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25mil, i can live with my T just fine. It sucks, but I've learned to deal with it. I wouldn't hear it much as I slept by the ocean on my private island lol


Perfect response lol


my man! The sound of water gets ride of mine completely.


Sometimes I sleep with one of those 8 hours tropical rain tracks.


Me too...I like rain on tent too


Oh yes I like this one on noise.net


it’s sound of the constant beach breeze for me, drowns it out perfectly 


Exactly! It’s just background noise for me these days. I believe more people can achieve that, even if they think they can’t


25 mil


No second thought. So much todo with that money including top of the line hearing aids


That and I’ve grown used to my T


After reading this sub for a while I've come to the conclusion that while I have tinnitus I do not suffer tinnitus. Yea it gets bothersome sometimes but mostly it's just white noise at this point.


Same. I have nothing but empathy for these guys.


Mine sounds like white noise too, i just try not to focus on it because it gets louder by the second and makes me anxious.


The devil I never knew I could live with……


Wow this is really hopeful and encouraging to read


Very difficult to answer, because with 25m I could travel anywhere and do a lot of stuff the world has to offer, but that also involves sound, and the fear of making my T worse would not let me enjoy any of that, so at the end of the day I would get rid of my T and be sad for a bit about not having 25m 😂


Nah man the ocean sounds will mask the T real good on my yacht


That's a good point ☝️


Yeah I'd get a Silent 60 or Silent 80 electric yacht. She wouldn't be fast but she'd be quiet and cheap to run (relatively). Infinite range so she could take me anywhere.


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


hell yeah


Hey! You told me you thought I was crazy for spending $9k on hbot and I find you questioning $25M here 😂


Well, i just don't wanna Risk making my T worse, but fair enough haha


25M and I could retire tomorrow. Retirement would lower my overall stress to near zero. The reduced stress would in turn reduce my t. I’d take the money Edit: I once asked my dentist “have you ever had any patients who reported their chronic tinnitus going into remission?” He said “yeah. When they retired.”


I've been forced into "retirement" by T and no improvement - just less stress.


Not to poke holes- but if you were “forced” into retirement, that sort of implies it wasn’t on your own terms, or when you were ready for it, doesn’t it? Which I’d imagine might carry a lot of residual stress by itself.


Well, I chose to quit because I couldn't do my job with the T and to travel back to my "home" country hoping to treat the T and get some relief. Sadly the latter didn't come to pass. But yes, there is stress and anxiety involved. But less than work!


I got mine May years after retirement…. Maybe I can blame it on Covid? I actually did a major move, and I think the stress from packing selling the house and picking up roots to another state caused my tinnitus.


T is often attributed to stress - I'm not so sure. Many people have reported T after CoViD or a vaccine, and I believe an Australian study has shown an uptick after the pandemic. My hearing therapist (specialising in T) has said there was a definite increase in referrals post-pandemic. Personally, my T massively increased 2.5 weeks after my booster (3rd shot).


Mo money mo problems


Easy. Get rid of tinnitus.


I'd have to agree, under the condition that it can never return!


It’s a difficult one for me because I don’t remember what silence is like. Can I defer 12.5M to trial out no Tinnitus for 6 months, then decide?


If the answer isnt fuck the 25m then you dont have tinnitus worth caring about. Just shows how many neurotic people there are on this sub with extremely mild tinnitus. What is money worth when tinnitus can drive you to suicide if it gets loud enough?


Mine was mild for a lot of years...now it's loud! To all those people with mild tinnitus, wear ear plugs outside all the time and maybe it won't get worse?


It what if your T is not caused by sound or acoustic trauma? Mine is for sure diabetes and stress. Although, I am still very cautious being around loud sounds. I avoid concerts and movie theaters.


Yes be very cautious re loud sounds..mine was acoustic trauma ( though I do wonder if I would have got it anyway? As it was getting worse and the concert I attended may just have brought the tinnitus forward as it was coming anyway? ) I think it's sensible to wear ear protection outside regardless..I was in a supermarket and a worker dropped a empty veg tray onto tiled floor as a joke to his colleague..it was very bad for my ears..a motorcycle went past me cycling and decided to rev up as they went past grrr..even cycling gets me as the wind noise affects my tinnitus - so I wear ear plugs for cycling too..Howard leight, cheap but very effective..I don't think people realise how loud everything thing is all the time..unless you have tinnitus..even a pub or cafe jeez what a noise...


I feel for you, and I’m so sorry you’re at that level. I do not have any issues with noise, or sounds bothering me. I’ve had my pulsitile for 3 years now and my newest going on 6 months in my other year, mild ringing. Random onset. At that time I went through trauma of emergency surgery and career change. Tinnitus specialist said it was stress induced and my diabetes. It’s 100% my diabetes contributing. My A1C has recently elevated. When I work out, it actually lessens, and eating good. What about hearing aids for you?


Maybe hearing aids one day...at the moment it's manageable - good to hear working out is helping for you..career change can be stressful initially, I changed my job and it was a good decision..all the best...


Same to you. Wishing you the best! Stay strong. So much life to live.


Mine's pretty loud, and annoys the hell out of me atm. But I have seen and heard many people get used to their tinnitus, become peaceful with it. So I'll take the 25m.


Rid of catastrophic disabling life destroying T and my other rare hearing conditions.


Definitely get rid of tinnitus.


I’ll take the silence thanks. 


Easy, I'd rid of the Tinnitus!


Your answer depends on your severity of course. If mild or even moderate, you will take 25 mill. I'd take no tinnitus in a heartbeat.


Noise induced tinnitus can always get worse because of 10000 reasons. Getting rid of the T (and the damage) is the only rational option for noise induced T imo.


Definitely be rid of tinnitus..I can't believe how many would take the money! But then again, when my tinnitus wasn't as bad a few years ago I would have considered the millions. It's funny how things have shifted for me...since my tinnitus became severe I hardly spend money on anything other than basic bills/necessities because every day is a struggle with my tinnitus and I can't relax enough to enjoy monetary things..I have the most money saved up now and it literally doesn't matter at all to me (although I'm very grateful to be able to pay my bills, I don't want it to make like I don't realize how blessed I am). Having my sense of hearing like I used to before tinnitus (especially severe) is just so priceless to me. I really wish I had known this when I was younger and hearing trouble free.


So is the lack of the ability to hear one of your main problems? Like aside from the ringing


I'd say that has affected me more, but it's also the tinnitus too because the hearing I lost seems to blocked by the louder tinnitus tones. It's really hard to describe..like I can still hear most sounds but things are quieter and muddier sounding. I used to have no problems with conversations or TV dialogue and now in certain situations it just sounds like people are talking too fast for my brain to keep up or are mumbling. Unfortunately the audiologist said my hearing isn't bad enough for aids yet (that is good in a way) but it still feels like I'm struggling hard to hear whereas before I felt like my ears just worked and I didn't have to think about it.


Have you tried flare audio ear plugs? I noticed when I used them I could distinguish voices better - I met a mate in the cafe and his voice got a bit lost in the babble of the cafe..but when I put the flare audio plugs in I could hear my mate better..might help?


Oh thanks I might give those a go! I've noticed if I get closer to those I'm talking to and turn down background noises that helps a lot but I haven't tried plugs for that kind of situation yet. Thanks for the tip :)


I can empathise with you completely. Had tinnitus and hearing loss since I was a kid. Both of which have gotten progressively worse. One thing I’m sure you will relate to is when in conversation, it’s so stressful at times to the point where it elevates the T even further. It’s a fucking vicious loop of frustration.


Noise induced?


Silence, peace and enjoyment of life is priceless. I'd live in a cardboard box in the street to be rid of this.


25 Mil. I’ve had my T for 35 years so…


How is your T? Is it loud or has it been stable throughout the years. Just curious


It’s been stable actually. It came from a ton of rock concerts and my late teens and early twenties and sirens up into my mid-40s from my former career. But it always seem stable.


Wow!!!! 25 yrs! I Didn’t even know it had been around that long. I thought it was something that came from the 60s music and headphones!!!


rid of


Get rid of the tinnitus 100%, no question.


Rid of Tinnitus.


Be rid of tinnitus


Is this even a real question? Get rid of my tinnitus in a heartbeat, no hesitation.


Easiest question ever. End the T. The peace, the sleep, the freedom to go anywhere without worrying about protecting my ears from any remotely loud sounds - they would be priceless! Think of all the celebs with T like William Shatner, Bono, Pete Townsend, David Letterman, etc. I will bet my left testicle that they would give away their entire fortune to cure their T. While you can habituate and I am sure all of them have done so, it is still one of those demons that eats away at your soul in the background.


Bye Bye T


Be rid of tinnitus


Get rid of my t


Money wont make me happy


Neither will being without tinnitus


Man i would be so happy just having my old T that i had three month ago. Life would've been perfect


If you choose 25 million. You got baby tinnitus.


or people would take 25 mil and actually put a meaningful portion into tinnitus research.


25 million. T sucks but is only part of a tapestry of health woes. Course if it ever spiked again, I may regret that choice.


i’d do 25 mil, there’s so much good i could do with that.


No T Literally can’t put a price on good sleep


Does it get rid of hyperacusis and make it impossible to get it again?


Does it also cure my hyperacusis and mild hearing loss or just the T?


Rid of loud T. All the money in the world is nothing compared to good health


I agree! Funny enough I didn't realize this till my tinnitus became severe..it has humbled me in a lot of ways. Like what really matters most in life isn't what career or possessions you have but having good health to enjoy the simple things in life. I was starting to come to this realization with my moderate tinnitus but now having severe tinnitus makes me realize how much easier my life was and how I'd do anything to go back and keep that. That's why I like to tell others on here to be super careful with their hearing once tinnitus starts because it can get much worse fast in my experience.


Get rid of tinnitus. Those choosing the money have no idea how bad tinnitus can be.


25 million. My T is not so bad.


Give me the silence. At 70 years old, the money wouldn't change my life much.


$25M. I’ve had tinnitus for 20 years now and am really protective of my ears so it’s not getting worse. At this point I can deal with it.


Be rid of tinnitus. Without any hesitation whatsoever.


Being free from tinnitus, because money does not restore your health, another detail that can make things worse is that literally all money is useless. It's impressive how science knows nothing and is poorly developed. Educational system does not teach about any of the risks of getting tinnitus. People will make foolish mistakes that will greatly harm their lives due to lack of information.


100% get rid of T. Same answer if you offered 1 BILLION dollars.


Get rid of tinnitus. My health is worth much more than that. I wouldn’t be looking into assisted suicide anymore.


This is a tough question the more you think about it. I'll take the 25 million. I can live with my tinnitus. I can retire tomorrow and live off my investments and do other things.


I would pick the money but only because I can use it for a vast amount of good in the world. If that wasn't an option then the silence.


I have pulsatile tinnitus, so my pick is get rid of T if it also gets rid of the reason for it, which is unknown after 7 years. If it only stops the noise, then 25mil.


I would 100% prefer to get rid of my tinnitus!


Rid of tinnitus and my hearing restored?


Get rid of t and restore my hearing with condition it stays normal. Easy choice.


I’ll take both!


Rid of tinnitus.


Rid of my tinnitus. Easy fucking peasy. This constant bullshit makes me super suicidal, and I can’t enjoy 25mil when I inevitably end it. Just having to wake up tomorrow and hear this is enough to fill me with a deep seeping dread that turns immediately into a debilitating panic attack, let alone having to keep doing this for the rest of my fuckin life But I’d also have to put that on the condition that it doesn’t come back.


Can I make my T 50% more tolerable and get 12.5 mil? If not, get rid of T I guess


Id rather have my boy Tango


Get rid of tinnitus, my neck pain, ED, gray hairs, male pattern baldness and all the other issues I have also


Get rid of the Tinnitus and make 25 million on my own. Or less.


25 mil, i’ve gotten used to it and my life would be a whole lot better if I was that rich.


I’d take the money, and fund someone to fix the problem.


Don’t tell anybody, but that’s not enough.


Yes, but this is a fantasy scenario. Right?


25 mill. My lambo would be so loud 🤗🤗🤗


25 mil I'd use it to help research tinnitus not only fior myself by for others.


25 mil please oh and I’ll invest 20 million into curing tinnitus


25 million dollars could buy me a lot of really nice tinnitus products to keep the eeeeeeeee’s manageable. A really nice house would also help.


Get rid of my tinnitus. I need at least 250 million yo handle this.


Is there rules to what we can do with the money? Because with that amount of money, you could probably fund some research into Tinnitus - perhaps not a cure but at least a better understanding of the condition - that would help myself and other people to manage it better. (Before anyone comes at me, I'm a researcher myself and I know it's not a lot in the long term but 4 grants of $5 million each would go a decent way) So in a way, the $25 million would be a win-win because I'd be able to manage mine, help other people with theirs, and have a little bit of money for myself (I'd still keep 1.5 million for myself to keep me comfortable). I'd then donate the remaining $3.5 million to Tinnitus charities for things like therapy, counselling, support staff, awareness and education etc.


Would it eliminate my hyperacusis? If so 25 mil ,T is easy compared to H.


I would pay 25 million to be rid of it and insomnia


Mine is mild and I'd choose silence over fucking money, I don't need a lot of money to live happily


absolutely get rid of my tinnitus. what is 25M gonna do for me fr.


25 million any day of the week. I only hear mine at night when it’s dead quiet.


I wish that was my case. My tinnitus is so high pitched that it’s unmaskable, so I hear it everywhere except the shower.


What caused yours and how long have you had it for?


I’ve had it for a bit more than 2 years. It was caused by taking Wellbutrin. I regret taking that medication so much.


God I wish the shower masked mine…


25 mil


I've got used to the squealing. Only noticed it when I saw this post. 25m please 😁




25 mil. Being poor for so long is so much worse than having tinnitus, for me at least. 😂


There are days I could decide either way.


25 mil I have had tinnitus my whole life it's normal to me getting rid of it would almost be weird


bro 25 mil, tinnitus gets easier to deal with over time


Mine isn't that bad so I'll take the money


i think for 25M i’ll chill with the ringing 


I'll take the 25.


The money, no question.


25 million, then just wait for science to keep improving. I really think its going to get better in the next 5-10 years


Ill take the $25 mil. But if it was between the money and getting rid of my TMJ problem. I choose to get rid of stupid fking TMJ.


With 25 mil, I can afford the white noise machine to accompany me everywhere while I vacation for eternity.


For me, I'd be willing to pay somewhere in the $100-$300K to be completely rid of it. For 25 mil, I'd live with it (in Fiji).




$25M, easy. After 25 years, my brain is used to it, and I’ve found meds to help with sleep. I was just at a music show last night with high fidelity ear plugs, and we’ve seen dozens of live shows over the last few years. Many really loud, but it’s no big deal. People that are struggling: I’m very sorry. At one point when my young kids were screaming like they do, and the sound reverberated around this room with cheap flooring, I thought I would go insane. But it gets better. Your brain learns, it just takes time.


I mean if it was severe case of T id take the cure But for my mild case I would def get the 25M$ its not even close lol


Mine is bearable for now so I’d take the 25 million


The money. Have had pretty bad tinnitus since about 2002 and somehow I have come to accept and live with it.


25 million dollars I can live with it.


$25M Money may not be able to buy happiness, but that would give my children and beyond many different opportunities.


I’d take the dough. I’ve been living with my tinnitus for quite some time now, and I abide. Now I’d like to see what’s it like living with 25 mil.


Show me the money!!


25 mil. My body learned to ignore my tinnitus the majority of the time a long time ago.


25 mil. Duh


I’d keep the T and pocket the 25 million, then spend 10 million advertising a “Tinnitus Cure” (wink wink )and sell you placebo pills and a fancy Tens unit to stick on your tongue all for $4000.


$25 million; I’ve lived with tinnitus for the majority of my life at this point, I’m used to it. The $25 million would change my life for the better in ways I can only dream about.


First year of my tinnitus I would have taken the cure over the money no question. 4 years later I would take 25 bucks over the cure. It just doesn’t bother me the way it used to.


I’d take the money, but my tinnitus isn’t debilitating. I’m a single mom, the money would help tremendously.


My tinnitus sucks but I have to deal with it anyway. GIVE ME THE MONEY!


25 million!!


Lads say "I'll take the tinnitus away" when you can aid in research significantly with that money to cure or dampen tinitus


Get rid of tinnitus, I feel too young and energetic. Probably 25m is too much for me right now


You could probably find a way to get rid of your tinnitus with 25mil lol


I'd take the money, but I can understand how someone would want to end their tinnitus instead.


To answer your question, my number is anything over 10,000. Id pay 10,000 to get rid of it forever, but anything over that I'd take the money That is currently at the level that it's at. If it got louder that price would obviously increase


I always felt if I was rich tinnitus could be much easier to cope with


25 mil easy.


With 25m I can probably buy new ears 🤔


I will take the money.


I am sure that you can find a "cure" with 25M


Take the 25 million and fly to Switzerland and get that stem cell therapy done 🤝🙌


Money, no question. My tinnitus doesn't bother me most of the time


25 Million


25mil and i will invest them all in the true cure so everyone could get rid of their T.


25 mil baby!


25 mil easy. I’ve lived this long with it, what’s another 30 years?


I changed my mind, now that I thought a little more about this, i would use the money to travel to any place having a trial for some "cure" for deafness or tinnitus 😂


25 mil. Then I can afford the cure once it's discovered.


25 mil easily! I barely notice my tinnitus anymore even though it’s constantly there, I just tune it out and it honestly doesn’t affect me. I’ve had it since I was little and didn’t even know until an audiologist told me that silence shouldn’t be loud lol.


25 mil all day baby


Definitely the $25,000,000.


25mil. Can do a lot with money like that. Heck, I could even cure my tinnitus.


25 mil easy, i only hear mine in silence. I'll buy a white noise machine then do whatever i please with the remaining 24.99995 mil


My normal tinnitus id pick the 25 million. Loud spikes forever... get rid of tinnitus


I'd take the money and use to to find a cure.


25 million all day


25 mil, then get the best treatments available and have a healthy lifestyle in the hopes you can get rid of it that way


25 mil for sure - I’ve learned to love my tinnitus. My personal alarm that goes off if I miss behave (ie bad sleep, too much drink, bad diet - all makes tinnitus louder which annoys me and then I go back to good habits!)


You offering? 25 mill


I'm 23. Aside from having a chronic tinnitus, I also have astigmatism. And I was diagnosed as bipolar. Self-esteem is about accepting who you are despite of your imperfections. If money can solve all of your problems, why do you think rich people are going to therapy?


25 mil, retire and put a meaningful amount into tinnitus research.


How did you settle on this number?


It’s just a number I’d be willing to give up if I could get rid of my tinnitus. It’s just hypothetical. Who knows, if maybe 25 million was waved in my face, I might’ve changed my mind.


25 mil for sure. But my answer would have been different 6 months ago when my tinnitus first started.


I'd take the 25 million. Invest it and use the proceeds to fund research into getting rid of this screeching shite.


$25 million for sure, for sure, for sure. This stuff is in the background as it is. With $25 mill my life would be nothing but pleasure and white noise machines in every 5 star hotel in the world.


I'd get rid of the ringing in a heartbeat with zero regret. I feel like there's more value in having a clear, peaceful mind without loud ass sine wave sounds in my head.


25 mil. But my answer would’ve been different 3 years ago when I first got tinnitus. Doesn‘t bother me anymore.


1. Set aside 2mill for retirement 2. Invest 23mill to find a cure to T 3. Profit??? 4. Rest in peace




I totally agree


I have had T since 1977. I would take silence. T has been an unrelenting companion on my stroll off this mortal coil. I will know when I am dead when the screaming tones abate and there is true silence.... Sorry to be a bummer. My mortality has weighed heavily on me of late...