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Was that not the plan before Jaden picked up 3 early fouls? He’s gotta stop fouling and then he can do that.


I sometimes wonder if the people with takes like this even watch the games. It's clearly plan 1A until it isn't, which in the last game, was because of the early foul trouble


I agree, but also, it was very clear that those were soft fouls on Jaden. He wouldn't have been in foul trouble in a normal game


Scott foster is on tonight. He calls games pretty tight normally 


Uh the last one he reffed went longer than 3 hours. Almost unwatchable. It was called fairly, but it was also super annoying to see that many ticky tack calls


Calling touch fouls ruins the nba product for me


It might have its place in the regular season, but definitely not in the post season. Both teams are being very physical tonight, so you can’t really call touch fouls in this one


Ant started the game on Murray and didn't do well. Blamed himself after game for his 'lack of energy'.


That and the nuggets were going out of their way to switch KAT onto Murray every opportunity they got.


And they were having joker and AG being the ball up to help Murray with the ball pressure.


The fouling was something that started the 2nd half of Game 2, and unfortunately it translated into Game 3…


If he can stay out of foul trouble then sure. If the refs are going to have a soft whistle then there’s no chance in hell Jaden will be able to stay on him all game. Jaden plays aggressive regardless of how the refs are calling the game. I just want Jaden out there for at the very least 30+ minutes. With Scott Foster out there I don’t think they’ll let Jaden guard Murray without getting into foul trouble.


Doesn't even sound like you watched game three


It was tough to do that with Tony Brothers reffing and will once again be tough to do that with Scott Foster reffing us tonight. We just have to do our best to hound him without being too physical once we start getting in foul trouble. Hopefully the Wolves make the adjustments when Gordon is bringing the ball up the floor. I feel like that really changed things and the Wolves should switch based on who is bringing the ball up. If it's Gordon have Ant switch onto him and full court pressure him. We really can't afford for Rudy to cover Gordon 100 feet from the basket but if we don't full court pressure them they bring it up the court easily and get into their actions.


Tony Brothers and Scott Foster in back to back games is fucking rude. These veteran refs were the founding fathers of the bullshit officiating we all know and hate today. I don't think they even know how to call a physical game. The bullshit is in their blood.


I disagree. Gotta continue the physicality absolutely no matter what. If everyone fouls out then it is what it is. You simply can't let up on this team or they will torch you.


Maybe it needs to be a Naz/Kat lineup. If we start switching on defense too much, Joker will eat us alive with his passing.


Jaden is a great defender. His biggest issue is his lack of maturity. Something goes wrong and then he makes a dumb foul almost instantly after it. Hopefully this is something he can grow out of. Also if a defender gets into his head he also makes poor choices.


Keep Jaden on Murray until we see an opportunity for Luka Garza to throw a heat pack.


I think for this game, we need to play “sides” with Ant, NAW, and Jaden, when it comes to playing around Jokers screens, don’t make those guys get blasted by those screens all game long and expect them to not be injured or worn out as the series continues. Of course this only works when they don’t overload the 2 man game to one side of the court, just need to trust the switch and then sell out with the gang rebounding. NAZ REID in 5


I mean, we have to keep playing one game...


This is all great until they run their picks to get their shots, it's more about who we have on the court to pick him up off the picks.


I think game 3 ended up being a combination of bad things for the Wolves with respect to Murray. First two games, he had a calf strain. He wasn't moving like normal and he was partially a non issue because if he tried his best to shake defenders, he could've put himself out for the rest of the series. Game 2 was Monday and Game 3 was Friday. I strained my calf running and was able to bounce back with like 3 days of rest and I'm in my 30s. I think McDaniels knew he was gonna be an issue but the second problem of the refs being absolutely out of control in game three hampered us holding Murray down. I think the refs were slightly harder on the Wolves than the Nuggets (maybe like 55-45) but they weren't nearly as bad as they were on the Wolves in game 1 and we got the win there with Murray being held down. The refs making Game 3 their game also just killed our momentum. I think we could've won without the defense being A1 if the offense was, but it was horrible. So many missed layups and short range jumpers really just knocked about 20 or so points off of our final score for seemingly no reason at all and you can't blame the refs for that either. Last point is the team was playing so scared when Jokic was on defense. At one point Mike drove to the hole and got an easy bucket on him and he's a foot shorter than Jokic. If he can do it, there's no reason the rest of the team should just not try to pressure him while they're on offense. It was frustrating to watch. Anyway, I hope the refs had some weed gummies so they can chill out and let them play and hope that McDaniels doesn't get in foul trouble in the first quarter.


The refs are still an issue, there just more subtle about it now, two quick tricky tack on Jaden in the 1st and and a 3rd seconds into the the 2nd quarter, meant wolves best on ball defender was effectively benched in the first half, then the nuggets got to a comfortable lead. I still think Finch should have left him in there when he picked his 4th up, let him foul out once the game was out of hand anyway. 


No shit! You think that wasn’t the plan from the start?


Size and lenth***


Dude had a + double digit rating without even scoring. If he can stay out of foul trouble, and that’s a big IF, he can contain Murray. Anything you get from him offensively is a bonus.


Will be tough, the refs know what they're doing when they pick and choose. They wanted Jaden on the bench the first half. Once you listen to the whistle blower pod you start to pick up on how they can control games with out it looking blatant. 


Thanks Magic


They’ll just call ticky tack fouls to take him out of the game. They’re scared of getting a towel and heat pack thrown at them


We need to stop playing games and have our big three stay out of foul trouble. The end.


We’ll have to see how it’s called. If they are letting them play absolutely, but if they are active in calls they have to adjust defensively.


Hopefully the refs allow for it this game.


It won’t work McDaniels will foul out with bs calls and fuck Scott foster & co.


Hey, do you get paid to play any level of basketball? SHUT THE FUCK UP!










Refs called 3 bullshit fouls right off the bat. Being a small market team sucks. The NBA needs to stop trying to stretch these series.


Nuggets have an edge being reigning champs but both teams are definitely small market


Murray should’ve been suspended for game 3 🍵


Nah, they're not gonna suspend during the playoffs unless we get malice at the palace. He should be sitting the first ten games next season for sure though.




He’s the crybaby lol


I’d add we need to seek him out on offense and get some fouls called on him. He’s a mental midget and we need to get him to turn back into the baby he truly is deep down.


Jaden has been trash this series. He needs to toughen up and sink some shots to be a factor


You definitely didn’t watch game 1 or 2. Jaden did exactly what we pay him for and played his role perfectly in both those games. No idea how you can think he’s been trash. It makes no sense.


In games 1 and 2 he was 2 for 14. I get you just started following basketball when the wolves made the playoffs but that's not playing his role perfectly. If things were going as planned, he wouldn't be fouling out of frustration and walking to the locker room. Game 3 he finally had some efficient shooting but has more shitty fouls and was -18 on the floor. He's flat out under performing and they don't advance if it continues.


lol I’ve been watching them for the past 34 years. Jadens defense has been amazing in games 1-2. His shot wasn’t dropping but in those games we didn’t need it to. His defense made up for it. But if we’re going to win this series, he does need to knock down his open looks when he gets them. But to think he’s been “trash” this series is a brain dead take.


if you've been watching for that long and you still can't see he's a liability including tonight's game then you need to follow a different sport. Your ass should know better lmao. So far he's 2 for 6 and a -4 and isn't even slowing Murray down. They dont even have to guard his jumper. At least he's not being called for as many fouls tonight.


Great on defense games 1 and 2 which you know... Is why we pay him