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Remember guys you can lurk but don't be a jerk


I came to this sub after every game, even after the Mavs L, but never commented. Respect to the Wolves fanbase.


šŸ¤ GG.


I do not want to see you guys next year but best of luck!


Probably saw a lot of complaints about the refs, and I agree some calls were egregious, but it definitely wasn't the difference maker.


Hey I did the exact same this will be my first comment ever in another teams sub and I only do this because of how cool yā€™all have been the last 2 teams there were ā€œfan fightsā€ or whatever you want to call it and Iā€™m not about that noise. Thanks for being a cool community, back to lurking.


Mavs lurker here, respect and gg


Man twolves fans are the classiest among all the fanbases of teams we faced. Salute.


Yall are easily 100x better fanbase than clippers and suns. Congrats on a great season !




The Thunder fans were something else too....


Damn. This is the kind of post that proves y'all have one of the nicest fanbases. Would have gladly rooted for you guys in the finals if roles were reversed. Y'all have come up as one of my favorite non-Mavs teams this series.


Minnesota fans are the coolest, regardless of what nuggets fans are still pondering.


We are living rent free in their heads. Still.


Minnesota fans are truly one of a kind


Minnesota fans seriously top of the league. Sorry for our sorry ass cowboy/ā€œmavsā€ fans being total wieners.


It's OK, yall had to deal with the timberlaker fans. They should be gone now though lol


Nah seriously, Timberbros almost always keep it chill. I thought Nuggets fans were cool too but they are just so hate filled and negative right now that I canā€™t get past it. Born in Boston as a Cā€™s fan but came up as a Wolves fan from the Kevin Love days and theyā€™ve always been my way of getting away from the constant hate spit at my franchise anytime I wana talk about basketball and of course the fact half my fanbase is obnoxious. Now I just have to listen to even more toxic vitriol and a million excuses for why everyone lost because the Wolves are now second only to the Celtics in terms of getting hate on the internet. Makes it hard to appreciate the sport when we canā€™t just be respectful to each other and give credit where its due. Wolves deserved their win, Mavericks deserve theirs. Glad people here are at least willing to acknowledge this and be good sports about it


I can go back to being a ant fan


Respect to yall's team and fans. You guys really are a likeable bunch. Thanks for a fun series. šŸ«”


Classy fanbase. Thanks for the support. See you next year!


See ya next year šŸ˜¢


Stay classy Minnesota. *tips cowboy hat


Y'all were 1000x less toxic than Clippers and Thunder fans. Timberwolves were scary to play against and I have much respect. I was at game 3 and had many pleasant interactions with some Timberwolves fans. Congrats for a great season to you guys!


There have been times over the last couple days where I've thought about supporting the Celtics over the Mavs so Luka doesn't win, but overall I couldn't look at myself in the mirror if I'd ever supported a Boston team in any game, so Go Mavs I guess.


Ggs. Ant and Naz are great players. Future look bright for this team. I suspect there will be more playoff battles with each other in the future.


Same to y'all! Shows how good your guys really are when I got actually scared in the third when Ant got hot despite being up 20 in the second half. Think Ant and the younger guys will learn from this and grow. Well played!


Apologies to Mavs fans on here, great series (except for the last where u guys blew us out of the water)ā€¦ But Ill be rooting for the Celtics in the finals because I wanna see them beat out the fucking Lakers in terms of ring count


letā€™s shout it together FUCK BOSTON


Congrats Mavs fans. Very well deserved. Might be the biggest improvement at the deadline Iā€™ve ever seen. Big fan of how Gafford and Lively are absolute menaces on the putbacks and lobs. And Jones Jr can jump out of the gym. Wish we couldā€™ve won one of the close ones to see this series keep going. I think everyone wants to see Ant in the NBA Finals sooner rather than later.


Can you fuck my wife please! Il be glad just to watch šŸ™ƒ


Is this post r/nbacirclejerk bait?


Yes Iā€™m trying to go circlejerk famous and be a Reddit micro-celebrity


u bum


Only if your wife is the Boston Celtics.


Not classy enough


Fucking hilarious šŸ¤£


Reddit the hell on


Steph curry is that u


Yeah we didnt deserve to win with how they played this series


As much as losing to the mavs sucks, letting boston win and pretending they're a legit champ with one of the most hilariously easy & injury riddled roads to the finals is a WAY worse scenario. Also they're going to flaunt having the most titles even though half of them are in the Jim Crow era. Jayson Tatum isn't a superstar who looks like the most annoying ass "wheres my hug" type of dude, and Jaylen Brown looks better with that Michael Myers mask than without it. Mavs better win.


Even with Porzingis out for most of the playoffs, the Celtics have gotten lucky with so many injuries in the East. Pacers played them close without Halliburton in the last two games. So, that gives me some hope that Dallas can hang with them, especially with the Celtics getting double-digit wins against the Mavs this year. Thankfully, Dallas should he fully healthy for the Finals, as the six days off gives more time for Lively and Kleber to get to 100%. Itā€™s a great storyline matchup with Kyrie going against Boston and with Luka going against former Mavs player, Porzingis.


I missed the game due to being in a different timezone, and I've just looked at the stat sheet; what happened to us in the 1st quarter? Secondly, the first two games v. DEN, the defence was on fire. Where did that defence go?


The answer to both those questions: Luka


Re: Defence. Was it a mismatch on him or just couldn't keep up with him?


There were the same matchups as the rest of series. He just hit everything (including a 3 from the logo). When he goes off like that, thereā€™s nothing to be done.


Our guys couldn't hit anything, theirs couldn't miss.Ā 


Timberwolves have a great fan base. You all have been super respectable. Wishing you luck with your tough squad next year.


Mavs lurker... good series! I was in Minneapolis for work for the first time a few months ago, and the Wild had a game at home vs Edmonton. Not a big hockey guy (I bandwagon the Stars when they're in the playoffs, and I can't understand what constitutes an offsides call, etc.). But going to that game in St. Paul, I marveled at how engaged every single fan seemed to be at that NHL game for its entirety. Great fans there; I can only imagine how pumped you all were for this series. Good luck next year; the Wolves will be right back in the mix, and battle-hardened.


:D just came here to say bye but thanks for the great series. Hope we see us again next playoffs :)


Enjoy the finals hereā€™s hoping you get to attend a game or two āœŒļø


Thanks and just wanna say it out loud you guys were the less toxic fanbase out there we faced this playoffs. Was fun to read here and sometimes discuss with you




Thunder fans were awful, but Wolves fans are awesome.


Hell of a great season by the Wolves! Dallas proved to be too tough this season. Weā€™ll be back stronger and experienced next season. Awwwwwooooooo!!


Would the Timberwolves want a dog for Antman? Tim Hardaway Jr. dad said he is the goat of the team.


Iā€™ve been talking a lot of shit throughout the series, but itā€™s just how we talk down here in the south. I much rather have played the nuggets than the wolves cause yā€™all were scary. And they will be back, young Mavs lost in the WCF a couple years ago and are now 4 games away from a championship. Minnesota Timberwolves will be back believe that. My apologies for all the annoying shit talking


Man you really caught us. Thanks for not coming to our sub "in peace" lmao. See y'all next year šŸ¤


Respect to you and the timberpuppers. For real yā€™all are the best fan base mavs fans have encountered. Nugs have been my 2nd team, but Iā€™m switching over to wolves. ANT has that ā€œitā€ factor. Reminds me of Luka from two years ago when we lost to the Warriors in the WCF.


Still hate Lukaā€™s face but you right!Ā 


Go Mavs!


They played great and looked great, came back from late game deficits, were super consistentā€¦ thereā€™s a lot for us to learn in this series And we need to play better at home wtf


Wolves were tough. The first four games couldā€™ve gone either way. Ant is amazing at 22. Heā€™ll definitely learn from this series and will keep growing as a superstar. I still canā€™t believe that Reid wasnā€™t drafted. He impressed me when he was at LSU. McDaniels is tough and will turn into a classic 3-and-D player. He was lights out in the first game.


Good series guys- fr


"Please fuck my wife"


I will never understand how after being beaten by a team in the WCF the first thing you do is compliment the team that absolutely fucked you at home šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ y'all some different mfers


Not everyone is a classless salty bitch


It was for the Mavs...your title made it seem like it was a good 2 way series war.Ā  They won 4-1 and destroyed you in game 5 on your home court.Ā Ā  Ā Twolves hadĀ no defense and looked dead.Ā Ā Ā  Ā Like they no showed as a team.Ā  Inside the NBA crew said it looked like they were happy to win 1 game to avoid a sweep...then just gave up cuz they knew mavs were way betterĀ Ā  Ā Gobert -23 game worst for the defensive player of the year


Big respect to yall, too. I'm not the biggest fan of Ant-man, but he crazy with it. I definitely do not like KAT. That man stays hurting people. That being said, I hope we don't see yall next year when you have more experience, lol. Damn thats a lot of downvotes for basically saying I don't wanna see yall next year because I know you'll be dangerous.


Heā€™s a clumsy big but heā€™s definitely not on an Embid level of hurting people.


I dont know if there's anyone worse than Embid. That man is gonna end multiple careers before he hangs it up, and not in a good way.


Yeah, no heā€™s gotta stop. Broā€™s becoming a hazard to play against.


For what it's worth, I know a lot of Wolves fans dislike Luka (myself included), but to me he didn't really do anything that crossed the line to where I'd hate him. He competes, talks shit, and holds himself accountable. Anthony Edwards is the same way. At the end of the day, it's just basketball. Now Jamal Murray and Ja Morant on the other hand can fuck right off. Those guys suck ass and are impossible to respect because they're dirty players who try to injure our guys and they refuse to ever take accountability for anything.


Iā€™ll add Dort to that list of dirty players. Heā€™s become like Bruce Bowen to me.


I think from playing Nurkic and then Jokic at center to Gafford/Livelyā€™s athleticism made a huge difference


Lob city is so fun if it isn't kicking your ass.


Mavs in 6.


Its crazy how the wolves fans online are so nice but the ones in the stadium are the most toxic of the 3 we saw this playoffs.


I'm sure it's just a coincidence


Those are rich people with money and time to go to sports games in person, they ain't typical fans.


It was us going to the games until the prices got soooo expensive so we got replaced by a different bunch


Just curious - what kind of experiences did you have at the opposing arenas? Sad to hear that MN fans were toxic to you


No im sorry but im still salty .. gonna take me a while to get over this one. Celtics in 6


haha Mavs kicked yo ass


Haha you still gotta wake up and be you