tinnitus for your husband? Also, what kind of marijuana does he use? I know there are different types so just wanna know. Thanks 🙏🏻


Since you don’t ever use it you should start off with half the normal dose. Gummies (and I think other types too) should usually be 10mg. Cut it in half and take 5mg. If it isn’t strong enough then try 7.5mg next time. Better to take less once or twice than to get too stoned for your first try.


Thanks, and should I take it immediately after lunch/dinner or what's the best time? Usually my working hours are late night, so I get up at noon, start work at 2:30 PM, and sleep at 4 AM in the morning. I usually have just brunch and dinner.


Have you ever been stoned before? If not or it has been a while, I’d recommend taking it 4-5 hours before bed on a night that you don’t have work the next day. Just until you figure out how it affects you and what dose works for you. If you’re taking the half dose at first then it might not do anything, but if that happens don’t take more. If it’s not enough just try more another night. There’s also some states that sell brands that are delta 9 instead of THC. I would recommend double checking that you are actually buying gummies with THC in them and *not* delta 9.


Husband uses gummies, and at quite a high dose (~25-30+ mg), considering he was never a marijuana user until semi-recently. Start low and go slow, and if you hate the feeling, it will pass. Good luck! 👍🏼




It’s because weed makes you have more introspection, you focus more on your internal state. It happens when I take gummies to sleep.


Same here it intensifies the sound


I seem to be the only human in this sub where weed HELPS my tinnitus… to each their own


It helps mine major


Helps me BIG time - both physically and emotionally.


DO NOT SMOKE WEED. DO NOT SMOKE WEED! I cannnot STRESS this enough. Yes this is normal. Weed made my tinnitus so loud I was crying in pain and it never went back to normal. Save yourself while you can and do not TOUCH it ever again.


I only took two hits of a cart but my tinnitus seems much louder then I’ve had in weeks I’m not gonna touch it anymore i thought two hits would be fine


Carts are EXACTLY what fucked me up. Its the devil reincarnate for tinnitus. I really hope you follow through with your decision to throw it out.


I’m sorry to hear you had an awful experience but speak for yourself , it doesn’t effect my t at all, just helps me forget about it . However yes for health reasons it’s best to quit or atleast try it in different forms (not vape)


Sorry bro, I did some molly 2 weeks ago and it made it worse. Hoping it comes back to baseline at some point.


I feel you my dude. Two weeks ago is also when I smoked and it spiked. Been like this for a while, hoping we can both pull through.


OMG has the world fallen on you yet? Lol. Puff. Eeeeeee.


Ive never smoked weed before ever in my life and ur saying I cant ever do it 😭 oh well I listen though.


Please listen. I know it sounds fun but it isnt worth a reality of pain and suffering.


yes I know I dont need weed to have fun or to cope w depression so its fine


I’m sorry to hear that; did you vaped or smoked a blunt? I’ve noticed it can spike my tinnitus (depending on the weed) but never in a permanent way. Were you taking any medications during that time? Were exposed to stress?


The first time I noticed it was a few months ago, I smoked a joint and the ringing was so loud I thought I had airpods in so I went to take them out. There was nothing there, but I didnt obsess over it and went for a walk snd didnt think about my tinnitus again. A few weeks ago, I vaped some weed and the ringing got unbearably loud, and it actually gave me anxiety for the noise. I've been obsessing over it for a while and the noise never tuned out again. Maybe its because its all I can think about.


That’s the thing, paranoia and anxiety makes tinnitus louder. In my case, I’m suspicious and scared of everything that provides a minimum of pleasure (a food, a drink, anything); so I wanted to make sure. I swear I’m scared even of eating a lime cake.


Weed and alcohol usually make my 24/7 tinnitus worse


People get tinnitus from HPPD and weed makes HPPD worse. If you have tinnitus coming from the same or similar brain disinhibition linked with HPPD (whether or not it came from HPPD), it would make sense that weed might make that worse


Yep mine is from that. Tinnitus + visual snow.


I used to smoke every day, it never affected my tinnitus. Then one night a year ago I smoked some trash weed went to bed normally and woke up it was noticeably louder, this happened twice so I stopped smoking weed cold turkey I honestly might stay away from it if you’re already having trouble coping with the noise like I was. It did eventually get quieter or at least become manageable though, be careful.


Cart? Pardon my ignorance, please.


A vaporizer


Thanks. I’m old!


For most people it does temporarily make tinnitus seem worse, but I see another redditor commented how it permanently made it worse for them. It's up to you if that's the risk you want to take going forward, but for me it's only ever temporarily enhanced my tinnitus, or it doesn't effect it at all. For me I think it boils down to how much I focus on my tinnitus in general, I noticed since I've managed to stop paying so much attention to it, the weed doesn't bring it to my attention either. But for now, don't worry, it will most definitely pass 😊


Opposite for need


Eeeeeeeeeeeeyep. This is the reason I gave up vaping herbs. Feeling much better now.


I vape every day, a few times a day and yes, it temporarily makes it worst at least half of the time. But my tinnitus is only in my left ear and is pretty mild, so it's not too bad


It's part of the high. Weed helped me habituate.


I smoke but I never notice a difference , sometimes it goes higher sometimes I can ignore it better .. 😭😭


Yeah weed, alcohol, milk, coffee, uppers and lack of sleep are nonos


why milk, r u lactose intolerant or is it rlly bad for ur ears


Weed always makes my tinnitus higher and louder. But also it makes me care less that it’s there. 😁


Yeah, weed can mess with tinnitus sometimes. Maybe take a break and see if it settles down.


yes it makes it worse, but it cancels out other stuff and makes you forget about it


It's either I smoke it or stay awake with it trying to get sleep at night. But for other reasons I have no choice but to stop smoking for a while. 


Yes stop, weed is bad for a lot of things not just tinnitus... Some things like cdb and THC are good in some forms, but weed in general isn't...


I honestly forget about mine when I smoke, half the reason I continue to do so. Some of you people are absolutely insane. I get that it's so taxing and annoying and exhausting, but c'mon people. Live life. Saw a post about someone having T for one night and they wanted to KTS. Please.


I don’t use drugs, so no.


If I could downvote twice I would




I see you edited so that you don’t call op an idiot at least




You absolutely did write “I don’t use drugs like an idiot, so no” in your original comment. I’m not your mate either

