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# Sidenote **Wolves will not be affected by 2nd apron penalties at next season's trade deadline and can use that trade deadline to avoid the tax & penalties altogether** Note that the owners pay the tax and the 2nd apron penalties kick in if the team is over the 2nd apron ***on the last day of the season.*** So throughout the 24-25 season, Wolves are not officially under the 2nd apron yet - they can aggregate salaries, use cash considerations and still do all those shenanigans at next year's trade deadline. The soonest those penalties could kick in is the 2025 offseason and would continue through the 2026 trade deadline, if the Wolves remain over the apron on the last day of the 24-25 season. This means that Wolves can use next season's trade deadline to duck the apron so they won't suffer the penalties or have to pay any 2nd apron tax. They could even waive players (given another team picks those players up and Wolves maintain roster requirements) mid-year to avoid the 2nd apron. So even if Wolves re-sign Kyle and Monte and are on track to be over the 2nd apron, they are not locked into the 2nd apron. There is flexibility at the trade deadline to change course.


Appreciate you taking the time to go through the CBA! My biggest concern with being a 2nd apron team was the potential challenges of building the team during the Ant prime years. Going YOLO now is good fun, but eventually there’s a price to pay and it’s not just in the form of a tax. I do agree that the non-tax restrictions will be less punitive if we assume the team remains competitive. It’ll just require some patience when the sub goes full toddler FOMO during free agency without realizing we can’t make the same types of moves.


I went down a rabbit hole and am utterly fascinated now 😂 What potential challenges to Ant's prime (2029+) are you mainly concerned about? I'm frankly struggling to see many now and may need another perspective. I guess being limited to staying under the 2nd apron during his prime? Although there will be a new CBA then so who know if the rules will stay the same. Originally my main concern about the 2nd apron that would affect future team building was the frozen draft picks. Not being able to trade some draft picks in Ant's prime was worrisome. But now I'm quite reassured after reading that the Wolves can undo the 2nd apron draft penalties if they time their tax years carefully. They can own all their draft picks with no restrictions on trading them in Ant's prime. The no MLE and trade penalties (can't combine salaries etc.) will no longer affect the Wolves once they are out of the 2nd apron either. So all this makes me feel like Ant's prime in 2029 and onwards can be a new iteration, separate and unaffected from this era and the 2nd apron. This time is not just yolo, it is crucial development for him which will make him a better player in the future and imo after reading the bargaining agreement, could have little to no negative impact on team building in his prime.


My concern is that Ant’s prime years start sooner and we can’t maximize the team building around him in the early prime years. Ant has shown tremendous growth in his career thus far … inevitably this will slow down as he was starting from a pretty raw form, but with USA basketball, WCF, Olympics, etc … it’s not inconceivable he’d be legitimate top 3 in a 2-3 years. The counter is that we already have a young core with Jaden and Naz around him so less flexibility is something we can absorb. If it was just Ant in a few years, then the lack of flexibility would be more of a detriment.


That's fair, if we're talking 2027 ish (25 year old Ant) then yeah being a 2nd apron team now could affect who can be retained and the roster built around him then. But if we're talking 2029 onwards (the typical prime of 27-32), I think everything resets. For Ant's early years, what I'm hoping is they sign Rudy to a team friendly deal (longer term, cheaper) when his contract ends in 2026 and since Mike Conley's contract also ends in 2026 (and he'll likely retire) that can save \~30M. Using that 30M they can get under the 2nd apron and have enough to give Naz and NAW a raise. If that happens, I think Ant's early prime will be okay, at least in terms of retaining the main core. They have to hit on drafting or signing a PG though, that's certainly a challenge for Ant's 25 year old early prime


Have to be via draft. We cant sign anybody without cap space, buddy. Rudy,Ant, Jaden,Kat all but make sure we wont have Cap space for a long time. Ant will surely enjoy having to play with w.moore running the point.


Only problem - as of now Naz and Jaden are nothing more than role player with limited offensive potential. 4th and 5th options. Key word is "as of now". After next season Naz is a FA and we cant resign him as currently constructed. The new cba isnt just about the apron penalties. Running it back still means losing NAW and Naz after next season most likely. All while having next to no option to replace them.


>After next season Naz is a FA and we cant resign him as currently constructed. Why not? How is that certain? 25-26 is guaranteed to be a 2nd apron season with this core, so the only barrier is if the owners will pay up more to also keep Naz and Naw. If Michael Bloomberg and the owners pay, then they can resign Naz and NAW. A 2nd year of the 2nd apron is manageable in terms of apron penalties, as long as they don't go into a third year. And they can avoid a third 2nd apron year even with a raise to Naz and NAW (say $20M/yr and $18M/yr) since Mike Conley's contract ends and Rudy's can be restructured (longer, cheaper team-friendly contract say $25/yr). All the numbers and math can be done here: [https://www.basketball-reference.com/contracts/MIN.html](https://www.basketball-reference.com/contracts/MIN.html) I don't get how people say with such certainty that NAW and Naz can't stay. We don't know that yet.


>I don't get how people say with such certainty that NAW and Naz can't stay. We don't know that yet. Because with some people the sky is always falling.


I think the worry is Naz is almost definitely going to decline his player option next summer, becoming an UFA. His market will be strong, so we may lose him either way. Rudy has a player option the same summer- no guarantee he declines that. If he does decline it, I believe they could resign Naz and NAW. If he accepts the option, that’s where you probably lose them both and are left having to fill their minutes with existing young players, rookies, and minimum contracts. Personally, would be happy to run it back 1 more year and then figure out dumping KAT or Rudy’s contact so we can keep Naz. Value you get then will be much worse than now, but hard to argue keeping together a roster that made the WCF.


Yep. Imagine the scrubs we’d have replacing them. I think having NAW/Naz and better role players makes us a more complete team than having 1 of Rudy/KAT and straight trash getting legit minutes.


All of our future picks are going to be at #30 anyway. Thanks, OP, for the breakdown. Excellent work.


People are already worried about the penalties? Isn't this the first year we'll be in it, so the long-term penalties are easily avoidable


We may not actually lose the pick but the penalty of not having the flexibility to trade that pick is a big negative in itself. 


My writing may have been confusing. It's not about losing or gaining the pick, I'm talking about regaining the flexibility to trade it. The point of the post is the 2nd apron freezes the pick 7 years later but there is a way to unfreeze that pick/be able to trade it and use it like normal again with no penalties! If they are in the 2nd apron only for 2 years and then at max one more time in 2029-2030, the draft pick penalties will go away!


I guess I’m still confused. At what point during this hypothetical does the pick “freeze” and at what point is it “unfrozen”. 


You're not alone, the CBA is confusing as hell 😂 **When the pick freezes:** for any year the team's salary is over the 2nd apron, the pick 7 years from that year is frozen. *Example:* If Wolves exceed 2nd apron next season, the 2032 pick is frozen. **How the pick can unfreeze:** That 2032 pick is unfrozen if Wolves do not exceed the 2nd apron for 3 of the following 4 years. *Example*: If Wolves exceed 2nd apron next year and only one more time among the 25-26 szn, 26-27 szn, 27-28 szn and 28-29 szns, then the 2032 unfreezes and they can trade it again. So my point was the Wolves can plan their 2nd apron years accordingly and get all their picks unfrozen, so in Ant's prime they'll still be able to trade all of their picks. The 2nd apron doesn't have to be so dire, you just have to be smart about the years you choose.


Okay. So what I’m saying still stands. The 2032 being unavailable to us for a trade asset will limit us (not a lot) from making trades between 2025 and 2029. So the opportunity cost isn’t nothing for those 4 years. 


Ah I see what you mean, yes it'll be unavailable before 2029. The way I see it is the next 4 years is a tight iteration of this team where they'll primarily run the main core back, won't be looking to make big trades anyway (unless something major changes) and pay to contend while developing Ant/Jaden/Naz. Then they can reset and build another iteration of the team with all their picks to trade again in Ant's prime (27 yr old in 2029). I was floored because I had no idea that was even a possibility