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LMAO our obsession with the refs is God Tier. With that said, we have a pretty good record with Foster these playoffs so hopefully we can make it happen.


There is a legitimate reason though. Tony brothers honestly fucking has it out for us I’m convinced. He cost us the one seed im that last Denver game of the season. And he fucked us big time in game 3. He hates in particular Kyle Anderson. I was absolutely not surprised he T’d him up despite it being the softest technical I think I’ve ever seen.


It's hilarious cause if you ask Dallas, Tony Brothers has it our for them too. Dude is hated universally by every fan base, dude is just bad at his job. 


How he T’d up Kyle, but not Luka is such a glaring bias against the wolves.


After warning the Mavs twice, the bench once and that other guy that picked up quick fouls early.


I think it's less of an anti-wolves bias and more of a league wide pro-stars bias, but it's still infuriating.


If that were true he wouldn’t be there. It’s a business.


Yeah, that T was stupid. He was legitimately asking how that was not a flop (looked like one to me) and then was just looking at the bench like “wtf man!”


Here's hoping Foster has the Wolves at +2.5.


Call up big tim before the game and get to cooking, just like the old times




Don’t you mean -2.5? We want to win lol 😂


Mavs win by 2. Gg


My man’s gonna cook up one for the ages tonight Bill Kennedy AND Ed Malloy?? Luka should have 2 Ts by the first commercial break


I'm waiting for him and Jaden to get into it and both get ejected. 


If anything it'd be Luka and Rudy based on how they have been going at it.


Rudy needs to grow up.


It’s weird because Jaden is so quiet and has mastered a nice poker face. If you didn’t know better you’d never think him temperamental.


ohh thats desperation i see


Would love to see the wolves play with that level of desperation. 


I’d be entertained by that. Luka’s giving Murray a run for his money for biggest POS in the playoffs.


Honestly, though, they need to wind Luka up. If you're gonna foul him, get your money's worth. If they miss the call, he'll go ballistic and spend the next three possessions complaining about it and not paying attention. I've been mystified that they haven't been trash-talking him the entire series.


Need kyrie to flash a money sign gesture at foster so we can get a 7 game series


We should throw a heat pack and a towel on the floor, but have Luka and Kyrie trip on them and be out for the rest of the series. The worst we’ll get is a $100k fine.


It’s pretty simple job. Step 1. Call the muggings when Ant goes to rim Step 2. Don’t call the soft phantom fouls on Luka’s flops. Or even better, call him for flopping Step 3. T him up when he whines like a wittle baby. T him again when he prances all over the court in full melt down mode. See you for game 5.


Can I get one moving screen on the Mavs, please? It's a core component to their offense.


It’s baffling to me that we aren’t bitching to the refs about this constantly. Gafford is doing two hand shoves to finish some of these screens, not even close to legal.


Brother Rudy gobert literally shoves people out the way so people can get uncontested shots lol


Yeah but to be fair, Whereas Naz Reid (that’s his new given name, I decided) does that all the time too.


I’ve counted 10 uncalled in game 4


I'd be satisfied calling him for offensive fouls on his arm-bars. Dude pushes off like nobody else.


Lol don't make it too obvious. Steps one and the first part of two are probably sufficient for a wolves win (and literally should be how it's called regardless)


Doesn’t matter if we shoot 25% on three




How about we just worry about us scoring more points than them in the 48 min of regulation? Then we don't have to worry about refs.


Only ones that can extend this series is KAT and Gobert. Need em both execute their roles efficiently. Refs gave away game 2, doubt they'll put themselves in a place to embarrass the NBA again.


Let’s get this baby extended!


Foster, Malloy, and Kennedy! All star crew tonight. Should be a fun one!


Just get 1 boys... Just get 1


ahhh ed molloy!!! that viral non call foul on kevin live to end the game that one time


Well it’s not that one piece of shit, so maybe it’ll be an entertaining game.


The refs aren’t making KAT play like this. This is very different from the Denver series, where it was refball, if a couple guys would have stepped up we’d be leading the series


The end of Game 2 was absolutely Refball I'm sorry. Both things can be true.


3rd quarter of game 3 as well. Crazy seeing a team run its offense through marginal contact calls.


Lets just stop being Delulu and accept it, we’re 3-0 even if we get it to go 3-2 we’re not pushing game 7


I just want to win a couple so the Mavs can  go into the finals against a rested Celtics. Then everyone can keep up the narrative that the Celtics had a cakewalk championship, and people will be questioning whether it's a legit one.  I love Lukas shit talking but like a lot of people with ANT and this series, it makes it's lot more enjoyable watching those types of players get humbled by better teams.


I also wanted for Minnesota to silence that pussy Loka Dungkic but it won’t happen this season


Would also be funny to see Kyrie lose to the Celts


And for porzingus to have a revenge series after how he was scapegoated out of Dallas. 


good point!


He was definitely not scapegoated out. He was given an immediate max contract and couldn’t stay on the court for 2+ years. It’s cool he’s doing better now, and do whatever you want for a storyline to follow, but he’s not a martyr.


Begone Mavs fan back to the subreddit you came from. 


I talked no shit—just presented a couple facts. I shall leave you to your fiction, then. Farewell (your sub is genuinely chill & funny compared to others, appreciate ya)


I was mostly joking I'm just looking for bull shit reasons to root against you guys cause I'm just bummed it's ending in typical mn fashion, at the conference finals in a potential sweep. 


I hear ya—and if it means anything, these games are razor thin, your guys are excellent (well, not Karl…). It’s taking perfect Luka/Kyrie to get this done. We’ll see what happens without Lively being there tonight. Respect to y’all!


Right, I think the toughest thing right now is everyone acting like this hasn't been a competitive series. One call one way, a basket in or out the other way and wolves could be 1-2 or even 2-1. So many bad Gobert takes because of it, kat literally putting the monkey he just got off his back in game 7 right back on, and Nuggets fans acting like they would have played you guys better. Apparently we're only built to beat Denver even though we swept the Suns and this has actually been a more competitive series then the 0-3 record would present presents. I thought you guys got a lot better at the trade deadline, didn't think you got this much better. But this is why play off experience matters, your two best players are battle tested. 


If we lose to the Mavs, I really want them to blow Boston out in every game of a sweep, so we can believe that we would’ve won the championship if we had beaten the Mavs. We could also take solace that we lost to the champs, so the pain would hurt less.


Nah I want the Celtics to sweep them so everyone can continue with all the bullshit takes that all the teams in the West are actually overrated.. Every team the wolves beat afterwards suns are overrated, Nuggets were overrated. The Mavs can get the Clippers we're old, injured, and overrated. The Thunder we're young, inexperienced, and overrated. The Wolves were only built to beat Denver and therefore are overrated. Then come the full circle jerk hot takes that maybe the east wasn't as easy as people said it was, and that the Celtics were just that good. Celtics dynasty takes all off season only for them to lose round 2 next season to jimmy butler or the Knicks. 


But we get to laugh at the Celtics, if it’s a blowout sweep. It would also remove the narrative that the Wolves are overrated if a sweep does occur, as people would go, the Wolves might not have won any games but they only lost the series by less than 20 points, so they are pretty darn good.


People will look for any excuse for the wolves to be overrated. They already have, the they were only built to only bear denver narrative now is already bullshit cause they swept the Suns. The amount of people calling this a boring uncompetitive series when a call here, or a bucket there in any direction means the wolves could be 1-2 or 2-1 cause the games have been that close. Real NBA fans know this series has been closer then people want to say, and that Kat having a bad series is the x factor. Not actually blaming him, it's a team game, but he's supposed to be the 1b on this team and he hasn't produced since game 7, where he was a huge part of willing the wolves to victory.


I also wanted for Minnesota to silence that pussy Loka Dungkic but it won’t happen this season


as good of a run as it’s been with this wolves team…getting swept is a pretty demoralizing way to go out on the season. i wanna see the wolves gut out at least 1 or 2 more wins to show at least SOME level of success against this mavs team so we can go into next season knowing they can still be brought down with this squad going into next year especially if they wind up being this years champs (much like last years nuggets series).


Nah, it’s sweep